12 research outputs found

    Periodic Bounce for Nucleation Rate at Finite Temperature in Minisuperspace Models

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    The periodic bounce configurations responsible for quantum tunneling are obtained explicitly and are extended to the finite energy case for minisuperspace models of the Universe. As a common feature of the tunneling models at finite energy considered here we observe that the period of the bounce increases with energy monotonically. The periodic bounces do not have bifurcations and make no contribution to the nucleation rate except the one with zero energy. The sharp first order phase transition from quantum tunneling to thermal activation is verified with the general criterions.Comment: 17 pages, 5 postscript figures include

    Review of the No-Boundary Wave Function

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    When the universe is treated as a quantum system, it is described by a wave function. This wave function is a function not only of the matter fields, but also of spacetime. The no-boundary proposal is the idea that the wave function should be calculated by summing over geometries that have no boundary to the past, and over regular matter configurations on these geometries. Accordingly, the universe is finite, self-contained and the big bang singularity is avoided. Moreover, given a dynamical theory, the no-boundary proposal provides probabilities for various solutions of the theory. In this sense it provides a quantum theory of initial conditions. This review starts with a general overview of the framework of quantum cosmology, describing both the canonical and path integral approaches, and their interpretations. After recalling several heuristic motivations for the no-boundary proposal, its consequences are illustrated with simple examples, mainly in the context of cosmic inflation. We review how to include perturbations, assess the classicality of spacetime and how probabilities may be derived. A special emphasis is given to explicit implementations in minisuperspace, to observational consequences, and to the relationship of the no-boundary wave function with string theory. At each stage, the required analytic and numerical techniques are explained in detail, including the Picard-Lefschetz approach to oscillating integrals.Comment: 144 pages, 49 figures. v2: replaced with version published in Physics Report

    The gravitational path integral in eary universe cosmology

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    Die Pfadintegral-Quantisierung der semi-klassischen Gravitation ist einer der vielversprechendsten Ansätze zur Vereinheitlichung von Quantenmechanik und allgemeiner Relativitätstheorie. In dieser Arbeit untersuchen wir die Konsequenzen der Anwendung dieses Pfadintegralansatzes auf die Kosmologie des sehr frühen Universums. Im ersten Teil konzentrieren wir uns auf den no-boundary proposal, der einen nicht-singulären Anfang des Universums konstruiert, indem er sich auf das gravitative Pfadintegral der allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie stützt. Wir beweisen, dass die no-boundary Lösung das Hinzufügen von Korrekturen höherer Ordnung zur Gravitationswirkung überlebt. Unsere Analyse deutet also darauf hin, dass semi-klassische Ergebnisse auch in der perturbative Störungstheorie der vollständigen Quantengravitation gültig sind. Anschließend beziehen wir ein Skalarfeld in den neuen no-boundary proposal ein, der im Lorentz-Formalismus als Summe über Geometrien mit festem Anfangsimpuls definiert ist. Unsere Ergebnisse sind der Schlüssel zur Bestätigung der Gültigkeit des neuen no-boundary proposals, denn Skalarfelder sind das einfachste Beispiel für Materiefelder, die in einer realistischen Theorie des frühen Universums enthalten sein müssen. Der zweite Teil der Arbeit befasst sich mit der Pfadintegralansatz für allgemeineren Modellen des frühen Universums. Zunächst testen wir die Gültigkeit des semi-klassischen Limits dieser Modelle mit dem Kriterium der endlichen Amplitude, das z.B. Theorien höherer Ordnung der Gravitation stark einschränkt und den no-boundary proposal sowie emergente Universen begünstigt. Schließlich wenden wir das Kriterium der komplexen Metrik von Kontsevich und Segal auf kosmologische Hintergründe an. Im Kontext der Quantenkosmologie angewandt, führt es zu einem neuen Verständnis des gravitativen Pfadintegrals im no-boundary proposal und schließt generische quantum bounces aus.The path integral quantization of gravity is one of the most promising approaches to unify quantum mechanics and general relativity. This thesis pursues the consequences of the path integral approach applied to the cosmology of the very early universe, for which this unification is crucial. The first part focuses on the no-boundary proposal, which constructs a non-singular beginning of the universe by relying on the gravitational path integral of general relativity. We prove that the no-boundary solution survives the addition of higher-order corrections to the gravity action, usually found in high-energy completions of general relativity such as string theory. This indicates that semi-classical results may still hold at the perturbative level of full quantum gravity. We then include a scalar field in the new no-boundary proposal, defined in the Lorentzian formalism as a sum over geometries with fixed initial momentum flow. Our results are key to confirming the viability of the proposal, but also highlight the non-locality puzzle of the no-boundary proposal in the presence of matter fields, for which we offer new perspectives. The second part of the thesis deals with the path integral treatment of more general early universe models. First we test the validity of the semi-classical limit of these models with a finite amplitude criterion, which severely constrains e.g. higher-order theories of gravity and globally favors the no-boundary proposal and emergent-like universes. At last, we apply Kontsevich and Segal’s complex metric criterion to cosmological backgrounds. This criterion tests the path integral convergence of any quantum field theory on a given metric background. Applied in the context of quantum cosmology, it leads to a new understanding of the path integral in the no-boundary proposal, rules out generic quantum bounces, and stresses the limitation of minisuperspace for classical transitions in de Sitter spacetime

    Cosmological consequences of Quantum Gravity proposals

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    In this thesis, we study the implications of Quantum Gravity models for the dynamics of spacetime and the ensuing departures from classical General Relativity. The main focus is on cosmological applications, particularly the impact of quantum gravitational effects on the dynamics of a homogenous and isotropic cosmological background. Our interest lies in the consequences for the evolution of the early universe and singularity resolution, as well as in the possibility of providing an alternative explanation for dark matter and dark energy in the late universe. The thesis is divided into two main parts, dedicated to alternative (and complementary) ways of tackling the problem of Quantum Gravity. The first part is concerned with cosmological applications of background independent approaches to Quantum Gravity, both in the context of loop quantisation and in quantum geometrodynamics. Particularly relevant in this work is the Group Field Theory approach, which we use to study the effective dynamics of the emergent universe from a full theory of Quantum Gravity (i.e. without symmetry reduction). In the second part, modified gravity theories are introduced as tools to provide an effective description of quantum gravitational effects, e.g. by introducing new degrees of freedom and symmetries. Particularly relevant in this respect is local conformal invariance, which finds a natural realisation in the framework of Weyl geometry. We build a modified theory of gravity based on such symmetry principle, and argue that new fields in the extended gravitational sector may play the role of dark matter. New degrees of freedom are also natural in models with varying fundamental `constants', which we examine critically. Finally, we discuss prospects for future work and point at directions for the derivation of realistic cosmological models from Quantum Gravity candidates.Comment: PhD thesis, King's College London (supervisor: Mairi Sakellariadou), 282 pages, 20 figures; submitted in September 201

    Progress in Group Field Theory and Related Quantum Gravity Formalisms

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    Following the fundamental insights from quantum mechanics and general relativity, geometry itself should have a quantum description; the search for a complete understanding of this description is what drives the field of quantum gravity. Group field theory is an ambitious framework in which theories of quantum geometry are formulated, incorporating successful ideas from the fields of matrix models, ten-sor models, spin foam models and loop quantum gravity, as well as from the broader areas of quantum field theory and mathematical physics. This special issue collects recent work in group field theory and these related approaches, as well as other neighbouring fields (e.g., cosmology, quantum information and quantum foundations, statistical physics) to the extent that these are directly relevant to quantum gravity research

    The Pre-Big Bang Scenario in String Cosmology

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    We review physical motivations, phenomenological consequences, and open problems of the so-called pre-big bang scenario in superstring cosmology.Comment: 250 pages, latex, 34 figures included using epsfi

    The Impact of Decoherence and Dissipation on Cosmological Systems and on the Generation of Entanglement

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    The physics of open quantum systems, and therefore the phenomenon of decoherence, has become important in many branches of research. Within this thesis, we investigate the system--environment interaction in the context of different problems. The influence of decoherence is ubiquitous and, due to the scale independence of quantum theory, not limited to microscopic systems. One of the great open problems in theoretical physics is the appearance of a cosmological constant which differs by many orders of magnitude from the theoretical predicted value. In the first part of this thesis we will address this question within the framework of quantum mechanics. The considerations are based on a quantum mechanical model which explains the value of the cosmological constant without introducing extremely small numbers. Decoherence, based on the uncontrollable entanglement with the environment, can explain the localization of the vacuum energy to the classical observed value. The model mentioned above allows, in principle, the tunneling into a universe with a different vacuum energy. We investigate the modification of the tunneling rate due to dissipative effects which follow from the system--bath interaction. Closely related to the cosmological constant problem and subject of the second part of this thesis is the spontaneous decay of a quantum field vacuum. Using a semiclassical approximation it is possible to investigate this process within the framework of the path integral formalism. We discuss the quantum--to--classical transition of the spontaneously nucleated vacuum bubbles. Furthermore, we investigate the dependence of the decay rate on the space-time backgrounds. The third part of this thesis is dedicated to the interaction between quantum systems and their environment in a different context. We investigate the generation of entanglement between two systems which are interacting indirectly with each other through the coupling to a heat bath. The interaction--induced entanglement will be destroyed rapidly through decoherence and dissipation. We will show that it is possible to generate a significant amount of entanglement by imposing certain boundary conditions to the bath. Furthermore, the dependence of the entanglement generation on the spatial separation of the systems will be analyzed. Specifically we will examine the bathinduced entanglement of oscillators and spins

    Emergence and Phenomenology in Quantum Gravity

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    In this thesis we investigate two approaches to quantum gravity. The first is the emergence of gravity from a discrete fundamental theory, and the second is the direct quantisation of gravity. For the first we develop tools to determine with relatively high accuracy the speed of propagation of information in collective modes which ultimately should give us some information about the emergent causal structure. We found a way of finding the dependence on the relative interaction strengths of the Hamiltonian and we also managed to calculate this speed in the case where the operators in the Hamitonian were not necessarily bounded. For the second approach, we investigated the phenomenology of Loop Quantum Gravity. We found that ultra light black holes (lighter than the Planck mass) have interesting new properties on top of being non-singular. First their horizon is hidden behind a Plancksized wormhole, second their specific heat capacity is positive and they are quasi-stable, they take an infinite amount of time evaporate. We investigated the dynamics of their collapse and evaporation explicitly seeing that not only was there no singularity, but there is also no information loss problem. Looking at how primordial black holes were in existence, we found that they might account for a significant portion of dark matter. And if they did, their radiation spectrum is such that the black holes in the dark matter halo of our galaxy could be the source for the ultra high energy cosmic rays we observe on earth

    The Fifteenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting

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    The three volumes of the proceedings of MG15 give a broad view of all aspects of gravitational physics and astrophysics, from mathematical issues to recent observations and experiments. The scientific program of the meeting included 40 morning plenary talks over 6 days, 5 evening popular talks and nearly 100 parallel sessions on 71 topics spread over 4 afternoons. These proceedings are a representative sample of the very many oral and poster presentations made at the meeting.Part A contains plenary and review articles and the contributions from some parallel sessions, while Parts B and C consist of those from the remaining parallel sessions. The contents range from the mathematical foundations of classical and quantum gravitational theories including recent developments in string theory, to precision tests of general relativity including progress towards the detection of gravitational waves, and from supernova cosmology to relativistic astrophysics, including topics such as gamma ray bursts, black hole physics both in our galaxy and in active galactic nuclei in other galaxies, and neutron star, pulsar and white dwarf astrophysics. Parallel sessions touch on dark matter, neutrinos, X-ray sources, astrophysical black holes, neutron stars, white dwarfs, binary systems, radiative transfer, accretion disks, quasars, gamma ray bursts, supernovas, alternative gravitational theories, perturbations of collapsed objects, analog models, black hole thermodynamics, numerical relativity, gravitational lensing, large scale structure, observational cosmology, early universe models and cosmic microwave background anisotropies, inhomogeneous cosmology, inflation, global structure, singularities, chaos, Einstein-Maxwell systems, wormholes, exact solutions of Einstein's equations, gravitational waves, gravitational wave detectors and data analysis, precision gravitational measurements, quantum gravity and loop quantum gravity, quantum cosmology, strings and branes, self-gravitating systems, gamma ray astronomy, cosmic rays and the history of general relativity