9 research outputs found

    Bid Waiver Policy

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    Bid Waiver Policy Please be advised that the following policy applies to Bid Waivers. Bid Waivers expire at the conclusion of each fiscal year (July 1- June 30) regardless of when the Waiver may have been issued or authorized during a fiscal period. If the approved total dollar amount on the Bid Waiver is not utilized during the designated fiscal year, the funds cannot be transferred into a successive fiscal year. A new Bid Waiver request must be generated

    Code of Ethics: University Procurement and Business Services

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    Code of Ethics The decisions, procedures and code of conduct for Kean University Procurement and Business Services is listed in the Kean University – Code of Ethics. To view or download a copy click the following link

    University Procurement and Business Services

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    PURCHASING OBJECTIVESUniversity Procurement and Business Services is the designated agent authorized to negotiate the purchase and lease of all supplies, equipment and services at Kean University. University Procurement and Business Services is responsible for procuring goods and services in the most fair, competitive and equitable manner possible. The objectives of University Procurement and Business Services are: To purchase, rent or lease all goods and services to support the university’s educational and administrative operations, in accordance with university policy. To maintain good relations with suppliers and to ensure that goods and services are delivered on schedule. To develop and implement sound cost-effective policies, procedures and systems regarding the procurement of goods and services needed to support educational and administrative activity. To encourage open competition among vendors through fair negotiation, competitive bidding, and contract buying. To develop and maintain a complete and current inventory of all capital and fixed assets belonging to the university. To comply with all State and Federal requirements pertaining to the procurement of goods and services. Pursuant to the provisions of New Jersey Annotated Statute 18A:64-54, the bidding threshold amount has been adjusted from 33,300to33,300 to 34,400 effective July 1, 2019. All purchases and contracts exceeding this amount must be achieved through competitive bidding. For further information on Purchasing Guidelines and Procedures click on the following link: Purchasing Guidelines University Tax-Exempt Status Kean University is an instrumentality or political subdivision of the State of New Jersey and is exempt from Sales and Use Taxes, pursuant to Section 9 (a)(1) of the New Jersey Sales and Use Tax Act (N.J.S.A. 54:32B-1 et seq.). Learn more \u3e\u3

    Competitive Quote Form

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    University Procurement and Business Services policy requires competitive bidding for purchases with a value of 6,800.00orabove.Thisrequirementissatisfiedbyoneofthefollowing:1)obtainingthreecompetitivequotes,2)conductingapublicadvertisedbid,3)usingaUniversity,State,GSAorcooperativecontract,4)obtainingaquotewaiverfromUniversityProcurementandBusinessServicesforpurchasesbelow6,800.00 or above. This requirement is satisfied by one of the following: 1) obtaining three competitive quotes, 2) conducting a public advertised bid, 3) using a University, State, GSA or cooperative contract, 4) obtaining a quote waiver from University Procurement and Business Services for purchases below 34,400.00; or 5) obtaining a Board of Trustees bid waiver for purchases of 34,400.00orabove.Completethisformtorecordcompetitivequotesforpurchasesbelow34,400.00 or above. Complete this form to record competitive quotes for purchases below 34,400.0

    Request for Bid Waiver Form

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    Vendor Bid Forms

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    Vendor Bid Forms YOU MAY DOWNLOAD AND PRINT THE FOLLOWING FORMS FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE: General Terms and Conditions Exhibit A Affirmative Action Questionnaire Non-Collusion Statement Commodity Listing Investment Activities in Iran MacBride Principles Form Ownership Disclosure Public Law 2005, Chapter 51 and Executive Order 117 Source Disclosure Form Certification by the Vendor Disclosure of Investigations Two-Year Chapter 51-Vendor Certification and Disclosure Vendor and Bidder Certification and Political Contribution Disclosure W-9 For

    State Contractors

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    State Contractors Do you need to find a state contractor for goods or services you want to order? The Division of Purchase and Property for the State of New Jersey has a page that gives you access to state contracts and contractors. Visit the State Contract page. YOU CAN SEARCH FOR INFORMATION ON CONTRACTS UNDER THE COOPERATIVE PURCHASING TAB USING: Key Words Titles Vendor contract number State contract number Vendor name A list of vendors is displayed along with their specific contract number. To see the Notice of Award and get more information on the contract/contractor, click on the T-number to the left . You can also search for contracts by:State Contract T-numberContract TitleContracts updated in the last 10 day

    Online Purchasing Sytem

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    Online Purchasing System All purchases at Kean University are to be made through the online purchasing module in the Colleague Distributed Financials system. Training is required to effectively use the Distributed Financials system. Access to the online purchasing system requires a login ID and password which will be given upon completion of training. Please call extension 76000 for information on upcoming training classes. The following steps must be completed before a vendor can be paid: 1. The online requisition must be completed using Colleague Distributed Financials (Datatel System). 2. The dean or department head approves the requisition in the system. 3. The vice president and budget officer approve requisitions for more than $500.00 4. The requisition is sent electronically to University Procurement and Business Services upon completion and authorization. 5. University Procurement and Business Services changes the requisition into an authorized purchase order. 6. The purchase order is signed and mailed to the supplier. 7. The goods are shipped to the University based on the purchase order contract item description. 8. Acceptance of goods or services is entered into the Distributed Financials system by the ordering department to give an indication to Accounts Payable that the goods have been received; therefore, the supplier can be paid. 9. Supplier invoices must be sent directly to General Accounting. 10. General Accounting pays the invoice

    Immunosuppressive therapy for kidney transplantation in adults: a systematic review and economic model.

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    End-stage renal disease is a long-term irreversible decline in kidney function requiring renal replacement therapy: kidney transplantation, haemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis. The preferred option is kidney transplantation, followed by immunosuppressive therapy (induction and maintenance therapy) to reduce the risk of kidney rejection and prolong graft survival.This article is freely available. Click on the 'Additional Link' above to access the full-text