15 research outputs found

    A global numerical study of radon-222 and lead-210 in the atmosphere using the AES and York University CDT General Circulation Model (AYCG)

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    The Canadian Climate Center (CCC) GCM has been modified to allow its use for studies in atmospheric chemistry. The initial experiments reported here have been run to test and allow sensitivity studies of the new transport module. The impact of different types of parameterization for the convective mixing have been studied based on the large scale evolution of Rn-222 and Pb-210. Preliminary results have shown that the use of a scheme, which mixes unstable columns over a very short time scale, produces a global distribution of lead that agrees in some aspects with observations. The local impact of different mixing schemes on a short lived tracer like the radon is very important

    Effects of Greenhouse Gases Like Carbon Dioxide Can Be Spotted Earlier in the Middle Atmosphere

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    Understanding and dealing with climate change requires us to look at the atmosphere as a whole, not just the lowest portion near the surface. Analyzing the effects of greenhouse gases on the middle atmosphere helps to identify and understand the effects of climate change early on.York's Knowledge Mobilization Unit provides services and funding for faculty, graduate students, and community organizations seeking to maximize the impact of academic research and expertise on public policy, social programming, and professional practice. It is supported by SSHRC and CIHR grants, and by the Office of the Vice-President Research & Innovation. [email protected] www.researchimpact.c

    Clean air policies are key for successfully mitigating Arctic warming

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    A tighter integration of modeling frameworks for climate and air quality is urgently needed to assess the impacts of clean air policies on future Arctic and global climate. We combined a new model emulator and comprehensive emissions scenarios for air pollutants and greenhouse gases to assess climate and human health co-benefits of emissions reductions. Fossil fuel use is projected to rapidly decline in an increasingly sustainable world, resulting in far-reaching air quality benefits. Despite human health benefits, reductions in sulfur emissions in a more sustainable world could enhance Arctic warming by 0.8 °C in 2050 relative to the 1995–2014, thereby offsetting climate benefits of greenhouse gas reductions. Targeted and technically feasible emissions reduction opportunities exist for achieving simultaneous climate and human health co-benefits. It would be particularly beneficial to unlock a newly identified mitigation potential for carbon particulate matter, yielding Arctic climate benefits equivalent to those from carbon dioxide reductions by 2050

    Evaluation and intercomparison of global atmospheric transport models using Rn-222 and other short-lived tracers

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    Simulations of Rn-222 and other short-lived tracers are used to evaluate and intercompare the representations of convective and synoptic processes in 20 global atmospheric transport models. Results show that most established three-dimensional models simulate vertical mixing in the troposphere to within the constraints offered by the observed mean Rn-222 concentrations and that subgrid parameterization of convection is essential for this purpose. However, none of the models captures the observed variability of Rn-222 concentrations in the upper troposphere, and none reproduces the high Rn-222 concentrations measured at 200 hPa over Hawaii. The established three-dimensional models reproduce the frequency and magnitude of high- Rn-222 episodes observed at Crozet Island in the Indian Ocean, demonstrating that they can resolve the synoptic-scale transport of continental plumes with no significant numerical diffusion. Large differences between models are found in the rates of meridional transport in the upper troposphere (interhemispheric exchange, exchange between tropics and high latitudes). The four two-dimensional models which participated in the intercomparison tend to underestimate the rate of vertical transport from the lower to the upper troposphere but show concentrations of Rn-222 in the lower troposphere that are comparable to the zonal mean values in the three-dimensional models

    Clean air policies are key for successfully mitigating Arctic warming

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    A tighter integration of modeling frameworks for climate and air quality is urgently needed to assess the impacts of clean air policies on future Arctic and global climate. We combined a new model emulator and comprehensive emissions scenarios for air pollutants and greenhouse gases to assess climate and human health co-benefits of emissions reductions. Fossil fuel use is projected to rapidly decline in an increasingly sustainable world, resulting in far-reaching air quality benefits. Despite human health benefits, reductions in sulfur emissions in a more sustainable world could enhance Arctic warming by 0.8 degrees C in 2050 relative to the 1995-2014, thereby offsetting climate benefits of greenhouse gas reductions. Targeted and technically feasible emissions reduction opportunities exist for achieving simultaneous climate and human health co-benefits. It would be particularly beneficial to unlock a newly identified mitigation potential for carbon particulate matter, yielding Arctic climate benefits equivalent to those from carbon dioxide reductions by 2050. Reduction in key air pollutants, especially particulate carbon, can help mitigate Arctic warming with associated benefits for global climate and human health, according to Earth system model simulations under future emissions scenarios