64 research outputs found

    Coyuntura económica y voto en España, 1985-1996*

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    El artículo presenta un modelo de popularidad para el Gobierno español entre 1985 y 1996. El modelo se ha elaborado con datos trimestrales procedentes de encuestas del CIS y de la UE y datos económicos procedentes de la OCDE y del INE. Los resultados enfatizan la gran influencia que tuvieron algunas variables de la coyuntura macroeconómica sobre la popularidad del Gobierno socialista, pero sobre todo la influencia que ejercieron las percepciones sobre esta coyuntura macroeconómica. Además, también se revelan las influencias de algunas variables políticas: el carisma del presidente, la adhesión a la CE, la guerra de Kuwait y el escándalo Filesa.The article shows a function of popularity for the Spanish government between 1985 and 1996. The model was developed with quarterly data from opinion surveys (CIS and EU) and from economic series (OECE and INE). The results emphasize several great influences over the popularity of the socialist government: the influence of the macroeconomic situation, the influence of the perceptions about that situation, and the influence of some political variables such as the president's charisma, the joining of the EC, the war in Kuwait, and the Filesa scandal

    Las Funciones de popularidad : estado de la cuestión y principales debates

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    El artículo pasa revista a las investigaciones sobre la relación que existe entre la evolución de la intención de voto a los gobiernos y la coyuntura económica. Se constata que los ciudadanos suelen premiar con su voto a los gobiernos que mandan durante épocas de prosperidad, y viceversa. El artículo desmenuza la modelización que han adquirido estas funciones: qué tipos de variables han englobado, qué retardos temporales se han utilizado y qué valor explicativo han conseguido. Finalmente se entra en la discusión de los principales debates que las funciones de popularidad han generado: ¿influye más sobre el voto la evolución de las condiciones económicas personales del votante o de las condiciones macroeconómicas del país? ; ¿influyen más las evaluaciones del pasado o las expectativas sobre el futuro? En otro artículo inminente, los autores presentarán los resultados de una función de popularidad para el gobierno español entre 1984 y 1996.This paper reviews the research conducted on the relationship between the evolution of the voting intention and the economic situation. It notes that citizens tend to reward governments which rule during periods of prosperity by voting for them and vice-versa. This paper examines the way these functions have been shaped: the types of variables they encompass, the temporal delays/time lags used and their explicatory valué. It concludes by entering the principie debates which have been engendered by the functions of popularity: Is the vote more influenced by the evolution of the voter's economic conditions than by the evolution of the country's macro-economic conditions? Do appraisals of the past carry more weight than expectations of the future? In another paper which is about to be published, the authors will present their findings regarding a function of popularity for the Spanish government between 1984 and 1996

    A Popularity function for the Spanish government, 1985-1996

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    Fonaments per a una pedagogia de la lectura en l'obra de Marc-Alain Ouaknin : 1991-2000

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    L'objectiu és revelar la potència pedagògica de l'obra d'Ouaknin (segle XX): 1991-2000. En conseqüència, la hipòtesi conjectura que un seguiment atent dels textos ouakninians pot derivar vers una pedagogia lectora. El mètode, conreat per la filosofia i adient al fenomen lector, és l'hermenèutica de Gadamer. Bàsicament, tres autories influencien el nostre rabí quant a lectura: Arendt (acció), Ricoeur (triple mimesi) i Levinas (fecunditat). Aquesta pedagogia lectora, espaciotemporalitat que facilita una antropologia on l'humà avé qüestionament (quoibilité), situa les modalitats lectores (intencional i vivencial), vehicula els protagonistes (deixeble, mestre i text) i mostra els moviments concomitants (carícia, bibliofarmacologia i ètica

    Quality differences assessment in canned sardine (Sardina pilchardus) by fluorescence detection

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    5 páginas, 4 figuras, 2 tablas.-- This document is the Accepted Manuscript version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, copyright © American Chemical Society after peer review and technical editing by the publisher. To access the final edited and published work see http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/jf970056lChilled (0, 2, 6, 10, 13, and 15 days) and frozen (0, 0.5, 2, 4, 8, and 12 months) sardines were used to determine the influence of such storage times of fish over the quality of the final canned product. Traditional determinations of lipid quality (free fatty acids content, thiobarbituric acid index, and polyene index) were studied and compared with the formation of fluorescent compounds expressed as the ratio between fluorescence readings taken at two excitation/emission maxima (393/463 and 327/415 nm). No clear correlations were found between the common measurements of lipid deterioration and the time of storage prior to canning. Satisfactory correlations were found between the fluorescence ratio obtained from the filling medium of cans and the time of storage of the starting material (r = 0.90 and 0.91 in brine- and oil-canned samples, respectively). According to the present results, fluorescence detection of interaction compounds can provide a rapid and sensible method to assess quality differences in the final product as it relates to the quality of the raw material usedWe thank the Xunta de Galicia for financial support (Project XUGA 402 01B93).Peer reviewe

    Famílies botàniques de plantes medicinals

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    Facultat de Farmàcia, Universitat de Barcelona. Ensenyament: Grau de Farmàcia, Assignatura: Botànica Farmacèutica, Curs: 2013-2014, Coordinadors: Joan Simon, Cèsar Blanché i Maria Bosch.Els materials que aquí es presenten són els recull de 175 treballs d’una família botànica d’interès medicinal realitzats de manera individual. Els treballs han estat realitzat per la totalitat dels estudiants dels grups M-2 i M-3 de l’assignatura Botànica Farmacèutica durant els mesos d’abril i maig del curs 2013-14. Tots els treballs s’han dut a terme a través de la plataforma de GoogleDocs i han estat tutoritzats pel professor de l’assignatura i revisats i finalment co-avaluats entre els propis estudiants. L’objectiu principal de l’activitat ha estat fomentar l’aprenentatge autònom i col·laboratiu en Botànica farmacèutica

    A Popularity function for the Spanish government, 1985-1996

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    Las Funciones de popularidad : estado de la cuestión y principales debates

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    El artículo pasa revista a las investigaciones sobre la relación que existe entre la evolución de la intención de voto a los gobiernos y la coyuntura económica. Se constata que los ciudadanos suelen premiar con su voto a los gobiernos que mandan durante épocas de prosperidad, y viceversa. El artículo desmenuza la modelización que han adquirido estas funciones: qué tipos de variables han englobado, qué retardos temporales se han utilizado y qué valor explicativo han conseguido. Finalmente se entra en la discusión de los principales debates que las funciones de popularidad han generado: ¿influye más sobre el voto la evolución de las condiciones económicas personales del votante o de las condiciones macroeconómicas del país? ; ¿influyen más las evaluaciones del pasado o las expectativas sobre el futuro? En otro artículo inminente, los autores presentarán los resultados de una función de popularidad para el gobierno español entre 1984 y 1996.This paper reviews the research conducted on the relationship between the evolution of the voting intention and the economic situation. It notes that citizens tend to reward governments which rule during periods of prosperity by voting for them and vice-versa. This paper examines the way these functions have been shaped: the types of variables they encompass, the temporal delays/time lags used and their explicatory valué. It concludes by entering the principie debates which have been engendered by the functions of popularity: Is the vote more influenced by the evolution of the voter's economic conditions than by the evolution of the country's macro-economic conditions? Do appraisals of the past carry more weight than expectations of the future? In another paper which is about to be published, the authors will present their findings regarding a function of popularity for the Spanish government between 1984 and 1996

    Salinity effect on the corona onset for a 765 kV AC substation connector

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    Outdoor substations placed in coastal areas are affected by saline environments. In the technical literature it is found extensive information regarding insulations problems in presence of saline environments [1]. The accumulation of salts and other contaminants promotes the onset of partial discharges on the devices subjected to very high voltages. Insulators are also affected by this phenomenon. While rainfall has a cleaning effect on the insulator surface, humidity enhances the corrosion effect and degrades the performance of insulation [2], favouring onset conditions for partial discharge. Corrosion due to saline environments or dirt increases the roughness of the insulator surface, thus facilitating the appearance of partial discharges [3]. It is well known that the air pollution has a great impact on metals corrosion. Chloride ions are common in coastal environments, because seawater acts as a source of air mineralization. Deposition of chloride ions on metal surfaces intensifies metallic corrosion, thus degrading the conductor surface [4]. In this work the behaviour of a 765 kVRMS AC (line-to-line voltage) outdoor substation connector is analyzed when operating under both dry conditions and under wet saline environments by means of three-dimensional finite elements simulations (3D-FEM). FEM simulations show that the electric field strength in the connector surroundings does not exceed the electric breakdown strength for air under clean and dry atmospheric conditions when energized at its rated voltage, 765 kVRMS AC (line-to-line). These results are corroborated by means of experimental measurements carried out in a high-voltage laboratory. Both, the laboratory tests and the 3D-FEM simulations performed in this study concluded that the corona onset voltage is approximately 980 kVRMS AC (line-to-line voltage). Additionally, 3D-FEM simulations allow detecting the connector weakest points regarding to electrical stress. Hence, this software allows redesigning the connector geometry to optimize its performance, thus minimizing the corona occurrence risk and their associated unwanted effects. Additionally, FEM simulations performed under a saline atmosphere were carried out by including a thin conductive saline moisture layer acting as a wetting film on the connector surface. Results revealed that saline environments worsen the connector behaviour, thus favouring corona onset conditions and their related effects.Outdoor substations placed in coastal areas are affected by saline environments. In the technical literature it is found extensive information regarding insulations problems in presence of saline environments [1]. The accumulation of salts and other contaminants promotes the onset of partial discharges on the devices subjected to very high voltages. Insulators are also affected by this phenomenon. While rainfall has a cleaning effect on the insulator surface, humidity enhances the corrosion effect and degrades the performance of insulation [2], favouring onset conditions for partial discharge. Corrosion due to saline environments or dirt increases the roughness of the insulator surface, thus facilitating the appearance of partial discharges [3]. It is well known that the air pollution has a great impact on metals corrosion. Chloride ions are common in coastal environments, because seawater acts as a source of air mineralization. Deposition of chloride ions on metal surfaces intensifies metallic corrosion, thus degrading the conductor surface [4]. In this work the behaviour of a 765 kVRMS AC (line-to-line voltage) outdoor substation connector is analyzed when operating under both dry conditions and under wet saline environments by means of three-dimensional finite elements simulations (3D-FEM). FEM simulations show that the electric field strength in the connector surroundings does not exceed the electric breakdown strength for air under clean and dry atmospheric conditions when energized at its rated voltage, 765 kVRMS AC (line-to-line). These results are corroborated by means of experimental measurements carried out in a high-voltage laboratory. Both, the laboratory tests and the 3D-FEM simulations performed in this study concluded that the corona onset voltage is approximately 980 kVRMS AC (line-to-line voltage). Additionally, 3D-FEM simulations allow detecting the connector weakest points regarding to electrical stress. Hence, this software allows redesigning the connector geometry to optimize its performance, thus minimizing the corona occurrence risk and their associated unwanted effects. Additionally, FEM simulations performed under a saline atmosphere were carried out by including a thin conductive saline moisture layer acting as a wetting film on the connector surface. Results revealed that saline environments worsen the connector behaviour, thus favouring corona onset conditions and their related effects.Postprint (published version
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