127 research outputs found

    Galactic abundance gradients from Cepheids : On the iron abundance gradient around 10-12 kpc

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    Context: Classical Cepheids can be adopted to trace the chemical evolution of the Galactic disk since their distances can be estimated with very high accuracy. Aims: Homogeneous iron abundance measurements for 33 Galactic Cepheids located in the outer disk together with accurate distance determinations based on near-infrared photometry are adopted to constrain the Galactic iron gradient beyond 10 kpc. Methods: Iron abundances were determined using high resolution Cepheid spectra collected with three different observational instruments: ESPaDOnS@CFHT, Narval@TBL and [email protected] ESO/MPG telescope. Cepheid distances were estimated using near-infrared (J,H,K-band) period-luminosity relations and data from SAAO and the 2MASS catalog. Results: The least squares solution over the entire data set indicates that the iron gradient in the Galactic disk presents a slope of -0.052+/-0.003 dex/kpc in the 5-17 kpc range. However, the change of the iron abundance across the disk seems to be better described by a linear regime inside the solar circle and a flattening of the gradient toward the outer disk (beyond 10 kpc). In the latter region the iron gradient presents a shallower slope, i.e. -0.012+/-0.014 dex/kpc. In the outer disk (10-12 kpc) we also found that Cepheids present an increase in the spread in iron abundance. Current evidence indicates that the spread in metallicity depends on the Galactocentric longitude. Finally, current data do not support the hypothesis of a discontinuity in the iron gradient at Galactocentric distances of 10-12 kpc. Conclusions: The occurrence of a spread in iron abundance as a function of the Galactocentric longitude indicates that linear radial gradients should be cautiously treated to constrain the chemical evolution across the disk.Comment: 5 tables, 8 figures, Accepted in A&

    On the metallicity distribution of classical Cepheids in the Galactic inner disk

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    We present homogeneous and accurate iron abundances for almost four dozen (47) of Galactic Cepheids using high-spectral resolution (R\sim40,000) high signal-to-noise ratio (S/N \ge 100) optical spectra collected with UVES at VLT. A significant fraction of the sample (32) is located in the inner disk (RG lele 6.9 kpc) and for half of them we provide new iron abundances. Current findings indicate a steady increase in iron abundance when approaching the innermost regions of the thin disk. The metallicity is super-solar and ranges from 0.2 dex for RG \sim 6.5 kpc to 0.4 dex for RG \sim 5.5 kpc. Moreover, we do not find evidence of correlation between iron abundance and distance from the Galactic plane. We collected similar data available in the literature and ended up with a sample of 420 Cepheids. Current data suggest that the mean metallicity and the metallicity dispersion in the four quadrants of the Galactic disk attain similar values. The first-second quadrants show a more extended metal-poor tail, while the third-fourth quadrants show a more extended metal-rich tail, but the bulk of the sample is at solar iron abundance. Finally, we found a significant difference between the iron abundance of Cepheids located close to the edge of the inner disk ([Fe/H]\sim0.4) and young stars located either along the Galactic bar or in the nuclear bulge ([Fe/H]\sim0). Thus suggesting that the above regions have had different chemical enrichment histories. The same outcome applies to the metallicity gradient of the Galactic bulge, since mounting empirical evidence indicates that the mean metallicity increases when moving from the outer to the inner bulge regions.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures; Corrected typos, corrected Table

    On the fine structure of the Cepheid metallicity gradient in the Galactic thin disk

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    We present homogeneous and accurate iron abundances for 42 Galactic Cepheids based on high-spectral resolution (R~38,000) high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR>100) optical spectra collected with UVES at VLT (128 spectra). The above abundances were complemented with high-quality iron abundances provided either by our group (86) or available in the literature. We paid attention in deriving a common metallicity scale and ended up with a sample of 450 Cepheids. We also estimated for the entire sample accurate individual distances by using homogeneous near-infrared photometry and the reddening free Period-Wesenheit relations. The new metallicity gradient is linear over a broad range of Galactocentric distances (Rg~5-19 kpc) and agrees quite well with similar estimates available in the literature (-0.060+/-0.002 dex/kpc). We also uncover evidence which suggests that the residuals of the metallicity gradient are tightly correlated with candidate Cepheid Groups (CGs). The candidate CGs have been identified as spatial overdensities of Cepheids located across the thin disk. They account for a significant fraction of the residual fluctuations, and in turn for the large intrinsic dispersion of the metallicity gradient. We performed a detailed comparison with metallicity gradients based on different tracers: OB stars and open clusters. We found very similar metallicity gradients for ages younger than 3 Gyrs, while for older ages we found a shallower slope and an increase in the intrinsic spread. The above findings rely on homogeneous age, metallicity and distance scales. Finally we found, by using a large sample of Galactic and Magellanic Cepheids for which are available accurate iron abundances, that the dependence of the luminosity amplitude on metallicity is vanishing.Comment: Accepted in A&A, 11 figures, 7 table

    New Baade-Wesselink distances and radii for four metal-rich Galactic Cepheids

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    We provided accurate estimates of distances, radii and iron abundances for four metal-rich Cepheids, namely V340 Ara, UZ Sct, AV Sgr and VY Sgr. The main aim of this investigation is to constrain their pulsation properties and their location across the Galactic inner disk. We adopted new accurate NIR (J,H,K) light curves and new radial velocity measurements for the target Cepheids to determinate their distances and radii using the Baade-Wesselink technique. In particular, we adopted the most recent calibration of the IR surface brightness relation and of the projection factor. Moreover, we also provided accurate measurements of the iron abundance of the target Cepheids. Current distance estimates agree within one sigma with similar distances based either on empirical or on theoretical NIR Period-Luminosity relations. However, the uncertainties of the Baade-Wesselink distances are on average a factor of 3-4 smaller when compared with errors affecting other distance determinations. Mean Baade-Wesselink radii also agree at one sigma level with Cepheid radii based either on empirical or on theoretical Period-Radius relations. Iron abundances are, within one sigma, similar to the iron contents provided by Andrievsky and collaborators, thus confirming the super metal-rich nature of the target Cepheids. We also found that the luminosity amplitudes of classical Cepheids, at odds with RR Lyrae stars, do not show a clear correlation with the metal-content. This circumstantial evidence appears to be the consequence of the Hertzsprung progression together with the dependence of the topology of the instability strip on metallicity, evolutionary effects and binaries.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, A&A accepte

    Multiwavelength Campaign on Mrk 509 X. Lower limit on the distance of the absorber from HST COS and STIS spectroscopy

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    Active Galactic Nuclei often show evidence of photoionized outflows. A major uncertainty in models for these outflows is the distance (RR) to the gas from the central black hole. In this paper we use the HST/COS data from a massive multi-wavelength monitoring campaign on the bright Seyfert I galaxy Mrk 509, in combination with archival HST/STIS data, to constrain the location of the various kinematic components of the outflow. We compare the expected response of the photoionized gas to changes in ionizing flux with the changes measured in the data using the following steps: 1) We compare the column densities of each kinematic component measured in the 2001 STIS data with those measured in the 2009 COS data; 2) We use time-dependent photionization calculations with a set of simulated lightcurves to put statistical upper limits on the hydrogen number density that are consistent with the observed small changes in the ionic column densities; 3) From the upper limit on the number density, we calculate a lower limit on the distance to the absorber from the central source via the prior determination of the ionization parameter. Our method offers two improvements on traditional timescale analysis. First, we account for the physical behavior of AGN lightcurves. Second, our analysis accounts for the quality of measurement in cases where no changes are observed in the absorption troughs. The very small variations in trough ionic column densities (mostly consistent with no change) between the 2001 and 2009 epochs allow us to put statistical lower limits on the distance between 100--200 pc for all the major UV absorption components at a confidence level of 99%. These results are mainly consistent with the independent distance estimates derived for the warm absorbers from the simultaneous X-ray spectra.Comment: Accepted to A&A (06 APR 2012

    High-Resolution X-ray Spectroscopy of the Interstellar Medium

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    The interstellar medium (ISM) has a multiphase structure characterized by gas, dust and molecules. The gas can be found in different charge states: neutral, low-ionized (warm) and high-ionized (hot). It is possible to probe the multiphase ISM through the observation of its absorption lines and edges in the X-ray spectra of background sources. We present a high-quality RGS spectrum of the low-mass X-ray binary GS 1826-238 with an unprecedent detailed treatment of the absorption features due to the dust and both the neutral and ionized gas of the ISM. We constrain the column density ratios within the different phases of the ISM and measure the abundances of elements such as O, Ne, Fe and Mg. We found significant deviations from the proto-Solar abundances: oxygen is over-abundant by a factor 1.23 +/- 0.05, neon 1.75 +/- 0.11, iron 1.37 +/- 0.17 and magnesium 2.45 +/- 0.35. The abundances are consistent with the measured metallicity gradient in our Galaxy: the ISM appears to be metal-rich in the inner regions. The spectrum also shows the presence of warm/hot ionized gas. The gas column has a total ionization degree less than 10%. We also show that dust plays an important role as expected from the position of GS 1826-238: most iron appears to be bound in dust grains, while 10-40% of oxygen consists of a mixture of dust and molecules

    The Dependency of the Cepheid Period-Luminosity Relation on Chemical Composition

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    The dependency of the Cepheid Period-Luminosity Relation on chemical composition at different wavelengths is assessed via direct detailed abundance analysis of Galactic and Magellanic Cepheids, as derived from high resolution, high signal-to-noise spectra. Our measurements span one order of magnitude in iron content and allow to rule out at the ~ 9 sigma level the universality of the Period-Luminosity Relation in the V band, with metal rich stars being fainter than metal poor ones by ~0.3 mag. The dependency is less pronounced in the K band. Its magnitude and statistical significance decisively depend on detailed distance measurements to individual stars, as inferred via the Infrared Surface Brightness Method.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figures, to be published in "Stellar Pulsation: Challenges for Theory and Observation" (31 May - 5 June, Santa Fe, New Mexico). Minor typos fixed in v

    Characterisation of the Galactic thin disc with Corot targets

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    We use kinematical and chemical properties of 754 Corot stars to characterise the stellar populations of the Milky Way disc in three beams close the Galactic plane. From the atmospheric parameters derived in Gazzano et al. (2010) with the Matisse algorithm, we derived stellar distances using isochrones. Combining these data with proper motions, we provide the complete kinematical description of stars in three Corot fields. Finally, we used kinematical criteria to identify the Galactic populations in our sample and study their characteristics, particularly their chemistry. Comparing our kinematics with the Besancon Galactic model, we show that, within 3-sigma, simulated and observed kinematical distributions are in good agreement. We study the characteristics of the thin disc, finding a correlation that is significant at a value of 2-sigma between the V-velocity component and the metallicity for two different radial distance bins (8-9kpc and 9-10kpc; but not for the most inner bin 7-8kpc, probably because of the uncertainties in the abundances) which could be interpreted as radial migration evidence. We also measured a radial metallicity gradient value of -0.097+/-0.015dex/kpc with giant stars, and -0.053+/-0.015dex/kpc with dwarfs. Finally, we identified metal-rich stars with peculiar high [alpha/Fe] values in the directions pointing to the inner part of the Galaxy. Applying the same methodology to the planet-hosting stars detected by Corot shows that they mainly belong to the thin disc population with normal chemical and kinematical properties.Comment: Astronomy & Astrophysics, in pres

    CoRoT\,102699796, the first metal-poor Herbig Ae pulsator: a hybrid δ\delta Sct-γ\gamma Dor variable?

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    We present the analysis of the time series observations of CoRoT\,102699796 obtained by the CoRoT satellite that show the presence of five independent oscillation frequencies in the range 3.6-5 c/d. Using spectra acquired with FLAMES@VLT, we derive the following stellar parameters: spectral type F1V, Teff_{\rm eff}=7000±\pm200 K, log(g)=3.8±0.43.8\pm0.4, [M/H]=1.1±0.2-1.1\pm0.2, vvsinii=50±550\pm5 km/s, L/L_{\odot}=2111+21^{+21}_{-11}. Thus, for the first time we report the existence of a metal poor, intermediate-mass PMS pulsating star. Ground-based and satellite data are used to derive the spectral energy distribution of CoRoT\,102699796 extending from the optical to mid-infrared wavelengths. The SED shows a significant IR excess at wavelengths greater than 5μ\sim5 \mu. We conclude that CoRoT\,102699796 is a young Herbig Ae (F1Ve) star with a transitional disk, likely associated to the HII region [FT96]213.1-2.2. The pulsation frequencies have been interpreted in the light of the non-radial pulsation theory, using the LOSC code in conjunction with static and rotational evolutionary tracks. A minimization algorithm was used to find the best-fit model with M=1.84 M_{\odot}, Teff_{\rm eff}=6900 K which imply an isochronal age of t\sim2.5 Myr. This result is based on the interpretation of the detected frequencies as gg-modes of low-moderate nn-value. To our knowledge, this is the first time that such modes are identified in a intermediate-mass PMS pulsating star. Since CoRoT\,102699796 lies in the region of the HR diagram where the δ\delta Sct and γ\gamma Dor instability strips intersect, we argue that the observed pulsation characteristics are intermediate between these classes of variables, i.e. CoRoT\,102699796 is likely the first PMS hybrid γ\gamma Dor-δ\delta Sct pulsator ever studied.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures. Accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the RA