10 research outputs found

    Random and Synthetic Over-Sampling Approach to Resolve Data Imbalance in Classification

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    High accuracy value is one of the parameters of the success of classification in predicting classes. The higher the value, the more correct the class prediction.  One way to improve accuracy is dataset has a balanced class composition. It is complicated to ensure the dataset has a stable class, especially in rare cases. This study used a blood donor dataset; the classification process predicts donors are feasible and not feasible; in this case, the reward ratio is quite high. This work aims to increase the number of minority class data randomly and synthetically so that the amount of data in both classes is balanced. The application of SOS and ROS succeeded in increasing the accuracy of inappropriate class recognition from 12% to 100% in the KNN algorithm. In contrast, the naïve Bayes algorithm did not experience an increase before and after the balancing process, which was 89%.

    A multi-label approach for diagnosis problems in energy systems using LAMDA algorithm

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    2022 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE), 18-23 July 2022, Italia.In this paper, we propose a supervised multilabel algorithm called Learning Algorithm for Multivariate Data Analysis for Multilabel Classification (LAMDA-ML). This algorithm is based on the algorithms of the LAMDA family, in particular, on the LAMDA-HAD (Higher Adequacy Grade) algorithm. Unlike previous algorithms in a multi-label context, LAMDA-ML is based on the Global Adequacy Degree (GAD) of an individual in multiple classes. In our proposal, we define a membership threshold (Gt), such that for all GAD values above this threshold, it implies that an individual will be assigned to the respective classes. For the evaluation of the performance of this proposal, a solar power generation dataset is used, with very encouraging results according to several metrics in the context of multiple labels.European CommissionAgencia Estatal de InvestigaciĂłnJunta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Manch

    Mobile-based Skin Lesions Classification Using Convolution Neural Network

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    This research work is aimed at investing skin lesions classification problem using Convolution Neural Network (CNN) using cloud-server architecture. Using the cloud services and CNN, a real-time mobile-enabled skin lesions classification expert system “i-Rash” is proposed and developed. i-Rash aimed at early diagnosis of acne, eczema and psoriasis at remote locations. The classification model used in the “i-Rash” is developed using the CNN model “SqueezeNet”. The transfer learning approach is used for training the classification model and model is trained and tested on 1856 images. The benefit of using SqueezeNet results in a limited size of the trained model i.e. only 3 MB. For classifying new image, cloud-based architecture is used, and the trained model is deployed on a server. A new image is classified in fractions of seconds with overall accuracy, sensitivity and specificity of 97.21%, 94.42% and 98.14% respectively. i-Rash can serve in initial classification of skin lesions, hence, can play a very important role early classification of skin lesions for people living in remote areas

    Development of an ANN Model for RGB Color Classification using the Dataset Extracted from a Fabricated Colorimeter

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      Codes of red, green, and blue data (RGB) extracted from a lab-fabricated colorimeter device were used to build a proposed classifier with the objective of classifying colors of objects based on defined categories of fundamental colors. Primary, secondary, and tertiary colors namely red, green, orange, yellow, pink, purple, blue, brown, grey, white, and black, were employed in machine learning (ML) by applying an artificial neural network (ANN) algorithm using Python. The classifier, which was based on the ANN algorithm, required a definition of the mentioned eleven colors in the form of RGB codes in order to acquire the capability of classification. The software's capacity to forecast the color of the code that belongs to an object under detection is one of the results of the proposed classifier. The work demanded the collection of about 5000 color codes which in turn were subjected to algorithms for training and testing. The open-source platform TensorFlow for ML and the open-source neural network library Keras were used to construct the algorithm for the study. The results showed an acceptable efficiency of the built classifier represented by an accuracy of 90% which can be considered applicable, especially after some improvements in the future to makes it more effective as a trusted colorimeter.

    Systematic literature review of dermoscopic pigmented skin lesions classification using convolutional neural network (CNN)

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    The occurrence of pigmented skin lesions (PSL), including melanoma, are rising, and early detection is crucial for reducing mortality. To assist Pigmented skin lesions, including melanoma, are rising, and early detection is crucial in reducing mortality. To aid dermatologists in early detection, computational techniques have been developed. This research conducted a systematic literature review (SLR) to identify research goals, datasets, methodologies, and performance evaluation methods used in categorizing dermoscopic lesions. This review focuses on using convolutional neural networks (CNNs) in analyzing PSL. Based on specific inclusion and exclusion criteria, the review included 54 primary studies published on Scopus and PubMed between 2018 and 2022. The results showed that ResNet and self-developed CNN were used in 22% of the studies, followed by Ensemble at 20% and DenseNet at 9%. Public datasets such as ISIC 2019 were predominantly used, and 85% of the classifiers used were softmax. The findings suggest that the input, architecture, and output/feature modifications can enhance the model's performance, although improving sensitivity in multiclass classification remains a challenge. While there is no specific model approach to solve the problem in this area, we recommend simultaneously modifying the three clusters to improve the model's performance

    A Review on Skin Disease Classification and Detection Using Deep Learning Techniques

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    Skin cancer ranks among the most dangerous cancers. Skin cancers are commonly referred to as Melanoma. Melanoma is brought on by genetic faults or mutations on the skin, which are caused by Unrepaired Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) in skin cells. It is essential to detect skin cancer in its infancy phase since it is more curable in its initial phases. Skin cancer typically progresses to other regions of the body. Owing to the disease's increased frequency, high mortality rate, and prohibitively high cost of medical treatments, early diagnosis of skin cancer signs is crucial. Due to the fact that how hazardous these disorders are, scholars have developed a number of early-detection techniques for melanoma. Lesion characteristics such as symmetry, colour, size, shape, and others are often utilised to detect skin cancer and distinguish benign skin cancer from melanoma. An in-depth investigation of deep learning techniques for melanoma's early detection is provided in this study. This study discusses the traditional feature extraction-based machine learning approaches for the segmentation and classification of skin lesions. Comparison-oriented research has been conducted to demonstrate the significance of various deep learning-based segmentation and classification approaches

    Applying Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Christian Conception of Responsibility to the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence Design and Development

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    This thesis will consider the ways in which Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s ethical conception of responsibility can be applied to the current discussions around the ethics of the development and implementation of Artificial Intelligence technology. As we will see, the topic of AI ethics is not a question that any of us can ignore. It pervades modern technology and influences our modern world. Far from seeking to stifle technological development this thesis seeks to promote ways in which we can use these technological developments responsibly and find ways to develop AI for the good of all humanity . This thesis will begin by considering what Bonhoeffer means by ethical responsibility and how that can be interpreted and implemented in our modern ethical landscape and applied to the world in which we find ourselves today. Furthermore, this thesis will see what sort of governmental frameworks and recommendations already exist and how there are pitfalls that need to be addressed by a wider ethical hermeneutic of responsibility. We will also consider what AI is and briefly outline some key considerations before applying Bonhoeffer’s ethics of responsibility to the concepts discussed. Finally, this thesis will conclude that Bonhoeffer’s ethics of responsibility can help Christians, and those outside the Church, to think of the current debates around Artificial Intelligence in ways that go beyond the current pitfalls of a too heavily principle-based argument or one that is more concerned about cataclysmic questions of AI taking over the world. Bonhoeffer points us back to the here and now, to that which is real, and the ways in which we can, as individuals, work for a more just and fairer society which stands up for the weakest and most vulnerable