1,196 research outputs found

    Between aid and action: aid, empowerment and resistance amongst fishermen in the Gaza Strip

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    This ethnographic research studies the everyday life of Palestinian fishermen in the Gaza Strip, an area that has been shaped by various factors including culture, governance, and occupation. Through the eyes and words of the fishermen, I aim to delve into the development and transformation of a relatively wealthy and politically inactive populace into an impoverished but politicised and mobilised group of actors who are using their newly acquired skills and newfound voice for collective action, and who ultimately contribute to social justice and freedom for themselves and others. Concepts of liberating empowerment, everyday resistance, and aid as a space are explored through fisherfolk experiences. The research, adopting an anthropological approach, then tries to engage with the following questions: - What are the effects and implications of prolonged aid provision on indigenous everyday resistance and resilience methods? - How might humanitarian aid be aligned with self-organised resilience and empowerment in order to further everyday resistance and dignity during prolonged conditions of hardship? - What new micro-power structures are established as a result of aid and empowerment? Exploring the views and voices of Gaza fisherfolk has offered an opportunity to gain a better understanding of the effects of aid on invisible local structures, especially in terms of self-organisation, particularly in resilience and resistance by investigating the micro-social and network structures that define them. By raising their voices and building knowledge the research tries to study humanitarianism based on recipients’ own experiences and ongoing struggles against hegemony

    The Architecture of Empire in Modern Europe

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    Empires stretched around the world, but also made their presence felt in architecture and urban landscapes. The Architecture of Empire in Modern Europe traces the entanglement of the European built environment with overseas imperialism in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. As part of imperial networks between metropole and colonies, in cities as diverse as Glasgow, Hamburg, or Paris, numerous new buildings were erected such as factories, mission houses, offices, and museums. These sites developed into the physical manifestations of imperial networks. As Europeans designed, used, and portrayed them, these buildings became meaningful imperial places that conveyed the power relations of empire and Eurocentric self-images. Engaging with recent debates about colonial history and heritage, this book combines a variety of sources, an interdisciplinary approach, and an international scope to produce a cultural history of European imperial architecture across borders

    Celwandverteerbaarheid: hoe belangrijk is het?

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    "De maïsrassenlijsten van de afgelopen dertig jaar zijn kolder en kunnen we het beste weggooien." Maïszadenleverancier KWS schopt tegen de huidige manier van classificeren van maïs. Maar is het werkelijk zo slecht gesteld met de Aanbevelende Rassenlijst

    The Architecture of Empire in Modern Europe

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    Empires stretched around the world, but also made their presence felt in architecture and urban landscapes. The Architecture of Empire in Modern Europe traces the entanglement of the European built environment with overseas imperialism in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. As part of imperial networks between metropole and colonies, in cities as diverse as Glasgow, Hamburg, or Paris, numerous new buildings were erected such as factories, mission houses, offices, and museums. These sites developed into the physical manifestations of imperial networks. As Europeans designed, used, and portrayed them, these buildings became meaningful imperial places that conveyed the power relations of empire and Eurocentric self-images. Engaging with recent debates about colonial history and heritage, this book combines a variety of sources, an interdisciplinary approach, and an international scope to produce a cultural history of European imperial architecture across borders

    Places of empire:The making of an imperial environment in Western Europe, 1860-1960

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    Nederlands (for English, see below) Dit proefschrift beargumenteert dat architectuur een imperiale omgeving creëerde waarin Europeanen op allerlei manieren werden betrokken met overzees imperialisme, tussen 1860 en 1960. Imperialisme is lang gezien als iets dat uitsluitend buiten Europa effect had. Aansluitend bij recente inzichten illustreert dit onderzoek dat de koloniale impact ook in Europa groot en concreet was - zo concreet, dat het imperialisme in de 19e en 20e eeuw de gebouwde omgeving van Europese steden mede vormde. In de context van hechter wordende banden tussen moederland en kolonie, een globaliserende wereldeconomie, en architectonische innovatie verrezen in Europa talloze gebouwen met imperiale connecties: monumenten, musea en ministeries, maar ook fabrieken, havens, kantoren, en missie- en zendingshuizen. Samen betrokken deze gebouwen allerlei groepen in Europese samenlevingen bij de expansie overzee, van politici en industriëlen tot arbeiders en toeristen. Beeldhouwwerk en schilderingen, maar ook posters, advertenties, en de namen van de gebouwen verwezen naar hun koloniale verwikkelingen. Bovendien versterkte deze verwikkeling ook stedelijke, nationale, en Europese identiteiten. Op stedelijk en landelijk niveau ontleenden steden en naties hun identiteit aan hun koloniale rol. Op Europees niveau groeide de overtuiging dat de koloniserende landen een dominante Europese beschaving vormden met een gezamenlijke koloniale missie. De revue passeren onder andere de rijstpellerijen van de Zaanstreek en het Koloniaal Instituut in Amsterdam, maar ook de koloniale connecties van steden als Parijs, Glasgow, Hamburg en Londen. English This dissertation argues that between 1860 and 1960, architecture created an imperial environment in which Europeans were involved with overseas empire in manifold ways. Imperialism has long been seen as something that affected only ‘colonial’ regions outside of Europe. Following recent insights, however, this study shows that the imperial impact was large and concrete in Europe, too – so concrete that imperialism helped shape the built environment of European cities in the. In the context of intensifying connections between metropole and colonies, a globalising world economy, and architectural innovation, countless buildings with imperial connections were erected in Europe: monuments, museums, and ministries, but also factories, docks, offices, and mission houses. Together, these buildings involved various groups in European societies with overseas expansion, from politicians and industrialists to workers and tourists. Sculpture and murals, but also posters, advertisements, and the names of buildings referred to their imperial entanglements. Furthermore, this entanglement reinforced civic, national, and European identities. On the urban and national level, cities and nations derived their identity from their imperial role. On the European level, the conviction grew that the colonising countries formed a dominant European civilisation with a collective colonial mission

    Parallel activation of different word forms – investigation of speech production by means of associates

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    The parallel activation of different word forms is a central topic in the discussion about different models of speech production. Several experiments were conducted in the scope of this dissertation. A new method, associate naming, was used for investigation. This method was derived from the picture-word-interference paradigm. The discrete two-stage model, the cascading model and the interactive feedback model were compared, based on the results of the experiments.Parallele Aktivierung verschiedener Wortformen - Untersuchung der Sprachproduktion anhand von AssoziationenIn der Diskussion um verschiedene Sprachproduktionsmodelle ist die parallele Aktivierung verschiedener Wortformen eine zentrale Fragestellung. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde eine Reihe von Experimenten zur Benennung von Assoziationen durchgeführt. Mithilfe dieser, aus dem Bild-Wort-Interferenz-Paradigma entwickelten, Methode wurden das diskrete Zwei-Stufen-Modell, der kaskadierende Modellansatz und das interaktive Feedback-Modell verglichen.</p

    The use of high-resolution terrain data in gravity field prediction

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    Different types of gravity prediction methods for local and regional gravity evaluation are developed, tested, and compared. Four different test areas were particularly selected in view of different prediction requirements. Also different parts of the spectrum of the gravity field were considered

    The Sense of embodiment in virtual reality

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    What does it feel like to own, to control, and to be inside a body? The multidimensional nature of this experience together with the continuous presence of one's biological body, render both theoretical and experimental approaches problematic. Nevertheless, exploitation of immersive virtual reality has allowed a reframing of this question to whether it is possible to experience the same sensations towards a virtual body inside an immersive virtual environment as toward the biological body, and if so, to what extent. The current paper addresses these issues by referring to the Sense of Embodiment (SoE). Due to the conceptual confusion around this sense, we provide a working definition which states that SoE consists of three subcomponents: the sense of self-location, the sense of agency, and the sense of body ownership. Under this proposed structure, measures and experimental manipulations reported in the literature are reviewed and related challenges are outlined. Finally, future experimental studies are proposed to overcome those challenges, toward deepening the concept of SoE and enhancing it in virtual applications
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