284 research outputs found

    Data Replication and Its Alignment with Fault Management in the Cloud Environment

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    Nowadays, the exponential data growth becomes one of the major challenges all over the world. It may cause a series of negative impacts such as network overloading, high system complexity, and inadequate data security, etc. Cloud computing is developed to construct a novel paradigm to alleviate massive data processing challenges with its on-demand services and distributed architecture. Data replication has been proposed to strategically distribute the data access load to multiple cloud data centres by creating multiple data copies at multiple cloud data centres. A replica-applied cloud environment not only achieves a decrease in response time, an increase in data availability, and more balanced resource load but also protects the cloud environment against the upcoming faults. The reactive fault tolerance strategy is also required to handle the faults when the faults already occurred. As a result, the data replication strategies should be aligned with the reactive fault tolerance strategies to achieve a complete management chain in the cloud environment. In this thesis, a data replication and fault management framework is proposed to establish a decentralised overarching management to the cloud environment. Three data replication strategies are firstly proposed based on this framework. A replica creation strategy is proposed to reduce the total cost by jointly considering the data dependency and the access frequency in the replica creation decision making process. Besides, a cloud map oriented and cost efficiency driven replica creation strategy is proposed to achieve the optimal cost reduction per replica in the cloud environment. The local data relationship and the remote data relationship are further analysed by creating two novel data dependency types, Within-DataCentre Data Dependency and Between-DataCentre Data Dependency, according to the data location. Furthermore, a network performance based replica selection strategy is proposed to avoid potential network overloading problems and to increase the number of concurrent-running instances at the same time

    Novel Load Balancing Optimization Algorithm to Improve Quality-of-Service in Cloud Environment

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    Scheduling cloud resources calls for allocating cloud assets to cloud tasks. It is possible to improve scheduling outcomes by treating Quality of Service (QoS) factors as essential constraints. However, efficient scheduling calls for improved optimization of QoS parameters, and only a few resource scheduling algorithms in the available literature do so. The primary objective of this paper is to provide an effective method for deploying workloads to cloud infrastructure. To ensure that workloads are executed efficiently on available resources, a resource scheduling method based on particle swarm optimization was developed. The proposed method's performance has been measured in the cloud. The experimental results prove the efficiency of the proposed approach in reducing the aforementioned QoS parameters. Several metrics of algorithm performance are used to gauge how well the algorithm performs

    Constructing Reliable Computing Environments on Top of Amazon EC2 Spot Instances

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    Cloud provider Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) gives access to resources in the form of virtual servers, also known as instances. EC2 spot instances (SIs) offer spare computational capacity at steep discounts compared to reliable and fixed price on-demand instances. The drawback, however, is that the delay in acquiring spots can be incredible high. Moreover, SIs may not always be available as they can be reclaimed by EC2 at any given time, with a two-minute interruption notice. In this paper, we propose a multi-workflow scheduling algorithm, allied with a container migration-based mechanism, to dynamically construct and readjust virtual clusters on top of non-reserved EC2 pricing model instances. Our solution leverages recent findings on performance and behavior characteristics of EC2 spots. We conducted simulations by submitting real-life workflow applications, constrained by user-defined deadline and budget quality of service (QoS) parameters. The results indicate that our solution improves the rate of completed tasks by almost 20%, and the rate of completed workflows by at least 30%, compared with other state-of-the-art algorithms, for a worse-case scenarioinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Real-time and dynamic fault-tolerant scheduling for scientific workflows in clouds

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    Cloud computing has become a popular technology for executing scientific workflows. However, with a large number of hosts and virtual machines (VMs) being deployed, the cloud resource failures, such as the permanent failure of hosts (HPF), the transient failure of hosts (HTF), and the transient failure of VMs (VMTF), bring the service reliability problem. Therefore, fault tolerance for time-consuming scientific workflows is highly essential in the cloud. However, existing fault-tolerant (FT) approaches consider only one or two above failure types and easily neglect the others, especially for the HTF. This paper proposes a Real-time and dynamic Fault-tolerant Scheduling (ReadyFS) algorithm for scientific workflow execution in a cloud, which guarantees deadline constraints and improves resource utilization even in the presence of any resource failure. Specifically, we first introduce two FT mechanisms, i.e., the replication with delay execution (RDE) and the checkpointing with delay execution (CDE), to cope with HPF and VMTF, simultaneously. Additionally, the rescheduling (ReSC) is devised to tackle the HTF that affects the resource availability of the entire cloud datacenter. Then, the resource adjustment (RA) strategy, including the resource scaling-up (RS-Up) and the resource scaling-down (RS-Down), is used to adjust resource demands and improve resource utilization dynamically. Finally, the ReadyFS algorithm is presented to schedule real-time scientific workflows by combining all the above FT mechanisms with RA strategy. We conduct the performance evaluation with real-world scientific workflows and compare ReadyFS with five vertical comparison algorithms and three horizontal comparison algorithms. Simulation results confirm that ReadyFS is indeed able to guarantee the fault tolerance of scientific workflow execution and improve cloud resource utilization

    Microservices-based IoT Applications Scheduling in Edge and Fog Computing: A Taxonomy and Future Directions

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    Edge and Fog computing paradigms utilise distributed, heterogeneous and resource-constrained devices at the edge of the network for efficient deployment of latency-critical and bandwidth-hungry IoT application services. Moreover, MicroService Architecture (MSA) is increasingly adopted to keep up with the rapid development and deployment needs of the fast-evolving IoT applications. Due to the fine-grained modularity of the microservices along with their independently deployable and scalable nature, MSA exhibits great potential in harnessing both Fog and Cloud resources to meet diverse QoS requirements of the IoT application services, thus giving rise to novel paradigms like Osmotic computing. However, efficient and scalable scheduling algorithms are required to utilise the said characteristics of the MSA while overcoming novel challenges introduced by the architecture. To this end, we present a comprehensive taxonomy of recent literature on microservices-based IoT applications scheduling in Edge and Fog computing environments. Furthermore, we organise multiple taxonomies to capture the main aspects of the scheduling problem, analyse and classify related works, identify research gaps within each category, and discuss future research directions.Comment: 35 pages, 10 figures, submitted to ACM Computing Survey

    Dynamic resource provisioning for data center workloads with data constraints

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    Dynamic resource provisioning, as an important data center software building block, helps to achieve high resource usage efficiency, leading to enormous monetary benefits. Most existing work for data center dynamic provisioning target on stateless servers, where any request can be routed to any server. However, the assumption of stateless behaviors no longer holds for subsystems that subject to data constraints, as a request may depend on a certain dataset stored on a small subset of servers. Routing a request to a server without the required dataset violates data locality or data availability properties, which may negatively impact on the response times. To solve this problem, this thesis provides an unified framework consisting of two main steps: 1) determining the proper amount of resources to serve the workload by analyzing the schedulability utilization bound; 2) avoiding transition penalties during cluster resizing operations by deliberately design data distribution policies. We apply this framework to both storage and computing subsystems, where the former includes distributed file systems, databases, memory caches, and the latter refers to systems such as Hadoop, Spark, and Storm. Proposed solutions are implemented into MemCached, HBase/HDFS, and Spark, and evaluated using various datasets, including Wikipedia, NYC taxi trace, Twitter traces, etc

    Transformative Effects of IoT, Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence on Cloud Computing: Evolution, Vision, Trends and Open Challenges

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    Cloud computing plays a critical role in modern society and enables a range of applications from infrastructure to social media. Such system must cope with varying load and evolving usage reflecting societies’ interaction and dependency on automated computing systems whilst satisfying Quality of Service (QoS) guarantees. Enabling these systems are a cohort of conceptual technologies, synthesised to meet demand of evolving computing applications. In order to understand current and future challenges of such system, there is a need to identify key technologies enabling future applications. In this study, we aim to explore how three emerging paradigms (Blockchain, IoT and Artificial Intelligence) will influence future cloud computing systems. Further, we identify several technologies driving these paradigms and invite international experts to discuss the current status and future directions of cloud computing. Finally, we proposed a conceptual model for cloud futurology to explore the influence of emerging paradigms and technologies on evolution of cloud computing

    Accelerating orchestration with in-network offloading

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    The demand for low-latency Internet applications has pushed functionality that was originally placed in commodity hardware into the network. Either in the form of binaries for the programmable data plane or virtualised network functions, services are implemented within the network fabric with the aim of improving their performance and placing them close to the end user. Training of machine learning algorithms, aggregation of networking traffic, virtualised radio access components, are just some of the functions that have been deployed within the network. Therefore, as the network fabric becomes the accelerator for various applications, it is imperative that the orchestration of their components is also adapted to the constraints and capabilities of the deployment environment. This work identifies performance limitations of in-network compute use cases for both cloud and edge environments and makes suitable adaptations. Within cloud infrastructure, this thesis proposes a platform that relies on programmable switches to accelerate the performance of data replication. It then proceeds to discuss design adaptations of an orchestrator that will allow in-network data offloading and enable accelerated service deployment. At the edge, the topic of inefficient orchestration of virtualised network functions is explored, mainly with respect to energy usage and resource contention. An orchestrator is adapted to schedule requests by taking into account edge constraints in order to minimise resource contention and accelerate service processing times. With data transfers consuming valuable resources at the edge, an efficient data representation mechanism is implemented to provide statistical insight on the provenance of data at the edge and enable smart query allocation to nodes with relevant data. Taking into account the previous state of the art, the proposed data plane replication method appears to be the most computationally efficient and scalable in-network data replication platform available, with significant improvements in throughput and up to an order of magnitude decrease in latency. The orchestrator of virtual network functions at the edge was shown to reduce event rejections, total processing time, and energy consumption imbalances over the default orchestrator, thus proving more efficient use of the infrastructure. Lastly, computational cost at the edge was further reduced with the use of the proposed query allocation mechanism which minimised redundant engagement of nodes

    Resource provisioning and scheduling algorithms for hybrid workflows in edge cloud computing

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    In recent years, Internet of Things (IoT) technology has been involved in a wide range of application domains to provide real-time monitoring, tracking and analysis services. The worldwide number of IoT-connected devices is projected to increase to 43 billion by 2023, and IoT technologies are expected to engaged in 25% of business sector. Latency-sensitive applications in scope of intelligent video surveillance, smart home, autonomous vehicle, augmented reality, are all emergent research directions in industry and academia. These applications are required connecting large number of sensing devices to attain the desired level of service quality for decision accuracy in a sensitive timely manner. Moreover, continuous data stream imposes processing large amounts of data, which adds a huge overhead on computing and network resources. Thus, latency-sensitive and resource-intensive applications introduce new challenges for current computing models, i.e, batch and stream. In this thesis, we refer to the integrated application model of stream and batch applications as a hybrid work ow model. The main challenge of the hybrid model is achieving the quality of service (QoS) requirements of the two computation systems. This thesis provides a systemic and detailed modeling for hybrid workflows which describes the internal structure of each application type for purposes of resource estimation, model systems tuning, and cost modeling. For optimizing the execution of hybrid workflows, this thesis proposes algorithms, techniques and frameworks to serve resource provisioning and task scheduling on various computing systems including cloud, edge cloud and cooperative edge cloud. Overall, experimental results provided in this thesis demonstrated strong evidences on the responsibility of proposing different understanding and vision on the applications of integrating stream and batch applications, and how edge computing and other emergent technologies like 5G networks and IoT will contribute on more sophisticated and intelligent solutions in many life disciplines for more safe, secure, healthy, smart and sustainable society
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