185 research outputs found

    Espaços de libertação? Leitura geohermenêutica do novo romance feminino na Jordânia

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    Contemporary feminist novelists in Jordan are raising issues of emancipation, patriarchal society, violence against women and social attitudes in unaccustomed ways unknown earlier in the country. This is embedded within the political and socio-economic developments taking place in the country since 1990. The main aim of this scenario is to explore and to re-think the space-gender nexus in the new women’s novel using geo-hermeneutical approaches.Os romancistas feministas contemporâneos na Jordânia estão levantando questões de emancipação, de sociedade patriarcal, de violência contra mulheres e de atitudes sociais de maneiras desacostumadas, desconhecidas no início do país. Isso é incorporado nos desenvolvimentos políticos e socioeconômicos que ocorrem no país desde 1990. O principal objetivo dessa análise de cenários é explorar e repensar o nexo espaço-gênero no novo romance feminino usando abordagens geo-hermenêuticas

    Arab-German Remigration

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    This article discusses the remigration of Arab families formerly living in Germany, as well as the possible causes and effects of remigration. For several families, especially those with daughters, social and cultural reasons turn out to be the most important motivation for leaving Germany. Concerned that they will be unable to protect the family honour within a German setting, these families decided to move back to an Arab country where they hope to find a social environment that shares their moral concerns

    Impact of the Novel CoronaviruS (COVID-19) on Frontline PharmacIsts Roles and ServicEs: INSPIRE Worldwide Survey.

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    BACKGROUND: Pharmacy has been recognized as a vital healthcare profession during the COVID-19 pandemic. The primary objective of the INSPIRE Worldwide survey was to determine the impact of COVID-19 on pharmacy practice and pharmacists\u27 roles around the world. METHODS: A cross-sectional online questionnaire with pharmacists who provided direct patient care during the pandemic. Participants were recruited through social media, with assistance from national and international pharmacy organizations between March 2021-May 2022. The questionnaire was divided into (1) demographics, (2) pharmacists\u27 roles, (3) communication strategies, and (4) practice challenges. The data were analyzed using SPSS 28, and descriptive statistics were used to report frequencies and percentages. RESULTS: A total of 505 pharmacists practicing in 25 countries participated. The most common role that pharmacists undertook was responding to drug information requests (90%), followed by allaying patients\u27 fears and anxieties about COVID-19 (82.6%), and addressing misinformation about COVID-19 treatments and vaccinations (80.4%). The most common challenges were increased stress levels (84.7%), followed by medication shortages (73.8%), general supply shortages (71.8%), and inadequate staffing (69.2%). CONCLUSIONS: Pharmacists within this study were significantly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic and took on new or adapted roles (e.g., providing COVID-specific information, managing patients\u27 emotions, and educating on public health measures) to meet the needs of their communities. Despite, the significant challenges (e.g., increased stress, supply chain challenges, addressing misinformation, and staffing shortages) faced by pharmacists, they continued to put their patients\u27 needs first and to provide pharmacy services

    Public perceptions of coronary events risk factors: a discrete choice experiment

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    Objectives: To assess public perceptions of coronary heart disease (CHD) risk factors. Design: Discrete choice experiment questionnaire. Setting: Six provincial centres in Northern Ireland. Participants: 1000 adults of the general public in Northern Ireland. Primary and secondary outcomes: The general public's perception of CHD risk factors. The effect of having risk factor(s) on that perception. Results: Two multinomial logit models were created. One was a basic model (no heterogeneity permitted), while the other permitted heterogeneity based on respondents' characteristics. In both models individuals with very high cholesterol were perceived to be at the highest risk of having a coronary event. Respondents who reported having high cholesterol perceived the risk contribution of very high cholesterol to be greater than those who reported having normal cholesterol. Similar findings were observed with blood pressure and smoking. Respondents who were male and older perceived the contribution of age and gender to be lower than respondents who were female and younger. Conclusions: Respondents with different risk factors perceived such factors differently. These divergent perceptions of CHD risk factors could be a barrier to behavioural change. This brings into focus the need for more tailored health promotion campaigns to tackle CHD

    Pharmacy education and practice in 13 middle eastern countries

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    The Arab world has influenced the art and science of pharmacy for centuries. Pharmacy education and practice is continuing to evolve in the Arabic-speaking traditional Middle East countries, although relatively little information has been published in the English press. Our goal was to providea high-level synopsis of conditions in this region. We selected 13 countries for review. Information was obtained by reviewing the available published literature and individual university and program web sites, as well as contacting with program or country representatives. Seventy-eight active pharmacy schools in 12 countries were identified. At least 14,000 students (over 75% from Egypt) are admitted into baccalaureate degree programs every year. The 5-year baccalaureate degree remains the first professional degree to practice. While changes in pharmacy education have been relatively rapid over the past decade, the advancement of pharmacy practice, particularly in the private sector, appears to be slower. Hospital pharmacists often possess an advanced degree and tend to have a higher level of practice compared to that of community pharmacists. Despite the adversities that face academics and practitioners alike, there is a strong desire to advance the science and practice of pharmacy in the Middle East

    Life-threatening biopsy of an iliopsoas pseudotumour in a patient with haemophilia: a case report

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    Iliopsoas pseudotumour is a serious complication of haemophilia. We present the case of a 20-year-old male patient with a six-month history of left leg weakness, limitation of movement and wasting of the muscles. Clinically he was diagnosed as having a psoas muscle rhabdomyosarcoma. During a computed tomography (CT) scan-guided Tru-cut biopsy he developed a serious and life-threatening bleeding from a retroperitoneal muscular haematoma. The patient underwent laparotomy prior to his final diagnosis of an Iliopsoas pseudotumour, which is a serious, as well as rare, complication of haemophilia

    You Reap What You Plant: Social Networks in the Arab World – The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan

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    The aim of this paper is threefold. First, to describe the general evolution of bonding and bridging social capital in Jordan. Second, to explore the role of state policies in affecting the various forms of social capital. Finally, to analyze how poverty and economic reform influence the extent and nature of social capital. Social networks, a crucial element of social capital, and cleavages are strongly affected by political and economic dislocations. The former include wars and civil wars, while the latter include state policies and economic conditions. Thus wasta, an old but still significant form of social capital in the Arab World, becomes helpful in good times but destructive in bad times. Successful economic reform requires a good understanding of the nature of social relations and of the ways in which social networks themselves are used by members during good times and bad times for both survival and advancement

    Non-medical prescribing versus medical prescribing for acute and chronic disease management in primary and secondary care.

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    The aim of this Cochrane review was to find out if prescribing by health professionals other than doctors delivers comparable outcomes to prescribing by doctors. Cochrane researchers collected and analysed all relevant studies to answer this question and found 46 studies. Key messages With appropriate training and support, nurses and pharmacists are able to prescribe medicines as part of managing a range of conditions to achieve comparable health management outcomes to doctors. The majority of studies focus on chronic disease management in higher-income counties where there is generally a moderate-certainty of evidence supporting similar outcomes for the markers of disease in high blood pressure, diabetes, and high cholesterol. Further high-quality studies are needed in poorer countries and to better quantify differences in prescribing outcomes for adverse events, and to determine health economic outcomes. Further studies could also focus more specifically on the prescribing component of care. What was studied in the review? A number of countries allow health professionals other than doctors to prescribe medicines. This shift in roles is thought to provide improved and timely access to medicines for consumers where there are shortages of doctors or the health system is facing pressures in coping with the burden of disease. In addition, this task shift has been supported by a number of governments as a way to more appropriately use the skills of health professionals, such as nurses and pharmacists, in the care of patients. We compared the outcomes of any healthcare workers who were prescribing with a high degree of autonomy with medical prescribers in the hospital or community setting in low-, middle- and high-income countries. What are the main results of the review? This review found 45 studies where nurses and pharmacists with high levels of prescribing autonomy were compared with usual care medical prescribers. A further study compared nurse prescribing with guideline support with usual nurse prescribing care. No studies were found with other health professionals or lay prescribers. Four nurse prescribing studies were undertaken in the low- and middle-income settings of Colombia, South Africa, Uganda, and Thailand. The remainder of studies were undertaken in high-income Western countries. Forty-two studies were based in a community setting, two studies were located in hospitals, one study in the workplace, and one study in an aged care facility. Prescribing was but one part of many health-related interventions, particularly in the management of chronic disease. The review found that the outcomes for non-medical prescribers were comparable to medical prescribers for: high blood pressure (moderate-certainty of evidence); diabetes control (high-certainty of evidence); high cholesterol (moderate-certainty of evidence); adverse events (low-certainty of evidence); patients adhering to their medication regimeans (moderate-certainty of evidence); patient satisfaction with care (moderate-certainty of evidence); and health-related quality of life (moderate-certainty of evidence). Pharmacists and nurses with varying levels of undergraduate, postgraduate, and specific on-the-job training related to the disease or condition were able to deliver comparable prescribing outcomes to doctors. Non-medical prescribers frequently had medical support available to facilitate a collaborative practice model
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