546 research outputs found

    A polar prediction model for learning to represent visual transformations

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    All organisms make temporal predictions, and their evolutionary fitness level depends on the accuracy of these predictions. In the context of visual perception, the motions of both the observer and objects in the scene structure the dynamics of sensory signals, allowing for partial prediction of future signals based on past ones. Here, we propose a self-supervised representation-learning framework that extracts and exploits the regularities of natural videos to compute accurate predictions. We motivate the polar architecture by appealing to the Fourier shift theorem and its group-theoretic generalization, and we optimize its parameters on next-frame prediction. Through controlled experiments, we demonstrate that this approach can discover the representation of simple transformation groups acting in data. When trained on natural video datasets, our framework achieves better prediction performance than traditional motion compensation and rivals conventional deep networks, while maintaining interpretability and speed. Furthermore, the polar computations can be restructured into components resembling normalized simple and direction-selective complex cell models of primate V1 neurons. Thus, polar prediction offers a principled framework for understanding how the visual system represents sensory inputs in a form that simplifies temporal prediction

    Brain Dynamics across levels of Organization

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    After presenting evidence that the electrical activity recorded from the brain surface can reflect metastable state transitions of neuronal configurations at the mesoscopic level, I will suggest that their patterns may correspond to the distinctive spatio-temporal activity in the Dynamic Core (DC) and the Global Neuronal Workspace (GNW), respectively, in the models of the Edelman group on the one hand, and of Dehaene-Changeux, on the other. In both cases, the recursively reentrant activity flow in intra-cortical and cortical-subcortical neuron loops plays an essential and distinct role. Reasons will be given for viewing the temporal characteristics of this activity flow as signature of Self-Organized Criticality (SOC), notably in reference to the dynamics of neuronal avalanches. This point of view enables the use of statistical Physics approaches for exploring phase transitions, scaling and universality properties of DC and GNW, with relevance to the macroscopic electrical activity in EEG and EMG

    Scale-Free Dynamics in Animal Groups and Brain Networks

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    Collective phenomena fascinate by the emergence of order in systems composed of a myriad of small entities. They are ubiquitous in nature and can be found over a vast range of scales in physical and biological systems. Their key feature is the seemingly effortless emergence of adaptive collective behavior that cannot be trivially explained by the properties of the systemÂŽs individual components. This perspective focuses on recent insights into the similarities of correlations for two apparently disparate phenomena: flocking in animal groups and neuronal ensemble activity in the brain. We first will summarize findings on the spontaneous organization in bird flocks and macro-scale human brain activity utilizing correlation functions and insights from critical dynamics. We then will discuss recent experimental findings that apply these approaches to the collective response of neurons to visual and motor processing, i.e., to local perturbations of neuronal networks at the meso- and microscale. We show how scale-free correlation functions capture the collective organization of neuronal avalanches in evoked neuronal populations in nonhuman primates and between neurons during visual processing in rodents. These experimental findings suggest that the coherent collective neural activity observed at scales much larger than the length of the direct neuronal interactions is demonstrative of a phase transition and we discuss the experimental support for either discontinuous or continuous phase transitions. We conclude that at or near a phase-transition neuronal information can propagate in the brain with similar efficiency as proposed to occur in the collective adaptive response observed in some animal groups.Fil: Ribeiro, Tiago L.. National Institute Of Mental Health; Estados UnidosFil: Chialvo, Dante Renato. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Instituto de Ciencias FĂ­sicas. - Universidad Nacional de San MartĂ­n. Instituto de Ciencias FĂ­sicas; Argentina. Center for Complex Systems & Brain Sciences; ArgentinaFil: Plenz, Dietmar. National Institute Of Mental Health; Estados Unido

    The use of multilayer network analysis in animal behaviour

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    Network analysis has driven key developments in research on animal behaviour by providing quantitative methods to study the social structures of animal groups and populations. A recent formalism, known as \emph{multilayer network analysis}, has advanced the study of multifaceted networked systems in many disciplines. It offers novel ways to study and quantify animal behaviour as connected 'layers' of interactions. In this article, we review common questions in animal behaviour that can be studied using a multilayer approach, and we link these questions to specific analyses. We outline the types of behavioural data and questions that may be suitable to study using multilayer network analysis. We detail several multilayer methods, which can provide new insights into questions about animal sociality at individual, group, population, and evolutionary levels of organisation. We give examples for how to implement multilayer methods to demonstrate how taking a multilayer approach can alter inferences about social structure and the positions of individuals within such a structure. Finally, we discuss caveats to undertaking multilayer network analysis in the study of animal social networks, and we call attention to methodological challenges for the application of these approaches. Our aim is to instigate the study of new questions about animal sociality using the new toolbox of multilayer network analysis.Comment: Thoroughly revised; title changed slightl

    Cortex, countercurrent context, and dimensional integration of lifetime memory

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    The correlation between relative neocortex size and longevity in mammals encourages a search for a cortical function specifically related to the life-span. A candidate in the domain of permanent and cumulative memory storage is proposed and explored in relation to basic aspects of cortical organization. The pattern of cortico-cortical connectivity between functionally specialized areas and the laminar organization of that connectivity converges on a globally coherent representational space in which contextual embedding of information emerges as an obligatory feature of cortical function. This brings a powerful mode of inductive knowledge within reach of mammalian adaptations, a mode which combines item specificity with classificatory generality. Its neural implementation is proposed to depend on an obligatory interaction between the oppositely directed feedforward and feedback currents of cortical activity, in countercurrent fashion. Direct interaction of the two streams along their cortex-wide local interface supports a scheme of "contextual capture" for information storage responsible for the lifelong cumulative growth of a uniquely cortical form of memory termed "personal history." This approach to cortical function helps elucidate key features of cortical organization as well as cognitive aspects of mammalian life history strategies

    Contextual modulation of primary visual cortex by auditory signals

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    Early visual cortex receives non-feedforward input from lateral and top-down connections (Muckli & Petro 2013 Curr. Opin. Neurobiol. 23, 195–201. (doi:10.1016/j.conb.2013.01.020)), including long-range projections from auditory areas. Early visual cortex can code for high-level auditory information, with neural patterns representing natural sound stimulation (Vetter et al. 2014 Curr. Biol. 24, 1256–1262. (doi:10.1016/j.cub.2014.04.020)). We discuss a number of questions arising from these findings. What is the adaptive function of bimodal representations in visual cortex? What type of information projects from auditory to visual cortex? What are the anatomical constraints of auditory information in V1, for example, periphery versus fovea, superficial versus deep cortical layers? Is there a putative neural mechanism we can infer from human neuroimaging data and recent theoretical accounts of cortex? We also present data showing we can read out high-level auditory information from the activation patterns of early visual cortex even when visual cortex receives simple visual stimulation, suggesting independent channels for visual and auditory signals in V1. We speculate which cellular mechanisms allow V1 to be contextually modulated by auditory input to facilitate perception, cognition and behaviour. Beyond cortical feedback that facilitates perception, we argue that there is also feedback serving counterfactual processing during imagery, dreaming and mind wandering, which is not relevant for immediate perception but for behaviour and cognition over a longer time frame. This article is part of the themed issue ‘Auditory and visual scene analysis’

    The active inference approach to ecological perception: general information dynamics for natural and artificial embodied cognition

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    The emerging neurocomputational vision of humans as embodied, ecologically embedded, social agents—who shape and are shaped by their environment—offers a golden opportunity to revisit and revise ideas about the physical and information-theoretic underpinnings of life, mind, and consciousness itself. In particular, the active inference framework (AIF) makes it possible to bridge connections from computational neuroscience and robotics/AI to ecological psychology and phenomenology, revealing common underpinnings and overcoming key limitations. AIF opposes the mechanistic to the reductive, while staying fully grounded in a naturalistic and information-theoretic foundation, using the principle of free energy minimization. The latter provides a theoretical basis for a unified treatment of particles, organisms, and interactive machines, spanning from the inorganic to organic, non-life to life, and natural to artificial agents. We provide a brief introduction to AIF, then explore its implications for evolutionary theory, ecological psychology, embodied phenomenology, and robotics/AI research. We conclude the paper by considering implications for machine consciousness

    Disentangling the effects of early caregiving experience and heritable factors on brain white matter development in rhesus monkeys

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    Early social experiences, particularly maternal care, shape behavioral and physiological development in primates. Thus, it is not surprising that adverse caregiving, such as child maltreatment leads to a vast array of poor developmental outcomes, including increased risk for psychopathology across the lifespan. Studies of the underlying neurobiology of this risk have identified structural and functional alterations in cortico-limbic brain circuits that seem particularly sensitive to these early adverse experiences and are associated with anxiety and affective disorders. However, it is not understood how these neurobiological alterations unfold during development as it is very difficult to study these early phases in humans, where the effects of maltreatment experience cannot be disentangled from heritable traits. The current study examined the specific effects of experience (“nurture”)versus heritable factors (“nature”)on the development of brain white matter (WM)tracts with putative roles in socioemotional behavior in primates from birth through the juvenile period. For this we used a randomized crossfostering experimental design in a naturalistic rhesus monkey model of infant maltreatment, where infant monkeys were randomly assigned at birth to either a mother with a history of maltreating her infants, or a competent mother. Using a longitudinal diffusion tensor imaging (DTI)atlas-based tract-profile approach we identified widespread, but also specific, maturational changes on major brain tracts, as well as alterations in a measure of WM integrity (fractional anisotropy, FA)in the middle longitudinal fasciculus (MdLF)and the inferior longitudinal fasciculus (ILF), of maltreated animals, suggesting decreased structural integrity in these tracts due to early adverse experience. Exploratory voxelwise analyses confirmed the tract-based approach, finding additional effects of early adversity, biological mother, social dominance rank, and sex in other WM tracts. These results suggest tract-specific effects of postnatal maternal care experience versus heritable or biological factors on primate WM microstructural development. Further studies are needed to determine the specific behavioral outcomes and biological mechanisms associated with these alterations in WM integrity
