72 research outputs found


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    O cultivo de frutas de caroço predomina em algumas regiões brasileiras, se destacando oSul. Esse trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar o efeito da temperatura no período outonoinverno sobre a qualidade pós-colheita e manifestação de danos por frio após oarmazenamento refrigerado de pêssegos da cultivar Fascínio e 0749 submetidos ou nãoao condicionamento térmico. As horas de frio (HF) entre 7,2°C e 0o C de cada dia noperíodo de abril a outubro na região de Urussanga foram coletadas. Os frutos foramsubmetidos ao condicionamento térmico, sendo colocados a 20°C por 24 horas, antes doarmazenamento refrigerado a 0°C. Frutos sem o condicionamento térmico constituíram otratamento testemunha. Avaliações ocorreram na colheita e no segundo dia a 20oC depois de 7, 14, 21 e 28 dias para: perda de massa fresca, firmeza de polpa, conteúdo de suco objetivo e subjetivo e lanosidade. A perda de massa fresca aumentou ao longo doarmazenamento em ambas cultivares e foi alta nos dois tratamentos. A firmeza de polpaficou baixou dos 17 N nos dois pêssegos. O conteúdo de suco objetivo foi inferior a 35%nas duas cultivares em todas as datas de avaliação, sendo de médio a baixo. Alanosidade foi visualizada nas duas cultivares após 21 e 28 dias de armazenagem comintensidade baixa a alta. É possível que a falta de frio no período outono inverno leve auma maior manifestação de lanosidade


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    A videira é cultivada desde 7.000 anos a.C.. Para produção de uvas duas espéciessão cultivadas no Brasil, Vitis labrusca (uvas americanas) e Vitis vinifera (uvaseuropeias). Devido aos cursos de Técnico em Agropecuária e de EngenhariaAgronômica, foi instalada uma coleção de videiras no Campus Santa Rosa do Sul doIFC com o objetivo de manter, estruturar, ampliar e avaliá-las quanto a suaadaptação e qualidade de seus frutos e produtos, quando cultivadas nas condiçõesclimáticas da região do Extremo Sul de Santa Catarina. Ao longo de 2018 e 2019foram realizadas as práticas de: poda de frutificação, retirada de feminelas, desfolhado cacho, amarrio, manejo fitosanitário, adubações e colheita. Após a colheita, asuvas das 35 cultivares foram pesadas para avaliar sua produtividade. As cultivaresIsabel Precoce e Poloske foram as que mais produziram com uma média aproximadade 9 quilos por planta. As demais cultivares produziram de um a dois quilos porplanta. A maior média na Isabel Precoce e Poloske é explicada por ser a terceirasafra destas cultivares, enquanto nas demais foi a primeira

    APLICAÇÃO DE DANOS MECÂNICOS E SEUS EFEITOS NA QUALIDADE DE PRODUTOS HORTÍCOLAS, SAFRAS 2018/2019: Danos mecânicos por impacto, corte e abrasão em maçãs ‘Fuji Suprema’

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    Os danos mecânicos estão entre as principais causas de perdaspós-colheita . O trabalho avaliou as alterações causadas por danos mecânicos emmaçãs ‘Fuji Suprema’ que receberam os danos por impacto, corte, abrasão. Asmaçãs foram armazenados a 0 o C por 180 dias. Amostras para análises foramretiradas a intervalos de 30 dias para as análises de: perda de massa fresca (%),firmeza da polpa (N), conteúdo de suco (%), sólidos solúveis (ºBrix) e acidez titulável(%). Os danos mecânicos influenciaram a qualidade de maçãs ‘Fuji Suprema’principalmente nas duas últimas datas de avaliação. De forma geral, o danomecânico por impacto causa maiores alterações em maçãs ‘Fuji Suprema’


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    Os danos mecânicos estão entre as principais causas de perdas pós colheita O trabalho avaliou as alterações causadas p or danos mecânicos em diferentes tipos de frut as. Os ensaios de danos mecânicos foram realizados com ameixas ‘Pluma 7’, maçãs ‘Fuji Suprema’ e tangerinas ‘Ponkan’ que receberam os danos por impacto, corte, abrasã o. Foram analisadas perda de massa fresca, firmeza da polpa, conteúdo de suco, sólidos solúveis e acidez titulável. Os danos mecânicos não influenciam na desidratação e no conteúdo de suco das ameixas, bergamotas e maçãs, e não causaram diminuição na firmeza de polpa de maçãs ‘Fuji Suprema’

    Measurement of the cosmic ray spectrum above 4×10184{\times}10^{18} eV using inclined events detected with the Pierre Auger Observatory

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    A measurement of the cosmic-ray spectrum for energies exceeding 4×10184{\times}10^{18} eV is presented, which is based on the analysis of showers with zenith angles greater than 6060^{\circ} detected with the Pierre Auger Observatory between 1 January 2004 and 31 December 2013. The measured spectrum confirms a flux suppression at the highest energies. Above 5.3×10185.3{\times}10^{18} eV, the "ankle", the flux can be described by a power law EγE^{-\gamma} with index γ=2.70±0.02(stat)±0.1(sys)\gamma=2.70 \pm 0.02 \,\text{(stat)} \pm 0.1\,\text{(sys)} followed by a smooth suppression region. For the energy (EsE_\text{s}) at which the spectral flux has fallen to one-half of its extrapolated value in the absence of suppression, we find Es=(5.12±0.25(stat)1.2+1.0(sys))×1019E_\text{s}=(5.12\pm0.25\,\text{(stat)}^{+1.0}_{-1.2}\,\text{(sys)}){\times}10^{19} eV.Comment: Replaced with published version. Added journal reference and DO

    Energy Estimation of Cosmic Rays with the Engineering Radio Array of the Pierre Auger Observatory

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    The Auger Engineering Radio Array (AERA) is part of the Pierre Auger Observatory and is used to detect the radio emission of cosmic-ray air showers. These observations are compared to the data of the surface detector stations of the Observatory, which provide well-calibrated information on the cosmic-ray energies and arrival directions. The response of the radio stations in the 30 to 80 MHz regime has been thoroughly calibrated to enable the reconstruction of the incoming electric field. For the latter, the energy deposit per area is determined from the radio pulses at each observer position and is interpolated using a two-dimensional function that takes into account signal asymmetries due to interference between the geomagnetic and charge-excess emission components. The spatial integral over the signal distribution gives a direct measurement of the energy transferred from the primary cosmic ray into radio emission in the AERA frequency range. We measure 15.8 MeV of radiation energy for a 1 EeV air shower arriving perpendicularly to the geomagnetic field. This radiation energy -- corrected for geometrical effects -- is used as a cosmic-ray energy estimator. Performing an absolute energy calibration against the surface-detector information, we observe that this radio-energy estimator scales quadratically with the cosmic-ray energy as expected for coherent emission. We find an energy resolution of the radio reconstruction of 22% for the data set and 17% for a high-quality subset containing only events with at least five radio stations with signal.Comment: Replaced with published version. Added journal reference and DO

    Measurement of the Radiation Energy in the Radio Signal of Extensive Air Showers as a Universal Estimator of Cosmic-Ray Energy

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    We measure the energy emitted by extensive air showers in the form of radio emission in the frequency range from 30 to 80 MHz. Exploiting the accurate energy scale of the Pierre Auger Observatory, we obtain a radiation energy of 15.8 \pm 0.7 (stat) \pm 6.7 (sys) MeV for cosmic rays with an energy of 1 EeV arriving perpendicularly to a geomagnetic field of 0.24 G, scaling quadratically with the cosmic-ray energy. A comparison with predictions from state-of-the-art first-principle calculations shows agreement with our measurement. The radiation energy provides direct access to the calorimetric energy in the electromagnetic cascade of extensive air showers. Comparison with our result thus allows the direct calibration of any cosmic-ray radio detector against the well-established energy scale of the Pierre Auger Observatory.Comment: Replaced with published version. Added journal reference and DOI. Supplemental material in the ancillary file

    The Eleventh and Twelfth Data Releases of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: Final Data from SDSS-III

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    The third generation of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS-III) took data from 2008 to 2014 using the original SDSS wide-field imager, the original and an upgraded multi-object fiber-fed optical spectrograph, a new near-infrared high-resolution spectrograph, and a novel optical interferometer. All of the data from SDSS-III are now made public. In particular, this paper describes Data Release 11 (DR11) including all data acquired through 2013 July, and Data Release 12 (DR12) adding data acquired through 2014 July (including all data included in previous data releases), marking the end of SDSS-III observing. Relative to our previous public release (DR10), DR12 adds one million new spectra of galaxies and quasars from the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS) over an additional 3000 deg2 of sky, more than triples the number of H-band spectra of stars as part of the Apache Point Observatory (APO) Galactic Evolution Experiment (APOGEE), and includes repeated accurate radial velocity measurements of 5500 stars from the Multi-object APO Radial Velocity Exoplanet Large-area Survey (MARVELS). The APOGEE outputs now include the measured abundances of 15 different elements for each star. In total, SDSS-III added 5200 deg2 of ugriz imaging; 155,520 spectra of 138,099 stars as part of the Sloan Exploration of Galactic Understanding and Evolution 2 (SEGUE-2) survey; 2,497,484 BOSS spectra of 1,372,737 galaxies, 294,512 quasars, and 247,216 stars over 9376 deg2; 618,080 APOGEE spectra of 156,593 stars; and 197,040 MARVELS spectra of 5513 stars. Since its first light in 1998, SDSS has imaged over 1/3 of the Celestial sphere in five bands and obtained over five million astronomical spectra. \ua9 2015. The American Astronomical Society

    Multiple Scenario Generation of Subsurface Models:Consistent Integration of Information from Geophysical and Geological Data throuh Combination of Probabilistic Inverse Problem Theory and Geostatistics

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    Neutrinos with energies above 1017 eV are detectable with the Surface Detector Array of the Pierre Auger Observatory. The identification is efficiently performed for neutrinos of all flavors interacting in the atmosphere at large zenith angles, as well as for Earth-skimming \u3c4 neutrinos with nearly tangential trajectories relative to the Earth. No neutrino candidates were found in 3c 14.7 years of data taken up to 31 August 2018. This leads to restrictive upper bounds on their flux. The 90% C.L. single-flavor limit to the diffuse flux of ultra-high-energy neutrinos with an E\u3bd-2 spectrum in the energy range 1.0 7 1017 eV -2.5 7 1019 eV is E2 dN\u3bd/dE\u3bd < 4.4 7 10-9 GeV cm-2 s-1 sr-1, placing strong constraints on several models of neutrino production at EeV energies and on the properties of the sources of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays