119 research outputs found

    Charged Magnons in NaV2O5

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    We investigated the temperature-dependent optical conductivity of NaV2O5 in the energy range 4 meV-4 eV. The intensities and the polarization dependence of the detected electronic excitations give a direct indication for a broken-parity electronic ground-state and for a non-centrosymmetric crystal structure of the system in the high-temperature phase. A direct two-magnon optical absorption process, proposed in this Letter, is in quantitative agreement with the optical data. By analyzing the optically allowed phonons at various temperatures above and below the phase transition, we conclude that a second-order change to a larger unit cell takes place below 34 K.Comment: Revtex, 4 pages, 4 postscript pictures embedded in the text. Due to editing errors the phonon frequencies were mixed up and the title was not the final one. The problems are now solved. Sorry! Final version for Phys. Rev. Lett., in pres

    Optical spectroscopic study of the interplay of spin and charge in NaV2O5

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    We investigate the temperature dependent optical properties of NaV2O5, in the energy range 4meV-4eV. The symmetry of the system is discussed on the basis of infrared phonon spectra. By analyzing the optically allowed phonons at temperatures below and above the phase transition, we conclude that a second-order change to a larger unit cell takes place below 34 K, with a fluctuation regime extending over a broad temperature range. In the high temperature undistorted phase, we find good agreement with the recently proposed centrosymmetric space group Pmmn. On the other hand, the detailed analysis of the electronic excitations detected in the optical conductivity, provides direct evidence for a charge disproportionated electronic ground-state, at least on a locale scale: A consistent interpretation of both structural and optical conductivity data requires an asymmetrical charge distribution on each rung, without any long range order. We show that, because of the locally broken symmetry, spin-flip excitations carry a finite electric dipole moment, which is responsible for the detection of direct two-magnon optical absorption processes for E parallel to the a axis. The charged-magnon model, developed to interpret the optical conductivity of NaV2O5, is described in detail, and its relevance to other strongly correlated electron systems, where the interplay of spin and charge plays a crucial role in determining the low energy electrodynamics, is discussed.Comment: Revtex, 19 pages, 16 postscript pictures embedded in the text, submitted to PRB. Find more stuff at http://www.stanford.edu/~damascel/andreaphd.html or http://www.ub.rug.nl/eldoc/dis/science/a.damascelli

    Quantum Monte Carlo in the Interaction Representation --- Application to a Spin-Peierls Model

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    A quantum Monte Carlo algorithm is constructed starting from the standard perturbation expansion in the interaction representation. The resulting configuration space is strongly related to that of the Stochastic Series Expansion (SSE) method, which is based on a direct power series expansion of exp(-beta*H). Sampling procedures previously developed for the SSE method can therefore be used also in the interaction representation formulation. The new method is first tested on the S=1/2 Heisenberg chain. Then, as an application to a model of great current interest, a Heisenberg chain including phonon degrees of freedom is studied. Einstein phonons are coupled to the spins via a linear modulation of the nearest-neighbor exchange. The simulation algorithm is implemented in the phonon occupation number basis, without Hilbert space truncations, and is exact. Results are presented for the magnetic properties of the system in a wide temperature regime, including the T-->0 limit where the chain undergoes a spin-Peierls transition. Some aspects of the phonon dynamics are also discussed. The results suggest that the effects of dynamic phonons in spin-Peierls compounds such as GeCuO3 and NaV2O5 must be included in order to obtain a correct quantitative description of their magnetic properties, both above and below the dimerization temperature.Comment: 23 pages, Revtex, 11 PostScript figure

    In situ, satellite measurement and model evidence on the dominant regional contribution to fine particulate matter levels in the Paris megacity

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    International audiencePublished by Copernicus Publications on behalf of the European Geosciences Union. 9578 M. Beekmann et al.: Evidence for a dominant regional contribution to fine particulate matter levels Abstract. A detailed characterization of air quality in the megacity of Paris (France) during two 1-month intensive campaigns and from additional 1-year observations revealed that about 70 % of the urban background fine particulate matter (PM) is transported on average into the megacity from upwind regions. This dominant influence of regional sources was confirmed by in situ measurements during short intensive and longer-term campaigns, aerosol optical depth (AOD) measurements from ENVISAT, and modeling results from PMCAMx and CHIMERE chemistry transport models. While advection of sulfate is well documented for other megacities, there was surprisingly high contribution from long-range transport for both nitrate and organic aerosol. The origin of organic PM was investigated by comprehensive analysis of aerosol mass spectrometer (AMS), radio-carbon and tracer measurements during two intensive campaigns. Primary fossil fuel combustion emissions constituted less than 20 % in winter and 40 % in summer of carbonaceous fine PM, unexpectedly small for a megacity. Cooking activities and, during winter, residential wood burning are the major primary organic PM sources. This analysis suggests that the major part of secondary organic aerosol is of modern origin , i.e., from biogenic precursors and from wood burning. Black carbon concentrations are on the lower end of values encountered in megacities worldwide, but still represent an issue for air quality. These comparatively low air pollution levels are due to a combination of low emissions per inhabitant , flat terrain, and a meteorology that is in general not conducive to local pollution build-up. This revised picture of a megacity only being partially responsible for its own average and peak PM levels has important implications for air pollution regulation policies

    Frequent new particle formation over the high Arctic pack ice by enhanced iodine emissions

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    In the central Arctic Ocean the formation of clouds and their properties are sensitive to the availability of cloud condensation nuclei (CCN). The vapors responsible for new particle formation (NPF), potentially leading to CCN, have remained unidentified since the first aerosol measurements in 1991. Here, we report that all the observed NPF events from the Arctic Ocean 2018 expedition are driven by iodic acid with little contribution from sulfuric acid. Iodic acid largely explains the growth of ultrafine particles (UFP) in most events. The iodic acid concentration increases significantly from summer towards autumn, possibly linked to the ocean freeze-up and a seasonal rise in ozone. This leads to a one order of magnitude higher UFP concentration in autumn. Measurements of cloud residuals suggest that particles smaller than 30 nm in diameter can activate as CCN. Therefore, iodine NPF has the potential to influence cloud properties over the Arctic Ocean

    Parasites and immunotherapy: with or against?

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    Immunotherapy is a sort of therapy in which antibody or antigen administrates to the patient in order to treat or reduce the severity of complications of disease. This kind of treatment practiced in a wide variety of diseases including infectious diseases, autoimmune disorders, cancers and allergy. Successful and unsuccessful immunotherapeutic strategies have been practiced in variety of parasitic infections. On the other hand parasites or parasite antigens have also been considered for immunotherapy against other diseases such as cancer, asthma and multiple sclerosis. In this paper immunotherapy against common parasitic infections, and also immunotherapy of cancer, asthma and multiple sclerosis with parasites or parasite antigens have been reviewe

    Alterations to Melanocortinergic, GABAergic and Cannabinoid Neurotransmission Associated with Olanzapine-Induced Weight Gain

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    Background/Aim: Second generation antipsychotics (SGAs) are used to treat schizophrenia but can cause serious metabolic side-effects, such as obesity and diabetes. This study examined the effects of low to high doses of olanzapine on appetite/ metabolic regulatory signals in the hypothalamus and brainstem to elucidate the mechanisms underlying olanzapineinduced obesity. Methodology/Results: Levels of pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC), neuropeptide Y (NPY) and glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD65, enzyme for GABA synthesis) mRNA expression, and cannabinoid CB1 receptor (CB1R) binding density (using [ 3 H]SR-141716A) were examined in the arcuate nucleus (Arc) and dorsal vagal complex (DVC) of female Sprague Dawley rats following 0.25, 0.5, 1.0 or 2.0 mg/kg olanzapine or vehicle (36/day, 14-days). Consistent with its weight gain liability, olanzapine significantly decreased anorexigenic POMC and increased orexigenic NPY mRNA expression in a dose-sensitive manner in the Arc. GAD65 mRNA expression increased and CB1R binding density decreased in the Arc and DVC. Alterations to neurotransmission signals in the brain significantly correlated with body weight and adiposity. The minimum dosage threshold required to induce weight gain in the rat was 0.5 mg/kg olanzapine. Conclusions: Olanzapine-induced weight gain is associated with reduced appetite-inhibiting POMC and increased NPY. This study also supports a role for the CB1R and GABA in the mechanisms underlying weight gain side-effects, possibly b

    European clinical guidelines for Tourette syndrome and other tic disorders. Part II: pharmacological treatment

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    To develop a European guideline on pharmacologic treatment of Tourette syndrome (TS) the available literature was thoroughly screened and extensively discussed by a working group of the European Society for the Study of Tourette syndrome (ESSTS). Although there are many more studies on pharmacotherapy of TS than on behavioral treatment options, only a limited number of studies meets rigorous quality criteria. Therefore, we have devised a two-stage approach. First, we present the highest level of evidence by reporting the findings of existing Cochrane reviews in this field. Subsequently, we provide the first comprehensive overview of all reports on pharmacological treatment options for TS through a MEDLINE, PubMed, and EMBASE search for all studies that document the effect of pharmacological treatment of TS and other tic disorders between 1970 and November 2010. We present a summary of the current consensus on pharmacological treatment options for TS in Europe to guide the clinician in daily practice. This summary is, however, rather a status quo of a clinically helpful but merely low evidence guideline, mainly driven by expert experience and opinion, since rigorous experimental studies are scarce

    Diverse definitions of the early course of schizophrenia - a targeted literature review

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    Schizophrenia is a debilitating psychiatric disorder and patients experience significant comorbidity, especially cognitive and psychosocial deficits, already at the onset of disease. Previous research suggests that treatment during the earlier stages of disease reduces disease burden, and that a longer time of untreated psychosis has a negative impact on treatment outcomes. A targeted literature review was conducted to gain insight into the definitions currently used to describe patients with a recent diagnosis of schizophrenia in the early course of disease ('early' schizophrenia). A total of 483 relevant English-language publications of clinical guidelines and studies were identified for inclusion after searches of MEDLINE, MEDLINE In-Process, relevant clinical trial databases and Google for records published between January 2005 and October 2015. The extracted data revealed a wide variety of terminology and definitions used to describe patients with 'early' or 'recent-onset' schizophrenia, with no apparent consensus. The most commonly used criteria to define patients with early schizophrenia included experience of their first episode of schizophrenia or disease duration of less than 1, 2 or 5 years. These varied definitions likely result in substantial disparities of patient populations between studies and variable population heterogeneity. Better agreement on the definition of early schizophrenia could aid interpretation and comparison of studies in this patient population and consensus on definitions should allow for better identification and management of schizophrenia patients in the early course of their disease