11 research outputs found

    Modeling a four-layer location-routing problem

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    Distribution is an indispensable component of logistics and supply chain management. Location-Routing Problem (LRP) is an NP-hard problem that simultaneously takes into consideration location, allocation, and vehicle routing decisions to design an optimal distribution network. Multi-layer and multi-product LRP is even more complex as it deals with the decisions at multiple layers of a distribution network where multiple products are transported within and between layers of the network. This paper focuses on modeling a complicated four-layer and multi-product LRP which has not been tackled yet. The distribution network consists of plants, central depots, regional depots, and customers. In this study, the structure, assumptions, and limitations of the distribution network are defined and the mathematical optimization programming model that can be used to obtain the optimal solution is developed. Presented by a mixed-integer programming model, the LRP considers the location problem at two layers, the allocation problem at three layers, the vehicle routing problem at three layers, and a transshipment problem. The mathematical model locates central and regional depots, allocates customers to plants, central depots, and regional depots, constructs tours from each plant or open depot to customers, and constructs transshipment paths from plants to depots and from depots to other depots. Considering realistic assumptions and limitations such as producing multiple products, limited production capacity, limited depot and vehicle capacity, and limited traveling distances enables the user to capture the real world situations

    On Neighborhood Tree Search

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    We consider the neighborhood tree induced by alternating the use of different neighborhood structures within a local search descent. We investigate the issue of designing a search strategy operating at the neighborhood tree level by exploring different paths of the tree in a heuristic way. We show that allowing the search to 'backtrack' to a previously visited solution and resuming the iterative variable neighborhood descent by 'pruning' the already explored neighborhood branches leads to the design of effective and efficient search heuristics. We describe this idea by discussing its basic design components within a generic algorithmic scheme and we propose some simple and intuitive strategies to guide the search when traversing the neighborhood tree. We conduct a thorough experimental analysis of this approach by considering two different problem domains, namely, the Total Weighted Tardiness Problem (SMTWTP), and the more sophisticated Location Routing Problem (LRP). We show that independently of the considered domain, the approach is highly competitive. In particular, we show that using different branching and backtracking strategies when exploring the neighborhood tree allows us to achieve different trade-offs in terms of solution quality and computing cost.Comment: Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO'12) (2012

    A GRASP Algorithm Based on New Randomized Heuristic for Vehicle Routing Problem

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    This paper presents a novel GRASP algorithm based on a new randomized heuristic for solving the capacitated vehicle routing problem, which characterized by using a fleet of homogenous vehicle capacity that will start from one depot, to serve a number of customers with demands that are less than the vehicle capacity. The proposed method is based on a new constructive heuristic and a simulated annealing procedure as an improvement phase. The new constructive heuristic uses four steps to generate feasible initial solutions, and the simulated annealing enhances these solutions found to reach the optimal one. We tested our algorithm on two sets of benchmark instances and the obtained results are very encouraging

    A solution method for a two-layer sustainable supply chain distribution model

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    This article presents an effective solution method for a two-layer, NP-hard sustainable supply chain distribution model. A DoE-guided MOGA-II optimiser based solution method is proposed for locating a set of non-dominated solutions distributed along the Pareto frontier. The solution method allows decision-makers to prioritise the realistic solutions, while focusing on alternate transportation scenarios. The solution method has been implemented for the case of an Irish dairy processing industry׳s two-layer supply chain network. The DoE generates 6100 real feasible solutions after 100 generations of the MOGA-II optimiser which are then refined using statistical experimentation. As the decision-maker is presented with a choice of several distribution routes on the demand side of the two-layer network, TOPSIS is applied to rank the set of non-dominated solutions thus facilitating the selection of the best sustainable distribution route. The solution method characterises the Pareto solutions from disparate scenarios through numerical and statistical experimentations. A set of realistic routes from plants to consumers is derived and mapped which minimises total CO2 emissions and costs where it can be seen that the solution method outperforms existing solution methods

    Metodología para crear rutas alimentadoras en sistemas de transporte masivo

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    Se propone una metodología para identificar rutas alimentadoras en zonas no conectadas para un sistema de transporte masivo, con el fin de aumentar la cobertura del servicio y mejorar el nivel de ocupación del sistema. La metodología propuesta consta de dos etapas: 1) estructurar escenarios de áreas no conectadas al sistema de transporte y 2) combinar técnicas heurísticas y exactas para resolver el problema de rutas alimentadoras. La metodología considera dentro de sus restricciones la duración de la ruta y la capacidad del vehículo alimentador. Para su modelamiento se establece una analogía entre los problemas del transporte de pasajeros y el problema de localización y ruteo, Location Routing Problem (LRP), que usualmente es aplicado a problemas de transporte de mercancías. La metodología de solución propuesta es una matheurística que combina las heurísticas Lin-Kernighan-Helsgaun (LKH) y ahorros con el algoritmo de ramificación y corte, Branch-and-Cut, aplicado sobre un modelo lineal entero mixto de partición de conjuntos (Set Partitioning) para LRP. Esta propuesta metodológica es validada con casos de prueba reales del sistema de transporte masivo de la ciudad de Pereira (Megabús), donde se consideran algunas zonas no conectadas del Área Metropolitana Centro Occidente, localizada en el eje cafetero colombiano

    A case analysis of a sustainable food supply chain distribution system—A multi-objective approach

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    Sustainable supply chain management is a topical area which is continuing to grow and evolve. Within supply chains, downstream distribution from producers to customers plays a significant role in the environmental performance of production supply chains. With consumer consciousness growing in the area of sustainable food supply, food distribution needs to embrace and adapt to improve its environmental performance, while still remaining economically competitive. With a particular focus on the dairy industry, a robust solution approach is presented for the design of a capacitated distribution network for a two-layer supply chain involved in the distribution of milk in Ireland. In particular the green multiobjective optimisation model minimises CO2 emissions from transportation and total costs in the distribution chain. These distribution channels are analysed to ensure the non-dominated solutions are distributed along the Pareto fronts. A multi-attribute decision-making approach, TOPSIS, has been used to rank the realistic feasible transportation routes resulting from the trade-offs between total costs and CO2 emissions. The refined realistic solution space allows the decision-makers to geographically locate the sustainable transportation routes. In addition to geographical mapping the decision maker is also presented with a number of alternative analysed scenarios which forcibly open closed distribution routes to build resiliency into the solution approach. In terms of model performance, three separate GA based optimisers have been evaluated and reported upon. In the case presented NSGA-II was found to outperform its counterparts of MOGA-II and HYBRID

    The location-routing problem with multi-compartment and multi-trip: formulation and heuristic approaches

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    The location-routing problem with multi-compartment and multi-trip is an extension to the standard location-routing problem. In this problem, depots are used to deliver different products using heterogeneous vehicles with several compartments. Each compartment has a limited capacity and is dedicated to a single type of product. The problem is formulated as a mixed integer program. A constructive heuristic and a hybrid genetic algorithm (HGA) are proposed. Numerical experiments show that both heuristics can efficiently determine the optimal solutions on small size instances. For larger ones, the HGA outperforms the constructive heuristic with relatively more computational time. Managerial insights have been obtained from sensitivity analyses which would be helpful to improve the performance of the supply network

    A GRASP×ELS approach for the capacitated location-routing problem

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    International audienceThis paper addresses the capacitated location-routing problem (CLRP), raised by distribution networks involving depot location, fleet assignment and routing decisions. The CLRP is defined by a set of potential depot locations, with opening costs and limited capacities, a homogeneous fleet of vehicles, and a set of customers with known demands. The objective is to open a subset of depots, to assign customers to these depots and to design vehicle routes, in order to minimize both the cost of open depots and the total cost of the routes. The proposed solution method is a greedy randomized adaptive search procedure (GRASP), calling an evolutionary local search (ELS) and searching within two solution spaces: giant tours without trip delimiters and true CLRP solutions. Giant tours are evaluated via a splitting procedure that minimizes the total cost subject to vehicle capacity, fleet size and depot capacities. This framework is benchmarked on classical instances. Numerical experiments show that the approach outperforms all previously published methods and provides numerous new best solutions

    Innovative Hybrid Approaches for Vehicle Routing Problems

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    This thesis deals with the efficient resolution of Vehicle Routing Problems (VRPs). The first chapter faces the archetype of all VRPs: the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem (CVRP). Despite having being introduced more than 60 years ago, it still remains an extremely challenging problem. In this chapter I design a Fast Iterated-Local-Search Localized Optimization algorithm for the CVRP, shortened to FILO. The simplicity of the CVRP definition allowed me to experiment with advanced local search acceleration and pruning techniques that have eventually became the core optimization engine of FILO. FILO experimentally shown to be extremely scalable and able to solve very large scale instances of the CVRP in a fraction of the computing time compared to existing state-of-the-art methods, still obtaining competitive solutions in terms of their quality. The second chapter deals with an extension of the CVRP called the Extended Single Truck and Trailer Vehicle Routing Problem, or simply XSTTRP. The XSTTRP models a broad class of VRPs in which a single vehicle, composed of a truck and a detachable trailer, has to serve a set of customers with accessibility constraints making some of them not reachable by using the entire vehicle. This problem moves towards VRPs including more realistic constraints and it models scenarios such as parcel deliveries in crowded city centers or rural areas, where maneuvering a large vehicle is forbidden or dangerous. The XSTTRP generalizes several well known VRPs such as the Multiple Depot VRP and the Location Routing Problem. For its solution I developed an hybrid metaheuristic which combines a fast heuristic optimization with a polishing phase based on the resolution of a limited set partitioning problem. Finally, the thesis includes a final chapter aimed at guiding the computational evaluation of new approaches to VRPs proposed by the machine learning community