36 research outputs found

    Biometric walk recognizer. Research and results on wearable sensor-based gait recognition

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    Gait is a biometric trait that can allow user authentication, though being classified as a "soft" one due to a certain lack in permanence, and to sensibility to specific conditions. The earliest research relies on computer vision-based approaches, especially applied in video surveillance. More recently, the spread of wearable sensors, especially those embedded in mobile devices, which are able to capture the dynamics of the walking pattern through simpler 1D signals, has spurred a different research line. This capture modality can avoid some problems related to computer vision-based techniques, but suffers from specific limitations. Related research is still in a less advanced phase with respect to other biometric traits. However, the promising results achieved so far, the increasing accuracy of sensors, the ubiquitous presence of mobile devices, and the low cost of related techniques, make this biometrics attractive and suggest to continue the investigations in this field. The first Chapters of this thesis deal with an introduction to biometrics, and more specifically to gait trait. A comprehensive review of technologies, approaches and strategies exploited by gait recognition proposals in the state-of-the-art is also provided. After such introduction, the contributions of this work are presented in details. Summarizing, it improves preceding result achieved during my Master Degree in Computer Science course of Biometrics and extended in my following Master Degree Thesis. The research deals with different strategies, including preprocessing and recognition techniques, applied to the gait biometrics, in order to allow both an automatic recognition and an improvement of the system accuracy

    Activity-Based User Authentication Using Smartwatches

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    Smartwatches, which contain an accelerometer and gyroscope, have recently been used to implement gait and gesture- based biometrics; however, the prior studies have long-established drawbacks. For example, data for both training and evaluation was captured from single sessions (which is not realistic and can lead to overly optimistic performance results), and in cases when the multi-day scenario was considered, the evaluation was often either done improperly or the results are very poor (i.e., greater than 20% of EER). Moreover, limited activities were considered (i.e., gait or gestures), and data captured within a controlled environment which tends to be far less realistic for real world applications. Therefore, this study remedies these past problems by training and evaluating the smartwatch-based biometric system on data from different days, using large dataset that involved the participation of 60 users, and considering different activities (i.e., normal walking (NW), fast walking (FW), typing on a PC keyboard (TypePC), playing mobile game (GameM), and texting on mobile (TypeM)). Unlike the prior art that focussed on simply laboratory controlled data, a more realistic dataset, which was captured within un-constrained environment, is used to evaluate the performance of the proposed system. Two principal experiments were carried out focusing upon constrained and un-constrained environments. The first experiment included a comprehensive analysis of the aforementioned activities and tested under two different scenarios (i.e., same and cross day). By using all the extracted features (i.e., 88 features) and the same day evaluation, EERs of the acceleration readings were 0.15%, 0.31%, 1.43%, 1.52%, and 1.33% for the NW, FW, TypeM, TypePC, and GameM respectively. The EERs were increased to 0.93%, 3.90%, 5.69%, 6.02%, and 5.61% when the cross-day data was utilized. For comparison, a more selective set of features was used and significantly maximize the system performance under the cross day scenario, at best EERs of 0.29%, 1.31%, 2.66%, 3.83%, and 2.3% for the aforementioned activities respectively. A realistic methodology was used in the second experiment by using data collected within unconstrained environment. A light activity detection approach was developed to divide the raw signals into gait (i.e., NW and FW) and stationary activities. Competitive results were reported with EERs of 0.60%, 0% and 3.37% for the NW, FW, and stationary activities respectively. The findings suggest that the nature of the signals captured are sufficiently discriminative to be useful in performing transparent and continuous user authentication.University of Kuf

    Sensing via signal analysis, analytics, and cyberbiometric patterns

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    Includes bibliographical references.2022 Fall.Internet-connected, or Internet of Things (IoT), sensor technologies have been increasingly incorporated into everyday technology and processes. Their functions are situationally dependent and have been used for vital recordings such as electrocardiograms, gait analysis and step counting, fall detection, and environmental analysis. For instance, environmental sensors, which exist through various technologies, are used to monitor numerous domains, including but not limited to pollution, water quality, and the presence of biota, among others. Past research into IoT sensors has varied depending on the technology. For instance, previous environmental gas sensor IoT research has focused on (i) the development of these sensors for increased sensitivity and increased lifetimes, (ii) integration of these sensors into sensor arrays to combat cross-sensitivity and background interferences, and (iii) sensor network development, including communication between widely dispersed sensors in a large-scale environment. IoT inertial measurement units (IMU's), such as accelerometers and gyroscopes, have been previously researched for gait analysis, movement detection, and gesture recognition, which are often related to human-computer interface (HCI). Methods of IoT Device feature-based pattern recognition for machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) are frequently investigated as well, including primitive classification methods and deep learning techniques. The result of this research gives insight into each of these topics individually, i.e., using a specific sensor technology to detect carbon monoxide in an indoor environment, or using accelerometer readings for gesture recognition. Less research has been performed on analyzing the systems aspects of the IoT sensors themselves. However, an important part of attaining overall situational awareness is authenticating the surroundings, which in the case of IoT means the individual sensors, humans interacting with the sensors, and other elements of the surroundings. There is a clear opportunity for the systematic evaluation of the identity and performance of an IoT sensor/sensor array within a system that is to be utilized for "full situational awareness". This awareness may include (i) non-invasive diagnostics (i.e., what is occurring inside the body), (ii) exposure analysis (i.e., what has gone into the body through both respiratory and eating/drinking pathways), and (iii) potential risk of exposure (i.e., what the body is exposed to environmentally). Simultaneously, the system has the capability to harbor security measures through the same situational assessment in the form of multiple levels of biometrics. Through the interconnective abilities of the IoT sensors, it is possible to integrate these capabilities into one portable, hand-held system. The system will exist within a "magic wand", which will be used to collect the various data needed to assess the environment of the user, both inside and outside of their bodies. The device can also be used to authenticate the user, as well as the system components, to discover potential deception within the system. This research introduces levels of biometrics for various scenarios through the investigation of challenge-based biometrics; that is, biometrics based upon how the sensor, user, or subject of study responds to a challenge. These will be applied to multiple facets surrounding "situational awareness" for living beings, non-human beings, and non-living items or objects (which we have termed "abiometrics"). Gesture recognition for intent of sensing was first investigated as a means of deliberate activation of sensors/sensor arrays for situational awareness while providing a level of user authentication through biometrics. Equine gait analysis was examined next, and the level of injury in the lame limbs of the horse was quantitatively measured and classified using data from IoT sensors. Finally, a method of evaluating the identity and health of a sensor/sensory array was examined through different challenges to their environments

    Recent Advances in Motion Analysis

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    The advances in the technology and methodology for human movement capture and analysis over the last decade have been remarkable. Besides acknowledged approaches for kinematic, dynamic, and electromyographic (EMG) analysis carried out in the laboratory, more recently developed devices, such as wearables, inertial measurement units, ambient sensors, and cameras or depth sensors, have been adopted on a wide scale. Furthermore, computational intelligence (CI) methods, such as artificial neural networks, have recently emerged as promising tools for the development and application of intelligent systems in motion analysis. Thus, the synergy of classic instrumentation and novel smart devices and techniques has created unique capabilities in the continuous monitoring of motor behaviors in different fields, such as clinics, sports, and ergonomics. However, real-time sensing, signal processing, human activity recognition, and characterization and interpretation of motion metrics and behaviors from sensor data still representing a challenging problem not only in laboratories but also at home and in the community. This book addresses open research issues related to the improvement of classic approaches and the development of novel technologies and techniques in the domain of motion analysis in all the various fields of application

    Transparent User Authentication For Mobile Applications

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    The use of smartphones in our daily lives has grown steadily, due to the combination of mobility and round-the-clock multi-connectivity. In particular, smartphones are used to perform activities, such as sending emails, transferring money via mobile Internet banking, making calls, texting, surfing the Internet, viewing documents, storing medical, confidential and personal information, shopping online and playing games. Some active applications are considered sensitive and confidential and the risks are high in the event of the loss of any sensitive data or privacy breaches. In addition, after the point of entry, using techniques such as a PIN or password, the user of the device can perform almost all tasks, of different risk levels, without having to re-authenticate periodically to re-validate the user’s identity. Furthermore, the current point-of-entry authentication mechanisms consider all the applications on a mobile device to have the same level of importance and so do not apply any further access control rules. As a result, with the rapid growth of smartphones for use in daily life, securing the sensitive data stored upon them makes authentication of paramount importance. In this research, it is argued that within a single mobile application there are different processes operating on the same data but with differing risks attached. The unauthorised disclosure or modification of mobile data has the potential to lead to a number of undesirable consequences for the user. Thus, there is no single level of risk associated with a given application and the risk level changes during use. In this context, a novel mobile applications data risk assessment model is proposed to appreciate the risk involved within an application (intra-process security). Accordingly, there is a need to suggest a method to be applied continuously and transparently (i.e., without obstructing the user’s activities) to authenticate legitimate users, which is maintained beyond point of entry, without the explicit involvement of the user. To this end, a transparent and continuous authentication mechanism provides a basis for convenient and secure re-authentication of the user. The mechanism is used to gather user data in the background without requiring any dedicated activity, by regularly and periodically checking user behaviour to provide continuous monitoring for the protection of the smartphone. In order to investigate the feasibility of the proposed system, a study involving data collected from 76 participants over a one-month period using 12 mobile applications was undertaken. A series of four experiments were conducted based upon data from one month of normal device usage. The first experiment sought to explore the intra-process (i.e., within-app) and inter-process (i.e., access-only app) access levels across different time windows. The experimental results show that this approach achieved desirable outcomes for applying a transparent authentication system at an intra-process level, with an average of 6% intrusive authentication requests. Having achieved promising experimental results, it was identified that there were some users who undertook an insufficient number of activities on the device and, therefore, achieved a high level of intrusive authentication requests. As a result, there was a need to investigate whether a specific combination of time windows would perform better with a specific type of user. To do this, the numbers of intrusive authentication requests were computed based on three usage levels (high, medium and low) at both the intra- and inter-process access levels. This approach achieved better results when compared with the first set of results: the average percentage of intrusive authentication requests was 3%, which indicates a clear enhancement. The second and third experiments investigated only the intra-process and inter-process, respectively, to examine the effect of the access level. Finally, the fourth experiment investigated the impact of specific biometric modalities on overall system performance. In this research study, a Non-Intrusive Continuous Authentication (NICA) framework was applied by utilising two security mechanisms: Alert Level (AL) and Integrity Level (IL). During specific time windows, the AL process is used to seek valid samples. If there are no samples, the identity confidence is periodically reduced by a degradation function, which is 10% of current confidence in order to save power while the mobile device is inactive. In the case of the mobile user requesting to perform a task, the IL is applied to check the legitimacy of that user. If the identity confidence level is equal to or greater than the specified risk action level, transparent access is allowed. Otherwise, an intrusive authentication request is required in order to proceed with the service. In summary, the experimental results show that this approach achieved sufficiently high results to fulfil the security obligations. The shortest time window of AL= 2 min / IL = 5 min produced an average intrusive authentication request rate of 18%, whereas the largest time window (AL= 20 min / IL = 20 min) provided 6%. Interestingly, when the participants were divided into three levels of usage, the average intrusive authentication request rate was 12% and 3% for the shortest time window (AL = 2 min / IL = 5 min) and the largest time window (AL= 20 min / IL = 20), respectively. Therefore, this approach has been demonstrated to provide transparent and continuous protection to ensure the validity of the current user by understanding the risk involved within a given application.Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia Cultural Bureau in U

    Transparent User Authentication For Mobile Applications

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    The use of smartphones in our daily lives has grown steadily, due to the combination of mobility and round-the-clock multi-connectivity. In particular, smartphones are used to perform activities, such as sending emails, transferring money via mobile Internet banking, making calls, texting, surfing the Internet, viewing documents, storing medical, confidential and personal information, shopping online and playing games. Some active applications are considered sensitive and confidential and the risks are high in the event of the loss of any sensitive data or privacy breaches. In addition, after the point of entry, using techniques such as a PIN or password, the user of the device can perform almost all tasks, of different risk levels, without having to re-authenticate periodically to re-validate the user’s identity. Furthermore, the current point-of-entry authentication mechanisms consider all the applications on a mobile device to have the same level of importance and so do not apply any further access control rules. As a result, with the rapid growth of smartphones for use in daily life, securing the sensitive data stored upon them makes authentication of paramount importance. In this research, it is argued that within a single mobile application there are different processes operating on the same data but with differing risks attached. The unauthorised disclosure or modification of mobile data has the potential to lead to a number of undesirable consequences for the user. Thus, there is no single level of risk associated with a given application and the risk level changes during use. In this context, a novel mobile applications data risk assessment model is proposed to appreciate the risk involved within an application (intra-process security). Accordingly, there is a need to suggest a method to be applied continuously and transparently (i.e., without obstructing the user’s activities) to authenticate legitimate users, which is maintained beyond point of entry, without the explicit involvement of the user. To this end, a transparent and continuous authentication mechanism provides a basis for convenient and secure re-authentication of the user. The mechanism is used to gather user data in the background without requiring any dedicated activity, by regularly and periodically checking user behaviour to provide continuous monitoring for the protection of the smartphone. In order to investigate the feasibility of the proposed system, a study involving data collected from 76 participants over a one-month period using 12 mobile applications was undertaken. A series of four experiments were conducted based upon data from one month of normal device usage. The first experiment sought to explore the intra-process (i.e., within-app) and inter-process (i.e., access-only app) access levels across different time windows. The experimental results show that this approach achieved desirable outcomes for applying a transparent authentication system at an intra-process level, with an average of 6% intrusive authentication requests. Having achieved promising experimental results, it was identified that there were some users who undertook an insufficient number of activities on the device and, therefore, achieved a high level of intrusive authentication requests. As a result, there was a need to investigate whether a specific combination of time windows would perform better with a specific type of user. To do this, the numbers of intrusive authentication requests were computed based on three usage levels (high, medium and low) at both the intra- and inter-process access levels. This approach achieved better results when compared with the first set of results: the average percentage of intrusive authentication requests was 3%, which indicates a clear enhancement. The second and third experiments investigated only the intra-process and inter-process, respectively, to examine the effect of the access level. Finally, the fourth experiment investigated the impact of specific biometric modalities on overall system performance. In this research study, a Non-Intrusive Continuous Authentication (NICA) framework was applied by utilising two security mechanisms: Alert Level (AL) and Integrity Level (IL). During specific time windows, the AL process is used to seek valid samples. If there are no samples, the identity confidence is periodically reduced by a degradation function, which is 10% of current confidence in order to save power while the mobile device is inactive. In the case of the mobile user requesting to perform a task, the IL is applied to check the legitimacy of that user. If the identity confidence level is equal to or greater than the specified risk action level, transparent access is allowed. Otherwise, an intrusive authentication request is required in order to proceed with the service. In summary, the experimental results show that this approach achieved sufficiently high results to fulfil the security obligations. The shortest time window of AL= 2 min / IL = 5 min produced an average intrusive authentication request rate of 18%, whereas the largest time window (AL= 20 min / IL = 20 min) provided 6%. Interestingly, when the participants were divided into three levels of usage, the average intrusive authentication request rate was 12% and 3% for the shortest time window (AL = 2 min / IL = 5 min) and the largest time window (AL= 20 min / IL = 20), respectively. Therefore, this approach has been demonstrated to provide transparent and continuous protection to ensure the validity of the current user by understanding the risk involved within a given application.Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia Cultural Bureau in U

    Examining sensor-based physical activity recognition and monitoring for healthcare using Internet of Things: A systematic review.

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    Due to importantly beneficial effects on physical and mental health and strong association with many rehabilitation programs, Physical Activity Recognition and Monitoring (PARM) have been considered as a key paradigm for smart healthcare. Traditional methods for PARM focus on controlled environments with the aim of increasing the types of identifiable activity subjects complete and improving recognition accuracy and system robustness by means of novel body-worn sensors or advanced learning algorithms. The emergence of the Internet of Things (IoT) enabling technology is transferring PARM studies to open and connected uncontrolled environments by connecting heterogeneous cost-effective wearable devices and mobile apps. Little is currently known about whether traditional PARM technologies can tackle the new challenges of IoT environments and how to effectively harness and improve these technologies. In an effort to understand the use of IoT technologies in PARM studies, this paper will give a systematic review, critically examining PARM studies from a typical IoT layer-based perspective. It will firstly summarize the state-of-the-art in traditional PARM methodologies as used in the healthcare domain, including sensory, feature extraction and recognition techniques. The paper goes on to identify some new research trends and challenges of PARM studies in the IoT environments, and discusses some key enabling techniques for tackling them. Finally, this paper consider some of the successful case studies in the area and look at the possible future industrial applications of PARM in smart healthcare

    Contributions to non-conventional biometric systems : improvements on the fingerprint, facial and handwriting recognition approach

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    Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica, 2021.Os sistemas biométricos são amplamente utilizados pela sociedade. A maioria das aplicações desses sistemas está associada à identificação civil e à investigação criminal. No entanto, com o tempo, o desempenho dos métodos tradicionais de biometria está chegando ao limite. Neste contexto, sistemas biométricos emergentes ou não convencionais estão ganhando importância. Embora promissores, novos sistemas, assim como qualquer nova tecnologia, trazem consigo não apenas potencialidades, mas também fragilidades. Este trabalho apresenta contribuições para três importantes sistemas biométricos não convencionais (SBNC): impressão digital, reconhecimento facial e reconhecimento de escrita. No que diz respeito às impressões digitais, este trabalho apresenta um novo método para detectar a vida em dispositivos de impressão digital multivista sem toque, utilizando descritores de textura e redes neurais artificiais. Com relação ao reconhecimento facial, um método de reconhecimento de faces baseado em algoritmos de característica invariante à escala (SIFT e SURF) que opera sem a necessidade de treinamento prévio do classificador e que realiza o rastreamento de indivíduos em ambientes não controlados é apresentado. Finalmente, um método de baixo custo que usa sinais de acelerômetro e giroscópio obtidos a partir de um sensor acoplado a canetas convencionais para realizar o reconhecimento em tempo real de assinaturas é apresentado. Resultados mostram que os métodos propostos são promissores e que juntos podem contribuir para o aprimoramento dos SBNCCoordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES).Biometric systems are widely used by society. Most applications are associated with civil identification and criminal investigation. However, over time, traditional methods of performing biometrics have been reaching their limits. In this context, emerging or nonconventional biometric systems (NCBS) are gaining ground. Although promising, new systems, as well as any new technology, bring not only potentialities but also weaknesses. This work presents contributions to three important non-conventional biometric systems: fingerprint, facial, and handwriting recognition. With regard to fingerprints, this work presents a novel method for detecting life on Touchless Multi-view Fingerprint Devices, using Texture Descriptors and Artificial Neural Networks. With regard to face recognition, a facial recognition method is presented, based on Scale Invariant Feature Algorithms (SIFT and SURF), that operates without the need of previous training of a classifier and can be used to track individuals in an unconstrained environment. Finally, a low-cost on-line handwriting signature recognition method that uses accelerometer and gyroscope signals obtained from a sensor coupled to conventional pens to identify individuals in real time is presented. Results show that the proposed methods are promising and that together may contribute to the improvement of the NCB