51 research outputs found

    Accurate Evaluation of Charge Asymmetry in Aqueous Solvation

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    Charge hydration asymmetry (CHA)--a characteristic dependence of hydration free energy on the sign of the solute charge--quantifies the asymmetric response of water to electric field at microscopic level. Accurate estimates of CHA are critical for understanding hydration effects ubiquitous in chemistry and biology. However, measuring hydration energies of charged species is fraught with significant difficulties, which lead to unacceptably large (up to 300%) variation in the available estimates of the CHA effect. We circumvent these difficulties by developing a framework which allows us to extract and accurately estimate the intrinsic propensity of water to exhibit CHA from accurate experimental hydration free energies of neutral polar molecules. Specifically, from a set of 504 small molecules we identify two pairs that are analogous, with respect to CHA, to the K+/F- pair--a classical probe for the effect. We use these "CHA-conjugate" molecule pairs to quantify the intrinsic charge-asymmetric response of water to the microscopic charge perturbations: the asymmetry of the response is strong, ~50% of the average hydration free energy of these molecules. The ability of widely used classical water models to predict hydration energies of small molecules correlates with their ability to predict CHA

    Case report: A case of diabetic ketoacidosis following chikungunya virus infection

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    Chikungunya is a mosquito-borne viral disease that has recently become endemic in the Caribbean, including the island of Puerto Rico. We present the case of a 50-year-old Puerto Rican man who traveled to St. Louis for business and was diagnosed with acute chikungunya virus infection with atypical features causing diabetic ketoacidosis. This case highlights the need to keep tropical infectious diseases on the differential diagnosis in appropriate individuals and the ways in which tropical infectious diseases can masquerade as part of common presentations

    Conduction through the Inward Rectifier Potassium Channel, Kir2.1, Is Increased by Negatively Charged Extracellular Residues

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    Ion channel conductance can be influenced by electrostatic effects originating from fixed ā€œsurfaceā€ charges that are remote from the selectivity filter. To explore whether surface charges contribute to the conductance properties of Kir2.1 channels, unitary conductance was measured in cell-attached recordings of Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells transfected with Kir2.1 channels over a range of K+ activities (4.6ā€“293.5 mM) using single-channel measurements as well as nonstationary fluctuation analysis for low K+ activities. K+ ion concentrations were shown to equilibrate across the cell membrane in our studies using the voltage-sensitive dye DiBAC4(5). The dependence of Ī³ on the K+ activity (aK) was fit well by a modified Langmuir binding isotherm, with a nonzero intercept as aK approaches 0 mM, suggesting electrostatic surface charge effects. Following the addition of 100 mM N-methyl-d-glucamine (NMG+), a nonpermeant, nonblocking cation or following pretreatment with 50 mM trimethyloxonium (TMO), a carboxylic acid esterifying agent, the Ī³ā€“aK relationship did not show nonzero intercepts, suggesting the presence of surface charges formed by glutamate or aspartate residues. Consistent with surface charges in Kir2.1 channels, the rates of current decay induced by Ba2+ block were slowed with the addition of NMG or TMO. Using a molecular model of Kir2.1 channels, three candidate negatively charged residues were identified near the extracellular mouth of the pore and mutated to cysteine (E125C, D152C, and E153C). E153C channels, but not E125C or D152C channels, showed hyperbolic Ī³ā€“aK relationships going through the origin. Moreover, the addition of MTSES to restore the negative charges in E53C channels reestablished wild-type conductance properties. Our results demonstrate that E153 contributes to the conductance properties of Kir2.1 channels by acting as a surface charge

    Reliable sex and strain discrimination in the mouse vomeronasal organ and accessory olfactory bulb

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    Animals modulate their courtship and territorial behaviors in response to olfactory cues produced by other animals. In rodents, detecting these cues is the primary role of the accessory olfactory system (AOS). We sought to systematically investigate the natural stimulus coding logic and robustness in neurons of the first two stages of accessory olfactory processing, the vomeronasal organ (VNO) and accessory olfactory bulb (AOB). We show that firing rate responses of just a few well-chosen mouse VNO or AOB neurons can be used to reliably encode both sex and strain of other mice from cues contained in urine. Additionally, we show that this population code can generalize to new concentrations of stimuli and appears to represent stimulus identity in terms of diverging paths in coding space. Together, the results indicate that firing rate code on the temporal order of seconds is sufficient for accurate classification of pheromonal patterns at different concentrations and may be used by AOS neural circuitry to discriminate among naturally occurring urine stimuli

    Neural mechanisms of social learning in the female mouse

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    Social interactions are often powerful drivers of learning. In female mice, mating creates a long-lasting sensory memory for the pheromones of the stud male that alters neuroendocrine responses to his chemosignals for many weeks. The cellular and synaptic correlates of pheromonal learning, however, remain unclear. We examined local circuit changes in the accessory olfactory bulb (AOB) using targeted ex vivo recordings of mating-activated neurons tagged with a fluorescent reporter. Imprinting led to striking plasticity in the intrinsic membrane excitability of projection neurons (mitral cells, MCs) that dramatically curtailed their responsiveness, suggesting a novel cellular substrate for pheromonal learning. Plasticity was selectively expressed in the MC ensembles activated by the stud male, consistent with formation of memories for specific individuals. Finally, MC excitability gained atypical activity-dependence whose slow dynamics strongly attenuated firing on timescales of several minutes. This unusual form of AOB plasticity may act to filter sustained or repetitive sensory signals.R21 DC013894 - NIDCD NIH HH

    Direct evidence for sequence-dependent attraction between double-stranded DNA controlled by methylation

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    Although proteins mediate highly ordered DNA organization in vivo, theoretical studies suggest that homologous DNA duplexes can preferentially associate with one another even in the absence of proteins. Here we combine molecular dynamics simulations with single-molecule fluorescence resonance energy transfer experiments to examine the interactions between duplex DNA in the presence of spermine, a biological polycation. We find that AT-rich DNA duplexes associate more strongly than GC-rich duplexes, regardless of the sequence homology. Methyl groups of thymine acts as a steric block, relocating spermine from major grooves to interhelical regions, thereby increasing DNA-DNA attraction. Indeed, methylation of cytosines makes attraction between GC-rich DNA as strong as that between AT-rich DNA. Recent genome-wide chromosome organization studies showed that remote contact frequencies are higher for AT-rich and methylated DNA, suggesting that direct DNA-DNA interactions that we report here may play a role in the chromosome organization and gene regulationopen

    Sequence-dependent DNA condensation as a driving force of DNA phase separation

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    The physical properties of DNA have been suggested to play a central role in spatio-temporal organization of eukaryotic chromosomes. Experimental correlations have been established between the local nucleotide content of DNA and the frequency of inter- and intra-chromosomal contacts but the underlying physical mechanism remains unknown. Here, we combine fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) measurements, precipitation assays, and molecular dynamics simulations to characterize the effect of DNA nucleotide content, sequence, and methylation on inter-DNA association and its correlation with DNA looping. First, we show that the strength of DNA condensation mediated by poly-lysine peptides as a reduced model of histone tails depends on the DNA???s global nucleotide content but also on the local nucleotide sequence, which turns out to be qualitatively same as the condensation by spermine. Next, we show that the presence and spatial arrangement of C5 methyl groups determines the strength of inter-DNA attraction, partially explaining why RNA resists condensation. Interestingly, multi-color single molecule FRET measurements reveal strong anti-correlation between DNA looping and DNA-DNA association, suggesting that a common biophysical mechanism underlies them. We propose that the differential affinity between DNA regions of varying sequence pattern may drive the phase separation of chromatin into chromosomal subdomains

    Specific and highly efficient condensation of GC and IC DNA by polyaza pyridinophane derivatives

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    Two bis-polyaza pyridinophane derivatives and their monomeric reference compounds revealed strong interactions with ds-DNA and RNA. The bis-derivatives show a specific condensation of GC- and IC-DNA, which is almost two orders of magnitude more efficient than the well-known condensation agent spermine. The type of condensed DNA was identified as psi-DNA, characterized by the exceptionally strong CD signals. At variance to the almost silent AT(U) polynucleotides, these strong CD signals allow the determination of GC-condensates at nanomolar nucleobase concentrations. Detailed thermodynamic characterisation by ITC reveals significant differences between the DNA binding of the bis- derivative compounds (enthalpy driven) and that of spermine and of their monomeric counterparts (entropy driven). Atomic force microscopy confirmed GC-DNA compaction by the bis-derivatives and the formation of toroid- and rod-like structures responsible for the psi-type pattern in the CD spectra
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