37 research outputs found

    A New RF Tuning Method for the End Regions of the IPHI 4-vane RFQ

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    JaCoW web site http://accelconf.web.cern.ch/AccelConf/e06The 3-MeV High Intensity Proton Injector (IPHI) RFQ is constituted by the assembly of three 2-m-long segments. The tuning of the end regions of such an accelerator with respect to the quadrupole mode is generally made by machining the thickness of the end plates. The dipole modes are moved away from the accelerator mode frequency by adding dipole rods and adjusting their length. In the case of the last IPHI RFQ segment, the tuning range given by possible plate thickness was not sufficient to adjust the frequency at 352 Mhz without modifying the notch depth, leading to serious engineering problems for the cooling, new thermo-mechanical simulations and drawings. To avoid these difficulties, a new way has been investigated by replacing the end plate thickness adjustment by a "quadrupole rod" length adjustment. These rods are situated between the beam axis and the dipole rods, and the tuning range is largely increased. The paper will describe this method applied to the IPHI RFQ and some experimental results obtained on the cold model

    Status And Computer Simulations For The Front End Of The Proton Injector For FAIR

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    FAIR - the international facility for antiproton and ionresearch – located at GSI in Darmstadt, Germany is oneof the largest research projects worldwide. It will providean antiproton production rate of 7·1010 cooled pbars perhour, which is equivalent to a primary proton beamcurrent of 2·1016 protons per hour. A high intensity protonlinac (p-linac) will be built, with an operating rffrequencyof 325 MHz to accelerate a 70 mA proton beamup to 70 MeV, using conducting crossed-bar H-cavities.The repetition rate is 4 Hz with an ion beam pulse lengthof 36 μs [1]. Developed within a joint French-Germancollaboration - GSI/CEA-SACLAY/IAP – the compactproton linac will be injected by a microwave ion sourceand a low energy beam transport (LEBT). The 2.45 GHzion source allows high brightness ion beams at an energyof 95 keV and will deliver a proton beam current of 100mA at the entrance of the RFQ (Radio FrequencyQuadrupole) within an emittance of 0.3π mm mrad (rms).To check on these parameters computer simulations withTraceWin, IGUN and IBSIMU of the ion extraction andLEBT (Low Energy Beam Transport) are performed

    Dynamics of the IFMIF very high-intensity beam

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    AbstractFor the purpose of material studies for future nuclear fusion reactors, the IFMIF deuteron beams present a simultaneous combination of unprecedentedly high intensity (2 × 125 mA CW), power (2 × 5 MW) and space charge. Special considerations and new concepts have been developed in order to overcome these challenges. The global strategy for beam dynamics design of the 40 MeV IFMIF accelerators is presented, stressing on the control of micro-losses, and the possibility of online fine tuning. Start-to-end simulations without and with errors are presented for the prototype accelerator. Considerations about conflicts between halo and emittance minimization are then discussed in this very high space charge context

    The probe beam linac in CTF3

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    JACoW web site http://accelconf.web.cern.ch/AccelConf/e06/The test facility CTF3, presently under construction at CERN within an international collaboration, is aimed at demonstrating the key feasibility issues of the multi-TeV linear collider CLIC. The objective of the probe beam linac is to "mimic" the main beam of CLIC in order to measure precisely the performances of the 30 GHz CLIC accelerating structures. In order to meet the required parameters of this 200 MeV probe beam, in terms of emittance, energy spread and bunch-length, the most advanced techniques have been considered: laser triggered photo-injector, velocity bunching, beam-loading compensation, RF pulse compression ... The final layout is described, and the selection criteria and the beam dynamics results are reviewed

    Horizon 2020 EuPRAXIA design study

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    EuPRAXIA - A compact, cost-efficient particle and radiation source

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    Plasma accelerators present one of the most suitable candidates for the development of more compact particle acceleration technologies, yet they still lag behind radiofrequency (RF)-based devices when it comes to beam quality, control, stability and power efficiency. The Horizon 2020-funded project EuPRAXIA ("European Plasma Research Accelerator with eXcellence In Applications") aims to overcome the first three of these hurdles by developing a conceptual design for a first international user facility based on plasma acceleration. In this paper we report on the main features, simulation studies and potential applications of this future research infrastructure

    Horizon 2020 EuPRAXIA design study

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    The Horizon 2020 Project EuPRAXIA ("European Plasma Research Accelerator with eXcellence In Applications") is preparing a conceptual design report of a highly compact and cost-effective European facility with multi-GeV electron beams using plasma as the acceleration medium. The accelerator facility will be based on a laser and/or a beam driven plasma acceleration approach and will be used for photon science, high-energy physics (HEP) detector tests, and other applications such as compact X-ray sources for medical imaging or material processing. EuPRAXIA started in November 2015 and will deliver the design report in October 2019. EuPRAXIA aims to be included on the ESFRI roadmap in 2020