10 research outputs found

    La historia que nos explican los árboles

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    La dendroecologia és l’estudi dels anells dels arbres. S’aconsegueix crear cronologies a partir de l’estudi del anells del creixement dels arbres, els quals són un reflex de les condicions mediambientals i de les variacions del ecosistema. Ara per ara han aconseguit la reconstrucció climàtica dels últims 300 anys amb diferents espècies d’arbres. També estudien els processos implicats en la dinàmica del bosc en resposta a l’explotació humana o a pertorbacions naturals (com allaus o incendis).La dendroecología es el estudio de los anillos de los árboles. Se consigue crear cronologías a partir del estudio de los anillos del crecimiento de los árboles, los cuales son un reflejo de las condiciones medioambientales y de las variaciones del ecosistema. Hoy por hoy han conseguido la reconstrucción climática de los últimos 300 años con diferentes especies de árboles. También estudian los procesos implicados en la dinámica del bosque en respuesta a la explotación humana o a perturbaciones naturales (como aludes o incendios)

    ¿Qué comían nuestros antepasados?

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    Des de l’antiguitat ens hem sentit atrets pels nostres orígens. D’on venim? On anem? Tots els organismes vius són fruit d’un procés d’evolució. Això significa que cada espècie actual deriva d’una espècie anterior. Les espècies que es troben dins la nostra línia evolutiva les agrupem sota el nom d’homínids. Per saber per què som com som haurem d’esbrinar com eren i com vivien aquests homínids que formen part del nostre llinatge evolutiu. I una de les dades més importants de com vivien els nostres avantpassats evolutius és la seva dieta...Desde la antigüedad nos hemos sentido atraídos por saber sobre nuestros orígenes. ¿De dónde venimos? ¿Hacia dónde vamos? Todos los organismos vivos son el fruto de un proceso de evolución. Esto significa que cada especie actual deriva de poblaciones de una especie anterior. Las especies que se encuentran dentro de nuestra línea evolutiva las agrupamos bajo el nombre de homínidos. Para saber por qué somos cómo somos tendremos que averiguar cómo eran y cómo vivían estos homínidos que forman parte de nuestro linaje evolutivo. Uno de los datos más importantes de cómo vivían nuestros antepasados evolutivos es su dieta..

    Analysis of citizen participation in science : perceptions of the different actors involved

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    The main objective of this thesis is to improve understanding of citizen participation in science in Spain. Specifically, it analyses the characteristics of current participatory practices and the opinions and attitudes of two of the main actors involved (scientists and citizens). The research has been divided into three studies based on qualitative (semi-structured interviews) and quantitative (questionnaires) methodologies. The main results suggest that activities of citizen participation in science require solid scientific communication throughout the process, as well as prior planning and training (for participants and for researchers). The results indicate that Spanish researchers do not fully know their publics. However, scientists consider that they have a responsibility in science communication and public engagement activities. Spanish civil society organizations participate to a little extent in science and do not know their own potential to produce more socially relevant research.Esta tesis tiene como objetivo principal mejorar la comprensión sobre la participación ciudadana en ciencia en España. En concreto, analiza las características de prácticas participativas actuales y las opiniones y actitudes de dos de los principales actores involucrados (científicos y ciudadanos). La investigación se ha dividido en tres estudios basados en metodologías cualitativas (entrevistas semiestructuradas) y cuantitativas (cuestionarios). Los principales resultados sugieren que las actividades de ciencia participativa necesitan una buena comunicación científica a lo largo de todo el proceso, así como planificación y formación previas (para los participantes y para los investigadores). Los resultados indican que los investigadores españoles no conocen del todo a su público. Sin embargo, consideran que tienen una responsabilidad en la comunicación de la ciencia y las actividades de public engagement. Las organizaciones de la sociedad civil española participan poco en ciencia y no conocen su propio potencial para producir una investigación socialmente más relevante

    Models of teaching science communication

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    Changes in the communication ecosystem have generated profound transformations in current science communication. In the same way, the coexistence of diverse actors with different objectives and professional standards also raises new ethical dilemmas. The main objective of this research was to identify existing models of teaching science communication to scientists and professional communicators worldwide. To this end, we conducted 26 semi-structured interviews with science communication teachers from 15 different countries. From these interviews, we identified three models of teaching science communication to scientists: (A) the practical model, where skills such as writing, public speaking, etc., are taught; (B) the reflective model that teaches theory and the history of science communication to enable researchers to understand the relationship between science and society; and (C) the disruptive model, where traditional roles of scientific knowledge production as well as relationships and power roles in science are challenged. On the other hand, we have identified two models for professional science communicators: (A) the professional model, which is subdivided into two different approaches—theoretical (historical review, understanding of the science–society relationships, etc.) and skill-based (writing, audiovisual, etc.) that coexist in teaching programs—and (B) the research model, where tools, concepts, and methodologies for science communication research are taught.This research was funded by the Communication role on perception and beliefs of European citizens about science (CONCISE) project, which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under Grant Agreement No. 824537

    La comunicación en la ciencia ciudadana

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    <p>Presentación de los resultados del estudio "La comunicación en la ciencia ciudadana" en el marco del proyecto europeo ISEED (<a href="https://iseedeurope.eu/">Inclusive Science and European Democracies</a>). Esta comunicación fue presentada en el IX Congreso de Comunicación Social de la Ciencia (<a href="https://aecomunicacioncientifica.org/ccsc23/">CCSC23</a>) celebrado en Granada del 25 al 27 de octubre de 2023.</p><p> </p&gt

    Characteristics of Spanish citizen participation practices in science

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    A new regime of science production is emerging from the involvement of non-scientists. The present study aims to improve understanding of this phenomenon with an analysis of 16 interviews with Spanish coordinators of participatory science practices. The results indicate a majority of strategic and captive publics and point to communication as a key tool for the development of successful practices. Five key elements of the degree of integration required to develop a citizen participation in science practice were analysed: derived outputs, level of participant contribution, participation assessment, practice replicability, and participant and facilitator training. Proposals for strategies to remove barriers to citizen participation are the study's principal contribution

    Is training in science communication useful to find and practice a specialised job?

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    This study investigates how knowledge, skills and competences obtained during science communication postgraduate programmes impact alumni's experience in entering the workforce and in practicing their roles. Spanish programmes have been analysed with a double methodology: semi-structured interviews with programme directors (12 out of a total of 13) and a survey for programme alumni (134 answers). Results show that programmes are useful for alumni to find and practice a job. Teachings that are the most useful for alumni to find and practice a job, as well as programme shortcomings, are identified

    A standard for public consultation on science communication: the CONCISE project experience

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    Citizen consultations are public participation mechanisms designed to inform public policy and promote public dialogue. This article describes a deliberative consultation conducted within the CONCISE project framework. The aim was to gather qualitative knowledge about the means and channels through which European citizens acquire science-related knowledge, and how these influence their opinions and perceptions with respect to four socially relevant topics: vaccines, complementary and alternative medicine, genetically modified organisms, and climate change. In 2019, the CONCISE project carried out five citizen consultations in Poland, Slovakia, Spain, Italy and Portugal to explore the understanding of nearly 500 citizens, enabling the development of a standard for the carrying out of citizen consultations on science communication.The work reported in this paper was performed in the context of the “Communication role on perception and belief for European citizens about science” (CONCISE) project, which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No. 824537

    C. Literaturwissenschaft.

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    B. Sprachwissenschaft.

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