463 research outputs found


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    (c)2014 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works. Published in: Proc IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2014), Florence, Italy, 5-9 May 2014

    Renormalization group coefficients and the S-matrix

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    We show how to use on-shell unitarity methods to calculate renormalization group coefficients such as beta functions and anomalous dimensions. The central objects are the form factors of composite operators. Their discontinuities can be calculated via phase-space integrals and are related to corresponding anomalous dimensions. In particular, we find that the dilatation operator, which measures the anomalous dimensions, is given by minus the phase of the S-matrix divided by pi. We illustrate our method using several examples from Yang-Mills theory, perturbative QCD and Yukawa theory at one-loop level and beyond.Comment: 25 pages, 4 figures; v2: explanations improved, references added, matches journal versio

    QCD analysis of inclusive B decay into charmonium

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    We compute the decay rates and HH-energy distributions of BB mesons into the final state H+XH+X, where HH can be any one of the SS-wave or PP-wave charmonia, at next-to-leading order in the strong coupling. We find that a significant fraction of the observed J/ψJ/\psi, ψâ€Č\psi' and χc\chi_c must be produced through ccˉc\bar{c} pairs in a colour octet state and should therefore be accompanied by more than one light hadron. At the same time we obtain stringent constraints on some of the long-distance parameters for colour octet production.Comment: 40 pages, RevTeX, 4 figure

    Quark-hadron duality in electron scattering

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    The duality between partonic and hadronic descriptions of physical phenomena is one of the most remarkable features of strong interaction physics. A classic example of this is in electron-nucleon scattering, in which low-energy cross sections, when averaged over appropriate energy intervals, are found to exhibit the scaling behavior expected from perturbative QCD. We present a comprehensive review of data on structure functions in the resonance region, from which the global and local aspects of duality are quantified, including its flavor, spin and nuclear medium dependence. To interpret the experimental findings, we discuss various theoretical approaches which have been developed to understand the microscopic origins of quark-hadron duality in QCD. Examples from other reactions are used to place duality in a broader context, and future experimental and theoretical challenges are identified.Comment: 198 pages, 80 figures, to appear in Physics Report

    High-energy evolution to three loops

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    The Balitsky-Kovchegov equation describes the high-energy growth of gauge theory scattering amplitudes as well as nonlinear saturation effects which stop it. We obtain the three-loop corrections to the equation in planar N = 4 super Yang-Mills theory. Our method exploits a recently established equivalence with the physics of soft wide-angle radiation, so-called non-global logarithms, and thus yields at the same time the three-loop evolution equation for non-global logarithms. As a by-product of our analysis, we develop a Lorentz-covariant method to subtract infrared and collinear divergences in cross-section calculations in the planar limit. We compare our result in the linear regime with a recent prediction for the so-called Pomeron trajectory, and compare its collinear limit with predictions from the spectrum of twist-two operators.Peer reviewe


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    A certain pattern of divergence of perturbative expansions in quantum field theories, related to their small and large momentum behaviour, is known as renormalons. We review formal and phenomenological aspects of renormalon divergence. We first summarize what is known about ultraviolet and infrared renormalons from an analysis of Feynman diagrams. Because infrared renormalons probe large distances, they are closely connected with non-perturbative power corrections in asymptotically free theories such as QCD. We discuss this aspect of the renormalon phenomenon in various contexts, and in particular the successes and failures of renormalon-inspired models of power corrections to hard processes in QCD.Comment: 168 pages, LaTeX, 23 figures, rmpbib.sty file required and included. v2: minor rearrangements, bibliographical style change

    QCD factorization for exclusive, non-leptonic B meson decays: General arguments and the case of heavy-light final states

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    We provide a rigorous basis for factorization for a large class of non-leptonic two-body BB-meson decays in the heavy-quark limit. The factorization formula incorporates elements of the naive factorization approach and the hard-scattering approach, but allows us to compute systematically radiative (``non-factorizable'') corrections to naive factorization for decays such as B→DπB\to D\pi and B→ππB\to \pi \pi. We discuss the factorization formula for a general final state from a general point of view. We then consider factorization for decays into heavy-light final states (such as B→DπB\to D\pi) in more detail, including a proof of the factorization formula at two-loop order. Explicit results for the leading QCD corrections to factorization are presented and compared to existing measurements of branching fractions and final-state interaction phases

    The SM and NLO multileg working group: Summary report

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    This report summarizes the activities of the SM and NLO Multileg Working Group of the Workshop "Physics at TeV Colliders", Les Houches, France 8-26 June, 2009.Comment: 169 pages, Report of the SM and NLO Multileg Working Group for the Workshop "Physics at TeV Colliders", Les Houches, France 8-26 June, 200
