320 research outputs found

    Computational Intelligence in Electromyography Analysis

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    Electromyography (EMG) is a technique for evaluating and recording the electrical activity produced by skeletal muscles. EMG may be used clinically for the diagnosis of neuromuscular problems and for assessing biomechanical and motor control deficits and other functional disorders. Furthermore, it can be used as a control signal for interfacing with orthotic and/or prosthetic devices or other rehabilitation assists. This book presents an updated overview of signal processing applications and recent developments in EMG from a number of diverse aspects and various applications in clinical and experimental research. It will provide readers with a detailed introduction to EMG signal processing techniques and applications, while presenting several new results and explanation of existing algorithms. This book is organized into 18 chapters, covering the current theoretical and practical approaches of EMG research

    Principal Component Analysis Applied to Surface Electromyography: A Comprehensive Review

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    © 2016 IEEE. Surface electromyography (sEMG) records muscle activities from the surface of muscles, which offers a wealth of information concerning muscle activation patterns in both research and clinical settings. A key principle underlying sEMG analyses is the decomposition of the signal into a number of motor unit action potentials (MUAPs) that capture most of the relevant features embedded in a low-dimensional space. Toward this, the principal component analysis (PCA) has extensively been sought after, whereby the original sEMG data are translated into low-dimensional MUAP components with a reduced level of redundancy. The objective of this paper is to disseminate the role of PCA in conjunction with the quantitative sEMG analyses. Following the preliminaries on the sEMG methodology and a statement of PCA algorithm, an exhaustive collection of PCA applications related to sEMG data is in order. Alongside the technical challenges associated with the PCA-based sEMG processing, the envisaged research trend is also discussed

    Decoding motor neuron behavior for advanced control of upper limb prostheses

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    One of the main challenges in upper limb prosthesis control to date is to provide devices intuitive to use and capable to reproduce the natural movements of the arm and hand. One approach to solve this challenge is to use the same control signals for prosthesis control that our nervous system uses to control its muscles. This thesis aims to investigate the possibility of natural, intuitive prosthesis control using neural information obtained with available surface EMG decomposition methods. In order to explore all aspects of such a novel approach, a series of five studies were performed with the final goal of implementing a proof of concept and comparing its performance with state of the art myoelectric control. The performed investigations revealed important insights in motor unit physiology after targeted muscle reinnervation, EMG decomposition in dynamic voluntary contractions of the forearm, and the properties and challenges of neural information based prosthesis control. The main outcome of the thesis is that neural information based prosthesis control is capable to outperform myoelectric approaches in pattern recognition, linear regression and nonlinear regression, as determined by offline performance comparisons. The final proof of concept for this novel approach was a robust regression method based on neuromusculoskeletal modeling. The kinematics estimation of the proposed approach outperformed EMG-based nonlinear regression in both able-bodied subjects and patients with limb deficiency, indicating that using neural information is a promising avenue for advanced myoelectric control.2017-11-3

    Digital Sensing Systems for Electromyography

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    Surface electromyogram (EMG) signals find diverse applications in movement rehabilitation and human-computer interfacing. For instance, future advanced prostheses, which use artificial intelligence, will require EMG signals recorded from several sites on the forearm. This requirement will entail complex wiring and data handling. We present the design and evaluation of a bespoke EMG sensing system that addresses the above challenges, enables distributed signal processing, and balances local versus global power consumption. Additionally, the proposed EMG system enables the recording and simultaneous analysis of skin-sensor impedance, needed to ensure signal fidelity. We evaluated the proposed sensing system in three experiments, namely, monitoring muscle fatigue, real-time skin-sensor impedance measurement, and control of a myoelectric computer interface. The proposed system offers comparable signal acquisition characteristics to that achieved by a clinically-approved product. It will serve and integrate future myoelectric technology better via enabling distributed machine learning and improving the signal transmission efficiency

    A Review of Non-Invasive Techniques to Detect and Predict Localised Muscle Fatigue

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    Muscle fatigue is an established area of research and various types of muscle fatigue have been investigated in order to fully understand the condition. This paper gives an overview of the various non-invasive techniques available for use in automated fatigue detection, such as mechanomyography, electromyography, near-infrared spectroscopy and ultrasound for both isometric and non-isometric contractions. Various signal analysis methods are compared by illustrating their applicability in real-time settings. This paper will be of interest to researchers who wish to select the most appropriate methodology for research on muscle fatigue detection or prediction, or for the development of devices that can be used in, e.g., sports scenarios to improve performance or prevent injury. To date, research on localised muscle fatigue focuses mainly on the clinical side. There is very little research carried out on the implementation of detecting/predicting fatigue using an autonomous system, although recent research on automating the process of localised muscle fatigue detection/prediction shows promising results

    Deep Learning for Processing Electromyographic Signals: a Taxonomy-based Survey

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    Deep Learning (DL) has been recently employed to build smart systems that perform incredibly well in a wide range of tasks, such as image recognition, machine translation, and self-driving cars. In several fields the considerable improvement in the computing hardware and the increasing need for big data analytics has boosted DL work. In recent years physiological signal processing has strongly benefited from deep learning. In general, there is an exponential increase in the number of studies concerning the processing of electromyographic (EMG) signals using DL methods. This phenomenon is mostly explained by the current limitation of myoelectric controlled prostheses as well as the recent release of large EMG recording datasets, e.g. Ninapro. Such a growing trend has inspired us to seek and review recent papers focusing on processing EMG signals using DL methods. Referring to the Scopus database, a systematic literature search of papers published between January 2014 and March 2019 was carried out, and sixty-five papers were chosen for review after a full text analysis. The bibliometric research revealed that the reviewed papers can be grouped in four main categories according to the final application of the EMG signal analysis: Hand Gesture Classification, Speech and Emotion Classification, Sleep Stage Classification and Other Applications. The review process also confirmed the increasing trend in terms of published papers, the number of papers published in 2018 is indeed four times the amount of papers published the year before. As expected, most of the analyzed papers (≈60 %) concern the identification of hand gestures, thus supporting our hypothesis. Finally, it is worth reporting that the convolutional neural network (CNN) is the most used topology among the several involved DL architectures, in fact, the sixty percent approximately of the reviewed articles consider a CNN