190 research outputs found

    Sea state monitoring using coastal GNSS-R

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    We report on a coastal experiment to study GPS L1 reflections. The campaign was carried out at the Barcelona Port breaker and dedicated to the development of sea-state retrieval algorithms. An experimental system built for this purpose collected and processed GPS data to automatically generate a times series of the interferometric complex field (ICF). The ICF was analyzed off line and compared to a simple developed model that relates ICF coherence time to the ratio of significant wave height (SWH) and mean wave period (MWP). The analysis using this model showed good consistency between the ICF coherence time and nearby oceanographic buoy data. Based on this result, preliminary conclusions are drawn on the potential of coastal GNSS-R for sea state monitoring using semi-empirical modeling to relate GNSS-R ICF coherence time to SWH.Comment: All Starlab authors have contributed significantly; the Starlab author list has been ordered randomly. Submitted to GR

    Estimating instantaneous sea-ice dynamics from space using the bi-static radar measurements of Earth Explorer 10 candidate Harmony

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    This article describes the observation techniques and suggests processing methods to estimate dynamical sea-ice parameters from data of the Earth Explorer 10 candidate Harmony. The two Harmony satellites will fly in a reconfigurable formation with Sentinel-1D. Both will be equipped with a multi-angle thermal infrared sensor and a passive radar receiver, which receives the reflected Sentinel-1D signals using two antennas. During the lifetime of the mission, two different formations will be flown. In the stereo formation, the Harmony satellites will fly approximately 300 km in front and behind Sentinel-1, which allows for the estimation of instantaneous sea-ice drift vectors. We demonstrate that the addition of instantaneous sea-ice drift estimates on top of the daily integrated values from feature tracking have benefits in terms of interpretation, sampling and resolution. The wide-swath instantaneous drift observations of Harmony also help to put high-temporal-resolution instantaneous buoy observations into a spatial context. Additionally, it allows for the extraction of deformation parameters, such as shear and divergence. As a result, Harmony's data will help to improve sea-ice statistics and parametrizations to constrain sea-ice models. In the cross-track interferometry (XTI) mode, Harmony's satellites will fly in close formation with an XTI baseline to be able to estimate surface elevations. This will allow for improved estimates of sea-ice volume and also enables the retrieval of full, two-dimensional swell-wave spectra in sea-ice-covered regions without any gaps. In stereo formation, the line-of-sight diversity allows the inference of swell properties in both directions using traditional velocity bunching approaches. In XTI mode, Harmony's phase differences are only sensitive to the ground-range direction swell. To fully recover two-dimensional swell-wave spectra, a synergy between XTI height spectra and intensity spectra is required. If selected, the Harmony mission will be launched in 2028

    Sulphur and zinc abundances in Galactic stars and damped Lyman-alpha systems

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    High resolution spectra of 34 halo population dwarf and subgiant stars have been obtained with VLT/UVES and used to derive sulphur abundances from the 8694.0, 8694.6 A and 9212.9, 9237.5 A SI lines. In addition, iron abundances have been determined from 19 FeII lines and zinc abundances from the 4722.2, 4810.5 ZnI lines. The abundances are based on a classical 1D, LTE model atmosphere analysis, but effects of 3D hydrodynamical modelling on the [S/Fe], [Zn/Fe] and [S/Zn] ratios are shown to be small. We find that most halo stars with metallicities in the range -3.2 < [Fe/H] < -0.8 have a near-constant [S/Fe] = +0.3; a least square fit to [S/Fe] vs. {Fe/H] shows a slope of only -0.04 +/- 0.01. Among halo stars with -1.2 < [Fe/H] < -0.8 the majority have [S/Fe] ~ +0.3, but two stars (previously shown to have low [alpha/Fe] ratios) have [S/Fe] ~ 0. For disk stars with [Fe/H] > -1, [S/Fe] decreases with increasing [Fe/H]. Hence, sulphur behaves like other typical alpha-capture elements, Mg, Si and Ca. Zinc, on the other hand, traces iron over three orders of magnitude in [Fe/H], although there is some evidence for a small systematic Zn overabundance ([Zn/Fe] ~ +0.1) among metal-poor disk stars and for halo stars with [Fe/H] < -2.0. Recent measurements of S and Zn in ten damped Ly-alpha systems (DLAs) with redshifts between 1.9 and 3.4 and zinc abundances in the range -2.1 < [Zn/H] < -0.15 show an offset relative to the [S/Zn] - [Zn/H] relation in Galactic stars. Possible reasons for this offset are discussed, including low and intermittent star formation rates in DLAs.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A. 16pages; 9 figure

    Elliptic and hyperelliptic magnetohydrodynamic equilibria

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    The present study is a continuation of a previous one on "hyperelliptic" axisymmetric equilibria started in [Tasso and Throumoulopoulos, Phys. Plasmas 5, 2378 (1998)]. Specifically, some equilibria with incompressible flow nonaligned with the magnetic field and restricted by appropriate side conditions like "isothermal" magnetic surfaces, "isodynamicity" or P + B^2/2 constant on magnetic surfaces are found to be reducible to elliptic integrals. The third class recovers recent equilibria found in [Schief, Phys. Plasmas 10, 2677 (2003)]. In contrast to field aligned flows, all solutions found here have nonzero toroidal magnetic field on and elliptic surfaces near the magnetic axis.Comment: 9 page

    Relative abundance pattern along the profile of high redshift Damped Lyman-alpha systems

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    We investigated abundance ratios along the profiles of six high-redshift Damped Lyman-alpha systems, three of them associated with H2 absorption, and derived optical depths in each velocity pixel. The variations of the pixel abundance ratios were found to be remarkably small and usually smaller than a factor of two within a profile. This result holds even when considering independent sub-clumps in the same system. The depletion factor is significantly enhanced only in those components where H2 is detected. There is a strong correlation between [Fe/S] and [Si/S] abundances ratios, showing that the abundance ratio patterns are definitely related to the presence of dust. The depletion pattern is usually close to the one seen in the warm halo gas of our Galaxy.Comment: 14 page

    A primordial star in the heart of the Lion

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    Context: The discovery and chemical analysis of extremely metal-poor stars permit a better understanding of the star formation of the first generation of stars and of the Universe emerging from the Big Bang. aims: We report the study of a primordial star situated in the centre of the constellation Leo (SDSS J102915+172027). method: The star, selected from the low resolution-spectrum of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, was observed at intermediate (with X-Shooter at VLT) and at high spectral resolution (with UVES at VLT). The stellar parameters were derived from the photometry. The standard spectroscopic analysis based on 1D ATLAS models was completed by applying 3D and non-LTE corrections. results: An iron abundance of [Fe/H]=--4.89 makes SDSS J102915+172927 one of the lowest [Fe/H] stars known. However, the absence of measurable C and N enhancements indicates that it has the lowest metallicity, Z<= 7.40x10^{-7} (metal-mass fraction), ever detected. No oxygen measurement was possible. conclusions: The discovery of SDSS J102915+172927 highlights that low-mass star formation occurred at metallicities lower than previously assumed. Even lower metallicity stars may yet be discovered, with a chemical composition closer to the composition of the primordial gas and of the first supernovae.Comment: To be published in A&

    The Gaia-ESO Survey : Extracting diffuse interstellar bands from cool star spectra: DIB-based interstellar medium line-of-sight structures at the kpc scale

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    Date of Acceptance: 05/10/2014Aims. We study how diffuse interstellar bands (DIBs) measured toward distance-distributed target stars can be used to locate dense interstellar (IS) clouds in the Galaxy and probe a line-of-sight (LOS) kinematical structure, a potentially useful tool when gaseous absorption lines are saturated or not available in the spectral range. Cool target stars are numerous enough for this purpose. Methods. We devised automated DIB-fitting methods appropriate for cool star spectra and multiple IS components. The data were fitted with a combination of a synthetic stellar spectrum, a synthetic telluric transmission, and empirical DIB profiles. The initial number of DIB components and their radial velocity were guided by HI 21 cm emission spectra, or, when available in the spectral range, IS neutral sodium absorption lines. For NaI, radial velocities of NaI lines and DIBs were maintained linked during a global simultaneous fit. In parallel, stellar distances and extinctions were estimated self-consistently by means of a 2D Bayesian method from spectroscopically-derived stellar parameters and photometric data. Results. We have analyzed Gaia-ESO Survey (GES) spectra of 225 stars that probe between ∼2 and 10 kpc long LOS in five different regions of the Milky Way. The targets are the two CoRoT fields, two open clusters (NGC 4815 and γ Vel), and the Galactic bulge. Two OGLE fields toward the bulge observed before the GES are also included (205 target stars). Depending on the observed spectral intervals, we extracted one or more of the following DIBs: λλ 6283.8, 6613.6, and 8620.4. For each field, we compared the DIB strengths with the Bayesian distances and extinctions, and the DIB Doppler velocities with the HI emission spectra. Conclusions. For all fields, the DIB strength and the target extinction are well correlated. For targets that are widely distributed in distance, marked steps in DIBs and extinction radial distance profiles match each other and broadly correspond to the expected locations of spiral arms. For all fields, the DIB velocity structure agrees with HI emission spectra, and all detected DIBs correspond to strong NaI lines. This illustrates how DIBs can be used to locate the Galactic interstellar gas and to study its kinematics at the kpc scale, as illustrated by Local and Perseus Arm DIBs that differ by ≳∼30 km s-1, in agreement with HI emission spectra. On the other hand, if most targets are located beyond the main absorber, DIBs can trace the differential reddening within the field.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio

    C IV absorption in damped and sub-damped Lyman-alpha systems: correlations with metallicity and implications for galactic winds at z~2-3

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    We present a study of C IV absorption in a sample of 63 damped Lyman-alpha (DLA) systems and 11 sub-DLAs in the redshift range 1.75<z_abs<3.61, using a dataset of high-resolution (6.6 km/s FWHM), high signal-to-noise VLT/UVES spectra. Narrow and broad C IV absorption line components indicate the presence of both warm, photoionized and hot, collisionally ionized gas. We report new correlations between the metallicity (measured in the neutral-phase) and each of the C IV column density, the C IV total line width, and the maximum C IV velocity. We explore the effect on these correlations of the sub-DLAs, the proximate DLAs (defined as those within 5 000 km/s of the quasar), the saturated absorbers, and the metal line used to measure the metallicity, and we find the correlations to be robust. There is no evidence for any difference between the measured properties of DLA C IV and sub-DLA C IV. In 25 DLAs and 4 sub-DLAs, covering 2.5 dex in [Z/H], we directly observe C IV moving above the escape speed, where v_esc is derived from the total line width of the neutral gas profiles. These high-velocity C IV clouds, unbound from the central potential well, can be interpreted as highly ionized outflowing winds, which are predicted by numerical simulations of galaxy feedback. The distribution of C IV column density in DLAs and sub-DLAs is similar to the distribution in Lyman Break galaxies, where winds are directly observed, supporting the idea that supernova feedback creates the ionized gas in DLAs. The unbound C IV absorbers show a median mass flow rate of ~22(r/40 kpc) solar masses per year, where r is the characteristic C IV radius. Their kinetic energy fluxes are large enough that a star formation rate (SFR) of ~2 solar masses per year is required to power them.Comment: 21 pages, accepted to A&A, Fig 1 downgraded, v2 with proof corrections made and improved Fig 1

    The CODEX-ESPRESSO experiment: cosmic dynamics, fundamental physics, planets and much more..

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    CODEX, a high resolution, super-stable spectrograph to be fed by the E-ELT, the most powerful telescope ever conceived, will for the first time provide the possibility of directly measuring the change of the expansion rate of the Universe with time and much more, from the variability of fundamental constants to the search for other earths. A study for the implementation at the VLT of a precursor of CODEX, dubbed ESPRESSO, is presently carried out by a collaboration including ESO, IAC, INAF, IoA Cambridge and Observatoire de Geneve. The present talk is focused on the cosmological aspects of the experiment.Comment: 6 pages Latex, to appear in the proceedings of `A Century of Cosmology', S. Servolo, August 2007, to be published in Il Nuovo Ciment

    Early stages of Nitrogen enrichment in galaxies: Clues from measurements in damped Lyman alpha systems

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    We present 4 new measurements of nitrogen abundances and one upper limit in damped Lyman alpha absorbers (DLAs) obtained by means of high resolution (FWHM \~ 7 km/s) UVES/VLT spectra. In addition to these measurements we have compiled data from all DLAs with measurements of nitrogen and alpha-capture elements (O, S or Si) available in the literature, including all HIRES/Keck and UVES/VLT data for a total of 33 systems, i.e. the largest sample investigated so far. We find that [N/alpha] ratios are distributed in two groups: 75% of the DLAs show a mean value of [N/alpha] = -0.87 with a scatter of 0.16 dex, while the remaining 25% shows ratios clustered at [N/alpha] = -1.45 with an even lower dispersion of 0.05 dex. The high [N/alpha] plateau is consistent with the one observed in metal-poor HII regions of blue compact dwarf (BCD) galaxies ([N/alpha] = -0.73 +/- 0.13), while the [N/alpha] ~ -1.5 values are the lowest ever observed in any astrophysical site. These low [N/alpha] ratios are real and not due to ionization effects. They provide a crucial evidence against the primary production of N by massive stars as responsible for the plateau at -0.9/-0.7 dex observed in DLAs and BCD galaxies. The transition between the low-N ([N/alpha] ~ -1.5) and high-N ([N/alpha] ~ -0.9) DLAs occurs at a nitrogen abundance of [N/H] ~ -2.8, suggesting that the separation may result from some peculiarity of the nitrogen enrichment history. The [N/alpha] ~ -1.5 values and their low dispersion are consistent with a modest production of primary N in massive stars; however, due to the limited sample, specially for the low-N DLAs, we cannot exclude a primary origin in intermediate mass stars as responsible for the low N abundances observed.Comment: Accepted by A&A. 25 pages, including 9 tables and 10 figure