1,087 research outputs found

    A Vortex Method for Bi-phasic Fluids Interacting with Rigid Bodies

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    We present an accurate Lagrangian method based on vortex particles, level-sets, and immersed boundary methods, for animating the interplay between two fluids and rigid solids. We show that a vortex method is a good choice for simulating bi-phase flow, such as liquid and gas, with a good level of realism. Vortex particles are localized at the interfaces between the two fluids and within the regions of high turbulence. We gain local precision and efficiency from the stable advection permitted by the vorticity formulation. Moreover, our numerical method straightforwardly solves the two-way coupling problem between the fluids and animated rigid solids. This new approach is validated through numerical comparisons with reference experiments from the computational fluid community. We also show that the visually appealing results obtained in the CG community can be reproduced with increased efficiency and an easier implementation

    Real-time fluid simulations under smoothed particle hydrodynamics for coupled kinematic modelling in robotic applications

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    Although solids and fluids can be conceived as continuum media, applications of solid and fluid dynamics differ greatly from each other in their theoretical models and their physical behavior. That is why the computer simulators of each turn to be very disparate and case-oriented. The aim of this research work, captured in this thesis book, is to find a fluid dynamics model that can be implemented in near real-time with GPU processing and that can be adapted to typically large scales found in robotic devices in action with fluid media. More specifically, the objective is to develop these fast fluid simulations, comprising different solid body dynamics, to find a viable time kinematic solution for robotics. The tested cases are: i) the case of a fluid in a closed channel flowing across a cylinder, ii) the case of a fluid flowing across a controlled profile, and iii), the case of a free surface fluid control during pouring. The implementation of the former cases settles the formulations and constraints to the latter applications. The results will allow the reader not only to sustain the implemented models but also to break down the software implementation concepts for better comprehension. A fast GPU-based fluid dynamics simulation is detailed in the main implementation. The results show that it can be used in real-time to allow robotics to perform a blind pouring task with a conventional controller and no special sensing systems nor knowledge-driven prediction models would be necessary.Aunque los sólidos y los fluidos pueden concebirse como medios continuos, las aplicaciones de la dinámica de sólidos y fluidos difieren mucho entre sí en sus modelos teóricos y su comportamiento físico. Es por eso que los simuladores por computadora de cada uno son muy dispares y están orientados al caso de su aplicación. El objetivo de este trabajo de investigación, capturado en este libro de tesis, es encontrar un modelo de dinámica de fluidos que se pueda implementar cercano al tiempo real con procesamiento GPU y que se pueda adaptar a escalas típicamente grandes que se encuentran en dispositivos robóticos en acción con medios fluidos. Específicamente, el propósito es desarrollar estas simulaciones de fluidos rápidos, que comprenden diferentes dinámicas de cuerpos sólidos, para encontrar una solución cinemática viable para robótica. Los casos probados son: i) el caso de un fluido en canal cerrado que fluye a través de un cilindro, ii) el caso de un fluido que fluye a través de un alabe controlado, y iii), el caso del control de un fluido de superficie libre durante el vertido. La implementación de estos primeros casos establece las formulaciones y limitaciones de aplicaciones futuras. Los resultados permitirán al lector no solo sostener los modelos implementados sino también desglosar los conceptos de la implementación en software para una mejor comprensión. En la implementación principal se consigue una simulación rápida de dinámica de fluidos basada en GPU. Los resultados muestran que esta implementación se puede utilizar en tiempo real para permitir que la robótica realice una tarea de vertido ciego con un controlador convencional sin que sea necesario algún sistema de sensado especial ni algún modelo predictivo basados en el conocimiento.Programa de Doctorado en Ingeniería Eléctrica, Electrónica y Automática por la Universidad Carlos III de MadridPresidente: Carmen Martínez Arévalo.- Secretario: Luis Santiago Garrido Bullón.- Vocal: Benjamín Hernández Arreguí

    Turbulent Micropolar SPH Fluids with Foam

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    In this paper we introduce a novel micropolar material model for the simulation of turbulent inviscid fluids. The governing equations are solved by using the concept of Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH). SPH fluid simulations suffer from numerical diffusion which leads to a lower vorticity, a loss in turbulent details and finally in less realistic results. To solve this problem we propose a micropolar fluid model. The micropolar fluid model is a generalization of the classical Navier-Stokes equations, which are typically used in computer graphics to simulate fluids. In contrast to the classical Navier-Stokes model, micropolar fluids have a microstructure and therefore consider the rotational motion of fluid particles. In addition to the linear velocity field these fluids have a field of microrotation which represents existing vortices and provides a source for new ones. Our novel micropolar model can generate realistic turbulences, is linear and angular momentum conserving, can be easily integrated in existing SPH simulation methods and its computational overhead is negligible. Another important visual feature of turbulent liquids is foam. Therefore, we present a post-processing method which considers microrotation in the foam generation. It works completely automatic and requires only one user-defined parameter to control the amount of foam

    Adaptively sampled particle fluids

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    EvoL: The new Padova T-SPH parallel code for cosmological simulations - I. Basic code: gravity and hydrodynamics

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    We present EvoL, the new release of the Padova N-body code for cosmological simulations of galaxy formation and evolution. In this paper, the basic Tree + SPH code is presented and analysed, together with an overview on the software architectures. EvoL is a flexible parallel Fortran95 code, specifically designed for simulations of cosmological structure formation on cluster, galactic and sub-galactic scales. EvoL is a fully Lagrangian self-adaptive code, based on the classical Oct-tree and on the Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics algorithm. It includes special features such as adaptive softening lengths with correcting extra-terms, and modern formulations of SPH and artificial viscosity. It is designed to be run in parallel on multiple CPUs to optimize the performance and save computational time. We describe the code in detail, and present the results of a number of standard hydrodynamical tests.Comment: 33 pages, 49 figures, accepted on A&

    The modelling of feedback in star formation simulations

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    This document is the Accepted Manuscript version of the following article: James E. Dale, ‘The modelling of feedback in star formation simulations’, New Astronomy Reviews, Vol. 68, pp. 1-33, October 2015. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ ), which permits non-commercial re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, and is not altered, transformed, or built upon in any way. The final, published version is available online at doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.newar.2015.06.001. © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.I review the current state of numerical simulations of stellar feedback in the context of star formation at scales ranging from the formation of individual stars to models of galaxy formation including cosmic reionisation. I survey the wealth of algorithms developed recently to solve the radiative transfer problem and to simulate stellar winds, supernovae and protostellar jets. I discuss the results of these simulations with regard to star formation in molecular clouds, the interaction of different feedback mechanisms with each other and with magnetic fields, and in the wider context of galactic- and cosmological-scale simulations.Peer reviewe

    Towards a solution of the closure problem for convective atmospheric boundary-layer turbulence

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    We consider the closure problem for turbulence in the dry convective atmospheric boundary layer (CBL). Transport in the CBL is carried by small scale eddies near the surface and large plumes in the well mixed middle part up to the inversion that separates the CBL from the stably stratified air above. An analytically tractable model based on a multivariate Delta-PDF approach is developed. It is an extension of the model of Gryanik and Hartmann [1] (GH02) that additionally includes a term for background turbulence. Thus an exact solution is derived and all higher order moments (HOMs) are explained by second order moments, correlation coefficients and the skewness. The solution provides a proof of the extended universality hypothesis of GH02 which is the refinement of the Millionshchikov hypothesis (quasi- normality of FOM). This refined hypothesis states that CBL turbulence can be considered as result of a linear interpolation between the Gaussian and the very skewed turbulence regimes. Although the extended universality hypothesis was confirmed by results of field measurements, LES and DNS simulations (see e.g. [2-4]), several questions remained unexplained. These are now answered by the new model including the reasons of the universality of the functional form of the HOMs, the significant scatter of the values of the coefficients and the source of the magic of the linear interpolation. Finally, the closures 61 predicted by the model are tested against measurements and LES data. Some of the other issues of CBL turbulence, e.g. familiar kurtosis-skewness relationships and relation of area coverage parameters of plumes (so called filling factors) with HOM will be discussed also

    A Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Method for the Simulation of Centralized Sloshing Experiments

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    The Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) method is proposed for studying hydrodynamic processes related to nuclear engineering problems. A problem of possible recriticality due to the sloshing motions of the molten reactor core is studied with SPH method. The accuracy of the numerical solution obtained in this study with the SPH method is significantly higher than that obtained with the SIMMER-III/IV reactor safety analysis code

    Efficient algorithms for the realistic simulation of fluids

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    Nowadays there is great demand for realistic simulations in the computer graphics field. Physically-based animations are commonly used, and one of the more complex problems in this field is fluid simulation, more so if real-time applications are the goal. Videogames, in particular, resort to different techniques that, in order to represent fluids, just simulate the consequence and not the cause, using procedural or parametric methods and often discriminating the physical solution. This need motivates the present thesis, the interactive simulation of free-surface flows, usually liquids, which are the feature of interest in most common applications. Due to the complexity of fluid simulation, in order to achieve real-time framerates, we have resorted to use the high parallelism provided by actual consumer-level GPUs. The simulation algorithm, the Lattice Boltzmann Method, has been chosen accordingly due to its efficiency and the direct mapping to the hardware architecture because of its local operations. We have created two free-surface simulations in the GPU: one fully in 3D and another restricted only to the upper surface of a big bulk of fluid, limiting the simulation domain to 2D. We have extended the latter to track dry regions and is also coupled with obstacles in a geometry-independent fashion. As it is restricted to 2D, the simulation loses some features due to the impossibility of simulating vertical separation of the fluid. To account for this we have coupled the surface simulation to a generic particle system with breaking wave conditions; the simulations are totally independent and only the coupling binds the LBM with the chosen particle system. Furthermore, the visualization of both systems is also done in a realistic way within the interactive framerates; raycasting techniques are used to provide the expected light-related effects as refractions, reflections and caustics. Other techniques that improve the overall detail are also applied as low-level detail ripples and surface foam