47 research outputs found

    The relationship between foreign development assistance and human rights peerformance : a case study of the United States of America, Canada, The Netherlands and Indonesia : a research project presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Philosophy in Development Studies at Massey University

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    This dissertation examines the degree to which donor countries have attempted to suspend or discontinue foreign aid to the recipients on human rights ground. Contemporary approaches to human rights in development are represented by both the theory of "Natural Rights" and the theory of "Cultural Relativism". Donors and most of the Western countries, advocate the former and give emphasis to civil and political rights. Whereas most of the recipient countries uphold the theory of "Cultural Relativism" and put emphasis on economic, social and cultural rights. One of the common facets of cultural relativism is the postponement of civil and political rights for the sake of economic development. The basic tenet of this position is that, if economic development has been achieved then civil and political rights will be exercised naturally. Indeed, this is the common conviction in some Third World nations where stability is regarded as the key to successful economic development. Poor treatment of human rights are therefore often a consequence of this conviction in these countries. The advocacy of prevention of abuses of these rights, through the suspension of foreign aid, emerges from this consequence. Another consequence is that, opposition to the "link between aid and human rights" grows largely in the recipient nations. This thesis, acknowledging the complexity of the issue, sets out to assess the case study of three donor countries; the USA. Canada and the Netherlands. All were, and still are, strong advocates of "giving aid on human rights grounds". The foreign aid flow of these donor countries, each dealing independently with Indonesia as the recipient, is assessed. The results suggest that, despite the fact that the legitimacy of cutting aid on human rights grounds is emphasized, practical moves in this direction by the USA, Canada and the Netherlands from 1980 until 1995, remain the exception rather than the rule. Though Indonesia's record on human rights has remained deplorable. Foreign Development Assistance (ODA) has continued on the ground. This thesis, finally, suggests possibilities for future improvements of human rights in the recipient countries, particularly in Indonesia, in its recommendations


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    ABSTRAK Industri Kopi merupakan industri yang memiliki potensi terbesar karena kopi merupakan komoditi unggulan yang di ekspor ke luar negri. Kabupaten Ermera adalah penghasil kopi terbesar. ATT adalah usaha sosial yang beranggotakan 667 petani kopi di kabupaten Ermera. Kondisi umum perekonomian Timor-Leste 80% adalah sektor pertanian, dan kopi merupakan komoditi ekspor ke pasaran internasional. Untuk mempertahankan kopi sebagai produk unggulan Timor-Leste maka kerjasama semua pelaku di ekosistem bisnis memainkan peranannya untuk mengembankan produk kopi dengan baik agar bersaing di pasaran. Tujuan utama adalah untuk mengetahui: Aktor-aktor utama di industri kopi Timor-Leste, Peta industri, dan Strategi pemberdayakan industri kopi dalam menghadapai persaingan diera digital dengan menggunakan pendekatan ekosistem bisnis Penelitian ini adalah kualitatif deskriptif. Variabel adalah gambaran keadaan objek penelitian secara abstrak, sehingga menjadi suatu yang dapat diukur dalam suatu proses yang disebut operasional variabel. Penelitian kualitatif tidak ada populasi tetapi “Social Situation” dibagi: place, actors, dan activity yang berinteraksi secara sinergis. Sumber data yaitu data primer dan sekunder. Uji validitas dan realibilitas berupa tanda tanggan informan sebagai bukti. Pengujian kredibilitas terhadap hasil penelitian dilakukan dengan triangulasi Sumber, teknik analisis Model Miles dan Huberman. Analisis Value Convension Strategy Model untuk pemetaan ada 3 yaitu Role, Deliveres dan Transaction. Aktor dalam ekosistem bisnis industri kopi yaitu: Petani, Pemerintah, Universitas, National trade, konsumen, Media, CCI-TL, International Trade dan Bank. Dalam ekosistem bisnis industri kopi menurut analisis (VNA) dapat disimpulkan terdapat hubugan baik antara pihak yang berkepentingan diindustri kopi, namun tidak semua melakukan fungsinya dengan baik. Sehingga analisis ini ada beberapa transaksi yang memiliki resiko dan manfaat yang tinggi seperti analisis dampak tangible ada 3 transaksi memiliki resiko yang tinggi namun mempunyai mamfaat yang tinggi seperti: kegiatan yang dilakukan petani dan traders adalah pembelian kopi membutuhkan biaya yang cukup besar. Dan analisis dampak intangible yang memiliki biaya/resiko tinggi namun memiliki manfaat yang tinggi seperti dukungan pemerintah melalui regulasi. Kegiatan Tour Cafe resiko/biaya tinggi. Kegiatan di cafes membutuhkan biaya cukup besar dan tenaga yang berpengalaman. Demikian disarangkan kerjasama seluruh ekosistem bisnis industri kopi untuk mengembangkan kopi sebagai produk unggulan dipasar internasional. Serta merehabilitasi dan mengembangkan kopi sebagai objek wisata bagi pengujung untuk membeli kopi dan jadikan icon dari industri kopi. Kata kunci: UMKM, Value Network Analysis, Ekosistem Bisnis

    A voz dos bandos: colectivos de justiça e ritos da palavra portuguesa em Timor Leste colonial

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    Este artigo examina as relações entre o discurso da justiça e a prática do ritual nos bandos do governo colonial português em Timor Leste, entre a segunda metade do século XIX e as primeiras décadas do século XX. Os bandos consistiam em ordens e instruções de comando emanadas pelo governador português em Díli, e comunicadas de forma cerimonial por oficiais às populações dos diversos reinos timorenses dispersos pelo país. Bandos eram um instrumento por excelência de governação colonial dos assuntos indígenas, servindo para arbitrar conflitos, punir transgressões e, em geral, instituir realidades no mundo timorense. Contudo, esta instituição assumiu igualmente uma singular expressão nos usos timorenses, servindo bandos para comunicar também as ordens de autoridades tradicionais, os liurais. O artigo acompanha as variações coloniais e indígenas que os bandos adquiriram em Timor Leste, conceptualizando-os enquanto colectivos de justiça. Ao considerar assim os bandos como colectivos – formações heterogéneas em que elementos linguísticos e não linguísticos se combinam na produção de efeitos de poder sobre as populações – o artigo propõe uma via conceptual alternativa às perspectivas linguísticas e literárias de análise do discurso colonial

    Hyaluronic acid hydrogels incorporating platelet lysate enhance human pulp cell proliferation and differentiation

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    The restoration of dentine-pulp complex remains a challenge for dentists; nonetheless, it has been poorly addressed. An ideal system should modulate the host response, as well as enable the recruitment, proliferation and differentiation of relevant progenitor cells. Herein was proposed a photocrosslinkable hydrogel system based on hyaluronic acid (HA) and platelet lysate (PL). PL is a cocktail of growth factors (GFs) and cytokines involved in wound healing orchestration, obtained by the cryogenic processing of platelet concentrates, and was expected to provide the HA hydrogels specific biochemical cues to enhance pulp cellsâ recruitment, proliferation and differentiation. Stable HA hydrogels incorporating PL (HAPL) were prepared after photocrosslinking of methacrylated HA (Met-HA) previously dissolved in PL, triggered by the Ultra Violet activated photoinitiator Irgacure 2959. Both the HAPL and plain HA hydrogels were shown to be able to recruit cells from a cell monolayer of human dental pulp stem cells (hDPSCs) isolated from permanent teeth. The hDPCs were also seeded directly over the hydrogels (5 Ã 104 cells/hydrogel) and cultured in osteogenic conditions. Cell metabolism and DNA quantification were higher, in all time-points, for PL supplemented hydrogels (p < 0,05). Alkaline phosphatase (ALPL) activity and calcium quantification peaks were observed for the HAPL group at 21 days (p < 0,05). The gene expression for ALPL and COLIA1 was up-regulated at 21 days to HAPL, compared with HA group (p < 0,05). Within the same time point, the gene expression for RUNX2 did not differ between the groups. Overall, data demonstrated that the HA hydrogels incorporating PL increased the cellular metabolism and stimulate the mineralized matrix deposition by hDPSCs, providing clear evidence of the potential of the proposed system for the repair of damaged pulp/dentin tissue and endodontics regeneration.LFDA acknowledges Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) for the grant 2014/12017-8. Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) for PSB PhD grant SFRH/BD/73403/2010, MTR post-doctoral grant (SFRH/BPD/111729/2015), MEG grant (IF/00685/2012), and RECOGNIZE project (UTAP-ICDT/CTM-BIO/0023/2014), RL3-TECT - NORTE-07-0124-FEDER-000020 project co-financed by ON.2 (NSRF) through ERD. This study also received financial support from FCT/Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia, e Ensino Superior (FCT/MCTES) and Fundo Social Europeu through Programa Operacional do Capital Humano (FSE/POCH) PD/59/2013 for the LA ICVS-3Bs (UID/Multi/50026/2013). The authors would like to thank Maurizio Gulino, for its support in the in vitro experiments and Maló Clinic, Porto, Dra Ana Ferro and Dr Bruno Queridinha for the donation of permanent teethinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Erratum to: 36th International Symposium on Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine

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    [This corrects the article DOI: 10.1186/s13054-016-1208-6.]

    Out of the Ashes

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    History; Timor; East timo

    Challenges for the future

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