351 research outputs found

    Cybersecurity, an approach via Pentesting; Ciberseguretat, una aproximació via Pentesting

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    This work is an approach to pentesting, an area of cybersecurity that consists of attacking computer environments to discover and exploit vulnerabilities, with the ultimate goal of documenting the attack and being able to gather information about the security of the system. A review of the basic concepts of information security and cybersecurity is included, i.e. types of malware such as viruses or Trojans, possible vulnerabilities such as 0- day or cross-site scripting (XSS) and finally concepts such as social engineering or brute force attacks. The details of the Kali Linux GNU/Linux distribution are described and some com mands and recommendations for optimizing pentesting are presented. The study of pentesting covers the legal bases, types, phases of execution, the most common tools and the OWASP organization and its role. As a practical part, a series of attack vectors are detailed with real examples and a pentesting test is performed on a machine in a controlled environment.Aquest treball és una aproximació al pentesting, una àrea de ciberseguretat que con sisteix en atacar entorns informàtics per descobrir i explotar vulnerabilitats, amb l’objectiu final de documentar l’atac i poder recopilar informació sobre la seguretat del sistema. S’inclou una revisió dels conceptes bàsics de seguretat de la informació i ciberse guretat, és a dir, tipus de malware com virus o troians, possibles vulnerabilitats com ara les 0-day o els cross-site scripting (XSS) i finalment conceptes com l’enginyeria social o els atacs de força bruta. Es descriuen els detalls de la distribució de Kali Linux de GNU/Linux i es presenten algunes ordres i recomanacions per optimitzar el pentesting. L’estudi de pentesting tracta les seves bases legals, els tipus, les fases d’execució, les eines més comunes, l’organització OWASP i el seu rol. Com a part pràctica, es detallen una sèrie de vectors d’atac amb exemples reals i es realitza una prova de pentesting en una màquina en un entorn controlat

    La Atalayuela : ¿necrópolis turdetana en la tierra llana de Huelva?

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    Como resultado de las campañas de prospecciones realizadas en la provincia de Huelva, se estudia el yacimiento de la Atayuela por la uniformidad tipológica y cronológica que presentan sus materiales, que indican pertenecer a la única necrópolis turdetanma hasta ahora conocida._____________________________Here is presented the results of surface research carried out at the archaeological site of "La Atalayuela". Pottery and general data point to Illydetanian necrópolis better than poblacional site

    Education and sport: relationships, construction and mutual influence

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    Realizar un análisis y reflexión sobre las relaciones existentes entre educación y deporte, a priori puede parecer una tarea sencilla o fácil, bien porque vivimos en una sociedad en la que se pone de manifiesto el deporte en todas sus dimensiones: cultural, económica, política…; o bien porque el deporte está presente en multitud de actos de nuestra vida cotidiana: ocio, recreación, espectáculo…Pero mucho más lejos de la realidad, se presenta como una tarea ardua, difícil y complicada. Por ello, con este artículo pretendemos profundizar un poco más sobre dichos conceptos y sus relaciones, planteándonos una serie de interrogantes que en principio pueden pasar desapercibidos; pero para nosotros, como docentes de la Educación Física -área curricular que tiene como campo de conocimiento ambos constructos-, hace que replanteemos ciertos planteamientos didácticos. Estas inquietudes nos han llevado a revisar el marco teórico conceptual sobre las relaciones existentes entre educación y deporte; puesto que, sí comulgamos con la filosofía de que el deporte es un fenómeno que está presente en la sociedad, que hay que trabajarlo, enseñarlo y favorecerlo desde las instituciones educativas… La Educación Física es el área idónea para desarrollar este trabajo, favoreciendo así el hecho de considerar el deporte como una actividad fundamental en el desarrollo integral y formación académica de los alumnos durante su etapa escolar.The fact of carrying out an analysis, and a reflection about the relationships between education and sports could be considered as a simple or easy task; either because we live in a society, in which sport is exposed in every its dimensions: cultural, economic, political...; or given the fact that sport is presented in a large group of our lives’ actions: free time, recreation, performance... However, far from the reality, it is displayed as arduous, difficult and complex task. Therefore, this article expects to delve more into those concepts and their connections, considering a series of questions that at the beginning can be seen unnoticed; but for the authors, as teachers of Physical Education – curricular area which is the field of knowledge of both of them – , makes them reflect again certain didactic proposals. These concerns make the writers revise the conceptual theoretical framework about the relationships between education and sport; given that, if they agree on the philosophy that sport is a phenomenon presented in society, which has to be worked, taught and assist it from the educational institutions... Physical Education is the ideal area to develop this work, that way supporting the fact of considering sport as a fundamental activity in the integral development, and the academic education of students during their school years

    El Cerquillo (Cerro de Andévalo, Huelva) y la producción metalúrgica prerromana en el suroeste Ibérico

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    En este trabajo se dan a conocer los resultados analíticos de las escorias metalúrgicas del asentamiento prerromano de El Cerquillo (Cerro de Andévalo, Huelva), que demuestran la producción de plata, cobre y hierro por el laboreo de minerales complejos de los depósitos de piritas de Suroeste Ibérico, y la continuidad de las técnicas metalúrgicas de la Edad del Bronce.__________________________________In this work it give the results of the analytical study of the preromans slags from El Cerquillo (Cerro de Andévalo, Huelva, SW Spain), that demonstrates the silver, copper and iron production by the exploitation of complex ore at the pyrite deposites of the Iberian Southwest, and the metallurgiques techniques continuity of the Bronze Age

    Conductividad térmica de lechos granulares

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias, Sección de Químicas, leída en 1972.Fac. de Ciencias QuímicasTRUEProQuestpu

    Variación morfológica y alometría de las vértebras precloacales en el ofidio daboia russelli (viperidae)

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    Understanding the variation of the ophidian vertebral morphology is an essential tool in snake paleobiology, but so far this field remains hardly investigated. A major problematic is the still scarce knowledge about the basis of homogeneity of intracolumnar shape variation along the vertebrae of the precloacal region in these animals. For instance, this variation can be overwhelmingly low in cases such as in vipers, for which it seems almost impossible to describe a concrete regionalization of the precloacal region without ambiguity. This study has applied geometric morphometrics to analyze if the shape variation of the vertebrae of the precloacal vertebrae of an adult specimen of Daboia russelli allows differentiating any sort of parcellation within the column of this organism. We have also explored if size is associated with the organization of vertebral shape along the axial skeleton. The multivariate analyses showed that the main pattern of vertebral shape variation in D. russelli concerns the neural spine and the hypapophysis, whereas the shape of the vertebral centrum appears to be nearly invariant along the series. Our analysis also showed that the precloacal region can be sudivided into two portions that merge in a transitional boundary of largest vertebrae in the middle of the column. From this middle region towards the distal ends of the column vertebrae become smaller changing their shapes in two antithetical waysFunds provided by the project CGL2009-11838 BTE and a FPU grant (AP2007-00904; MICINN) to I. Sarri

    On the importance of examining the relationship between shape data and biologically meaningful variables. An example studying allometry with geometric morphometrics.

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    Geometric morphometrics (GM) is a tool for the statistical analysis of shape on Cartesian landmark coordinates. However, because GM studies commonly focus on the description of morphological trends within shape space (or morphospace), the predictive power of multivariate statistics to understand morphological change remains underutilized. Here we show the protocols to study allometry in 3D with these tools on a postnatal growth series of the domestic chicken. We contrast three approaches: a ?traditional? one in which size variables are compared statistically, a Principal Components Analysis on size and shape scores (Procrustes  form space), and a multivariate regression. In the latter  approach we further used three different independent factors  inherently related to ontogeny: skull centroid size, body weight, and age of the specimens. The results clearly stress the importance of studying shape change in relation to different causal factors (i.e., with regressions), demonstrating that, indeed, any independent variable or variables that make biological sense can be used to understand morphological change with GM.Fil: Marugán-Lobón, Jesús. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Facultad de Ciencias; España;Fil: Blanco-Miranda, David. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Facultad de Ciencias; España;Fil: Chamero Macho, Beatriz. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Facultad de Ciencias; España; Provincia del Chubut. Fundación Egidio Feruglio. Museo Paleontológico;Fil: Martín-Abad, Hugo. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Facultad de Ciencias; España

    Sensing and avoiding sick conspecifics requires Gαi2+ vomeronasal neurons

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    Rodents utilize chemical cues to recognize and avoid other conspecifics infected with pathogens. Infection with pathogens and acute inflammation alter the repertoire and signature of olfactory stimuli emitted by a sick individual. These cues are recognized by healthy conspecifics via the vomeronasal or accessory olfactory system, triggering an innate form of avoidance behavior. However, the molecular identity of the sensory neurons and the higher neural circuits involved in the detection of sick conspecifics remain poorly understood