744 research outputs found

    Simple and complex behavior learning using behavior hidden Markov model and CobART

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    This paper proposes behavior learning and generation models for simple and complex behaviors of robots using unsupervised learning methods. While the simple behaviors are modeled by simple-behavior learning model (SBLM), complex behaviors are modeled by complex-behavior learning model (CBLM) which uses previously learned simple or complex behaviors. Both models include behavior categorization, behavior modeling, and behavior generation phases. In the behavior categorization phase, sensory data are categorized using correlation based adaptive resonance theory (CobART) network that generates motion primitives corresponding to robot's base abilities. In the behavior modeling phase, a modified version of hidden Markov model (HMM), is called Behavior-HMM, is used to model the relationships among the motion primitives in a finite state stochastic network. At the same time, a motion generator which is an artificial neural network (ANN) is trained for each motion primitive to learn essential robot motor commands. In the behavior generation phase, a motion primitive sequence that can perform the desired task is generated according to the previously learned Behavior-HMMs at the higher level. Then, in the lower level, these motion primitives are executed by the motion generator which is specifically trained for the corresponding motion primitive. The transitions between the motion primitives are done according to observed sensory data and probabilistic weights assigned to each transition during the learning phase. The proposed models are not constructed for one specific behavior, but are intended to be bases for all behaviors. The behavior learning capabilities of the model is extended by integrating previously learned behaviors hierarchically which is referred as CBLM. Hence, new behaviors can take advantage of already discovered behaviors. Performed experiments on a robot simulator show that simple and complex-behavior learning models can generate requested behaviors effectively

    Social Cognition for Human-Robot Symbiosis—Challenges and Building Blocks

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    The next generation of robot companions or robot working partners will need to satisfy social requirements somehow similar to the famous laws of robotics envisaged by Isaac Asimov time ago (Asimov, 1942). The necessary technology has almost reached the required level, including sensors and actuators, but the cognitive organization is still in its infancy and is only partially supported by the current understanding of brain cognitive processes. The brain of symbiotic robots will certainly not be a “positronic” replica of the human brain: probably, the greatest part of it will be a set of interacting computational processes running in the cloud. In this article, we review the challenges that must be met in the design of a set of interacting computational processes as building blocks of a cognitive architecture that may give symbiotic capabilities to collaborative robots of the next decades: (1) an animated body-schema; (2) an imitation machinery; (3) a motor intentions machinery; (4) a set of physical interaction mechanisms; and (5) a shared memory system for incremental symbiotic development. We would like to stress that our approach is totally un-hierarchical: the five building blocks of the shared cognitive architecture are fully bi-directionally connected. For example, imitation and intentional processes require the “services” of the animated body schema which, on the other hand, can run its simulations if appropriately prompted by imitation and/or intention, with or without physical interaction. Successful experiences can leave a trace in the shared memory system and chunks of memory fragment may compete to participate to novel cooperative actions. And so on and so forth. At the heart of the system is lifelong training and learning but, different from the conventional learning paradigms in neural networks, where learning is somehow passively imposed by an external agent, in symbiotic robots there is an element of free choice of what is worth learning, driven by the interaction between the robot and the human partner. The proposed set of building blocks is certainly a rough approximation of what is needed by symbiotic robots but we believe it is a useful starting point for building a computational framework

    Learning of Unknown Environments in Goal-Directed Guidance and Navigation Tasks: Autonomous Systems and Humans

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    University of Minnesota Ph.D. dissertation. December 2017. Major: Aerospace Engineering. Advisor: Berenice Mettler. 1 computer file (PDF); xvi, 176 pages.Guidance and navigation in unknown environments requires learning of the task environment simultaneous to path planning. Autonomous guidance in unknown environments requires a real-time integration of environment sensing, mapping, planning, trajectory generation, and tracking. For brute force optimal control, the spatial environment should be mapped accurately. The real-world environments are in general cluttered, complex, unknown, and uncertain. An accurate model of such environments requires to store an enormous amount of information and then that information has to be processed in optimal control formulation, which is not computationally cheap and efficient for online operations of autonomous guidance systems. On the contrary, humans and animals are in general able to navigate efficiently in unknown, complex, and cluttered environments. Like autonomous guidance systems, humans and animals also do not have unlimited information processing and sensing capacities due to their biological and physical constraints. Therefore, it is relevant to understand cognitive mechanisms that help humans learn and navigate efficiently in unknown environments. Such understanding can help to design planning algorithms that are computationally efficient as well as better understand how to improve human-machine interfaces in particular between operators and autonomous agents. This dissertation is organized in three parts: 1) computational investigation of environment learning in guidance and navigation (chapters 3 and 4), 2) investigation of human environment learning in guidance tasks (chapters 5 and 6), and 3) autonomous guidance framework based on a graph representation of environment using subgoals that are invariants in agent-environment interactions (chapter 7). In the first part, the dissertation presents a computational framework for learning autonomous guidance behavior in unknown or partially known environments. The learning framework uses a receding horizon trajectory optimization associated with a spatial value function (SVF). The SVF describes optimal (e.g. minimum time) guidance behavior represented as cost and velocity at any point in geographical space to reach a specified goal state. For guidance in unknown environments, a local SVF based on current vehicle state is updated online using environment data from onboard exteroceptive sensors. The proposed learning framework has the advantage in that it learns information directly relevant to the optimal guidance and control behavior enabling optimal trajectory planning in unknown or partially known environments. The learning framework is evaluated by measuring performance over successive runs in a 3-D indoor flight simulation. The test vehicle in the simulations is a Blade-Cx2 coaxial miniature helicopter. The environment is a priori unknown to the learning system. The dissertation investigates changes in performance, dynamic behavior, SVF, and control behavior in body frame, as a result of learning over successive runs. In the second part, the dissertation focuses on modeling and evaluating how a human operator learns an unknown task environment in goal-directed navigation tasks. Previous studies have showed that human pilots organize their guidance and perceptual behavior using the interaction patterns (IPs), i.e., invariants in their sensory-motor processes in interactions with the task space. However, previous studies were performed in known environments. In this dissertation, the concept of IPs is used to build a modeling and analysis framework to investigate human environment learning and decision-making in navigation of unknown environments. This approach emphasizes the agent dynamics (e.g., a vehicle controlled by a human operator), which is not typical in simultaneous navigation and environment learning studies. The framework is applied to analyze human data from simulated first-person guidance experiments in an obstacle field. Subjects were asked to perform multiple trials and find minimum-time routes between prespecified start and goal locations without priori knowledge of the environment. They used a joystick to control flight behavior and navigate in the environment. In the third part, the subgoal graph framework used to model and evaluate humans is extended to an autonomous guidance algorithm for navigation in unknown environments. The autonomous guidance framework based on subgoal graph is an improvement to the SVF based guidance and learning framework presented in the first part. The latter uses a grid representation of the environment, which is computationally costly in comparison to the graph based guidance model

    Introduction: The Third International Conference on Epigenetic Robotics

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    This paper summarizes the paper and poster contributions to the Third International Workshop on Epigenetic Robotics. The focus of this workshop is on the cross-disciplinary interaction of developmental psychology and robotics. Namely, the general goal in this area is to create robotic models of the psychological development of various behaviors. The term "epigenetic" is used in much the same sense as the term "developmental" and while we could call our topic "developmental robotics", developmental robotics can be seen as having a broader interdisciplinary emphasis. Our focus in this workshop is on the interaction of developmental psychology and robotics and we use the phrase "epigenetic robotics" to capture this focus

    Embodied neuromorphic intelligence

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    The design of robots that interact autonomously with the environment and exhibit complex behaviours is an open challenge that can benefit from understanding what makes living beings fit to act in the world. Neuromorphic engineering studies neural computational principles to develop technologies that can provide a computing substrate for building compact and low-power processing systems. We discuss why endowing robots with neuromorphic technologies – from perception to motor control – represents a promising approach for the creation of robots which can seamlessly integrate in society. We present initial attempts in this direction, highlight open challenges, and propose actions required to overcome current limitations

    Cortex, countercurrent context, and dimensional integration of lifetime memory

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    The correlation between relative neocortex size and longevity in mammals encourages a search for a cortical function specifically related to the life-span. A candidate in the domain of permanent and cumulative memory storage is proposed and explored in relation to basic aspects of cortical organization. The pattern of cortico-cortical connectivity between functionally specialized areas and the laminar organization of that connectivity converges on a globally coherent representational space in which contextual embedding of information emerges as an obligatory feature of cortical function. This brings a powerful mode of inductive knowledge within reach of mammalian adaptations, a mode which combines item specificity with classificatory generality. Its neural implementation is proposed to depend on an obligatory interaction between the oppositely directed feedforward and feedback currents of cortical activity, in countercurrent fashion. Direct interaction of the two streams along their cortex-wide local interface supports a scheme of "contextual capture" for information storage responsible for the lifelong cumulative growth of a uniquely cortical form of memory termed "personal history." This approach to cortical function helps elucidate key features of cortical organization as well as cognitive aspects of mammalian life history strategies

    Comparative evaluation of approaches in T.4.1-4.3 and working definition of adaptive module

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    The goal of this deliverable is two-fold: (1) to present and compare different approaches towards learning and encoding movements us- ing dynamical systems that have been developed by the AMARSi partners (in the past during the first 6 months of the project), and (2) to analyze their suitability to be used as adaptive modules, i.e. as building blocks for the complete architecture that will be devel- oped in the project. The document presents a total of eight approaches, in two groups: modules for discrete movements (i.e. with a clear goal where the movement stops) and for rhythmic movements (i.e. which exhibit periodicity). The basic formulation of each approach is presented together with some illustrative simulation results. Key character- istics such as the type of dynamical behavior, learning algorithm, generalization properties, stability analysis are then discussed for each approach. We then make a comparative analysis of the different approaches by comparing these characteristics and discussing their suitability for the AMARSi project

    Bootstrapping of parameterized skills through hybrid optimization in task and policy spaces

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    QueiĂźer J, Steil JJ. Bootstrapping of parameterized skills through hybrid optimization in task and policy spaces. Frontiers in Robotics and AI. 2018;5:49.Modern robotic applications create high demands on adaptation of actions with respect to variance in a given task. Reinforcement learning is able to optimize for these changing conditions, but relearning from scratch is hardly feasible due to the high number of required rollouts. We propose a parameterized skill that generalizes to new actions for changing task parameters, which is encoded as a meta-learner that provides parameters for task-specific dynamic motion primitives. Our work shows that utilizing parameterized skills for initialization of the optimization process leads to a more effective incremental task learning. In addition, we introduce a hybrid optimization method that combines a fast coarse optimization on a manifold of policy parameters with a fine grained parameter search in the unrestricted space of actions. The proposed algorithm reduces the number of required rollouts for adaptation to new task conditions. Application in illustrative toy scenarios, for a 10-DOF planar arm, and a humanoid robot point reaching task validate the approach

    Multi-modal Skill Memories for Online Learning of Interactive Robot Movement Generation

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    Queißer J. Multi-modal Skill Memories for Online Learning of Interactive Robot Movement Generation. Bielefeld: Universität Bielefeld; 2018.Modern robotic applications pose complex requirements with respect to the adaptation of actions regarding the variability in a given task. Reinforcement learning can optimize for changing conditions, but relearning from scratch is hardly feasible due to the high number of required rollouts. This work proposes a parameterized skill that generalizes to new actions for changing task parameters. The actions are encoded by a meta-learner that provides parameters for task-specific dynamic motion primitives. Experimental evaluation shows that the utilization of parameterized skills for initialization of the optimization process leads to a more effective incremental task learning. A proposed hybrid optimization method combines a fast coarse optimization on a manifold of policy parameters with a fine-grained parameter search in the unrestricted space of actions. It is shown that the developed algorithm reduces the number of required rollouts for adaptation to new task conditions. Further, this work presents a transfer learning approach for adaptation of learned skills to new situations. Application in illustrative toy scenarios, for a 10-DOF planar arm, a humanoid robot point reaching task and parameterized drumming on a pneumatic robot validate the approach. But parameterized skills that are applied on complex robotic systems pose further challenges: the dynamics of the robot and the interaction with the environment introduce model inaccuracies. In particular, high-level skill acquisition on highly compliant robotic systems such as pneumatically driven or soft actuators is hardly feasible. Since learning of the complete dynamics model is not feasible due to the high complexity, this thesis examines two alternative approaches: First, an improvement of the low-level control based on an equilibrium model of the robot. Utilization of an equilibrium model reduces the learning complexity and this thesis evaluates its applicability for control of pneumatic and industrial light-weight robots. Second, an extension of parameterized skills to generalize for forward signals of action primitives that result in an enhanced control quality of complex robotic systems. This thesis argues for a shift in the complexity of learning the full dynamics of the robot to a lower dimensional task-related learning problem. Due to the generalization in relation to the task variability, online learning for complex robots as well as complex scenarios becomes feasible. An experimental evaluation investigates the generalization capabilities of the proposed online learning system for robot motion generation. Evaluation is performed through simulation of a compliant 2-DOF arm and scalability to a complex robotic system is demonstrated for a pneumatically driven humanoid robot with 8-DOF

    Investigating the Functional and Structural Neural Correlates Associated With Dance Expertise

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    We investigated the structural and functional plasticity associated with dance expertise in a cross-sectional pilot study, comparing ballet dancers to controls. Using fMRI, the whole-brain functional activation maps of dancers and controls engaged in motor imagery of dance movements were compared. Controls were found to show greater activity in numerous regions relative to dancers, including in the superior frontal gyrus, hippocampus, and cerebellum. Anatomically, dancers exhibited greater cortical thickness in areas such as the inferior occipital gyrus, inferior frontal gyrus, and superior temporal gyrus. We also found years of dance training to be correlated with cortical thickness in various regions, including positive correlations being reported in the fusiform gyrus and parahippocampal gyrus. These preliminary results suggest that dance expertise is associated with a functional reorganization that corresponds to the reduced activity reported in other motor expertise groups, as well various putative changes in structure
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