18 research outputs found

    Evolution of the X-ray Profiles of Poor Clusters from the XMM-LSS Survey

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    A sample consisting of 27 X-ray selected galaxy clusters from the XMM-LSS survey is used to study the evolution in the X-ray surface brightness profiles of the hot intracluster plasma. These systems are mostly groups and poor clusters, with temperatures 0.6-4.8 keV, spanning the redshift range 0.05 to 1.05. Comparing the profiles with a standard beta-model motivated by studies of low redshift groups, we find 54% of our systems to possess a central excess, which we identify with a cuspy cool core. Fitting beta-model profiles, allowing for blurring by the XMM point spread function, we investigate trends with both temperature and redshift in the outer slope (beta) of the X-ray surface brightness, and in the incidence of cuspy cores. Fits to individual cluster profiles and to profiles stacked in bands of redshift and temperature indicate that the incidence of cuspy cores does not decline at high redshifts, as has been reported in rich clusters. Rather such cores become more prominent with increasing redshift. Beta shows a positive correlation with both redshift and temperature. Given the beta-T trend seen in local systems, we assume that temperature is the primary driver for this trend. Our results then demonstrate that this correlation is still present at z~0.3, where most of our clusters reside.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 15 pages, 12 figure

    High redshift X-ray cooling-core cluster associated with the luminous radio loud quasar 3C186

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    We present the first results from a new, deep (200ks) Chandra observation of the X-ray luminous galaxy cluster surrounding the powerful (L ~10^47 erg/s), high-redshift (z=1.067), compact-steep-spectrum radio-loud quasar 3C186. The diffuse X-ray emission from the cluster has a roughly ellipsoidal shape and extends out to radii of at least ~60 arcsec (~500 kpc). The centroid of the diffuse X-ray emission is offset by 0.68(+/-0.11) arcsec (5.5+/-0.9 kpc) from the position of the quasar. We measure a cluster mass within the radius at which the mean enclosed density is 2500 times the critical density, r_2500=283(+18/-13)kpc, of 1.02 (+0.21/-0.14)x10^14 M_sun. The gas mass fraction within this radius is f_gas=0.129(+0.015/-0.016). This value is consistent with measurements at lower redshifts and implies minimal evolution in the f_gas(z) relation for hot, massive clusters at 0<z<1.1. The measured metal abundance of 0.42(+0.08/-0.07) Solar is consistent with the abundance observed in other massive, high redshift clusters. The spatially-resolved temperature profile for the cluster shows a drop in temperature, from kT~8 keV to kT~3 keV, in its central regions that is characteristic of cooling core clusters. This is the first spectroscopic identification of a cooling core cluster at z>1. We measure cooling times for the X-ray emitting gas at radii of 50 kpc and 25 kpc of 1.7(+/-0.2)x10^9 years and 7.5(+/-2.6)x 10^8 years, as well as a nominal cooling rate (in the absence of heating) of 400(+/-190)M_sun/year within the central 100 kpc. In principle, the cooling gas can supply enough fuel to support the growth of the supermassive black hole and to power the luminous quasar. The radiative power of the quasar exceeds by a factor of 10 the kinematic power of the central radio source, suggesting that radiative heating may be important at intermittent intervals in cluster cores.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures, ApJ in pres

    Luminosity Functions of XMM-LSS C1 Galaxy Clusters

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    CFHTLS optical photometry has been used to study the galaxy luminosity functions of 14 X-ray selected clusters from the XMM-LSS survey. These are mostly groups and poor clusters, with masses (M_{500}) in the range 0.6 to 19x10 ^{13} M_solar and redshifts 0.05-0.61. Hence these are some of the highest redshift X-ray selected groups to have been studied. Lower and upper colour cuts were used to determine cluster members. We derive individual luminosity functions (LFs) for all clusters as well as redshift-stacked and temperature-stacked LFs in three filters, g', r' and z', down to M=-14.5. All LFs were fitted by Schechter functions which constrained the faint-end slope, alpha, but did not always fit well to the bright end. Derived values of alpha ranged from -1.03 to as steep as -2.1. We find no evidence for upturns at faint magnitudes. Evolution in alpha was apparent in all bands: it becomes shallower with increasing redshift; for example, in the z' band it flattened from -1.75 at low redshift to -1.22 in the redshift range z=0.43-0.61. Eight of our systems lie at z~0.3, and we combine these to generate a galaxy LF in three colours for X-ray selected groups and poor clusters at redshift 0.3. We find that at z~0.3 alpha is steeper (-1.67) in the green (g') band than it is (-1.30) in the red (z') band. This colour trend disappears at low redshift, which we attribute to reddening of faint blue galaxies from z~0.3 to z~0. We also calculated the total optical luminosity and found it to correlate strongly with X-ray luminosity (L_X proportional to L_OPT^(2.1)), and also with ICM temperature (L_OPT proportional to T^(1.62)), consistent with expectations for self-similar clusters with constant mass-to-light ratio. We did not find any convincing correlation of Schechter parameters with mean cluster temperature.Comment: 23 pages, 17 figure

    The XMM-LSS Survey: A well controlled X-ray cluster sample over the D1 CFHTLS area

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    We present the XMM-LSS cluster catalogue corresponding to the CFHTLS D1 area. The list contains 13 spectroscopically confirmed, X-ray selected galaxy clusters over 0.8 deg2 to a redshift of unity and so constitutes the highest density sample of clusters to date. Cluster X-ray bolometric luminosities range from 0.03 to 5x10^{44} erg/s. In this study, we describe our catalogue construction procedure: from the detection of X-ray cluster candidates to the compilation of a spectroscopically confirmed cluster sample with an explicit selection function. The procedure further provides basic X-ray products such as cluster temperature, flux and luminosity. We detected slightly more clusters with a (0.5-2.0 keV) X-ray fluxes of >2x10^{-14} erg/s/cm^{-2} than we expected based on expectations from deep ROSAT surveys. We also present the Luminosity-Temperature relation for our 9 brightest objects possessing a reliable temperature determination. The slope is in good agreement with the local relation, yet compatible with a luminosity enhancement for the 0.15 < z< 0.35 objects having 1 < T < 2 keV, a population that the XMM-LSS is identifying systematically for the first time. The present study permits the compilation of cluster samples from XMM images whose selection biases are understood. This allows, in addition to studies of large-scale structure, the systematic investigation of cluster scaling law evolution, especially for low mass X-ray groups which constitute the bulk of our observed cluster population. All cluster ancillary data (images, profiles, spectra) are made available in electronic form via the XMM-LSS cluster database.Comment: 12 pages 5 figures, MNRAS accepted. The paper with full resolution cluster images is available at http://vela.astro.ulg.ac.be/themes/spatial/xmm/LSS/rel_pub_e.htm

    The X-ray luminous cluster underlying the z = 1.04 quasar PKS1229-021

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    We present a 100 ks Chandra observation studying the extended X-ray emission around the powerful z=1.04 quasar PKS1229-021. The diffuse cluster X-ray emission can be traced out to ~15 arcsec (~120 kpc) radius and there is a drop in the calculated hardness ratio inside the central 5 arcsec consistent with the presence of a cool core. Radio observations of the quasar show a strong core and a bright, one-sided jet leading to the SW hot spot and a second hot spot visible on the counter-jet side. Although the wings of the quasar PSF provided a significant contribution to the total X-ray flux at all radii where the extended cluster emission was detected, we were able to accurately subtract off the PSF emission using ChaRT and marx simulations. The resulting steep cluster surface brightness profile for PKS1229-021 appears similar to the profile for the FRII radio galaxy 3C444, which has a similarly rapid surface brightness drop caused by a powerful shock surrounding the radio lobes (Croston et al.). Using a model surface brightness profile based on 3C444, we estimated the total cluster luminosity for PKS1229-021 to be L_X ~ 2 x 10^{44} erg/s. We discuss the difficulty of detecting cool core clusters, which host bright X-ray sources, in high redshift surveys.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, accepted by MNRA

    The cosmological analysis of X-ray cluster surveys: I- A new method for interpreting number counts

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    We present a new method aiming to simplify the cosmological analysis of X-ray cluster surveys. It is based on purely instrumental observable quantities, considered in a two-dimensional X-ray colour-magnitude diagram (hardness ratio versus count-rate). The basic principle is that, even in rather shallow surveys, substantial information on cluster redshift and temperature is present in the raw X-ray data and can be statistically extracted; in parallel, such diagrams can be readily predicted from an ab initio cosmological modeling. We illustrate the methodology for the case of a 100 deg2 XMM survey having a sensitivity of ~10^{-14} ergs/s/cm^2 and fit at the same time, the survey selection function, the cluster evolutionary scaling-relations and the cosmology; our sole assumption -- driven by the limited size of the sample considered in the case-study -- is that the local cluster scaling relations are known. We devote special care to the realistic modeling of the count-rate measurement uncertainties and evaluate the potential of the method via a Fisher analysis. In the absence of individual cluster redshifts, the CR-HR method appears to be much more efficient than the traditional approach based on cluster counts (i.e. dn/dz, requiring redshifts). In the case where redshifts are available, our method performs similarly as the traditional mass function (dn/dM/dz) for the purely cosmological parameters, but better constrains parameters defining the cluster scaling relations and their evolution. A further practical advantage of the CR-HR method is its simplicity : this fully top-down approach totally bypasses the tedious steps consisting in deriving cluster masses from X-ray temperature measurements.Comment: 18 pages, 15 figures, 3 tables. Accepted for publication in MNRAS (minor changes with respect to previous version

    The XMM-LSS catalogue: X-ray sources and associated optical data. Version I

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    Following the presentation of the XMM-LSS X-ray source detection package by Pacaud et al., we provide the source lists for the first 5.5 surveyed square degrees. The catalogues pertain to the [0.5-2] and [2-10] keV bands and contain in total 3385 point-like or extended sources above a detection likelihood of 15 in either band. The agreement with deep logN-logS is excellent. The main parameters considered are position, countrate, source extent with associated likelihood values. A set of additional quantities such as astrometric corrections and fluxes are further calculated while errors on the position and countrate are deduced from simulations. We describe the construction of the band-merged catalogue allowing rapid sub-sample selection and easy cross-correlation with external multi-wavelength catalogues. A small optical CFHTLS multi-band subset of objects is associated wich each source along with an X-ray/optical overlay. We make the full X-ray images available in FITS format. The data are available at CDS and, in a more extended form, at the Milan XMM-LSS database.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures and 11 tables (fig. 1 and 6 are enclosed in reduced resolution), MNRAS Latex, accepted by MNRA

    Satellite abundances around bright isolated galaxies

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    We study satellite galaxy abundances in SDSS by counting photometric galaxies around isolated bright primaries. We present results as a function of the luminosity, stellar mass and colour of the satellites, and of the stellar mass and colour of the primaries. For massive primaries the luminosity and stellar mass functions of satellites are similar in shape to those of field galaxies, but for lower mass primaries they are significantly steeper. The steepening is particularly marked for the stellar mass function. Satellite abundance increases strongly with primary stellar mass, approximately in proportion to expected dark halo mass. Massive red primaries have up to a factor of 2 more satellites than blue ones of the same stellar mass. Satellite galaxies are systematically redder than field galaxies of the same stellar mass. Satellites are also systematically redder around more massive primaries. At fixed primary mass, they are redder around red primaries. We select similarly isolated galaxies from mock catalogues based on the simulations of Guo et al.(2011) and analyze them in parallel with the SDSS data. The simulation reproduces all the above trends qualitatively, except for the steepening of the satellite luminosity and stellar mass functions. Model satellites, however, are systematically redder than in the SDSS, particularly at low mass and around low-mass primaries. Simulated haloes of a given mass have satellite abundances that are independent of central galaxy colour, but red centrals tend to have lower stellar masses, reflecting earlier quenching of their star formation by feedback. This explains the correlation between satellite abundance and primary colour in the simulation. The correlation between satellite colour and primary colour arises because red centrals live in haloes which are more massive, older and more gas-rich, so that satellite quenching is more efficient.Comment: 29 pages, 24 figure

    Fundamental properties of Fanaroff-Riley II radio galaxies investigated via Monte Carlo simulations

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    [Abridged] Radio galaxies and quasars are among the largest and most powerful single objects known and are believed to have had a significant impact on the evolving Universe and its large scale structure. We explore the intrinsic and extrinsic properties of the population of FRII objects (kinetic luminosities, lifetimes, and the central densities of their environments). In particular, the radio and kinetic luminosity functions of FRIIs are investigated using the complete, flux limited radio catalogues of 3CRR and Best et al. We construct multidimensional Monte Carlo simulations using semi-analytical models of FRII radio source growth to create artificial samples of radio galaxies. Unlike previous studies, we compare radio luminosity functions found with both the observed and simulated data to explore the fundamental source parameters. We allow the source physical properties to co-evolve with redshift, and we find that all the investigated parameters most likely undergo cosmological evolution. Strikingly, we find that the break in the kinetic luminosity function must undergo redshift evolution of at least (1+z)^3. The fundamental parameters are strongly degenerate, and independent constraints are necessary to draw more precise conclusions. We use the estimated kinetic luminosity functions to set constraints on the duty cycles of these powerful radio sources. A comparison of the duty cycles of powerful FRIIs with those determined from radiative luminosities of AGN of comparable black hole mass suggests a transition in behaviour from high to low redshifts, corresponding to either a drop in the typical black hole mass of powerful FRIIs at low redshifts, or a transition to a kinetically-dominated, radiatively-inefficient FRII population.Comment: Accepted to MNRAS. 30 pages, 18 figures, 4 tables + online material (in appendix): 9 pages, 14 figure

    The XMM Cluster Survey: X-ray analysis methodology

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    The XMM Cluster Survey (XCS) is a serendipitous search for galaxy clusters using all publicly available data in the XMM-Newton Science Archive. Its main aims are to measure cosmological parameters and trace the evolution of X-ray scaling relations. In this paper we describe the data processing methodology applied to the 5,776 XMM observations used to construct the current XCS source catalogue. A total of 3,675 > 4-sigma cluster candidates with > 50 background-subtracted X-ray counts are extracted from a total non-overlapping area suitable for cluster searching of 410 deg^2. Of these, 993 candidates are detected with > 300 background-subtracted X-ray photon counts, and we demonstrate that robust temperature measurements can be obtained down to this count limit. We describe in detail the automated pipelines used to perform the spectral and surface brightness fitting for these candidates, as well as to estimate redshifts from the X-ray data alone. A total of 587 (122) X-ray temperatures to a typical accuracy of < 40 (< 10) per cent have been measured to date. We also present the methodology adopted for determining the selection function of the survey, and show that the extended source detection algorithm is robust to a range of cluster morphologies by inserting mock clusters derived from hydrodynamical simulations into real XMM images. These tests show that the simple isothermal beta-profiles is sufficient to capture the essential details of the cluster population detected in the archival XMM observations. The redshift follow-up of the XCS cluster sample is presented in a companion paper, together with a first data release of 503 optically-confirmed clusters.Comment: MNRAS accepted, 45 pages, 38 figures. Our companion paper describing our optical analysis methodology and presenting a first set of confirmed clusters has now been submitted to MNRA