6 research outputs found

    Assistance médicale à la procréation chez les femmes exposées in utéro au diéthylstilbestrol

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    REIMS-BU Santé (514542104) / SudocPARIS-BIUM (751062103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Conséquences de l’âge du père sur la fertilité, les résultats de l’AMP et la santé des enfants

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    International audienceMany studies exist on the impact of female age on fertility, success of assisted reproductive technologies and on obstetric, fetal and neonatal adverse outcomes. Late paternity seems commonplace especially in the media… But there are reliable scientific data which confirm decline of fertility related to male age but also an increased risk of genetic diseases for the offspring. The objective of this article is to make a synthesis of the literature on this subject

    Um filho quando eu quiser?: o caso da França contemporânea A child if I want when I want… Reviewing women's aspiration through IVF uses in a French Hospital

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    A livre escolha da maternidade e do momento de vivê-la foram reivindicações centrais e unânimes do movimento de mulheres nos anos 1970. Em uma primeira fase, esse embate foi amplamente acompanhado por profissionais da área médica, com a difusão de práticas medicalizadas de contracepção e de aborto. Em contrapartida, as tecnologias reprodutivas que permitem adiar a idade da maternidade foram acolhidas com controvérsias pelas feministas: será que essa medicalização da procriação contribuiria para libertar as mulheres dos limites cronológicos ou, pelo contrário, as confinaria a um destino maternal? É essa questão que esse artigo pretende esclarecer, a partir da experiência social da fecundação in vitro nas duas últimas décadas, sobretudo a realizada em um hospital francês.<br>Choosing freely motherhood and its calendar was a central and unanimous claim of the women's lib in the seventies. First, women and professionals belonging to the medical circle fought together to make contraception and abortion available. Nevertheless, feminists have been divided before reproductive technologies that could allow to delay pregnancies: would this medicalization of procreation contribute to emancipate women from time constraints or, on the contrary, contribute to lock them into a maternal destiny? This paper will try to shed light on this problem by discussing IVF social experience in France during the last two decades


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