96 research outputs found

    Sedentary Behaviour in Swiss Children and Adolescents: Disentangling Associations with the Perceived and Objectively Measured Environment.

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    Identifying correlates of sedentary behaviour across all levels of the ecological model and understanding their interrelations is a promising method to plan effective interventions. The present study examined whether the objectively assessed and the perceived neighbourhood are associated with children’s sedentary behaviour time (SBT). A comprehensive set of factors at different levels of influence across the ecological model were taken into account and analysed for mediating and modifying effects. Analyses were based on 1306 children and adolescents (6⁻16 years) participating in the population-based SOPHYA-study. Accelerometers were used to assess SBT, the perceived environment was examined by a validated parental questionnaire, and objective environmental data were allocated using GIS (ArcMap 10.2, Esri, Redlands, CA, USA) for each family’s residential address. A high perceived safety was associated with less SBT. Boys, those whose residential neighbourhood was characterized by dead ends in urban areas, a low main street density in the neighbourhood of children and greenness were less likely to exhibit SBT. The association of the objective environment with the respective parental perceptions was low and no significant mediating effect was found for the perceived environment. We conclude for land-use planning to reduce sedentary behaviour objective environments should be complemented with efforts to increase parental sense of security

    Compte-rendu ornithologique camarguais pour les années 1995-2000

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    Ce calendrier ornithologique couvre les six annĂ©es de 1995 Ă  2000, une pĂ©riode caractĂ©risĂ©e par une sĂ©rie d'hivers plutĂŽt doux et humides (sauf l'hiver 1999-2000 qui a Ă©tĂ© trĂšs sec mais est restĂ© tempĂ©rĂ©). On a observĂ© une nette tendance Ă  la hausse des tempĂ©ratures moyennes. Cette pĂ©riode a vu l'observation de 22 nouvelles espĂšces dont on trouve la liste dans l'introduction. Plusieurs espĂšces rares ont Ă©tĂ© revues comme, par exemple, la Sarcelle Ă  ailes bleues (dont un individu baguĂ© au QuĂ©bec), le Fuligule Ă  tĂȘte noire, le Fuligule Ă  bec cerclĂ©, l'Aigle impĂ©rial, le Faucon lanier, le Faucon sacre, la TalĂšve sultane, l'Outarde barbue, la GlarĂ©ole Ă  ailes noires, le Gravelot de Leschenault, le Vanneau sociable, le BĂ©casseau violet, le BĂ©casseau rousset, le Phalarope de Wilson, le GoĂ©land d'Audouin, la Sterne arctique, le Guillemot de TroĂŻl, le GuĂȘpier de Perse, l'Alouette haussecol, le Pipit de Richard, le Traquet isabelle, le Traquet du dĂ©sert, la Rousserolle isabelle, la Rousserolle verderolle, la Fauvette Ă©perviĂšre, le Pouillot Ă  grands sourcils, le Gobemouche nain, la Sittelle torchepot, l'Etourneau roselin, la Niverolle alpine, le Roselin githagine et le Bruant lapon. Chez les espĂšces ou groupes d'espĂšces qui font l'objet de recensements rĂ©guliers, deux espĂšces de HĂ©rons arboricoles (Aigrette garzette et HĂ©ron garde-boeufs) ont vu se multiplier le nombre de leurs colonies et de leurs couples nicheurs, le Bihoreau gris a retrouvĂ© le beau chiffre de 680 couples en 2000 et le Crabier chevelu a atteint la mĂȘme annĂ©e le chiffre record de 266 couples. La progression spectaculaire du HĂ©ron cendrĂ© s'est stabilisĂ©e alors que le HĂ©ron pourprĂ© a culminĂ© avec 1 370 nids en 1996 pour retomber Ă  664 en 2000. Les Flamants roses ont Ă©galement atteint un chiffre record de 22 200 couples en 2000 (13 000 en 1996). Les LaridĂ©s coloniaux ont Ă©galement montrĂ© quelques originalitĂ©s : les effectifs nicheurs de Mouette rieuse se sont effondrĂ©s (avec conjointement un dĂ©but de colonisation des marais d'eau douce), l'espĂšce Ă©tant maintenant dĂ©passĂ©e en nombre par la Mouette mĂ©lanocĂ©phale (1 877 couples en 2000), le GoĂ©land railleur maintient des effectifs Ă©levĂ©s (850 couples en 2000) tandis que les quatre espĂšces de sternes montrent des fluctuations autour d'une certaine stabilitĂ©. Les effectifs du GoĂ©land leucophĂ©e restent inquiĂ©tants. Les salins de Salin-de-Giraud ont hĂ©bergĂ© l'essentiel des effectifs pendant cette pĂ©riode au dĂ©triment des salins d'Aigues-Mortes. La lente Ă©rosion des effectifs hivernants d'AnatidĂ©s et de Foulques s'est poursuivie ; elle est considĂ©rĂ©e comme liĂ©e aux effets d'une pression de chasse excessive notamment par l'effet dĂ©rangement qui tend Ă  stĂ©riliser les terrains d'alimentation de ces oiseaux. Parmi les espĂšces qui se sont reproduites pour la premiĂšre fois, citons le Grand Cormoran (en 1998), la Grande Aigrette (premiĂšre reproduction avec succĂšs en 1996), la Spatule blanche (en 1998), le Grand-duc d'Europe (en 2000 en Petite Camargue) et la Bergeronnette grise. Parmi les espĂšces nicheuses, on notera les bonnes performances de la GlarĂ©ole Ă  collier (42 couples et 45 jeunes Ă  l'envol en 2000) et du Coucou geai. Plusieurs espĂšces sont observĂ©es plus rĂ©guliĂšrement en hiver (Bihoreau gris, Cigogne noire, Cigogne blanche, Milan noir, Balbuzard pĂȘcheur, Grue cendrĂ©e, OedicnĂšme criard, Petit Gravelot, Sterne pierregarin, Bruant Ă  calotte blanche).The present ornithological report for the Camargue covers six years (1995-2000). This time-period was characterized by mild and wet winters (except the winter of 1999-2000 which was very dry but remained mild). The mean temperatures were all higher than those measured previously. Twenty-two new species have been recorded for the first time (their list is given in the introduction of this paper). The following rare species have been observed again : Bluewinged Teal (a ringed bird in QuĂ©bec/Canada shows the wild origin of at least one of the three birds seen), Lesser Scaup, Ring-necked Duck, Eastern Imperial Eagle, Lanner Falcon, Saker Falcon, Purple Swamp-hen, Great Bustard, Black-winged Pratincole, Great Sand Plover, Sociable Lapwing, Purple Sandpiper, Buff-breasted Sandpiper, Wilson’s Phalarope, Audouin’s Gull, Arctic Tern, Common Guillemot, Blue-cheeked Bea-eater, Horned Lark, Richard’s Pipit, Blyth’s Pipit, Isabelline Wheatear, Desert Wheatear, Paddyfield Warbler, Marsh Warbler, Barred Warbler, Yellow-browed Warbler, Red-breasted Flycatcher, European Nuthatch, Rosy Starling, Snowfinch, Trumpeter Finch and Lapland Longspur. Among the species or group of species which are regularly censused, two arboreal herons (Little Egret and Cattle Egret) have dramatically increased their numbers ; the 680 pairs of Night Heron and 266 pairs of Squacco Heron in 2000 must be outlined. The Grey Heron stopped its spectacular increase and the Purple Heron continued to fluctuate (1 370 nests in 1996 and 664 nests in 2000). The Greater Flamingo reached the very high figure of 22 200 pairs in 2000 (13 000 in 1996). The breeding gulls and terns in the salines showed some new trends : the Black-headed Gull dramatically decreased (but began to colonize freshwater breeding sites), the Mediterranean Gull reached the very high number of 1 877 pairs in 2000, the Slender-billed Gull maintained its high breeding number (850 pairs in 2000). The four tern species showed the usual fluctuations. The high number of breeding Yellow-legged Gull remained a concern. The salines at Salin-de-Giraud harboured most of the breeding population during this time-period whereas the salines at Aigues-Mortes lost most of their birds. The wintering ducks and coots continued their overall decrease considered as linked to excessive hunting pressure (mostly through disturbance effect of hunting on feeding grounds). The species that have been found breeding for the first time are the Great Cormorant (in 1998), the Great White Egret (first sucessful breeding in 1996), the Eurasian Spoonbill (in 1998), the Eagle Owl (in 2000) and the Pied Wagtail. Among the breeding species, the Collared Pratincole showed a good breeding success in 2000 (42 pairs and 45 fledglings) and several breeding records were found for the Great Spotted Cuckoo. Some species increasingly overwintered : Night Heron, Black Stork, White Stork, Black Kite, Osprey, Common Crane, Stone-curlew, Little Ringed Plover, Common Tern and Pine Bunting

    Automated left ventricular diastolic function evaluation from phase-contrast cardiovascular magnetic resonance and comparison with Doppler echocardiography

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    International audienceBACKGROUND: Early detection of diastolic dysfunction is crucial for patients with incipient heart failure. Although this evaluation could be performed from phase-contrast (PC) cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) data, its usefulness in clinical routine is not yet established, mainly because the interpretation of such data remains mostly based on manual post-processing. Accordingly, our goal was to develop a robust process to automatically estimate velocity and flow rate-related diastolic parameters from PC-CMR data and to test the consistency of these parameters against echocardiography as well as their ability to characterize left ventricular (LV) diastolic dysfunction. RESULTS: We studied 35 controls and 18 patients with severe aortic valve stenosis and preserved LV ejection fraction who had PC-CMR and Doppler echocardiography exams on the same day. PC-CMR mitral flow and myocardial velocity data were analyzed using custom software for semi-automated extraction of diastolic parameters. Inter-operator reproducibility of flow pattern segmentation and functional parameters was assessed on a sub-group of 30 subjects. The mean percentage of overlap between the transmitral flow segmentations performed by two independent operators was 99.7 ± 1.6%, resulting in a small variability ( 0.71) and receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis revealed their ability to separate patients from controls, with sensitivity > 0.80, specificity > 0.80 and accuracy > 0.85. Slight superiority in terms of correlation with echocardiography (r = 0.81) and accuracy to detect LV abnormalities (sensitivity > 0.83, specificity > 0.91 and accuracy > 0.89) was found for the PC-CMR flow-rate related parameters. CONCLUSIONS: A fast and reproducible technique for flow and myocardial PC-CMR data analysis was successfully used on controls and patients to extract consistent velocity-related diastolic parameters, as well as flow rate-related parameters. This technique provides a valuable addition to established CMR tools in the evaluation and the management of patients with diastolic dysfunction

    Interactive sonification exploring emergent behavior applying models for biological information and listening

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    Sonification is an open-ended design task to construct sound informing a listener of data. Understanding application context is critical for shaping design requirements for data translation into sound. Sonification requires methodology to maintain reproducibility when data sources exhibit non-linear properties of self-organization and emergent behavior. This research formalizes interactive sonification in an extensible model to support reproducibility when data exhibits emergent behavior. In the absence of sonification theory, extensibility demonstrates relevant methods across case studies. The interactive sonification framework foregrounds three factors: reproducible system implementation for generating sonification; interactive mechanisms enhancing a listener's multisensory observations; and reproducible data from models that characterize emergent behavior. Supramodal attention research suggests interactive exploration with auditory feedback can generate context for recognizing irregular patterns and transient dynamics. The sonification framework provides circular causality as a signal pathway for modeling a listener interacting with emergent behavior. The extensible sonification model adopts a data acquisition pathway to formalize functional symmetry across three subsystems: Experimental Data Source, Sound Generation, and Guided Exploration. To differentiate time criticality and dimensionality of emerging dynamics, are applied between subsystems to maintain scale and symmetry of concurrent processes and temporal dynamics. Tuning functions accommodate sonification design strategies that yield order parameter values to render emerging patterns discoverable as well as , to reproduce desired instances for clinical listeners. Case studies are implemented with two computational models, Chua's circuit and Swarm Chemistry social agent simulation, generating data in real-time that exhibits emergent behavior. is introduced as an informal model of a listener's clinical attention to data sonification through multisensory interaction in a context of structured inquiry. Three methods are introduced to assess the proposed sonification framework: Listening Scenario classification, data flow Attunement, and Sonification Design Patterns to classify sound control. Case study implementations are assessed against these methods comparing levels of abstraction between experimental data and sound generation. Outcomes demonstrate the framework performance as a reference model for representing experimental implementations, also for identifying common sonification structures having different experimental implementations, identifying common functions implemented in different subsystems, and comparing impact of affordances across multiple implementations of listening scenarios

    Cross-Sectional but Not Prospective Association of Accelerometry-Derived Physical Activity With Quality of Life in Children and Adolescents

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    Objectives: This study aims to quantify the cross-sectional and prospective associations between quality of life (QoL) and moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA).Methods: This study was based on the Swiss children’s Objectively measured PHYsical Activity cohort. The primary endpoint is the overall QoL score and its six dimensions. The main predictor is the average time spent in MVPA per day. Linear mixed effects and linear regression models respectively were used to investigate the cross-sectional and prospective associations between MVPA and QoL.Results: There were 352 participants in the study with complete data from baseline (2013–2015) and follow-up (2019). MVPA was positively associated with overall QoL and physical wellbeing (p = 0.023 and 0.002 respectively). The between-subject MVPA was positively associated with the overall QoL, physical wellbeing, and social wellbeing (p = 0.030, 0.017, and 0.028 respectively). Within-subject MVPA was positively associated with physical wellbeing and functioning at school (p = 0.039 and 0.013 respectively). Baseline MVPA was not associated with QoL 5 years later.Conclusion: Future longitudinal studies should employ shorter follow-up times and repeat measurements to assess the PA and QoL association

    Constraints on anomalous QGC's in e+e−e^{+}e^{-} interactions from 183 to 209 GeV

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    The acoplanar photon pairs produced in the reaction e(+) e(-) - → vvyy are analysed in the 700 pb(-1) of data collected by the ALEPH detector at centre-of-mass energies between 183 and 209 GeV. No deviation from the Standard Model predictions is seen in any of the distributions examined. The resulting 95% C.L. limits set on anomalous QGCs, a(0)(Z), a(c)(Z), a(0)(W) and a(c)(W), are -0.012 lt a(0)(Z)/Lambda(2) lt +0.019 GeV-2, -0.041 lt a(c)(Z)/Lambda(2) lt +0.044 GeV-2, -0.060 lt a(0)(W)/Lambda(2) lt +0.055 GeV-2, -0.099 lt a(c)(W)/Lambda(2) lt +0.093 GeV-2, where Lambda is the energy scale of the new physics responsible for the anomalous couplings

    Absolute mass lower limit for the lightest neutralino of the MSSM from e+e−e^{+}e^{-} data at s\sqrt{s} up to 209 GeV

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    Charginos and neutralinos are searched for in the data collected by the ALEPH experiment at LEP for centre-of-mass energies up to 209 GeV. The negative result of these searches is combined with those from searches for sleptons and Higgs bosons to derive an absolute lower limit of 43.1 GeV/c(2) on the mass of the lightest supersymmetric particle (LSP), assumed to be the,lightest neutralino. This limit is obtained in the framework of the MSSM with R-parity conservation and with gaugino and sfermion mass unification at the GUT scale and assuming no mixing in the stau sector. The LSP limit degrades only slightly to 42.4 GeV/c(2) if stau mixing is considered. Within the more constrained framework of minimal supergravity, the limit is 50 GeV/c(2)

    MICROSCOPE mission: first results of a space test of the equivalence principle

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    According to the weak equivalence principle, all bodies should fall at the same rate in a gravitational field. The MICROSCOPE satellite, launched in April 2016, aims to test its validity at the 10−15 precision level, by measuring the force required to maintain two test masses (of titanium and platinum alloys) exactly in the same orbit. A nonvanishing result would correspond to a violation of the equivalence principle, or to the discovery of a new long-range force. Analysis of the first data gives ÎŽ(Ti,Pt)=[−1±9(stat)±9(syst)]×10−15 (1σ statistical uncertainty) for the titanium-platinum Eötvös parameter characterizing the relative difference in their free-fall accelerations
