13 research outputs found

    Encoding the â„“_p ball from limited measurements

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    We address the problem of encoding signals which are sparse, i.e. signals that are concentrated on a set of small support. Mathematically, such signals are modeled as elements in the ℓ_p ball for some p ≤ 1. We describe a strategy for encoding elements of the ℓ_p ball which is universal in that 1) the encoding procedure is completely generic, and does not depend on p (the sparsity of the signal), and 2) it achieves near-optimal minimax performance simultaneously for all p < 1. What makes our coding procedure unique is that it requires only a limited number of nonadaptive measurements of the underlying sparse signal; we show that near-optimal performance can be obtained with a number of measurements that is roughly proportional to the number of bits used by the encoder. We end by briefly discussing these results in the context of image compression

    Adaptive multiresolution analysis based on anisotropic triangulations

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    A simple greedy refinement procedure for the generation of data-adapted triangulations is proposed and studied. Given a function of two variables, the algorithm produces a hierarchy of triangulations and piecewise polynomial approximations on these triangulations. The refinement procedure consists in bisecting a triangle T in a direction which is chosen so as to minimize the local approximation error in some prescribed norm between the approximated function and its piecewise polynomial approximation after T is bisected. The hierarchical structure allows us to derive various approximation tools such as multiresolution analysis, wavelet bases, adaptive triangulations based either on greedy or optimal CART trees, as well as a simple encoding of the corresponding triangulations. We give a general proof of convergence in the Lp norm of all these approximations. Numerical tests performed in the case of piecewise linear approximation of functions with analytic expressions or of numerical images illustrate the fact that the refinement procedure generates triangles with an optimal aspect ratio (which is dictated by the local Hessian of of the approximated function in case of C2 functions).Comment: 19 pages, 7 figure

    Image compression using an edge adapted redundant dictionary and wavelets

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    Low bit rate image coding is an important problem regarding applications such as storage on low memory devices or streaming data on the internet. The state of the art in image compression is to use 2-D wavelets. The advantages of wavelet bases lie in their multiscale nature and in their ability to sparsely represent functions that are piecewise smooth. Their main problem on the other hand, is that in 2-D wavelets are not able to deal with the natural geometry of images, i.e they cannot sparsely represent objects that are smooth away from regular submanifolds. In this paper we propose an approach based on building a sparse representation of the edge part of images in a redundant geometrically inspired library of functions, followed by suitable coding techniques. Best N-terms non-linear approximations in general dictionaries is, in most cases, a NP-hard problem and sub-optimal approaches have to be followed. In this work we use a greedy strategy, also known as Matching Pursuit to compute the expansion. The residual, that we suppose to be the smooth and texture part, is then coded using wavelets. A rate distortion optimization procedure choses the number of functions from the redundant dictionary and the wavelet basis

    A Review of Adaptive Image Representations

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    A Panorama on Multiscale Geometric Representations, Intertwining Spatial, Directional and Frequency Selectivity

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    The richness of natural images makes the quest for optimal representations in image processing and computer vision challenging. The latter observation has not prevented the design of image representations, which trade off between efficiency and complexity, while achieving accurate rendering of smooth regions as well as reproducing faithful contours and textures. The most recent ones, proposed in the past decade, share an hybrid heritage highlighting the multiscale and oriented nature of edges and patterns in images. This paper presents a panorama of the aforementioned literature on decompositions in multiscale, multi-orientation bases or dictionaries. They typically exhibit redundancy to improve sparsity in the transformed domain and sometimes its invariance with respect to simple geometric deformations (translation, rotation). Oriented multiscale dictionaries extend traditional wavelet processing and may offer rotation invariance. Highly redundant dictionaries require specific algorithms to simplify the search for an efficient (sparse) representation. We also discuss the extension of multiscale geometric decompositions to non-Euclidean domains such as the sphere or arbitrary meshed surfaces. The etymology of panorama suggests an overview, based on a choice of partially overlapping "pictures". We hope that this paper will contribute to the appreciation and apprehension of a stream of current research directions in image understanding.Comment: 65 pages, 33 figures, 303 reference

    Spatial and Temporal Image Prediction with Magnitude and Phase Representations

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    In this dissertation, I develop the theory and techniques for spatial and temporal image prediction with the magnitude and phase representation of the Complex Wavelet Transform (CWT) or the over-complete DCT to solve the problems of image inpainting and motion compensated inter-picture prediction. First, I develop the theory and algorithms of image reconstruction from the analytic magnitude or phase of the CWT. I prove the conditions under which a signal is uniquely specified by its analytic magnitude or phase, propose iterative algorithms for the reconstruction of a signal from its analytic CWT magnitude or phase, and analyze the convergence of the proposed algorithms. Image reconstruction from the magnitude and pseudo-phase of the over-complete DCT is also discussed and demonstrated. Second, I propose simple geometrical models of the CWT magnitude and phase to describe edges and structured textures and develop a spatial image prediction (inpainting) algorithm based on those models and the iterative image reconstruction mentioned above. Piecewise smooth signals, structured textures and their mixtures can be predicted successfully with the proposed algorithm. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm achieves appealing visual quality with low computational complexity. Finally, I propose a novel temporal (inter-picture) image predictor for hybrid video coding. The proposed predictor enables successful predictive coding during fades, blended scenes, temporally decorrelated noise, and many other temporal evolutions that are beyond the capability of the traditional motion compensated prediction methods. The proposed predictor estimates the transform magnitude and phase of the desired motion compensated prediction by exploiting the temporal and spatial correlations of the transform coefficients. For the case of implementation in standard hybrid video coders, the over-complete DCT is chosen over the CWT. Better coding performance is achieved with the state-of-the-art H.264/AVC video encoder equipped with the proposed predictor. The proposed predictor is also successfully applied to image registration

    Wavelet-domain Approximation and Compression of Piecewise Smooth Images

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    Journal PaperThe wavelet transform provides a sparse representation for smooth images, enabling efficient approximation and compression using techniques such as zerotrees. Unfortunately, this sparsity does not extend to <i>piecewise smooth</i> images, where edge discontinuities separating smooth regions persist along smooth contours. This lack of sparsity hampers the efficiency of wavelet-based approximation and compression. On the class of images containing smooth C&sup2; regions separated by edges along smooth C&sup2; contours, for example, the asymptotic rate-distortion (R-D) performance of zerotree-based wavelet coding is limited to D(R) ~ 1/R, well below the optimal rate of 1/R&sup2;. <P> In this paper, we develop a geometric modeling framework for wavelets that addresses this shortcoming. The framework can be interpreted either as 1) an extension to the "zerotree model" for wavelet coefficients that explicitly accounts for edge structure at fine scales, or as 2) a new atomic representation that synthesizes images using a sparse combination of wavelets and <i>wedgeprints</i> -- anisotropic atoms that are adapted to edge singularities. Our approach enables a new type of quadtree pruning for piecewise smooth images, using zerotrees in uniformly smooth regions and wedgeprints in regions containing geometry. Using this framework, we develop a prototype image coder that has near-optimal asymptotic R-D performance D(R) ~ (log R)&sup2;/R&sup2; for piecewise smooth C&sup2;/C&sup2; images. In addition, we extend the algorithm in order to compress natural images, exploring the practical problems that arise and attaining promising results in terms of mean-square error and visual quality.Office of Naval ResearchNational Science FoundationAir Force Office of Scientific Researc

    Wavelet-domain Approximation and Compression of Piecewise Smooth Images

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    The wavelet transform provides a sparse representation for smooth images, enabling efficient approximation and compression using techniques such as zerotrees. Unfortunately, this sparsity does not extend to piecewise smooth images, where edge discontinuities separating smooth regions persist along smooth contours. This lack of sparsity hampers the efficiency of wavelet-based approximation and compression. On the class of images containing smooth C 2 regions separated by edges along smooth C 2 contours, for example, the asymptotic rate-distortion (R-D) performance of zerotree-based wavelet coding is limited to D(R) 1/R, well below the optimal rate of 1/R 2. In this paper, we develop a geometric modeling framework for wavelets that addresses this shortcoming. The framework can be interpreted either as 1) an extension to the “zerotree model ” for wavelet coefficients that explicitly accounts for edge structure at fine scales, or as 2) a new atomic representation that synthesizes images using a sparse combination of wavelets and wedgeprints — anisotropic atoms that are adapted to edge singularities. Our approach enables a new type of quadtree pruning for piecewise smooth images, using zerotrees in uniformly smooth regions and wedgeprints in regions containing geometry. Using this framework, we develop a prototype image coder that has near-optimal asymptotic R-D performance D(R) (log R)²/R² for piecewise smooth C²/C² images. In addition, we extend the algorithm in order to compress natural images, exploring the practical problems that arise and attaining promising results in terms of mean-square error and visual quality