350 research outputs found

    Ddt Resistance in Anopheles Koliensis (Diptera: Culicidae) From Northeastern Irian Jaya, Indonesia

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    Nyamuk Anopheles koliensis, adalah perantara (vektor) penyakit malaria yang penting di daerah pedalaman Irian Jaya, Indonesia, yang telah dievaluasi kerentanannya terhadap DDT dengan menggunakan test kit diagnostik dan kertas yang telah diresapi sesuai dengan standar WHO. Serangkaian tes telah dilakukan di ARSO PIR I, yang merupakan tempat pemukiman para transmigran yang terletak 60 km sebelah selatan Jayapura. Pemeriksaan tersebut dilakukan mulai bulan Januari 1988 sampai dengan Mei 1989. DDT telah diuji pada dosis diagnostik yang telah direkomendasikan untuk jangka waktu tertentu pula. Daya tahan terhadap DDT diamati baik pada populasi nyamuk An koliensis maupun nyamuk Culex quinquefasciatus. Kira-kira 30% dari populasi nyamuk An. koliensis (sejumlah 468) ternyata tahan terhadap 4% DDT dalam kurun waktu 1 dan 2 jam paparan. Penemuan ini menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan DDT secara rutin di ARSO PIR I untuk penyemprotan di dalam mmah diperkirakan efektivitasnya terbatas, antara lain disebabkan oleh daya tahan fisiologik. Walaupun demikian, penggunaan insektisida alternatif ini akan lebih mahal dan mungkin terbukti sama tidak efektifnya karena sifat eksofilik dari jenis nyamuk tersebut. Makalah ini merupakan laporan pertama yang diperkuat dengan pengamatan yang dilakukan secara berulang-ulang mengenai kerentanan nyamuk Anopheles koliensis asal Indonesia terhadap DDT

    Contrasting Decollement and Prism Properties over the Sumatra 2004-2005 Earthquake Rupture Boundary

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    Styles of subduction zone deformation and earthquake rupture dynamics are strongly linked, jointly influencing hazard potential. Seismic reflection profiles across the trench west of Sumatra, Indonesia, show differences across the boundary between the major 2004 and 2005 plate interface earthquakes, which exhibited contrasting earthquake rupture and tsunami generation. In the southern part of the 2004 rupture, we interpret a negative-polarity sedimentary reflector ~500 meters above the subducting oceanic basement as the seaward extension of the plate interface. This predécollement reflector corresponds to unusual prism structure, morphology, and seismogenic behavior that are absent along the 2005 rupture zone. Although margins like the 2004 rupture zone are globally rare, our results suggest that sediment properties influence earthquake rupture, tsunami hazard, and prism development at subducting plate boundaries

    Point-of-care testing for disasters: needs assessment, strategic planning, and future design.

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    Objective evidence-based national surveys serve as a first step in identifying suitable point-of-care device designs, effective test clusters, and environmental operating conditions. Preliminary survey results show the need for point-of-care testing (POCT) devices using test clusters that specifically detect pathogens found in disaster scenarios. Hurricane Katrina, the tsunami in southeast Asia, and the current influenza pandemic (H1N1, "swine flu") vividly illustrate lack of national and global preparedness. Gap analysis of current POCT devices versus survey results reveals how POCT needs can be fulfilled. Future thinking will help avoid the worst consequences of disasters on the horizon, such as extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis and pandemic influenzas. A global effort must be made to improve POC technologies to rapidly diagnose and treat patients to improve triaging, on-site decision making, and, ultimately, economic and medical outcomes

    Authigenic carbonates from the Cascadia subduction zone and their relation to gas hydrate stability

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    Authigenic carbonates are intercalated with massive gas hydrates in sediments of the Cascadia margin. The deposits were recovered from the uppermost 50 cm of sediments on the southern summit of the Hydrate Ridge during the RV Sonne cruise SO110. Two carbonate lithologies that differ in chemistry, mineralogy, and fabric make up these deposits. Microcrystalline high-magnesium calcite (14 to 19 mol% MgCO3) and aragonite are present in both semiconsolidated sediments and carbonate-cemented clasts. Aragonite occurs also as a pure phase without sediment impurities. It is formed by precipitation in cavities as botryoidal and isopachous aggregates within pure white, massive gas hydrate. Variations in oxygen isotope values of the carbonates reflect the mineralogical composition and define two end members: a Mg-calcite with δ18O =4.86‰ PDB and an aragonite with δ18O =3.68‰ PDB. On the basis of the ambient bottom-water temperature and accepted equations for oxygen isotope fractionation, we show that the aragonite phase formed in equilibrium with its pore-water environment, and that the Mg-calcite appears to have precipitated from pore fluids enriched in 18O. Oxygen isotope enrichment probably originates from hydrate water released during gas-hydrate destabilization

    Relationship between atomoxetine plasma concentration, treatment response and tolerability in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and comorbid oppositional defiant disorder

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    The purpose of this study was to examine whether atomoxetine plasma concentration predicts attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) response. This post-hoc analysis assessed the relationship between atomoxetine plasma concentration and ADHD and ODD symptoms in patients (with ADHD and comorbid ODD) aged 6–12 years. Patients were randomly assigned to atomoxetine 1.2 mg/kg/day (n = 156) or placebo (n = 70) for 8 weeks (Study Period II). At the end of 8 weeks, ODD non-remitters (score >9 on the SNAP-IV ODD subscale and CGI-I > 2) with atomoxetine plasma concentration <800 ng/ml at 2 weeks were re-randomized to either atomoxetine 1.2 mg/kg/day or 2.4 mg/kg/day for an additional 4 weeks (Study Period III). ODD remitters and non-remitters with plasma atomoxetine ≥800 ng/ml remained on 1.2 mg/kg/day atomoxetine for 4 weeks. Patients who received atomoxetine, completed Study Period II, and entered Study Period III were included in these analyses. All the groups demonstrated improvement on the SNAP-IV ODD and ADHD-combined subscales (P < .001). At the end of Study Periods II and III, ODD and ADHD improvement was significantly greater in the remitter group compared with the non-remitter groups. Symptom improvement was numerically greater in the non-remitter (2.4 mg/kg/day compared with the non-remitter 1.2 mg/kg/day) group. Atomoxetine plasma concentration was not indicative of ODD and ADHD improvement after 12 weeks of treatment. ADHD and ODD symptoms improved in all the groups with longer duration on atomoxetine. Results suggest atomoxetine plasma concentration does not predict ODD and ADHD symptom improvement. However, a higher atomoxetine dose may benefit some patients

    Three‐dimensional P wave velocity structure of the Northern Hikurangi margin from the NZ3D experiment: evidence for fault‐bound anisotropy

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    We present a high‐resolution three‐dimensional (3‐D) anisotropic P wave velocity (Vp) model in the northern Hikurangi margin offshore Gisborne, New Zealand, constructed by tomographic inversion of over 430,000 first arrivals recorded by a dense grid of ocean bottom seismometers. Since the study area covers a region where shallow slow slip events (SSEs) occur repeatedly and the subduction of a seamount is proposed, it offers an ideal location to link our understanding of structural and hydrogeologic properties at megathrust faults to slip behavior. The Vp model reveals an ~30‐km‐wide, low‐velocity accretionary wedge at the toe of the overriding plate, where previous seismic reflection studies show a series of active thrust faults branching from the plate interface. We find some locations with significant Vp azimuthal anisotropy >5% near the branching faults and the deformation front. This finding suggests that the anisotropy is not ubiquitous and homogeneous within the overriding plate, but more localized in the vicinity of active thrust faults. The fast axes of Vp within the accretionary wedge are mostly oriented to the plate convergence direction, which is interpreted as preferentially oriented cracks in a compressional stress regime associated with plate subduction. We find that the magnitudes of anisotropy are roughly equivalent to values found at oceanic spreading centers, where the extensional stress regime is dominant and the crack density is expected to be higher than subduction zones. This consideration may indicate that additional effects such as fault foliation and clay mineral alignment also contribute to upper plate anisotropy along subduction margins

    A systematic review of the safety information contained within the Summaries of Product Characteristics of medications licensed in the United Kingdom for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. how does the safety prescribing advice compare with national guidance?

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The safety of paediatric medications is paramount and contraindications provide clear pragmatic advice. Further advice may be accessed through Summaries of Product Characteristics (SPCs) and relevant national guidelines. The SPC can be considered the ultimate independent guideline and is regularly updated. In 2008, the authors undertook a systematic review of the SPC contraindications of medications licensed in the United Kingdom (UK) for the treatment of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). At that time, there were fewer contraindications reported in the SPC for atomoxetine than methylphenidate and the specific contraindications varied considerably amongst methylphenidate formulations. In 2009, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) mandated harmonisation of methylphenidate SPCs. Between September and November 2011, there were three changes to the atomoxetine SPC that resulted in revised prescribing information. In addition, Clinical Guidance has also been produced by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) (2008), the Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN) (2009) and the British National Formulary for Children (BNFC).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>An updated systematic review of the Contraindications sections of the SPCs of all medications currently licensed for treatment of ADHD in the UK was undertaken and independent statements regarding contraindications and relevant warnings and precautions were then compared with UK national guidance with the aim of assessing any disparity and potential areas of confusion for prescribers.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>As of November 2011, there were seven medications available in the UK for the treatment of ADHD. There are 15 contraindications for most formulations of methylphenidate, 14 for dexamfetamine and 5 for atomoxetine. Significant differences exist between the SPCs and national guidance part due to the ongoing reactive process of amending the former as new information becomes known. In addition, recommendations are made outside UK SPC licensed indications and a significant contraindication for methylphenidate (suicidal behaviours) is missing from both the NICE and SIGN guidelines. Particular disparity exists relating to monitoring for suicidal and psychiatric side effects. The BNFC has not yet been updated in line with the European Union (EU) Directive on methylphenidate; it does not include any contraindications for atomoxetine but describes contraindications for methylphenidate that are no longer in the SPC.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Clinicians seeking prescribing advice from critical independent sources of data, such as SPCs and national guidelines, may be confused by the disparity that exists. There are major differences between guidelines and SPCs and neither should be referred to in isolation. The SPC represents the most relevant source of safety data to aid prescribing of medications for ADHD as they present the most current safety data in line with increased exposure. National guidelines may need more regular updates.</p