2,685 research outputs found

    Circadian rhythms in aerospace medicine

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    The cyclical nature of bodily functions is reviewed, in particular those functions likely to affect pilot performance

    The role of advanced waste-To-energy technologies in landfill mining

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    Publicado en: WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, Volume 224, Issue 1, 20 September 2017, Pages 403-409Recently, the European Parliament has decided to include a specific reference to "Enhanced Landfill Mining" (ELFM) in the Landfill Directive proposing a regulatory framework for ELFM so as to permit the retrieval of secondary raw materials that are present in existing landfill sites. Recent studies are supporting ELFM since they consider that landfill mining would be economically feasible only if combined with energy recovery (i.e., waste-To-energy, WtE) and if a wide range of materials are recovered (i.e., waste-To-materials, WtM). In this study, a combined material (landfill mining) and energy (advanced WtE) recovery is proposed where the excavated waste (MSW refuse) can be directly recycled or pretreated and used in the production of refuse-derived fuel (RDF) for an advanced (gasification-based) WtE plant producing power and heat. Both material and energy recovery are challenging in the circular economy since contributes to a loop-closing objective in human activities. An exhaustive assessment of each particular landfill site must be carried out in order to determine the profitability of the ELFM.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad ENE2012-31598Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades CTM2016-78089-RUniversidad de Sevilla Contrato de Acceso al Sistema Español de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación (VPPI-US

    Algunes reflexions a l'entorn de l'arqueologia industrial

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    La Teoría de Sistemas como lenguaje

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    L'article analyse les possibilités, les problemes et les limitations des soi-disant modeles informatiques de simulation de systemes utilisés pour la représentation de certains aspects et conduites de la réalité. Puisque la téchnique précede la compréhension théorique de l'évenement, il faut un appareil théorique qui permette de comprendre ce qu'on fait en construisant des tels modeles: la Théorie des Systemes atteint ce but. Aucun schéma conceptuel, aucun ,langage ou vision du monde où la pluralité est le caractere dominant, n'importe quelle méthodologie avec une volonté de représentation invite à partir de la même épistémologie pluraliste.Analysis of the possibilities, problems and limitations of so-called informatic models of simulating systems need for the representation of specific aspects and behaviours of the reality. Being technique ahead of theoretic comprehension of the fact, it is necessary a theoretic system to be able to understand what happens when shaping those models: the theory of systems fulfils this aim. No conceptual scheme, language of view of the world has the quality of using up reality, nor takes a privileged place.Publicad

    Synchronizing a modular robot colony for cooperative tasks based on intrainter robot communications

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    The implementation of robotic cooperative tasks such as pushing an object toward a desired destination or manipulating an object using mobile robots or robotic arms requires motion coordination between the robot colony. When a robot is built by the union of several robots, such as modular robot systems, it is critical to have the complete coordination of each robot configuration within the colony and also overall robot coordination of the colony. The paper presents a demonstration of parallel motion for modular robot configurations through the combination of two types of communications, i.e., Inter-robot and Intra-robot communications. The two types of communications are described and implemented in a real modular robot system. Experiments are executed to show the performance of the robot colony synchronizatio

    Are graduates well-equipped for the labour market?

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    Trabajo presentado a las XXIII Jornadas de la Asociación de Economía de la Educación (AEDE) que se celebraron en la sede de INGENIO (CSIC-UPV) en Valencia del 2 al 4 de julio del 2014.-- Área 4: Educación y mercado de trabajo. Track 4: Education and labour market.This paper attempts to develop insights into comparative evaluations of quality determinants for education services provided by higher education (HE) institutions as they are perceived by their graduates in some European countries. Quality in HE, as well as defining a way to measure it, is not a simple issue and there is no commonly accepted definition. Therefore, we based on student's opinions of their academic courses. Customer satisfaction generally is a function of the consumer's satisfaction with the different components comprising the service being provided. Understanding the complexity of the learning experience requires more than knowing the level of satisfaction of the students; it also demands an appreciation of the factors that contribute to student satisfaction. Measuring student satisfaction would help HE institutions to identify both their strengths and the areas that require improvement. For that purpose, we use the REFLEX (Flexible Professional in the Knowledge Society) data set, which allow the comparison among 14 European countries. We start with a brief description of some key characteristics of their study programme, modes of teaching and learning and the study behaviour and motivations reported by graduates. Our preliminary results suggest that demonstrating a relation between programme characteristics and modes of teaching on the one hand, and the level of competencies on the other hand does not necessarily mean that HE provides a sufficient basis to enter the labour market, nor does it necessarily indicate a sufficient basis for the later career.The research for this paper was conducted as part of the project EDU-2013-45177-R funded by the National R&D Program of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness.Peer Reviewe

    De la intuición a la significación de Bernal Díaz del Castillo en la obra dramática de Carlos Fuentes

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    1 archivo PDF (23 páginas). tyvlxxxii"En 1991, el escritor mexicano Carlos Fuentes publica su pieza teatral Ceremonias del alba, estrenada en las Arenas de Avenche (Neuchatel, Suiza) bajo la dirección de Michel Gobréty. Se trata de una nueva versión de una obra muy anterior, Todos los gatos son pardos (1970), en la que el autor abordaba el tema de la conquista como forma de indagación en el origen de lo mexicano, en la propia identidad, pero también como ejemplo de un poder opresor, ese poder absoluto de Moctezuma que será sustituido por el poder de la voluntad encarnado en Cortés, trasunto a su vez del gobierno represor de Gustavo Díaz Ordaz que sofocó el movimiento estudiantil de 1968 con la masacre de Tlatelolco.

    What is it that differentiates the universities in Spain? A quality perspective

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    Higher Education Institutions are undergoing important changes involving the development of new roles and missions, which is having implications for their structure and administration. These institutions have responded differently based on their particular regulations and social circumstances. However, this diversity is proving problematic for the use of strategic planning tools to systematize and organize the required tasks aimed at a 'desirable' university model and more homogeneous university performance evaluations, especially to determine funding levels. This paper investigates the use of strategic plans as a tool to promote high quality performance.Peer Reviewe