165 research outputs found

    Pérdida de variabilidad genética en una población de cultivo de lenguado senegalés (Solea senegalensis) revelada mediante datos de secuencia de la región control del ADN mitocondrial y de marcadores microsatélite

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    Comparisons of the levels of genetic variation within and between a hatchery F1 (FAR, n=116) of Senegalese sole, Solea senegalensis, and its wild donor population (ATL, n = 26), both native to the SW Atlantic coast of the Iberian peninsula, as well as between the wild donor population and a wild western Mediterranean sample (MED, n=18), were carried out by characterizing 412 base pairs of the nucleotide sequence of the mitochondrial DNA control region I, and six polymorphic microsatellite loci. FAR showed a substantial loss of genetic variability (haplotypic diversity, h=0.49±0.066; nucleotide diversity, π=0.006±0.004; private allelic richness, pAg=0.28) to its donor population ATL (h=0.69±0.114; π=0.009±0.006; pAg=1.21). Pairwise FST values of microsatellite data were highly significant (P < 0.0001) between FAR and ATL (0.053) and FAR and MED (0.055). The comparison of wild samples revealed higher values of genetic variability in MED than in ATL, but only with mtDNA CR-I sequence data (h=0.948±0.033; π=0.030±0.016). However, pairwise ΦST and FST values between ATL and MED were highly significant (P < 0.0001) with mtDNA CR-I (0.228) and with microsatellite data (0.095), respectively. While loss of genetic variability in FAR could be associated with the sampling error when the broodstock was established, the results of parental and sibship inference suggest that most of these losses can be attributed to a high variance in reproductive success among members of the broodstock, particularly among females.Se compararon los niveles de variabilidad genética de la F1 de una población de cultivo (FAR, n=116) de lenguado senegalés, Solea senegalensis, y de una muestra de su población de origen (ATL, n=26), ambas provenientes del SO de la península ibérica (Atlántico), así como entre esta última y una muestra de individuos salvajes del Mediterráneo occidental (MED, n=18), mediante la caracterización de una secuencia de 412 pares de bases de la Región Control-I del ADN mitocondrial, y de seis loci microsatélite. FAR experimentó una reducción sustancial de variabilidad genética (diversidad haplotípica, h=0.49±0.066; diversidad nucleotídica, π=0.006±0.004; riqueza de alelos privados, pAg=0.28) respecto a su población original ATL (h=0.69±0.114; p=0.009±0.006; pAg=1.21). Los valores de FST entre poblaciones, calculados a partir del análisis de los microsatélites, fueron altamente significativos (p < 0.0001) para FAR y ATL (0.053), y para FAR y MED (0.055). La comparación de las dos muestras salvajes mostró mayores niveles de variabilidad genética en MED que en ATL, pero únicamente en marcadores mitocondriales (h=0.948±0.033; π=0.030±0.016). Sin embargo, los valores de e ΦST y FST presentaron diferencias significativas (p < 0.0001) respectivamente tanto a partir de datos mitocondriales (0.228) como de microsatélites (0.095), aunque la pérdida de variabilidad en FAR podría estar asociada al error de muestreo al establecer el lote de reproductores a partir de peces salvajes, los resultados de la inferencia de parentesco sugieren que la mayor parte de esta pérdida podría estar relacionada con la varianza reproductiva entre los miembros de la generación parental, particularmente entre las hembras

    Consequences of the historical demography on the global population structure of two highly migratory cosmopolitan marine fishes: the yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) and the skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis)

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    BACKGROUND: Yellowfin and skipjack tuna are globally distributed in the world's tropical and sub-tropical oceans. Since little, if any, migration of these fishes occurs between the Atlantic and Indo-Pacific Oceans, one might expect to see genetic differences between sub-populations in these ocean basins. However, yellowfin and skipjack tuna have extremely large population sizes. Thus, the rate of genetic drift should be slower than that observed for other tunas. RESULTS: Low levels of genetic differentiation were observed between Atlantic and Pacific samples of yellowfin tuna. In contrast, no genetic differentiation was observed between Atlantic and Pacific samples of skipjack tuna. CONCLUSION: Much lower levels of genetic differentiation were found among sub-populations of yellowfin tuna compared to those observed for other large tunas, probably due to the large population size of yellowfin tuna. Since skipjack tuna appear to have even larger population sizes, it is not surprising that no genetic differentiation was detected between Atlantic and Pacific samples of these fish

    Geographically Widespread Swordfish Barcode Stock Identification: A Case Study of Its Application

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    Background: The swordfish (Xiphias gladius) is a cosmopolitan large pelagic fish inhabiting tempered and tropical waters and it is a target species for fisheries all around the world. The present study investigated the ability of COI barcoding to reliably identify swordfish and particularly specific stocks of this commercially important species. Methodology: We applied the classical DNA barcoding technology, upon a 682 bp segment of COI, and compared swordfish sequences from different geographical sources (Atlantic, Indian Oceans and Mediterranean Sea). The sequences of the 59 hyper-variable fragment of the control region (59dloop), were also used to validate the efficacy of COI as a stockspecific marker. Case Report: This information was successfully applied to the discrimination of unknown samples from the market, detecting in some cases mislabeled seafood products. Conclusions: The NJ distance-based phenogram (K2P model) obtained with COI sequences allowed us to correlate the swordfish haplotypes to the different geographical stocks. Similar results were obtained with 59dloop. Our preliminary data in swordfish Xiphias gladius confirm that Cytochrome Oxidase I can be proposed as an efficient species-specific marker that has also the potential to assign geographical provenance. This information might speed the samples analysis in commercia

    Multilocus Bayesian Estimates of Intra-Oceanic Genetic Differentiation, Connectivity, and Admixture in Atlantic Swordfish (Xiphias gladius L.)

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    Meta-analysis of northeast Atlantic marine taxa shows contrasting phylogeographic patterns following post-LGM expansions

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    Background. Comparative phylogeography enables the study of historical and evolutionary processes that have contributed to shaping patterns of contemporary genetic diversity across co-distributed species. In this study, we explored genetic structure and historical demography in a range of coastal marine species across the northeast Atlantic to assess whether there are commonalities in phylogeographic patterns across taxa and to evaluate whether the timings of population expansions were linked to the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). Methods. A literature search was conducted using Web of Science. Search terms were chosen to maximise the inclusion of articles reporting on population structure and phylogeography from the northeast Atlantic; titles and abstracts were screened to identify suitable articles within the scope of this study. Given the proven utility of mtDNA in comparative phylogeography and the availability of these data in the public domain, a meta-analysis was conducted using published mtDNA gene sequences. A standardised methodology was implemented to ensure that the genealogy and demographic history of all mtDNA datasets were reanalysed in a consistent and directly comparable manner. Results. Mitochondrial DNA datasets were built for 21 species. The meta-analysis revealed significant population differentiation in 16 species and four main types of haplotype network were found, with haplotypes in some species unique to specific geographical locations. A signal of rapid expansion was detected in 16 species, whereas five species showed evidence of a stable population size. Corrected mutation rates indicated that the majority of expansions were estimated to have occurred after the earliest estimate for the LGM (similar to 26.5 Kyr), while few expansions were estimated to have pre-dated the LGM. Conclusion. This study suggests that post-LGM expansion appeared to be common in a range of marine taxa, supporting the concept of rapid expansions after the LGM as the ice sheets started to retreat. However, despite the commonality of expansion patterns in many of these taxa, phylogeographic patterns appear to differ in the species included in this study. This suggests that species-specific evolutionary processes, as well as historical events, have likely influenced the distribution of genetic diversity of marine taxa in the northeast Atlantic

    Natural history and molecular evolution of demersal Mediterranean sharks and skates inferred by comparative phylogeographic and demographic analyses

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    Supplemental information for this article can be found online at http://dx.doi.org/10.7717/ peerj.5560#supplemental-informationBackground. The unique and complex paleoclimatic and paleogeographic events which affected the Mediterranean Sea since late Miocene deeply influenced the distribution and evolution of marine organisms and shaped their genetic structure. Following the Messinian salinity crisis and the sea-level fluctuations during the Pleistocene, several Mediterranean marine species developed deep genetic differentiation, and some underwent rapid radiation. Here, we consider two of the most prioritized groups for conservation in the light of their evolutionary history: sharks and rays (elasmobranchs). This paper deals with a comparative multispecies analysis of phylogeographic structure and historical demography in two pairs of sympatric, phylogenetically- and ecologically-related elasmobranchs, two scyliorhinid catsharks (Galeus melastomus, Scyliorhinus canicula) and two rajid skates (Raja clavata, Raja miraletus). Sampling and experimental analyses were designed to primarily test if the Sicilian Channel can be considered as effective eco-physiological barrier for Mediterranean demersal sympatric elasmobranchs. Methods. The phylogeography and the historical demography of target species were inferred by analysing the nucleotide variation of three mitochondrial DNA markers (i.e., partial sequence of COI, NADH2 and CR) obtained from a total of 248 individuals sampled in the Western and Eastern Mediterranean Sea as well as in the adjacent northeastern Atlantic Ocean. Phylogeographic analysis was performed by haplotype networking and testing spatial genetic differentiation of samples (i.e., analysis of molecular variance and of principal components). Demographic history of Mediterranean populations was reconstructed using mismatch distribution and Bayesian Skyline Plot analyses. Results. No spatial genetic differentiation was identified in either catshark species, while phylogeographic structure of lineages was identified in both skates, with R. miraletus more structured than R. clavata. However, such structuring of skate lineages waSupplemental information for this article can be found online at http://dx.doi.org/10.7717/ peerj.5560#supplemental-informatio

    Out of the Pacific and Back Again: Insights into the Matrilineal History of Pacific Killer Whale Ecotypes

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    Killer whales (Orcinus orca) are the most widely distributed marine mammals and have radiated to occupy a range of ecological niches. Disparate sympatric types are found in the North Atlantic, Antarctic and North Pacific oceans, however, little is known about the underlying mechanisms driving divergence. Previous phylogeographic analysis using complete mitogenomes yielded a bifurcating tree of clades corresponding to described ecotypes. However, there was low support at two nodes at which two Pacific and two Atlantic clades diverged. Here we apply further phylogenetic and coalescent analyses to partitioned mitochondrial genome sequences to better resolve the pattern of past radiations in this species. Our phylogenetic reconstructions indicate that in the North Pacific, sympatry between the maternal lineages that make up each ecotype arises from secondary contact. Both the phylogenetic reconstructions and a clinal decrease in diversity suggest a North Pacific to North Atlantic founding event, and the later return of killer whales to the North Pacific. Therefore, ecological divergence could have occurred during the allopatric phase through drift or selection and/or may have either commenced or have been consolidated upon secondary contact due to resource competition. The estimated timing of bidirectional migration between the North Pacific and North Atlantic coincided with the previous inter-glacial when the leakage of fauna from the Indo-Pacific into the Atlantic via the Agulhas current was particularly vigorous

    Molecular Identification of Atlantic Bluefin Tuna (Thunnus thynnus, Scombridae) Larvae and Development of a DNA Character-Based Identification Key for Mediterranean Scombrids

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    The Atlantic bluefin tuna, Thunnus thynnus, is a commercially important species that has been severely over-exploited in the recent past. Although the eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean stock is now showing signs of recovery, its current status remains very uncertain and as a consequence their recovery is dependent upon severe management informed by rigorous scientific research. Monitoring of early life history stages can inform decision makers about the health of the species based upon recruitment and survival rates. Misidentification of fish larvae and eggs can lead to inaccurate estimates of stock biomass and productivity which can trigger demands for increased quotas and unsound management conclusions. Herein we used a molecular approach employing mitochondrial and nuclear genes (CO1 and ITS1, respectively) to identify larvae (n = 188) collected from three spawning areas in the Mediterranean Sea by different institutions working with a regional fisheries management organization. Several techniques were used to analyze the genetic sequences (sequence alignments using search algorithms, neighbour joining trees, and a genetic character-based identification key) and an extensive comparison of the results is presented. During this process various inaccuracies in related publications and online databases were uncovered. Our results reveal important differences in the accuracy of the taxonomic identifications carried out by different ichthyoplanktologists following morphology- based methods. While less than half of larvae provided were bluefin tuna, other dominant taxa were bullet tuna (Auxis rochei), albacore (Thunnus alalunga) and little tunny (Euthynnus alletteratus). We advocate an expansion of expertise for a new generation of morphology-based taxonomists, increased dialogue between morphology-based and molecular taxonomists and increased scrutiny of public sequence databases.Versión del editor4,411
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