39 research outputs found

    Targeted Disruption of Core 1 β1,3-galactosyltransferase (C1galt1) Induces Apical Endocytic Trafficking in Human Corneal Keratinocytes

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    Exposed mucosal surfaces limit constitutive endocytosis under physiological conditions to prevent uptake of macromolecules and pathogens and, therefore, cellular damage. It is now accepted that cell surface mucins, a group of high molecular weight glycoproteins on the epithelial glycocalyx, defined by their extensive O-glycosylation, play a major role in maintaining barrier function in these surfaces, but the precise mechanisms are unclear.In this work, we utilized a stable tetracycline-inducible RNA interfering system targeting the core 1 ß1,3-galactosyltransferase (C1galt1 or T-synthase), a critical galactosyltransferase required for the synthesis of core 1 O-glycans, to explore the role of mucin-type carbohydrates in apical endocytic trafficking in human corneal keratinocytes. Using cell surface biotinylation and subcellular fractionation, we found increased accumulation of plasma membrane protein in endosomes after C1galt1 depletion. Confocal laser scanning microscopy and fluorometry revealed increased translocation of negatively charged fluorescent nanospheres after C1galt1 knockdown sustained by an active transport process and largely independent of apical intercellular junctions. Internalization of nanospheres could be blocked by dynasore, nocodazole, chlorpromazine, and hyperosmotic sucrose, suggesting a mechanism for clathrin-coated pit budding and vesicular trafficking. This possibility was supported by experiments showing nanosphere colocalization with clathrin heavy chain in the cytoplasm.Together, the data suggest that core 1 O-glycans contribute to maintenance of apical barrier function on exposed mucosal surfaces by preventing clathrin-mediated endocytosis

    Los incendios forestales en Galicia y su investigación

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    El trabajo se centra en la investigación policial de los incendios forestales en Galicia, examinándose sus características generales, las cuestiones relativas a la investigación de las causas y, ya en el ámbito de las pruebas personales, la prueba testimonial, el uso de inteligencia criminal y la actividad operativa. A título introductorio, se realizan una serie de precisiones sobre las características de los incendios en Galicia y sobre los perfiles policial y socio-psicológico de sus autores. A modo de conclusión se incide en la necesidad de redirigir la investigación de las causas del incendio, de tal manera que pueda poner de manifiesto, también, la existencia de comportamientos sectoriales antisociales, de desórdenes relativos a conductas imprudentes o de factores estructurales que coadyuven a la virulencia del incendio

    Extended-Spectrum Beta-Lactamase-Producing Enterobacteriaceae in Fresh Produce

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    15 p.Fresh vegetables are an essential part of a healthy diet, but microbial contamination of fruits and vegetables is a serious concern to human health, not only for the presence of foodborne pathogens but because they can be a vehicle for the transmission of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. This work aimed to investigate the importance of fresh produce in the transmission of extended-spectrum β-lactamases (ESBL)-producing Enterobacteriaceae. A total of 174 samples of vegetables (117) and farm environment (57) were analysed to determine enterobacterial contamination and presence of ESBL-producing Enterobacteriaceae. Enterobacterial counts above the detection limit were found in 82.9% vegetable samples and 36.8% environmental samples. The average count was 4.2 log cfu/g or mL, with a maximum value of 6.2 log cfu/g in a parsley sample. Leafy vegetables showed statistically significant higher mean counts than other vegetables. A total of 15 ESBL-producing isolates were obtained from vegetables (14) and water (1) samples and were identified as Serratia fonticola (11) and Rahnella aquatilis (4). Five isolates of S. fonticola were considered multi-drug resistant. Even though their implication in human infections is rare, they can become an environmental reservoir of antibiotic-resistance genes that can be further disseminated along the food chainS

    Use of discontinuity factors in high-order finite element methods

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    The discontinuity factors are a technique widely used in nodal methods to minimize the error due to spatial homogenization of cross sections for a coarse mesh core calculation. In the present work, the introduction of discontinuity factors in a high-order finite element approximation of the neutron diffusion equation is investigated. More precisely, classical reference and assembly discontinuity factors are introduced in a discontinuous Galerkin finite element method stabilized using an interior penalty formulation for the neutron diffusion equation. The proposed method is tested solving different one- and two-dimensional benchmark problems, showing that the discontinuity factors technique can be successfully introduced in the discontinuous Galerkin formulation. (C) 2015 Published by Elsevier Ltd.The work performed by the second, fifth, and sixth author was financially supported by the Swedish Research Council (VR - Vetenskapsradet) within a framework grant called DREAM4SAFER (Development of Revolutionary and Accurate Methods for Safety Analyses of Future and Existing Reactors), research contract C0467701.Vidal-Ferràndiz, A.; González Pintor, S.; Ginestar Peiro, D.; Verdú Martín, GJ.; Asadzadeh, M.; Demazière, C. (2016). Use of discontinuity factors in high-order finite element methods. Annals of Nuclear Energy. 87:728-738. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.anucene.2015.06.021S7287388

    Immunolocalisation of P2Y receptors in the rat eye

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    Nucleotides present an important role in ocular physiology which has been demonstrated by recent works that indicate their involvement in many ocular processes. P2Y are important among P2 receptors since they can control tear production, corneal wound healing, aqueous humour dynamics and retinal physiology. Commercial antibodies have allowed us to investigate the distribution of P2Y receptors in the cornea, anterior and posterior chamber of the eye and retina. The P2Y1 receptor was present mainly in cornea, ciliary processes, and trabecular meshwork. The P2Y2 receptors were present in cornea, ciliary processes and retinal pigmented epithelium. P2Y4 was present in cornea, ciliary processes, photoreceptors, outer plexiform layer and ganglion cell layer. The P2Y6 presented almost an identical distribution as the P2Y4 receptor. The P2Y11 was also detectable in the retinal pigmented epithelium. The detailed distribution of the receptors clearly supports the recent findings indicating the relevant role of nucleotides in the ocular function

    p38γ and p38δ regulate postnatal cardiac metabolism through glycogen synthase 1

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    During the first weeks of postnatal heart development, cardiomyocytes undergo a major adaptive metabolic shift from glycolytic energy production to fatty acid oxidation. This metabolic change is contemporaneous to the up-regulation and activation of the p38γ and p38δ stress-activated protein kinases in the heart. We demonstrate that p38γ/δ contribute to the early postnatal cardiac metabolic switch through inhibitory phosphorylation of glycogen synthase 1 (GYS1) and glycogen metabolism inactivation. Premature induction of p38γ/δ activation in cardiomyocytes of newborn mice results in an early GYS1 phosphorylation and inhibition of cardiac glycogen production, triggering an early metabolic shift that induces a deficit in cardiomyocyte fuel supply, leading to whole-body metabolic deregulation and maladaptive cardiac pathogenesis. Notably, the adverse effects of forced premature cardiac p38γ/δ activation in neonate mice are prevented by maternal diet supplementation of fatty acids during pregnancy and lactation. These results suggest that diet interventions have a potential for treating human cardiac genetic diseases that affect heart metabolism.G.S. is a YIP EMBO member. B.G.T. was a fellow of the FPI Severo Ochoa CNIC program (SVP-2013-067639) and currently is funded by the AHA-CHF (AHA award number: 818798). V.M.R. is a FPI fellow (BES-2014-069332) and A.M.S. is a fellow of the FPI Severo Ochoa CNIC program (BES-2016-077635). This work was funded by the following grants: to G.S.: funding from the EFSD/Lilly European Diabetes Research Programme Dr Sabio, from Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (MINECO-FEDER SAF2016-79126-R and PID2019-104399RB-I00), Comunidad de Madrid (IMMUNOTHERCAN-CM S2010/BMD-2326 and B2017/BMD-3733) and Fundación Jesús Serra; to P.A.: Ayudas para apoyar grupos de investigación del sistema Universitario Vasco (IT971-16 to P.A.), MCIU/AEI/FEDER, funding from Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (RTI2018-095134-B-100); Excellence Network Grant from MICIU/AEI (SAF2016-81975-REDT and 2018-PN188) to PA and GS; to J.V.: funding from Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (PGC2018-097019-B-I00), the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria grant PRB3 (PT17/0019/0003- ISCIII-SGEFI / ERDF, ProteoRed), and “la Caixa” Banking Foundation (project code HR17-00247); to J.P.B.: funding from Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (PID2019-105699RB-I00, RED2018‐102576‐T) and Escalera de Excelencia (CLU-2017-03); to J.A.E.: funding from Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities MINECO (RED2018-102576-T, RTI2018-099357-B-I00), CIBERFES (CB16/10/00282), and HFSP (RGP0016/2018). RAP (XPC/BBV1602 and MIN/RYC1102). The CNIC is supported by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities and the Pro CNIC Foundation, and is a Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence (SEV-2015-0505). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    p38γ is essential for cell cycle progression and liver tumorigenesis

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    The cell cycle is a tightly regulated process that is controlled by the conserved cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK)–cyclin protein complex1. However, control of the G0-to-G1 transition is not completely understood. Here we demonstrate that p38 MAPK gamma (p38γ) acts as a CDK-like kinase and thus cooperates with CDKs, regulating entry into the cell cycle. p38γ shares high sequence homology, inhibition sensitivity and substrate specificity with CDK family members. In mouse hepatocytes, p38γ induces proliferation after partial hepatectomy by promoting the phosphorylation of retinoblastoma tumour suppressor protein at known CDK target residues. Lack of p38γ or treatment with the p38γ inhibitor pirfenidone protects against the chemically induced formation of liver tumours. Furthermore, biopsies of human hepatocellular carcinoma show high expression of p38γ, suggesting that p38γ could be a therapeutic target in the treatment of this disease

    The impact of polyphenols on chondrocyte growth and survival: a preliminary report

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    Background: Imbalances in the functional binding of fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) to their receptors (FGFRs) have consequences for cell proliferation and differentiation that in chondrocytes may lead to degraded cartilage. The toxic, proinflammatory, and oxidative response of cytokines and FGFs can be mitigated by dietary polyphenols. Objective: We explored the possible effects of polyphenols in the management of osteoarticular diseases using a model based on the transduction of a mutated human FGFR3 (G380R) in murine chondrocytes. This mutation is present in most cases of skeletal dysplasia and is responsible for the overexpression of FGFR3 that, in the presence of its ligand, FGF9, results in toxic effects leading to altered cellular growth. Design: Different combinations of dietary polyphenols derived from plant extracts were assayed in FGFR3 (G380R) mutated murine chondrocytes, exploring cell survival, chloride efflux, extracellular matrix (ECM) generation, and grade of activation of mitogen-activated protein kinases. Results: Bioactive compounds from Hibiscus sabdariffa reversed the toxic effects of FGF9 and restored normal growth, suggesting a probable translation to clinical requests in humans. Indeed, these compounds activated the intracellular chloride efflux, increased ECM generation, and stimulated cell proliferation. The inhibition of mitogen-activated protein kinase phosphorylation was interpreted as the main mechanism governing these beneficial effects. Conclusions: These findings support the rationale behind the encouragement of the development of drugs that repress the overexpression of FGFRs and suggest the dietary incorporation of supplementary nutrients in the management of degraded cartilage.The authors are grateful for the constant support provided by the Hospital Universitari de Sant Joan and the Universitat Rovira i Virgili. Salvador Fernández-Arroyo is the recipient of a Sara Borrell grant (CD12/00672) from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Madrid, Spain. The authors also thank the Andalusian Regional Government Council of Innovation and Science for the Excellence Project P11-CTS-7625 and Generalitat Valenciana for the project PROMETEO/2012/007. This work was also supported by projects of the Fundación Areces and the Fundación MAGAR

    Nutrición parenteral domiciliaria en España, 2019: informe del Grupo de Nutrición Artificial Domiciliaria y Ambulatoria NADYA

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    RESUMEN Objetivo: comunicar los datos de nutrición parenteral domiciliaria (NPD) obtenidos del registro del grupo NADYA-SENPE (www.nadyasenpe.com) del año 2019. Material y métodos: análisis descriptivo de los datos recogidos de pacientes adultos y pediátricos con NPD en el registro NADYA-SENPE desde el 1 de enero al 31 de diciembre de 2019. Resultados: se registraron 283 pacientes (51,9 %, mujeres), 31 niños y 252 adultos procedentes de 47 hospitales españoles, lo que representa una tasa de prevalencia de 6,01 pacientes/millón de habitantes/año 2019. El diagnóstico más frecuente en los adultos fue “oncológico paliativo” y “otros” (21,0 %). En los niños fue la enfermedad de Hirschsprung junto a la enterocolitis necrotizante, las alteraciones de la motilidad intestinal y la pseudoobstrucción intestinal crónica, con 4 casos cada uno (12,9 %). El primer motivo de indicación fue el síndrome del intestino corto tanto en los niños (51,6 %) como en los adultos (37,3 %). El tipo de catéter más utilizado fue el tunelizado tanto en los niños (75,9 %) como en los adultos (40,8 %). Finalizaron 68 episodios, todos en adultos: la causa más frecuente fue el fallecimiento (54,4 %). Pasaron a la vía oral el 38,2 %. Conclusiones: el número de centros y profesionales colaboradores con el registro NADYA va incrementándose. Se mantienen estables las principales indicaciones y los motivos de finalización de la NPD

    Reducing the environmental impact of surgery on a global scale: systematic review and co-prioritization with healthcare workers in 132 countries

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    Abstract Background Healthcare cannot achieve net-zero carbon without addressing operating theatres. The aim of this study was to prioritize feasible interventions to reduce the environmental impact of operating theatres. Methods This study adopted a four-phase Delphi consensus co-prioritization methodology. In phase 1, a systematic review of published interventions and global consultation of perioperative healthcare professionals were used to longlist interventions. In phase 2, iterative thematic analysis consolidated comparable interventions into a shortlist. In phase 3, the shortlist was co-prioritized based on patient and clinician views on acceptability, feasibility, and safety. In phase 4, ranked lists of interventions were presented by their relevance to high-income countries and low–middle-income countries. Results In phase 1, 43 interventions were identified, which had low uptake in practice according to 3042 professionals globally. In phase 2, a shortlist of 15 intervention domains was generated. In phase 3, interventions were deemed acceptable for more than 90 per cent of patients except for reducing general anaesthesia (84 per cent) and re-sterilization of ‘single-use’ consumables (86 per cent). In phase 4, the top three shortlisted interventions for high-income countries were: introducing recycling; reducing use of anaesthetic gases; and appropriate clinical waste processing. In phase 4, the top three shortlisted interventions for low–middle-income countries were: introducing reusable surgical devices; reducing use of consumables; and reducing the use of general anaesthesia. Conclusion This is a step toward environmentally sustainable operating environments with actionable interventions applicable to both high– and low–middle–income countries