384 research outputs found

    Applicability of Neural Networks for Driving Style Classification and Maneuver Detection

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    Maneuver and driving style detection are of ongoing interest for the extension of vehicle's functionalities. Existing machine learning approaches require extensive sensor data and demand for high computational power. For vehicle onboard implementation, poorly generalizing rule-based approaches are currently state of the art. Not being restricted to neither comprehensive environmental sensors like camera or radar, nor high computing power (both of what is today only present in upper class' vehicles), our approach allows for cross-vehicle use: In this work, the applicability of small artificial neural networks (ANN) as efficient detectors is tested using a prototypal vehicle implementation. During test drives, overtaking maneuvers have been detected 1.2 s prior to the competing rule-based approach in average, also greatly improving the detection performance. Regarding driving style recognition, ANN-based results are closer to targets and more patient at driving style transitions. A recognition rate of over 75 % is achieved

    Acute Motor Axonal Neuropathy in a Patient with Metastatic Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumor Receiving Chemotherapy with Capecitabine and Temozolomide: A Case Report

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    We report a case of a 37- year old female patient with metastatic pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor that developed acute motor axonal neuropathy after receiving chemotherapy with capecitabine and temozolomide. She had repeatedly progressed after several surgical resections of her liver metastases, other hepatic directed procedures, several sessions of peptide receptor radionuclide therapy and two systemic treatment lines. When we started a third line therapy with capecitabine (1500 mg absolute twice daily, day 1-14) and temozolomide (360 mg absolute in two divided doses on day 1-5) in a 28 days long cycle, she unexpectedly developed a progressive weakness of the upper and lower limbs and dysphagia. The diagnosis of acute motor axonal neuropathy was confirmed by nerve conduction studies. The patient`s condition improved rapidly after chemotherapy was stopped and plasma exchange (nine sessions) as well as a maintenance therapy with intravenous immunoglobulins was started. She was almost asymptomatic seven months after onset of symptoms. This case describes a previously unreported association between acute motor axonal neuropathy and chemotherapy with capecitabine and temozolomide

    Dynamic reconfiguration of cortical functional connectivity across brain states

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    Throughout each day, the brain displays transient changes in state, as evidenced by shifts in behavior and vigilance. While the electrophysiological correlates of brain states have been studied for some time, it remains unclear how large-scale cortico-cortical functional connectivity systematically reconfigures across states. Here, we investigate state-dependent shifts in cortical functional connectivity by recording local field potentials (LFPs) during spontaneous behavioral transitions in the ferret using chronically implanted micro-electrocorticographic (?ECoG) arrays positioned over occipital, parietal, and temporal cortical regions. To objectively classify brain state, we describe a data-driven approach that projects time-varying LFP spectral properties into brain state space. Distinct brain states displayed markedly different patterns of cross-frequency phase-amplitude coupling and inter-electrode phase synchronization across several LFP frequency bands. The largest across-state differences in functional connectivity were observed between periods of presumed slow-wave and rapid-eye-movement-sleep/active-state, which were characterized by the contrasting phenomena of cortical network fragmentation and global synchronization, respectively. Collectively, our data provide strong evidence that large-scale functional interactions in the brain dynamically reconfigure across behavioral states

    Circuit mechanisms for the chemical modulation of cortex-wide network interactions and behavioral variability

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    Influential theories postulate distinct roles of catecholamines and acetylcholine in cognition and behavior. However, previous physiological work reported similar effects of these neuromodulators on the response properties (specifically, the gain) of individual cortical neurons. Here, we show a double dissociation between the effects of catecholamines and acetylcholine at the level of large-scale interactions between cortical areas in humans. A pharmacological boost of catecholamine levels increased cortex-wide interactions during a visual task, but not rest. An acetylcholine boost decreased interactions during rest, but not task. Cortical circuit modeling explained this dissociation by differential changes in two circuit properties: the local excitation-inhibition balance (more strongly increased by catecholamines) and intracortical transmission (more strongly reduced by acetylcholine). The inferred catecholaminergic mechanism also predicted noisier decision-making, which we confirmed for both perceptual and value-based choice behavior. Our work highlights specific circuit mechanisms for shaping cortical network interactions and behavioral variability by key neuromodulatory systems

    Zweiter Fortschrittsbericht wirtschaftswissenschaftlicher Forschungsinstitute über die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung in Ostdeutschland.

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    Auch im Sommer 2003 kann die Entwicklung in der ostdeutschen Wirtschaft niemanden zufrieden stellen. Zusätzlich zu allen Diskussionen um Möglichkeiten einer Belebung der Wachstumsdynamik in ganz Deutschland stellt sich deswegen die Frage, wie die Politik dem Aufbau Ost neuen Schwung geben kann. Diese Frage stellt sich umso dringender, weil die finanzpolitischen Schwierigkeiten Deutschlands die Spielräume für finanziell kostspielige Programme für die neuen Länder stark einengen. Wichtige Bestandteile der Wirtschaftspolitik für Ostdeutschland waren in den letzten Jahren die spezifische Wirtschaftsförderung (insbesondere die Investitionsförderung), für die wegen ihrer Befristung wie auch wegen EU-rechtlicher Restriktionen nach Nachfolgelösungen gesucht wird, sowie die Aktive Arbeitsmarktpolitik, die im Zuge der allgemeinen Arbeitsmarktreformen ebenfalls auf den Prüfstand gestellt worden ist. In Anbetracht der anstehenden Entscheidungen über die weitere Strategie für den Aufbau Ost hat der Bundesminister der Finanzen die mit dem so genannten Fortschrittsbericht betrauten Forschungsinstitute – das Deutsche Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung Berlin (DIW), das Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung (IAB), das Institut für Weltwirtschaft an der Universität Kiel (IfW), das Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung Halle (IWH) und das Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung (ZEW) – deshalb gebeten, diese beiden Politikbereiche einer näheren Analyse zu unterziehen und darauf aufbauend wirtschaftspolitische Schlussfolgerungen abzuleiten. Darüber hinaus wurden als weitere Schwerpunkte der Arbeit eine regional differenzierte Analyse der Infrastrukturausstattung in den neuen Ländern, eine Untersuchung der technologischen Leistungsfähigkeit der ostdeutschen Wirtschaft und eine Analyse der finanzpolitischen Situation der ostdeutschen Länder und Gemeinden vereinbart.Wirtschaftliche Anpassung; Wirtschaftspolitik; Wirtschaftspolitische Wirkungsanalyse; Deutschland;

    Zweiter Fortschrittsbericht wirtschaftswissenschaftlicher Forschungsinstitute über die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung in Ostdeutschland

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    Auch im Sommer 2003 kann die Entwicklung in der ostdeutschen Wirtschaft niemanden zufrieden stellen. Zusätzlich zu allen Diskussionen um Möglichkeiten einer Belebung der Wachstumsdynamik in ganz Deutschland stellt sich deswegen die Frage, wie die Politik dem Aufbau Ost neuen Schwung geben kann. Diese Frage stellt sich umso dringender, weil die finanzpolitischen Schwierigkeiten Deutschlands die Spielräume für finanziell kostspielige Programme für die neuen Länder stark einengen. Wichtige Bestandteile der Wirtschaftspolitik für Ostdeutschland waren in den letzten Jahren die spezifische Wirtschaftsförderung (insbesondere die Investitionsförderung), für die wegen ihrer Befristung wie auch wegen EU-rechtlicher Restriktionen nach Nachfolgelösungen gesucht wird, sowie die Aktive Arbeitsmarktpolitik, die im Zuge der allgemeinen Arbeitsmarktreformen ebenfalls auf den Prüfstand gestellt worden ist. In Anbetracht der anstehenden Entscheidungen über die weitere Strategie für den Aufbau Ost hat der Bundesminister der Finanzen die mit dem so genannten Fortschrittsbericht betrauten Forschungsinstitute – das Deutsche Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung Berlin (DIW), das Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung (IAB), das Institut für Weltwirtschaft an der Universität Kiel (IfW), das Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung Halle (IWH) und das Zentrum für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung (ZEW) – deshalb gebeten, diese beiden Politikbereiche einer näheren Analyse zu unterziehen und darauf aufbauend wirtschaftspolitische Schlussfolgerungen abzuleiten. Darüber hinaus wurden als weitere Schwerpunkte der Arbeit eine regional differenzierte Analyse der Infrastrukturausstattung in den neuen Ländern, eine Untersuchung der technologischen Leistungsfähigkeit der ostdeutschen Wirtschaft und eine Analyse der finanzpolitischen Situation der ostdeutschen Länder und Gemeinden vereinbart. --

    Short-term interval aerobic exercise training does not improve memory functioning in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis—a randomized controlled trial

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    Background Only few aerobic exercise intervention trials specifically targeting cognitive functioning have been performed in multiple sclerosis. Objective and Methods This randomized controlled trial with 34 patients in the intervention group (IG) (mean: 38.2 years (±9.6)) and 34 patients in the control group (CG) (mean: 39.6 years (±9.7)) aimed to determine the effects of aerobic exercise on cognition in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS). The primary outcome was verbal learning assessed by the verbal learning and memory test (VLMT). Patients were randomized to an IG or a waitlist CG. Patients in the IG exercised according to an individually tailored training schedule (with two to three sessions per week for 12 weeks). The primary analysis was carried out using the intention-to-treat (ITT) sample with ANCOVA adjusting for baseline scores. Results A total of 77 patients with RRMS were screened and 68 participants randomized (CG n = 34; IG n = 34). The sample comprised 68% females, had a mean age of 39 years, a mean disease duration of 6.3 years, and a mean expanded disability status scale of 1.8. No significant effects were detected in the ITT analysis for the primary endpoint VLMT or any other cognitive measures. Moreover, no significant treatment effects were observed for quality of life, fatigue, or depressive symptoms. Conclusion This study failed to demonstrate beneficial effects of aerobic exercise on cognition in RRMS. The trial was prospectively registered at clinicaltrials.gov (NCT02005237)

    The Mice at play in the CALIFA survey: A case study of a gas-rich major merger between first passage and coalescence

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    We present optical integral field spectroscopy (IFS) observations of the Mice, a major merger between two massive (>10^11Msol) gas-rich spirals NGC4676A and B, observed between first passage and final coalescence. The spectra provide stellar and gas kinematics, ionised gas properties and stellar population diagnostics, over the full optical extent of both galaxies. The Mice provide a perfect case study highlighting the importance of IFS data for improving our understanding of local galaxies. The impact of first passage on the kinematics of the stars and gas has been significant, with strong bars likely induced in both galaxies. The barred spiral NGC4676B exhibits a strong twist in both its stellar and ionised gas disk. On the other hand, the impact of the merger on the stellar populations has been minimal thus far: star formation induced by the recent close passage has not contributed significantly to the global star formation rate or stellar mass of the galaxies. Both galaxies show bicones of high ionisation gas extending along their minor axes. In NGC4676A the high gas velocity dispersion and Seyfert-like line ratios at large scaleheight indicate a powerful outflow. Fast shocks extend to ~6.6kpc above the disk plane. The measured ram pressure and mass outflow rate (~8-20Msol/yr) are similar to superwinds from local ULIRGs, although NGC4676A has only a moderate infrared luminosity of 3x10^10Lsol. Energy beyond that provided by the mechanical energy of the starburst appears to be required to drive the outflow. We compare the observations to mock kinematic and stellar population maps from a merger simulation. The models show little enhancement in star formation during and following first passage, in agreement with the observations. We highlight areas where IFS data could help further constrain the models.Comment: 23 pages, 13 figures, accepted to A&A. A version with a complete set of high resolution figures is available here: http://www-star.st-and.ac.uk/~vw8/resources/mice_v8_astroph.pd

    Structural basis of envelope and phase intrinsic coupling modes in the cerebral cortex

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    Intrinsic coupling modes (ICMs) can be observed in ongoing brain activity at multiple spatial and temporal scales. Two families of ICMs can be distinguished: phase and envelope ICMs. The principles that shape these ICMs remain partly elusive, in particular their relation to the underlying brain structure. Here we explored structure-function relationships in the ferret brain between ICMs quantified from ongoing brain activity recorded with chronically implanted micro-ECoG arrays and structural connectivity (SC) obtained from high-resolution diffusion MRI tractography. Large-scale computational models were used to explore the ability to predict both types of ICMs. Importantly, all investigations were conducted with ICM measures that are sensitive or insensitive to volume conduction effects. The results show that both types of ICMs are significantly related to SC, except for phase ICMs when using measures removing zero-lag coupling. The correlation between SC and ICMs increases with increasing frequency which is accompanied by reduced delays. Computational models produced results that were highly dependent on the specific parameter settings. The most consistent predictions were derived from measures solely based on SC. Overall, the results demonstrate that patterns of cortical functional coupling as reflected in both phase and envelope ICMs are both related, albeit to different degrees, to the underlying structural connectivity in the cerebral cortex.This work was supported by funding from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) - SFB 936 - 178316478 - A1 (C.C.H.), A2 (A.K.E.), and Z3 (C.C.H. and A.M.), SPP1665 - 220176618 - EN533/13-1 (A.K.E.), SPP2041 - 313856816 - HI1286/6-1 (C.C.H.) and EN533/15-1 (A.K.E.), from the European Unions Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation under Specific Grant Agreements 785907 and 945539 (Human Brain Project SGA2 and SGA3, C.C.H.), and from the 2015 FLAG-ERA Joint Transnational Call for project FIIND - ANR-15-HBPR-0005 (R.T.).Peer reviewe