687 research outputs found

    Electroencephalographic signatures of the binge drinking pattern during adolescence and young adulthood: A PRISMA-driven systematic review

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    Research on neurophysiological impairments associated with binge drinking (BD), an excessive but episodic alcohol use pattern, has significantly increased over the last decade. This work is the first to systematically review -following PRISMA guidelines- the empirical evidence regarding the effects of BD on neural activity -assessed by electroencephalography- of adolescents and young adults. A systematic review was conducted in 34 studies (N = 1723). Results indicated that binge drinkers (BDs) showed similar behavioral performance as non/low drinkers. The most solid electrophysiological finding was an augmented P3 amplitude during attention, working memory and inhibition tasks. This increased neural activity suggests the recruitment of additional resources to perform the task at adequate/successful levels, which supports the neurocompensation hypothesis. Similar to alcoholics, BDs also displayed increased reactivity to alcohol-related cues, augmented resting-state electrophysiological signal and reduced activity during error detection -which gives support to the continuum hypothesis. Evidence does not seem to support greater vulnerability to BD in females. Replication and longitudinal studies are required to account for mixed results and to elucidate the extent/direction of the neural impairments associated with BD.Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) through the Portuguese State Budget [Ref.: UIDB/PSI/01662/2020]. This study was also supported by the project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-028672, funded by FCT and the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER). Eduardo López-Caneda and Alberto Crego were supported by the FCT and the Portuguese Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education, within the scope of the Individual Call to Scientific Employment Stimulus (CEECIND/02979/2018), and within the scope of the Transitory Disposition of the Decrete No. 57/2016, of 29th of August, amended by Law No. 57/2017 of 19 July, respectively. Natália Antunes was supported by a fellowship from the FCT (SFRH/BD/146194/2019). Carina Carbia has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement [grant number 754535

    Electrocortical underpinnings of error monitoring in health and pathology

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    It becomes clear from the literature described above (Chapter 1), that the error monitoring mechanisms play a fundamental role in signalling the need for cognitive control. Many studies already provided a consistent evidence on the existence of peculiar ways in which the brain signals this need through electrophysiological changes. However, the following set of empirical studies aims to gain further insight into these complex processes by measuring brain activity changes in situations that alter the way one experience errors. The second Chapter (Chapter 2) consists of a brief commentary that was made in response to an article on the brain activity to action errors. In this commentary we propose new possibilities to explore our topic of interest, by taking advantage of EEG and modern virtual reality facilities. The thesis includes three EEG-VR studies: one on the error-mechanism in healthy participants (Chapter 3) and two studies on error monitoring system in pathological populations (Chapter 4, 5), as main parts of the core of the thesis. As a collateral project, in the Appendix, there is an EEG study on action observation in elite players (Chapter 7). In the first study (Chapter 3), we investigated a very simple but fundamental question. As we saw in the introduction, error-related signatures are evoked when an error occurs. But it is not clear how much of this is due to the occurrence of a violation of the intended goal or simply to the observation of a rare – thus less predictable – event. To this aim, we used a paradigm developed in the former years in our laboratory (Pavone et al., 2016; Spinelli et al., 2017), characterized by a setup in immersive Virtual Reality (VR) and simultaneous EEG recording. Building on the previous findings, we designed an EEG-VR study in which we manipulated the probability of observing errors in actions. In another study (Chapter 4) we investigated how erroneous actions are experienced by people with brain damage and diagnosis of Apraxia. Apraxic patients are people with hemispheric lesions and defective awareness on a variety of aspects that cover perceptuo-motor, cognitive or emotional domains. This study was developed after the results obtained by Canzano and colleagues (2014) in a behavioral study in which apraxic patients were asked to imitate the actions executed by the experimenter and judge their correctness; results revealed that bucco-facial apraxic patients manifest a specific deficit in detecting their own gestural errors when they are explicitly asked to judge them. With the present study we wanted to investigate apraxic brain’ response to action errors, while they embody an avatar in first person perspective (EEG-VR setup). The third study (Chapter 5) investigates the integrity of the error-monitoring system in Parkinson’s Disease and the impact of the dopaminergic treatment in the brain response to errors. To this aim we used the proposed VR action-observation paradigm, in which Parkinson patients observed successful and unsuccessful reach-to-grasp actions in first person perspective while EEG activity was recorded; the same patients were tested while being under dopaminergic treatment and during a dopaminergic withdrawal state. In another chapter we provide a critical overview of the findings of this work (General Discussion, Chapter 6). In the last chapter, the Appendix (Chapter 7), there is a collateral project of another research line of the Laboratory, in which I have being involved. In this study we are investigating the cortical underpinning of elite players during observation of goal-directed actions, in their domain of expertise. We recorded the EEG activity of elite wheelchair basketball players while observing free-throws performed by paraplegic athletes. We expected their brain correlates to be different from novice players and to be able to easily discriminate whether a basketball shot would be successful or unsuccessful (project still ongoing)

    High-frequency neural oscillations and visual processing deficits in schizophrenia

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    Visual information is fundamental to how we understand our environment, make predictions, and interact with others. Recent research has underscored the importance of visuo-perceptual dysfunctions for cognitive deficits and pathophysiological processes in schizophrenia. In the current paper, we review evidence for the relevance of high frequency (beta/gamma) oscillations towards visuo-perceptual dysfunctions in schizophrenia. In the first part of the paper, we examine the relationship between beta/gamma band oscillations and visual processing during normal brain functioning. We then summarize EEG/MEG-studies which demonstrate reduced amplitude and synchrony of high-frequency activity during visual stimulation in schizophrenia. In the final part of the paper, we identify neurobiological correlates as well as offer perspectives for future research to stimulate further inquiry into the role of high-frequency oscillations in visual processing impairments in the disorder

    Visual Attention-Related Processing: Perspectives from Ageing, Cognitive Decline and Dementia

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    Visual attention is essential for environmental interactions, but our ability to respond to stimuli gradually declines across the lifespan, and such deficits are even more pronounced in various states of cognitive impairment. Examining the integrity of related components, from elements of attention capture to executive control, will improve our understanding of related declines by helping to explain behavioural and neural effects, which will ultimately contribute towards our knowledge of the extent of dysfunctional attention processes and their impact upon everyday life. Accordingly, this Special Issue represents a body of literature that fundamentally advances insights into visual attention processing, featuring studies spanning healthy ageing, mild cognitive impairment, and dementi

    Performance monitoring during action observation and auditory lexical decisions

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    How does the brain monitor performances? Does expertise modulate this process? How does an observer’s error related activity differ from a performers own error related activity? How does ambiguity change the markers of error monitoring? In this thesis, I present two EEG studies and a commentary that sought to answer these questions. Both empirical studies concern performance monitoring in two different contexts and from two different personal perspectives, i.e. investigating the effects of expertise on electroencephalographic (EEG) neuromarkers of performance monitoring and in terms of monitoring own and others’ errors during actions and language processing. My first study focused on characterizing the electrophysiological responses in experts and control individuals while they are observing domain-specific actions in wheelchair basketball with correct and wrong outcomes (Chapter II). The aim of the commentary in the following chapter was to highlight the role of Virtual Reality approaches to error prediction during one’s own actions (Chapter III). The fourth chapter hypothesised that the error monitoring markers are present during both one’s own performance errors in a lexical decision task, and the observation of others’ performance errors (Chapter IV), however, the results suggested a further modulation of uncertainty created by our task design. The final chapter presents a general discussion that provides an overview of the results of my PhD work (Chapter V). The present chapter consists of a literature review in the leading frameworks of performance monitoring, action observation, visuo-motor expertise and language processing

    When awareness gets in the way : reactivation aversion effects resolve the generality/specificity paradox in sensorimotor interference tasks

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    Interference tasks combining different distractor types usually find that between-trial adaptations (congruency sequence effects [CSEs]) do not interact with each other, suggesting that sensorimotor control is domain-specific. However, within each trial, different distractor types often do interact, suggesting that control is domain-general. The present study presents a solution to this apparent paradox. In 3 experiments, testing 130 participants in total, we (a) confirm the simultaneous presence of between-trial domain-specific (noninteracting) CSEs and within-trial “domain-general” interactions in a fully factorial hybrid prime-Simon design free of repetition or contingency confounds; (b) demonstrate that the within-trial interaction occurs with supraliminal, but not with subliminal primes; and (c) show that it is disproportionately enlarged in older adults. Our findings suggest that whereas interference (priming and Simon) effects and CSEs reflect direct sensorimotor control, the within-trial interaction does not reflect sensorimotor control but “confusion” at higher-level processing stages (reactivation aversion effect [RAE])
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