908 research outputs found

    Gestures, Vocalizations, and Memory in Language Origins

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    This article discusses the possible homologies between the human language networks and comparable auditory projection systems in the macaque brain, in an attempt to reconcile two existing views on language evolution: one that emphasizes hand control and gestures, and the other that emphasizes auditory–vocal mechanisms. The capacity for language is based on relatively well defined neural substrates whose rudiments have been traced in the non-human primate brain. At its core, this circuit constitutes an auditory–vocal sensorimotor circuit with two main components, a “ventral pathway” connecting anterior auditory regions with anterior ventrolateral prefrontal areas, and a “dorsal pathway” connecting auditory areas with parietal areas and with posterior ventrolateral prefrontal areas via the arcuate fasciculus and the superior longitudinal fasciculus. In humans, the dorsal circuit is especially important for phonological processing and phonological working memory, capacities that are critical for language acquisition and for complex syntax processing. In the macaque, the homolog of the dorsal circuit overlaps with an inferior parietal–premotor network for hand and gesture selection that is under voluntary control, while vocalizations are largely fixed and involuntary. The recruitment of the dorsal component for vocalization behavior in the human lineage, together with a direct cortical control of the subcortical vocalizing system, are proposed to represent a fundamental innovation in human evolution, generating an inflection point that permitted the explosion of vocal language and human communication. In this context, vocal communication and gesturing have a common history in primate communication

    Síndrome de Prader Willi y dificultades en el lenguaje

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    Este trabajo de fin de grado se centra en analizar el desarrollo del lenguaje en sujetos que pertenecen a la Asociación Española de Prader Willi (AESPW) y dar visibilidad de este síndrome entre alumnos de logopedia. Para llevar a cabo el estudio, se ha contactado con la AESPW y se les ha enviado una encuesta Google online que posteriormente, se ha distribuido por las diferentes familias pertenecientes a la Asociación. La muestra final una vez realizada la encuesta y con las que se ha sacado los resultados de este estudio ha sido de 34 personas (21 varones y 13 mujeres). Se han obtenido resultados en relación con el momento de aparición de las primeras palabras, de las oraciones de dos o tres componentes y de si son capaces de realizar construcciones sintácticas sujeto + verbo + complemento. Además, se han recogido resultados de los diferentes niveles del lenguaje (morfo-sintáctico, fonológico, pragmático y semántico), del nivel de comprensión y de si, en la actualidad, acuden al logopeda. Por último, se ha realizado una presentación a alumnos de logopedia para que conozcan los aspectos y características más relevantes del Síndrome de Prader Willi (SPW) y de la importancia de trabajar con ellos desde el ámbito de la logopedia.Grado en Logopedi

    Social Cognition in Schizophrenia: From Social Stimuli Processing to Social Engagement

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    Social cognition consists of several skills which allow us to interact with other humans. These skills include social stimuli processing, drawing inferences about others’ mental states, and engaging in social interactions. In recent years, there has been growing evidence of social cognitive impairments in patients with schizophrenia. Apparently, these impairments are separable from general neurocognitive impairments, such as attention, memory, and executive functioning. Moreover, social cognition seems to be a main determinant of functional outcome and could be used as a guide to elaborate new pharmacological and psychological treatments. However, most of these studies focus on individual mechanisms and observational perspectives; only few of them study schizophrenic patients during interactive situations. We first review evidences of social cognitive impairments both in social stimuli processing and in mental state attribution. We focus on the relationship between these functions and both general cognitive impairments and functional outcome. We next review recent game theory approaches to the study of how social engagement occurs in schizophrenic patients. The advantage of using game theory is that game-oriented tasks can assess social decision making in an interactive everyday situation model. Finally, we review proposed theoretical models used to explain social alterations and their underlying biological mechanisms. Based on interactive studies, we propose a framework which takes into account the dynamic nature of social processes. Thus, understanding social skills as a result of dynamical systems could facilitate the development of both basic research and clinical applications oriented to psychiatric populations

    Functional constraints in the evolution of brain circuits

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    Regardless of major anatomical and neurodevelopmental differences, the vertebrate isocortex shows a remarkably well-conserved organization. In the isocortex, reciprocal connections between excitatory and inhibitory neurons are distributed across multiple layers, encompassing modular, dynamical and recurrent functional networks during information processing. These dynamical brain networks are often organized in neuronal assemblies interacting through rhythmic phase relationships. Accordingly, these oscillatory interactions are observed across multiple brain scale levels, and they are associated with several sensory, motor, and cognitive processes. Most notably, oscillatory interactions are also found in the complete spectrum of vertebrates. Yet, it is unknown why this functional organization is so well conserved in evolution. In this perspective, we propose some ideas about how functional requirements of the isocortex can account for the evolutionary stability observed in microcircuits across vertebrates. We argue that isocortex architectures represent canonical microcircuits resulting from: (i) the early selection of neuronal architectures based on the oscillatory excitatory-inhibitory balance, which lead to the implementation of compartmentalized oscillations and (ii) the subsequent emergence of inferential coding strategies (predictive coding), which are able to expand computational capacities. We also argue that these functional constraints may be the result of several advantages that oscillatory activity contributes to brain network processes, such as information transmission and code reliability. In this manner, similarities in mesoscale brain circuitry and input-output organization between different vertebrate groups may reflect evolutionary constraints imposed by these functional requirements, which may or may not be traceable to a common ancestor

    Olfaction, navigation, and the origin of isocortex

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    The Enigmatic Reissner’s Fiber and the Origin of Chordates

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    Reissner’s fiber (RF) is a secreted filament that floats in the neural canal of chordates. Since its discovery in 1860, there has been no agreement on its primary function, and its strong conservation across chordate species has remained a mystery for comparative neuroanatomists. Several findings, including the chemical composition and the phylogenetic history of RF, clinical observations associating RF with the development of the neural canal, and more recent studies suggesting that RF is needed to develop a straight vertebral column, may shed light on the functions of this structure across chordates. In this article, we will briefly review the evidence mentioned above to suggest a role of RF in the origin of fundamental innovations of the chordate body plan, especially the elongation of the neural tube and maintenance of the body axis. We will also mention the relevance of RF for medical conditions like hydrocephalus, scoliosis of the vertebral spine and possibly regeneration of the spinal cord

    Neuronal Density in Primary Visual Cortex (17 Visual Area), in Two Species of Octodon

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    Indexación: ScieloEstudios experimentales demuestran que modificaciones medioambientales pueden producir alteraciones en el desarrollo normal de la corteza cerebral visual y sus conexiones. Por otra parte, es posible que en condiciones naturales, las especies animales hayan desarrollado adaptaciones genéticas a las distintas condiciones de luminosidad en que realizan su actividad. Recientemente, se han observado variaciones significativas en la densidad neuronal cortical del área 17 (área visual primaria), en roedores silvestres con diferentes períodos diarios de actividad y relación filogenética distante (Abrothrix olivaceus y Phyllotis darwini), pero aún no se ha determinado la naturaleza genética o plástica de dichas diferencias. En este trabajo se compararon especies con una mayor cercanía filogenética, para disminuir al máximo la variable taxonómica. Se estudió la corteza visual primaria (área 17), de roedores silvestres nativos, de las especies Octodon degus (n=5) y Octodon bridgesi (n=3), pertenecientes a la Familia Octodontidae, con el propósito de evidenciar cambios a través de la medición de la densidad neuronal, mediante la técnica del disector óptico, en cortes de 40 µm, incluidos en celoidina y teñidos con Nissl. Complementariamente, se realizó una cuantificación de la densidad neuronal de la corteza motora de las especies en estudio. O. degus, que presenta un período de actividad diurna, evidenció una densidad neuronal menor en la corteza visual (34,32 ± 2,51 x 104 neuronas/mm3), que la observada en O. bridgesi (39,55 ± 0,64 x 104 neuronas/mm3), especie de período de actividad nocturna; lo cual fue estadísticamente significativo (t=3,44; p<0,05). Las diferencias encontradas se podrían relacionar con el tipo de condiciones de luminosidad en que se desenvuelven dichas especies, aunque no se puede descartar la influencia de otros factores. SUMMARY: Studies show that environmental modifications can produce profound alterations in the normal development of the visual cortex and its connectivity. For the other hand it is possible that in natural conditions, animal species have developed genetic adaptations to the different conditions of luminance in which they normally behave. Recently have observed significant changes in cortical neuronal density of area 17 (primary visual area), in two sympatric Chilean rodents with different daily activity (Phyllotis darwini and Abrothrix olivaceus), but have not yet determined the genetic nature or plastic such differences. In this paper we compared species with a closer phylogenetic relation so as to minimize the taxonomic variable. We studied the primary visual cortex (area 17) of wild rodents native of the species Octodon degus (n=5) and Octodon bridgesi (n=3), belonging to the Octodontidae family, in order to show changes in the neuronal density, using celloidin-embedded, 40µm-thickness Nissl sections, with the aid of an optical dissector. In addition, we performed a quantification of the neuronal density of the motor cortex of the species under study. O. degus, bearing a crepuscular-diurnal activity pattern, showed a lower neuronal density in the visual cortex (34.32 ± 2.51 x104 neuron/mm3) than that observed in O. bridgesi (39.55 ± 0.64 x104 neuron/mm3), a species that exhibits a nocturnal phase preference, which was statistically significant (t=3.44; p<0.05). These differences might be related to differences in daily activity in two species, but we cannot discount the influence of other factors

    Anatomy of corpus callosum in prenatally malnourished rats

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    Indexación: Web of Science; ScieloThe effect of prenatal malnutrition on the anatomy of the corpus callosum was assessed in adult rats (45-52 days old). In the prenatally malnourished animals we observed a significant reduction of the corpus callosum total area, partial areas, and perimeter, as compared with normal animals. In addition, the splenium of corpus callosum (posterior fifth) showed a significant decrease of fiber diameters in the myelinated fibers without changing density. There was also a significant decrease in diameter and a significant increase in density of unmyelinated fibers. Measurements of perimeter's fractal dimensions from sagittal sections of the brain and corpus callosum did not show significant differences between malnourished and control animals. These findings indicate that cortico-cortical connections are vulnerable to the prenatal malnutrition, and suggest this may affect interhemispheric conduction velocity, particulary in visual connections (splenium).http://ref.scielo.org/nph4s