4,380 research outputs found

    Motivations of the University s tudents in the physical and sports practice of free time. The nautical activities

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    El estudio de los perfiles motivacionales proporciona información detallada sobre los hábitos de los grupos de personas hacia la práctica de la actividad física, permitiendo poder fomentar una motivación más positiva y conseguir una mayor adherencia a la práctica. Así el objetivo de este estudio ha sido clarificar cuáles son las motivaciones frente a la práctica de actividad físico -deportiva de una muestra de jóvenes universitarios, incidiendo especialmente en las actividades náuticas. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 1011 estudiantes de la Universidad de Almería (España). El instrumento utilizado fue el cuestionario de hábitos físicos -deportivos y de práctica de deportes náuticos . Los resultados obtenidos apuntan que los principales motivos para desarrollar la práctica deportiva fueron la flexibilidad horaria y una adecuada a la disponibilidad de su tiempo libre, seguido de la cercanía a su domicilio de las instalaciones. Otros motivos son por diversión, o estar con su grupo de amigos. Respecto a las actividades náuticas, se decide practicar o no sólo porque les gustan, seguido del interés por estar en contacto con el medio natural y acuático. Las modalidades náuticas más practicadas son el piragüismo y la natación. En relación al abandono de la práctica deportiva, claramente se produce por la falta de tiempo por el estudio o el trabajo. Es evidente que la falta de tiempo por los estudios o por el trabajo, perjudica gravemente la adherencia a la actividad física, pero existen porcentajes muy altos de personas (62%) que admiten no practicar por pereza y desgana, por lo que se deben buscar nuevas estra tegias de motivación para que aumente la adherencia a la actividad físico deportiva

    Study soil analysis in Alamo, Temapache and Veracruz, to generate doses of fertilization in orange

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    A nivel mundial los cítricos son el principal frutal cultivado, en México la producción de naranja es de gran importancia económica, los principales municipios productores del estado de Veracruz se encuentran Álamo, Papantla, Martínez de la Torre, Tihuatlán, Chicontepec y Temapache. Estas zonas, mantienen un rendimiento promedio bajo en comparación con otros países productores y un factor que puede mejorar los rendimientos es la óptima fertilización la cual tiene que ser respaldada con análisis de suelos para poder definir una dosis. Se realizaron 646 muestreos de suelo a una profundidad de 30 cm, en el municipio de Temapache, Veracruz, mediante un muestreo aleatorio simple, el tamaño de la muestra se adaptó a las condiciones de cada comunidad. Los análisis fueron enviados a dos laboratorios. Se evaluaron el pH, materia orgánica, nitrógeno, fósforo, potasio. Los resultados se analizaron con estadística no paramétrica mediante un análisis de frecuencias para lo que se plantearon diez rangos, se utilizó R stadistic package versión 64 3.2.0. El pH en más del 70% de los suelos fue alcalino, la concentración de materia orgánica solo en el 34.44% se encontró en condiciones adecuadas, los macroelementos se encuentran en condiciones óptimas a excepción del nitrógeno el cual se presentó en niveles bajos

    Lateral instability in normal viscous fingers

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    We study a low-amplitude, long-wavelength lateral instability of the Saffman-Taylor finger by means of a phase-field model. We observe such an instability in two situations in which small dynamic perturbations are overimposed to a constant pressure drop. We first study the case in which the perturbation consists of a single oscillatory mode and then a case in which the perturbation consists of temporal noise. In both cases the instability undergoes a process of selection

    Unveiling two expanding stellar groups formed through violent relaxation in The Lagoon Nebula Cluster

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    The current kinematic state of young stellar clusters can give clues on their actual dynamical state and origin. In this contribution, we use Gaia DR3 data of the Lagoon Nebula Cluster (LNC) to show that the cluster is composed of two expanding groups, likely formed from different molecular cloud clumps. We find no evidence of massive stars having larger velocity dispersion than low-mass stars or being spatially segregated across the LNC, as a whole, or within the Primary group. However, the Secondary group, with 1/5th of the stars, exhibits intriguing features. On the one hand, it shows a bipolar nature, with an aspect ratio of \sim3:1. In addition, the massive stars in this group exhibit larger velocity dispersion than the low-mass stars, although they are not concentrated towards the center of the group. This suggests that this group may have undergone dynamical relaxation, first, and some explosive event afterward. However, further observations and numerical work have to be performed to confirm this hypothesis. The results of this work suggest that, although stellar clusters may form by the global and hierarchical collapse of their parent clump, still some dynamical relaxation may take place.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Influence of Quaternary Benzophenantridine and Protopine Alkaloids on Growth Performance, Dietary Energy, Carcass Traits, Visceral Mass, and Rumen Health in Finishing Ewes under Conditions of Severe Temperature-humidity Index.

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    Twenty Pelibuey×Katahdin ewes (35±2.3 kg) were used to determine the effects of the consumption of standardized plant extract containing a mixture of quaternary benzophenanthridine alkaloids and protopine alkaloids (QBA+PA) on growth performance, dietary energetics, visceral mass, and ruminal epithelial health in heat-stressed ewes fed with a high-energy corn-based diet. The basal diet (13.9% crude protein and 2.09 Mcal of net energy [NE] of maintenance/kg of dry matter) contained 49.7% starch and 15.3% neutral detergent fiber. Source of QBA+PA was Sangrovit RS (SANG) which contains 3 g of quaternary benzophenathridine and protopine alkaloids per kg of product. Treatments consisted of a daily consumption of 0 or 0.5 g SANG/ewe. Ewes were grouped by weight and assigned to 10 pens (5 pens/treatment), with two ewes per pen. The experimental period lasted 70 days. The mean temperature humidity index during the course of this experiment was 81.7±1.0 (severe heat stress). There were no treatment effects on water intake. Dry matter intake was not affected (p = 0.70) by treatments, but the group fed SANG had a numerically (11.2%) higher gain in comparison to the control group, SANG improved gain efficiency (8.3%, p = 0.04), dietary NE (5.2%, p<0.01) and the observed-to-expected NE (5.9%, p<0.01). Supplemental SANG did not affect (p≥0.12) carcass characteristics, chemical composition of shoulder, and organ weights (g/kg empty body weight) of stomach complex, intestines, and heart/lung. Supplemental SANG decreased liver weight (10.3%, p = 0.02) and increased visceral fat (16.9%, p = 0.02). Rumen epithelium of ewes fed SANG had lower scores for cellular dropsical degeneration (2.08 vs 2.34, p = 0.02), parakeratosis (1.30 vs 1.82, p = 0.03) and neutrophil infiltration (2.08 vs 2.86, p = 0.05) than controls. It is concluded that SANG supplementation helped ameliorate the negative effects of severe heat on growth performance of feedlot ewes fed high-energy corn-based diets. Improvement in energetic efficiency may have been mediated, in part, by anti-inflammatory effects of supplemental SANG and corresponding enhancement of nutrient uptake

    Advanced Proteomic Approaches to Elucidate Somatic Embryogenesis

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    Somatic embryogenesis (SE) is a cell differentiation process by which a somatic cell changes its genetic program and develops into an embryonic cell. Investigating this process with various explant sources in vitro has allowed us to trace somatic embryo development from germination to plantlets and has led to the generation of new technologies, including genetic transformation, endangered species conservation, and synthetic seed production. A transcriptome data comparison from different stages of the developing somatic embryo has revealed a complex network controlling the somatic cell’s fate, suggesting that an interconnected network acts at the protein level. Here, we discuss the current progress on SE using proteomic-based data, focusing on changing patterns of proteins during the establishment of the somatic embryo. Despite the advanced proteomic approaches available so far, deciphering how the somatic embryo is induced is still in its infancy. The new proteomics techniques that lead to the quantification of proteins with different abundances during the induction of SE are opening this area of study for the first time. These quantitative differences can elucidate the different pathways involved in SE induction. We envisage that the application of these proteomic technologies can be pivotal to identifying proteins critical to the process of SE, demonstrating the cellular localization, posttranslational modifications, and turnover protein events required to switch from a somatic cell to a somatic embryo cell and providing new insights into the molecular mechanisms underlying SE. This work will help to develop biotechnological strategies for mass production of quality crop material

    Optical Characterization of a New Young Stellar Population in the Serpens Molecular Cloud

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    We report on the results of an optical spectroscopic survey designed to confirm the youth and determine the spectral types among a sample of young stellar object (YSO) candidates in the Serpens Molecular Cloud. We observed 150 infrared excess objects, previously discovered by the Spitzer Legacy Program "From Molecular Cores to Planet-Forming Disks" (c2d), bright enough for subsequent Spitzer/IRS spectroscopy. We obtained 78 optical spectra of sufficient S/N for analysis. Extinctions, effective temperatures and luminosities are estimated for this sample, and used to construct H-R diagrams for the population. We identified 20 background giants contaminating the sample, based on their relatively high extinction, position in the H-R diagram, the lack of Halpha emission and relatively low infrared excess. Such strong background contamination (25%) is consistent with the location of Serpens being close to the Galactic plane (5degrees Galactic latitude). The remaining 58 stars (75%) were all confirmed to be young, mostly K and M-type stars that are presumed to belong to the cloud. Individual ages and masses for the YSOs are inferred based on theoretical evolutionary models. The models indicate a spread in stellar ages from 1 to 15 Myr, peaking at 2 - 6 Myr, and a mass distribution of 0.2 to 1.2 Msun with median value around 0.8 Msun. Strong H emission lines (EW[Halpha] > 3 A) have been detected in more than half of the sample (35 stars). The mass accretion rates as derived from the H line widths span a broad distribution over 4 orders of magnitude with median accretion rate of 10^-8 Msun/yr. Our analysis shows that the majority of the infrared excess objects detected in Serpens are actively accreting, young T-Tauri stars.Comment: ApJ in pres

    Genes of the RAV family control heading date and carpel development in rice

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    In plants, correct formation of reproductive organs is critical for successful seedset and perpetuation of the species. Plants have evolved different molecular mechanisms to coordinate flower and seed development at the proper time of the year. Among the plant-specific RELATED TO ABI3 AND VP1 (RAV) family of transcription factors, only TEMPRANILLO1 (TEM1) and TEM2 have been shown to affect reproductive development in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana). They negatively regulate the floral transition through direct repression of FLOWERING LOCUS T and GIBBERELLIN 3-OXIDASE1/2, encoding major components of the florigen. Here we identify RAV genes from rice (Oryza sativa), and unravel their regulatory roles in key steps of reproductive development. Our data strongly suggest that, like TEMs, OsRAV9/OsTEM1 has a conserved function as a repressor of photoperiodic flowering upstream of the floral activators OsMADS14 and Hd3a, through a mechanism reminiscent of that one underlying floral transition in temperate cereals. Furthermore, OsRAV11 and OsRAV12 may have acquired a new function in the differentiation of the carpel and the control of seed size, acting downstream of floral homeotic factors. Alternatively, this function may have been lost in Arabidopsis. Our data reveal conservation of RAV gene function in the regulation of flowering time in monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous plants, but also unveil roles in the development of rice gynoecium

    Decomposition and nitrogen mineralisation of two wild lupins (Leguminosae) species with potential as green manures

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    The amount of biomass produced by various native species of genus Lupinus (L.) growing in Mexico ranges from 2.9- 8.2 Mg/ha of dry matter, which can add up to 200 kg/ha of N to soil as green manure. However, information is scarce on the decomposition and mineralisation this biomass in the soil. The above-ground decomposition and N mineralisation of Lupinus mexicanus Cerv. ex Lag. and Lupinus rotundiflorus M.E. Jones species from Mexico using fine-mesh litter bags was evaluated. Litter bags containing 5 g of above-ground air-dried biomass at the vegetative and flowering stages were buried at a depth of 20 cm. Were dug up every 3 weeks over the course of 4 months, dried and re-weighed to determine the lost mass and total N by the Kjeldahl method. The largest decrease in residue mass occurred during the first 3 weeks of incubation. However, the lost mass was higher in younger green manure (75 days old) than in older plants (85 days old) after 18 weeks of exposure in the field. It was found that 60-75% of the total N in the plant material was released in the first 6 weeks. In L. rotundiflorus green manure, it was found that 79.14% of the initial N in the vegetative stage and 77.6% of N in the flowering stage was released 18 weeks after litter bag installation, whereas L. mexicanus were 74.6% and 74.7%, respectively. It was found that both decomposition and N mineralisation occurred quickly in the green manures evaluated