3 research outputs found
American Geographical Society of New York Records, 1723-2010, bulk 1854-2000
- Publication venue
- Publication date
- Field of study
Correspondence between Isaiah Bowman and George B. Cressey. Includes letters discussing Cressey's National Research Council funded field work in China
Sacrificing Local Interests: Water control policies of the Ming and Qing governments and the local economy of Huaibei, 1495–1949
- Author
- Allen Pietz
- August Wittfogel
- August Wittfogel
- Babcock Cressey
- Baixing
- Baixing
- Ch'ao-ting
- Changling
- Chee
- disike
- diyi lishi dang'anguan
- Dodgen
- Elvin
- Fu
- Fu
- Fu
- Fubao
- Gong
- Guosheng
- Han
- Hill
- Huanyong
- Jialun
- Jiaxian
- Jiongxin
- Jixun
- Junya
- kexueyuan
- Kuntian
- Lamouroux
- Lan
- Lanxia
- Mallory
- Maojian
- Naihan
- Naquin
- Nianhai
- Penghe
- Perry
- Pomeranz
- Qi
- Qi
- Rong
- Ruilan
- Shenzhen
- Shou
- Ting
- Tongju
- Tongju
- Tongju
- Tongju
- Wei
- weiyuanhui
- Wenhuan
- Wenzhi
- Xi
- Xian
- Xian
- Xiangkun
- Yanwu
- Yao
- Ye
- Yi
- Yifeng
- Yiyan
- Yuan
- Yunqian
- Yutang
- Zaijin
- Zehong
- Zhang
- Zhaojing
- Zhaoxiong
- Zhen
- zhengfu zhujichu tongjiju
- Zhizao
- Zhongmian
- Publication venue
- 'Cambridge University Press (CUP)'
- Publication date
- Field of study
- Author
- Aaron
- Adams
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- Ahern
- Ahern
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- Allen
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- Amoroso
- Amram
- Amram
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- Astor
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- Barnard
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- Baxi
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- Carroll
- Carroll
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- Chapman
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- Couch
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- Cox
- Cox
- Cressey
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- Curtis
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- Darling
- Darling
- Darling
- Darling
- Darling
- Darling
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- Ellis
- Ellis
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- Fennelly
- Fennelly
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- Finkelstein
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- Fischer
- Fisher
- Fisher
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- Ford
- Ford
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- Fuss
- Fuss
- Fuss
- Fuss
- Fuss
- Fuss
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- Glicksman
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- Green
- Greene
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- Gross
- Gross
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- Guy
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- Hall
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- Healy
- Healy
- Healy
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- Hemphill
- Hemphill
- Hemphill
- Hemphill
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- Hertzoff
- Hertzoff
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- Higgins
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- Hoffman
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- Holcomb
- Holcomb
- Holcomb
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- Hunter
- Hunter
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- James
- James
- James
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- Keck
- Keck
- Keck
- Keck
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- Kelly
- Kelly
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- King
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- Kingsbury
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- Kmet
- Kmet
- Kmet
- Kmet
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- Kruegle
- Kruegle
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- Leo
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- Lewis
- Lewis
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- Lipman
- Lipman
- Lipman
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- Longworth
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- Lyons
- Lyons
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- Mannings
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- Mason
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- Matteson
- Matteson
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- Meiners
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- Melinek
- Melinek
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- Metcalf
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- Meyer
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- Mick
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- Mills
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- Mittelgluck
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- Momboisse
- Montgomery
- Montuori
- Moolman
- Moore
- Moore
- Moore
- Moore
- Morgan
- Morneau
- Morneau
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- Morris
- Morris
- Murphy
- Murphy
- Murray
- Nagle
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- Newman
- Newman
- Nikoden
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- Noblecourt
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- Nothaft
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- Oppen
- Organ
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- Osborne
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- Petty
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- Piez
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- Pink
- Pizer
- Pizer
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- Post
- Post
- Post
- Post
- Post
- Post
- Post
- Post
- Post
- Post
- Post
- Powell
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- Probst
- Probst
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- Putnam
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- Raia
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- Richmond
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- Robinson
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- Rosberg
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- Rosenbuam
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- Rubin
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- Ruyle
- Ruyle
- Ruyle
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- Schultz
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- Schurr
- Schurr
- Schwartz
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- Schwarz
- Schwarz
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- Schweitzer
- Schweitzer
- Schweitzer
- Schwippert
- Schwippert
- Scott
- Scott
- Scott
- Scotti
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- Sennewald
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- Shanahan
- Shaw
- Sheley
- Shirar
- Siatt
- Siatt
- Siatt
- Siatt
- Siatt
- Siatt
- Siatt
- Siatt
- Siatt
- Singer
- Skilton
- Slutzky
- Slutzky
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- Smith
- Sopsic
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- Spehler
- Spet
- Stahl
- Stallings
- Steeno
- Steeno
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- Stender
- Stevens
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- Stredl
- Strobl
- Strobl
- Strobl
- Stroh
- Stroik
- Sugar
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- Surrency
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- Swartzburg
- Swayne
- Swearer
- Synk
- Tanaka
- Thompson
- Thorsen
- Thorsen
- Thorsen
- Thorsen
- Thorsen
- Thorsen
- Thorsen
- Tickner
- Tiefer
- Tiszkus
- Tobias
- Tobias
- Toepfer
- Toepfer
- Tomokichi
- Torrington
- Trelles
- Trezza
- Trimmer
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- Tucker
- Tuttle
- Tyler
- Underdown
- Upton
- Ursic
- Ursic
- Vail
- Van Meter
- Wadey
- Wagner
- Walch
- Walch
- Walker
- Walker
- Walker
- Wallach
- Walsh
- Walsh
- Walston
- Wanat
- Ward
- Ward
- Warfel
- Warfel
- Waterman
- Waters
- Wathen
- Watson
- Waxman
- Weber
- Weber
- Webre
- Weigel
- Weiner
- Weldon
- Wels
- Weston
- Whitehurst
- Whitehurst
- Whitman
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williamson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Windeler
- Wolfe
- Wood
- Wood
- Wood
- Wood
- Woodruff
- Wright
- Yaggi
- Yanev
- Yee
- Yee
- Yonemura
- Zatz
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1983
- Field of study