212 research outputs found

    Education and sport: relationships, construction and mutual influence

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    Realizar un análisis y reflexión sobre las relaciones existentes entre educación y deporte, a priori puede parecer una tarea sencilla o fácil, bien porque vivimos en una sociedad en la que se pone de manifiesto el deporte en todas sus dimensiones: cultural, económica, política…; o bien porque el deporte está presente en multitud de actos de nuestra vida cotidiana: ocio, recreación, espectáculo…Pero mucho más lejos de la realidad, se presenta como una tarea ardua, difícil y complicada. Por ello, con este artículo pretendemos profundizar un poco más sobre dichos conceptos y sus relaciones, planteándonos una serie de interrogantes que en principio pueden pasar desapercibidos; pero para nosotros, como docentes de la Educación Física -área curricular que tiene como campo de conocimiento ambos constructos-, hace que replanteemos ciertos planteamientos didácticos. Estas inquietudes nos han llevado a revisar el marco teórico conceptual sobre las relaciones existentes entre educación y deporte; puesto que, sí comulgamos con la filosofía de que el deporte es un fenómeno que está presente en la sociedad, que hay que trabajarlo, enseñarlo y favorecerlo desde las instituciones educativas… La Educación Física es el área idónea para desarrollar este trabajo, favoreciendo así el hecho de considerar el deporte como una actividad fundamental en el desarrollo integral y formación académica de los alumnos durante su etapa escolar.The fact of carrying out an analysis, and a reflection about the relationships between education and sports could be considered as a simple or easy task; either because we live in a society, in which sport is exposed in every its dimensions: cultural, economic, political...; or given the fact that sport is presented in a large group of our lives’ actions: free time, recreation, performance... However, far from the reality, it is displayed as arduous, difficult and complex task. Therefore, this article expects to delve more into those concepts and their connections, considering a series of questions that at the beginning can be seen unnoticed; but for the authors, as teachers of Physical Education – curricular area which is the field of knowledge of both of them – , makes them reflect again certain didactic proposals. These concerns make the writers revise the conceptual theoretical framework about the relationships between education and sport; given that, if they agree on the philosophy that sport is a phenomenon presented in society, which has to be worked, taught and assist it from the educational institutions... Physical Education is the ideal area to develop this work, that way supporting the fact of considering sport as a fundamental activity in the integral development, and the academic education of students during their school years

    Estrés laboral, frustración de necesidades psicológicas básicas, burnout y engagement en profesorado de educación física de la enseñanza pública

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Formación de Profesorado y Educación, Departamento de Educación Física, Deporte y Motricidad Humana. Fecha de lectura: 25-05-2021La presente tesis doctoral analizó la relación entre estrés laboral, frustración de necesidades psicológicas básicas, burnout y engagement en profesorado de educación física de centros de enseñanza pública de la Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid (España). Se procedió con diseño de método mixto. En una primera fase de aproximación cualitativa, se entrevistó a 12 docentes con el objetivo de explorar cuáles son los principales desencadenantes de estrés laboral desde la percepción del profesorado, encontrando una mayor prevalencia de las siguientes fuentes de estrés: carga psicofísica; insuficiencia sesiones grupo; dotación, infraestructuras y equipamiento; conductas disruptivas; demanda ambiental; riesgos y accidentes; interacción otros compañeros; ratio grupo; y diversidad alumnado. En una segunda fase de enfoque cuantitativo, tras elaborar uno de los instrumentos utilizados en esta tesis: Escala de Percepción de Estrés Laboral del Profesorado de Educación Física, se llevó a cabo un estudio ex post facto mediante escalas y cuestionario donde participaron 252 docentes. Atendiendo a los valores promedio de la muestra, el profesorado, interpretado como grupo único, declaró bajo estrés laboral, baja frustración de necesidades psicológicas básicas, bajo burnout, alto engagement y escasa intención de abandono de la profesión. Asimismo, se estimó la intensidad de las relaciones y se observó que las variables agotamiento emocional (dimensión de burnout) y absorción (dimensión de engagement) están asociadas al 22% de las diferencias encontradas en intención de abandono de la profesión. Finalmente, se contrastaron grupos en virtud de las características socio-demográficas y profesionales del profesorado en aras de analizar posibles diferencias en las variables estudiada

    Mechanical and Environmental Assessment of Lathe Waste as an Addiction to Concrete Compared to the Use of Commercial Fibres

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    The use of fibres applied to concrete in order to improve its properties is widely known. Nowadays, research is not only focused on improving mechanical properties but also on the environmental implications. The aim of this research was a mechanical and environmental comparison between different types of fibres. For this purpose, commercial fibres of three materials were used: low carbon steel, modified polyolefins, and glass fibre. In order to improve the sustainability of the sector, we also analysed and compared the performance of using a waste product, such as fibres from machining operations on lathes. For the evaluation of the mechanical properties, compression and flexural tests were carried out. The results show that the use of low carbon steel fibres increases the flexural strength by 4.8%. At the environmental level, and in particular for impact categories such as the Global Warming Potential (GWP), lathe waste fibres prove to be the most suitable. For instance, compared to glass fibres, CO2 emissions are reduced by 14.39%. This is equivalent to a total of 38 kg CO2 emissions per m3 of reinforced concrete. In addition to avoiding the consumption of 482 MJ/m3 of fossil fuels, the results of the research indicate the feasibility of using waste fibres as a substitute for commercial fibres, contributing to an improved environmental balance without losing mechanical performance

    Tunable circular dichroism through absorption in coupled optical modes of twisted triskelia nanostructures

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    We present a system consisting of two stacked chiral plasmonic nanoelements, so-called triskelia, that exhibits a high degree of circular dichroism. The optical modes arising from the interactions between the two elements are the main responsible for the dichroic signal. Their excitation in the absorption cross section is favored when the circular polarization of the light is opposite to the helicity of the system, so that an intense near-feld distribution with 3D character is excited between the two triskelia, which in turn causes the dichroic response. Therefore, the stacking, in itself, provides a simple way to tune both the value of the circular dichroism, up to 60%, and its spectral distribution in the visible and near infrared range. We show how these interaction-driven modes can be controlled by fnely tuning the distance and the relative twist angle between the triskelia, yielding maximum values of the dichroism at 20° and 100° for left- and right-handed circularly polarized light, respectively. Despite the three-fold symmetry of the elements, these two situations are not completely equivalent since the interplay between the handedness of the stack and the chirality of each single element breaks the symmetry between clockwise and anticlockwise rotation angles around 0°. This reveals the occurrence of clear helicity-dependent resonances. The proposed structure can be thus fnely tuned to tailor the dichroic signal for applications at will, such as highly efcient helicity-sensitive surface spectroscopies or single-photon polarization detectors, among others

    El desarrollo financiero en América Latina en perspectiva

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    Resumen del documento de trabajo n. 0216 "Latin American Financial Development in Perspective"Artículo de revistaResumen del documento n. 0216 titulado: Latin American financial development in perspectiv

    Goubak como esporte alternativo de colaboração-oposição (regulado): didática de proposta para a Educação física em Primário

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    Introducción: Garantizar adherencia a la práctica de la actividad física en el alumnado desde la Educación Física es uno de los grandes retos, hacerlo a través de la innovación educativa es clave para motivar al discente. En este primer apartado se hace un recorrido por la importancia de los deportes alternativos en Educación Física, y su vinculación con el Goubak. Presentación de la Propuesta Didáctica: A lo largo de este apartado se propone una fundamentación curricular para poder llevar a la práctica la propuesta didáctica en las aulas. Analizando el origen de esta nueva modalidad deportiva de colaboración-oposición (regulada), mixta y de cancha compartida, a través de sus elementos estructurales y reglamentarios más importantes. Destacando la metodología y actividades empleadas para su enseñanza. Ahondando en el concepto “oposición regulada” a favor de otorgar una mayor inclusión. Y destacando su estrecha relación con el pensamiento computacional, el cálculo mental y la resolución de problemas matemático-motrices planteados. Todos ellos muy ligados al novedoso sistema de puntuación, que permite obtener puntos a favor y restar puntos al equipo contrario. Opiniones y experiencias del alumnado: Se recogen valoraciones del propio alumnado tras su puesta en práctica. Conclusiones: se resalta el carácter innovador, inclusivo e interdisciplinar de la presente modalidad deportiva, su facilidad logística para implementarlo en los centros educativos y el interés de seguir investigando al respecto.Introduction: Guaranteeing adherence to the practice of physical activity in the students is one of the great challenges in Physical Education. Educational innovation is key to motivate the learners. In this first paragraph a tour is done by the importance of the alternative sports in Physical Education, and its links with the Goubak. Presentation of the Didactic Offer: Along this paragraph one proposes a foundation curricular to be able to take to the practice the didactic offer in the classrooms. Analysing the origin of this new sports modality, mixed collaboration – opposition (regulated) and of shared field, across its more important structural and regulation elements. Emphasizing the methodology and activities used for its education. Going deeply into the concept "regulated opposition” in favour of granting a major incorporation. And emphasizing its narrow relation with the computational thought, the mental calculation and the resolution of mathematical - motive raised problems. All of them very tied to the new system of punctuation, which allows to obtain points to favor and to reduce points to the opposite team. Students opinions and experiences: there are gathered valuations of the own student after its putting in practice. Conclusion: finally, there is highlighted the innovative, inclusive character and to interdisciplinary of the present sports modality, its logistic facility to implement it in the educational centers and the interest of continuing investigating in the matter.Introdução: Garantir a adesão à prática de atividade física em estudantes de Educação Física é um dos grandes desafios, pois a inovação educacional é fundamental para motivar o aluno. Nesta primeira seção, há um passeio pela importância dos esportes alternativos na Educação Física e sua ligação com o Goubak. Apresentação da Proposta Didática: Ao longo desta seção é proposta uma base curricular para poder realizar a proposta didática nas salas de aula. Analisando a origem desta nova modalidade esportiva de oposição-colaboração (regulada), corte mista e compartilhada, através de seus elementos estruturais e regulatórios mais importantes. Destacando a metodologia e atividades utilizadas para o ensino. Aprofundar o conceito "oposição regulamentada" em favor de conceder maior inclusão. E destacando sua estreita relação com o pensamento computacional, cálculo mental e resolução de problemas matemático-motores. Todos eles intimamente ligados ao novo sistema de pontuação, que permite obter pontos a favor e subtrair pontos da equipe adversária. Opiniões e experiências dos alunos: As avaliações dos próprios alunos são coletadas após a sua implementação. Conclusões: destaca-se a natureza inovadora, inclusiva e interdisciplinar da modalidade esportiva atual, sua facilidade logística para implantá-la nos centros educacionais e o interesse em continuar investigando nesse sentido

    Birefringence effects in multi-core fiber: coupled local-mode theory

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    © 2016 Optical Society of America. One print or electronic copy may be made for personal use only. Systematic reproduction and distribution, duplication of any material in this paper for a fee or for commercial purposes, or modifications of the content of this paper are prohibitedIn this paper, we evaluate experimentally and model theoretically the intra- and inter-core crosstalk between the polarized core modes in single-mode multi-core fiber media including temporal and longitudinal birefringent effects. Specifically, extensive experimental results on a four-core fiber indicate that the temporal fluctuation of fiber birefringence modifies the intra- and inter-core crosstalk behavior in both linear and nonlinear optical power regimes. To gain theoretical insight into the experimental results, we introduce an accurate multi-core fiber model based on local modes and perturbation theory, which is derived from the Maxwell equations including both longitudinal and temporal birefringent effects. Numerical calculations based on the developed theory are found to be in good agreement with the experimental data.This work has been partly funded by Spain National Plan project MINECO/FEDER UE XCORE TEC2015-70858-C2-1-R; HIDRASENSE RTC-2014-2232-3; European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the Galician Regional Government under project GRC2015/018. A. Macho and M. Morant work was supported by BES-2013-062952 F.P.I. Grant and postdoc UPV PAID-10-14 program, respectively.Macho-Ortiz, A.; García Meca, C.; Fraile-Peláez, FJ.; Morant Pérez, M.; Llorente Sáez, R. (2016). Birefringence effects in multi-core fiber: coupled local-mode theory. Optics Express. 24(19):21415-21434. https://doi.org/10.1364/OE.24.021415S21415214342419Mizuno, T., Takara, H., Sano, A., & Miyamoto, Y. (2016). Dense Space-Division Multiplexed Transmission Systems Using Multi-Core and Multi-Mode Fiber. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 34(2), 582-592. doi:10.1109/jlt.2015.2482901Morant, M., Macho, A., & Llorente, R. (2016). On the Suitability of Multicore Fiber for LTE–Advanced MIMO Optical Fronthaul Systems. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 34(2), 676-682. doi:10.1109/jlt.2015.2507137Hayashi, T., Sasaki, T., Sasaoka, E., Saitoh, K., & Koshiba, M. (2013). Physical interpretation of intercore crosstalk in multicore fiber: effects of macrobend, structure fluctuation, and microbend. Optics Express, 21(5), 5401. doi:10.1364/oe.21.005401Fini, J. M., Zhu, B., Taunay, T. F., Yan, M. F., & Abedin, K. S. (2012). Statistical Models of Multicore Fiber Crosstalk Including Time Delays. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 30(12), 2003-2010. doi:10.1109/jlt.2012.2188017Luis, R. S., Puttnam, B. J., Cartaxo, A. V. T., Klaus, W., Mendinueta, J. M. D., Awaji, Y., … Sasaki, T. (2016). Time and Modulation Frequency Dependence of Crosstalk in Homogeneous Multi-Core Fibers. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 34(2), 441-447. doi:10.1109/jlt.2015.2474128Hayashi, T., Taru, T., Shimakawa, O., Sasaki, T., & Sasaoka, E. (2012). Characterization of Crosstalk in Ultra-Low-Crosstalk Multi-Core Fiber. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 30(4), 583-589. doi:10.1109/jlt.2011.2177810Fini, J. M., Zhu, B., Taunay, T. F., & Yan, M. F. (2010). Statistics of crosstalk in bent multicore fibers. Optics Express, 18(14), 15122. doi:10.1364/oe.18.015122Koshiba, M., Saitoh, K., Takenaga, K., & Matsuo, S. (2011). Multi-core fiber design and analysis: coupled-mode theory and coupled-power theory. Optics Express, 19(26), B102. doi:10.1364/oe.19.00b102Hayashi, T., Taru, T., Shimakawa, O., Sasaki, T., & Sasaoka, E. (2011). Design and fabrication of ultra-low crosstalk and low-loss multi-core fiber. Optics Express, 19(17), 16576. doi:10.1364/oe.19.016576Koshiba, M., Saitoh, K., Takenaga, K., & Matsuo, S. (2012). Analytical Expression of Average Power-Coupling Coefficients for Estimating Intercore Crosstalk in Multicore Fibers. IEEE Photonics Journal, 4(5), 1987-1995. doi:10.1109/jphot.2012.2221085Macho, A., Morant, M., & Llorente, R. (2015). Experimental evaluation of nonlinear crosstalk in multi-core fiber. Optics Express, 23(14), 18712. doi:10.1364/oe.23.018712Macho, A., Morant, M., & Llorente, R. (2016). Unified Model of Linear and Nonlinear Crosstalk in Multi-Core Fiber. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 34(13), 3035-3046. doi:10.1109/jlt.2016.2552958Mecozzi, A., Antonelli, C., & Shtaif, M. (2012). Coupled Manakov equations in multimode fibers with strongly coupled groups of modes. Optics Express, 20(21), 23436. doi:10.1364/oe.20.023436Mecozzi, A., Antonelli, C., & Shtaif, M. (2012). Nonlinear propagation in multi-mode fibers in the strong coupling regime. Optics Express, 20(11), 11673. doi:10.1364/oe.20.011673Mumtaz, S., Essiambre, R.-J., & Agrawal, G. P. (2013). Nonlinear Propagation in Multimode and Multicore Fibers: Generalization of the Manakov Equations. Journal of Lightwave Technology, 31(3), 398-406. doi:10.1109/jlt.2012.2231401Palmieri, L., & Galtarossa, A. (2014). Coupling Effects Among Degenerate Modes in Multimode Optical Fibers. IEEE Photonics Journal, 6(6), 1-8. doi:10.1109/jphot.2014.2343998Antonelli, C., Mecozzi, A., & Shtaif, M. (2015). The delay spread in fibers for SDM transmission: dependence on fiber parameters and perturbations. Optics Express, 23(3), 2196. doi:10.1364/oe.23.002196Marcuse, D. (1975). Coupled-Mode Theory for Anisotropic Optical Waveguides. 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    Assessment-oriented Java development vs. Clickers' use in formal assessment of basic principles of dental radiology: The opinion of dentistry students

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    [EN]The integration of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) has generated a change in teaching methodologies au university level. The objective of this study is to check the effectiveness of interactive processes in summative assessment or learning-oriented assessment contexts using electronic self assessment processes (Java application) versus the use of audience response systems (ARS) or “clickers” in the classroom, from the point of view of students’ satisfaction measurement. The sample for this study is composed by the students of the first year of the Degree on Dentistry of the School of Medicine of the University of Salamanca, and which was carried out by means of a questionnaire, where 1 stood for total disagreement and 7 for absolute agreement; together with an statistical analysis (Conbach alpha) that allows us to value the reliability of the answers obtained. Results reflect the students’ answers to the questionnaire, as well as the relationship between the two systems. To conclude, there are certain coincidences when judging both assessment tools, but we also observe that there is a better predisposition towards Java system rather than to clickers. The job done by a coordinated interdisciplinary team formed by members of different areas has made it possible to build and validate interesting pedagogical materials, as well as to develop formative assessment strategies that could be generalized to other subjects in different degrees

    Colonisatoin of Pinus halepensis roots by Pseudomonas fluorescens and interaction with the ectomycorrhizal fungus Suillus granulatus

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    8 pages, figures, and tables statistics.Colonisation of Pinus halepensis roots by GFP-tagged Pseudomonas fluorescens Aur6 was monitored by epifluorescence microscopy and dilution plating. Aur6-GFP was able to colonise and proliferate on P. halepensis roots. Co-inoculation with the ectomycorrhizal fungus Suillus granulatus did not affect the bacterial colonisation pattern whereas it had an effect on bacterial density. Bacterial counts increased during the first 20 days of seedling growth, irrespective of seedlings being mycorrhizal or not. After 40 days, bacterial density significantly decreased and bacteria concentrated on the upper two-thirds of the pine root. The presence of S. granulatus significantly stimulated survival of bacteria in the root elongation zone where fungal colonisation was higher. The number of mycorrhizas formed by S. granulatus was not affected by co-inoculation with Aur6-GFP. Neither Aur6-GFP nor S. granulatus stimulated P. halepensis development when inoculated alone, but a synergistic effect was observed on seedling growth when bacteria and fungus were co-inoculated.Peer reviewe

    University students’ strategies and criteria during self-assessment: instructor’s feedback, rubrics, and year level effects.

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    This study explores the effects of feedback type, feedback occasion, and year level on student self-assessments in higher education. In total, 126 university students participated in this randomized experiment under three experimental conditions (i.e., rubric feedback, instructor’s written feedback, and rubric feedback plus instructor’s written feedback). Participants, after random assignment to feedback condition, were video-recorded performing a self-assessment on a writing task both before and after receiving feedback. The quality of self-assessment strategies decreased after feedback of all kinds, but the number of strategies increased for the combined feedback condition. The number of self-assessment criteria increased for rubric and combined conditions, while feedback helped shift criteria use from basic to advanced criteria. Student year level was not systematically related to changes in self-assessment after feedback. In general, the combination of rubric and instructor’s feedback produced the best effects.post-print1168 K