9 research outputs found

    The Intrinsic Structure of Nuclear Chemistry: A Scientometric Study

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    : In the last two decades, the research in nuclear chemistry has experienced a regular as well as voluminous structural changes and has grown notably with interaction from other fields in terms of theory building, methodology, and applications. This study focus a quantitative assessment of the scientific literature for mapping the intellectual structure of nuclear chemistry research and its scientific development over a 11-year period from 2008 till 2018. A total of 109281 publications were subjected to examination in order to draw statistics and depict dynamic changes to shed new light upon the growth, dispersion and structure of the studied domain. In general this work characterizes the papers, in terms of growth, institution, document type, prominent authors and institutions, and geographical distributio

    Podeželska območja, podeželsko prebivalstvo in podeželski prostor v srednji Evropi (države JCEA): vizualizacija raziskovanja v Scopus in Web of Science

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    This study, based on bibliometrics (related to scientometrics) and science mapping, along with some sociological analytical insights, assesses contexts of the concept \u27rural\u27 in articles written by authors affiliated to JCEA (Journal of Central European Agriculture) member countries: Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Croatia, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia (with addition of Austria because of geographical proximity and historical ties), using citation databases Scopus and Web of Science (WoS), and visualization software VOSviewer. Most papers are published outside the scope of agricultural production studies, clustered strongly in the fields of medicine, physical environment, social sciences, and ecological interactions. A small proportion of the reference to “rural” in agricultural science seems self-assumed in the general association of agricultural production with rural space. The papers mainly refer to geographical area, space or territory where interactions between specific social and natural processes take place. Topics tackling rural space as a societal form and arrangements, e.g. sustainable rural development and transformation, are the most recent. National and regional journals show strong recent presence but papers are also published in principal international journals. Co-author networking (countries / institutions / affiliations) indicates strong regional co-operation which is strongest in the immediate neighborhood. Co-authorship based on spatial proximity can be partly explained by less ambitious internationalization of research activities. Although publication patterns in both databases show similar traits, some database effect can be observed, also due to the inclusion of ESCI (Emerging Sources Citation Index) in 2015.Raziskava, temelječa na bibliometriji (sorodno scientometriji) in znanstvenem kartiranju, skupaj z nekaterimi sociološko-analitičnimi vpogledi preverja kontekst pojma \u27podeželje\u27 v člankih avtorjev, povezanih z državami članicami JCEA (Journal of Central European Agriculture): Bolgarija, Češka, Hrvaška, Madžarska, Poljska, Romunija, Srbija, Slovaška, Slovenija (in Avstrija zaradi zemljepisne bližine in zgodovinskih povezav), z uporabo citatnih baz podatkov Scopus in Web of Science (WoS) ter programske opreme za vizualizacijo VOSviewer. Večina prispevkov je objavljenih zunaj študij kmetijske proizvodnje, najbolj pa so prisotna področja medicine, fizičnega okolja, družboslovja in ekoloških interakcij. Majhen delež omembe pojma rural v kmetijski znanosti se zdi privzet ob splošni asociaciji kmetijske proizvodnje s podeželskim prostorom. Prispevki se nanašajo predvsem na geografsko območje, prostor ali ozemlje, kjer potekajo medsebojni vplivi med specifičnimi družbenimi in naravnimi procesi. Obravnave, ki se lotevajo podeželskega prostora kot družbene forme in ureditve, npr. trajnostni razvoj in preoblikovanje podeželja, so najnovejše. Nacionalne in regionalne revije kažejo močno prisotnost objavljanja v zadnjem času, dela pa so objavljena tudi v uglednih mednarodnih revijah. Vendar pa soavtorstvo (držav / institucij / naslovov) kaže na zelo močno regionalno sodelovanje, ki je najmočnejše v neposredni soseščini. Soavtorstvo, ki temelji na neposredni prostorski bližini, je mogoče delno razložiti z manj ambiciozno internacionalizacijo raziskovalnih dejavnosti. Čeprav vzorci objavljanja kažejo podobne lastnosti v obeh bazah podatkov, je mogoče opaziti učinek baze podatkov, tudi zaradi nedavne vključitve WoS ESCI (Emerging Sources Citation Index)

    Introducing recalibrated academic performance indicators in the evaluation of individuals' research performance: A case study from Eastern Europe

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    In Hungary, the highest and most prestigious scientific qualification is considered to be the Doctor of Science (DSc) title being awarded by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. The academic performance indicators of the DSc title are of high importance in the evaluation of individuals' research performance not only when a researcher applies for obtaining a DSc title, but also during promotions and appointments at universities, and in the case of the evaluation of applications for scientific titles and degrees, and the assessment of applications for funding. In the Section of Earth Sciences encompassing nine related disciplines, rather than carrying out a straightforward bibliometric analysis, the performance indicators were designed as a result of a consensual agreement between leading academicians, each of whom represented a particular discipline. Therefore, the minimum values of the indicators, required to be fulfilled if one is applying for a DSc title, do not adequately reflect the actual discipline-specific performance of researchers. This problem may generate tension between researchers during the evaluation process. The main goal of this paper is to recalibrate the minimum values of four major performance indicators by taking the actual discipline-specific distance ratios into account. In addition, each minimum value will be defined by employing integer and fractional counting methods as well. The research outcome of this study can provide impetus for the Section of Earth Sciences to optimize the minimum values of the DSc title performance indicators by taking the specifics of each discipline into account. Because academic performance indicators are also employed in other Eastern European countries in the evaluation of individuals' research performance, the methods used in that paper can be placed into a wider geographical context

    An Atlantic Divide? Mapping the Knowledge Domain of European and North American Based Sociology of Sport, 2008-2018

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    The sociology of sport has become a burgeoning subdiscipline in the 21st century. To assess knowledge domains and the status quo of the field in Europe and North America, this study uses CiteSpace (a bibliometric visualization software) to analyse 870 academic articles published in the International Review for the Sociology of Sport, Journal of Sport & Social Issues and Sociology of Sport Journal from 2008-2018. By mapping/examining core contributors, keywords, high citations/cited-authors, major clusters and citation bursts, the findings echo John W. Loy’s ‘risk of critical mass’ calling for various citation analysis approaches. The study expands Jon Dart and Ørnulf Seippel’s recent topic model studies on subdisciplinary development in recent decades, contributing to informed discussions of geographical politics and research directions in the field. The scale and scope of this analysis is highly generalizable to assess pre-existing state-of-the-art research on the sociology of sport

    Environmental Finance:An Interdisciplinary Review

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    Environmental finance has gained considerable attention globally as an emerging interdisciplinary research area. This study uses bibliometric analysis to systematically review major studies on environmental finance-related areas published since the 1970s. Through a bibliometric analysis of 892 environmental finance-related articles sourced from the Web of Science database, we identified the main research streams and illustrated the trending research themes of environmental finance. We find that publications related to environmental finance have increased exponentially over the past decade. Current research streams include corporate and social re- sponsibility (CSR), climate negotiations, natural gas price volatility, national policy, and cost comparisons. Further analysis of the recent five years of literature shows that emerging research topics include climate finance, sustainable finance, firm value, climate risk, and green bonds. Finally, we conclude with a future research agenda for environmental finance

    Political economy and rural resilience: a case study on state and companies from Japan

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    The research aims to investigate how the state and companies can shape the resilience of rural Japan, whereby resilience indicates those efforts to alleviate the exhaustion of regional economies and allow their future reproduction in the context of the post-demographic transition. It has been accepted that ‘rural’ theories do not exist, and there have been intense debates on the usefulness of the concept, especially in approaching rural problems. The research leverages on two approaches of the rural, the rural as a locality and the rural as a social representation, to argue that resilience can be understood by looking at the actions and beliefs of those who can shape the rural: the state and companies. Starting from one policy intervention, the research explores through document analysis and semi-structured interviews with 38 companies in rural Japan how the theories proposed by the state to create resilience unfold in two localities and how they intersect with the practice and understandings of rural companies. The main findings suggest that the theories and measures to create rural resilience advanced by the state, which concern changes in working practices and agricultural reforms, might have little impact on the capacity of local socio-economies to reproduce themselves in the future. Serious limitations also emerge concerning companies’ capacity to upgrade the local socio-economic fabric. The attempted theoretical contribution of the research is to provide a case where the capacities of state and private economic agents in creating rural resilience can be observed simultaneously rather than separately. It tries to offer a more nuanced vision around the interrelationships between the role of states and companies in forging the future of the rural. Empirically, the research shows how Japanese rural companies are adapting to and confronting the challenges that demographic changes create and how in so doing they might build rural resilience