274 research outputs found

    Field trip stop descriptions

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    Fifteen sites within the channeled scabland were selected as stops with the dual aim of visiting locations critical to the arguments for a catastrophic flood origin of the scablands, as well as permitting an examination of the variability in both erosional and depositional features. The stop locations are plotted on a generalized geologic map and their coordinates are given in table form

    Aerial field guide

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    There are two overflights planned for the field conference; one for the Cheney-Palouse tract of the eastern channeled scabland, the other covering the coulees and basins of the western region. The approximate flight lines are indicated on the accompanying LANDSAT images. The first flight will follow the eastern margin of this large scabland tract, passing a series of loess remnants, gravel bars and excavated rock basins. The western scablands overflight will provide a review of the structurally controlled complex pattern of large-scale erosion and deposition characteristic of the region between the upper Grand Coulee (Banks Lake) and the Pasco Basin

    The Channeled Scabland

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    The geomorphology and hydrodynamics of high velocity flood erosion in the channeled scabland of the Columbia Basin are discussed

    «Nå er det ikke pinlig å servere maten lenger» : en kvalitativ studie av Geitmyra og AKS-ansatte sine erfaringer knyttet til implementering av kostintervensjonen Læringsrik mat på AKS/SFO

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    Bakgrunn og målsetning: Mange barn har dårlig kosthold og lite kunnskap om mat. Dette kan igjen ha konsekvenser for livsstil og helse på lang sikt. Norske myndigheter har i senere år hatt økt søkelys på hvordan barn og unges kosthold kan styrkes gjennom tiltak i skolen. Maten som serveres på AKS/SFO har et stort potensiale og kan være sosialt utjevnede. Geitmyra matkultursenter for barn har gjennom tiltaket Læringsrik mat på AKS/SFO gjennomført kostintervensjoner med praktiske matkurs, veiledning for ansatte og involvert elevene i mattilbudet gjennom matlaging og servering. Denne studien har til hensikt å utforske Geitmyras og skolenes erfaringer med tiltaket. Innsikt som kan være til hjelp for å videreutvikle tiltaket og for andre aktører som ønsker å forbedre mattilbudet på fellesarenaer for barn. Metode og resultater: Studien har en kvalitativ fortolkende tilnærming. Det ble gjennomført 2 gruppeintervjuer og 4 semistrukturerte dybdeintervju med til sammen 7 personer. Funn fra disse intervjuene ble presentert i 8 overordnede temaer: 1) Geitmyras erfaringer knyttet til rekruttering og skolenes ulike motivasjoner for deltagelse. 2) Betydning av forankring i hele organisasjonen og opplevd støtte. 3) Betydningen av utstyr og ressurser til å fasilitere mattilbudet. Spisemiljøet og måltidskultur på AKS/SFO. 4) Opplevd utbytte av tiltaket og kompetanseheving for AKS/SFO-ansatte. 5) Sosiale implikasjoner av tiltaket. 6) Erfaringer knyttet til elevenes medvirkning i mattilbudet. 7) Varig endring og suksessfaktorer for vellykket implementering. Funnene ble diskutert opp teorier og rammeverk for implementering av helsefremmende tiltak, samskaping og Empowerment og tidligere forskning på områdene. I hovedtrekk viser funnene at tiltaket bør forankres bedre i hele organisasjonen og at det bør sikres større medvirkning gjennom sirkulære samskapingsprosesser hvor også elever, kjøkkenansatte, lærere og foresatte inkluderes. Slik kan man også fremme varige ending av tiltaket. Informantene opplevde å ha stort læringsutbytte av tiltaket og opplevde tiltaket som et sosialt løft for ansatte og elever.Background and objectives: Many children have poor diets and little knowledge about food. This in turn can have consequences for their lifestyle and health in the long run. In recent years, the Norwegian authorities have increased focus on how children's and young people's diets can be strengthened through measures at school. Most important of these measures is the food served at after-school programs (AKS), which has great potential to reduce social inequality in health and diet. Læringsrik mat på AKS/SFO is a dietary intervention containing cooking classes, guidance for kitchen staff and involvement of pupils preparing and serving of the school meal at after-school programs in Oslo. The measure is initiated by Geitmyra Culinary Center for Children (Geitmyra). This study aims to explore Geitmyra's and the schools' experiences with the measure, including insights for further improvement of the measure. Further, it provides a learning opportunity for others to create healthier eating environments for children. Method and results: The study has a qualitative interpretive approach. Two group interviews and four semi-structured in-depth interviews were conducted with a total of seven persons. Findings from the interviews are presented in eight main themes: 1) Geitmyra's experiences related to recruitment of participants, and the schools' various motivations for participation. 2) The significance of anchoring the measure in the organizations and perceived support. The importance of equipment and resources to facilitate the school meals. 4) The eating environment and food culture at AKS. 5) Perceived benefits of the measure and development of the staff’s culinary skills. 6) Social implications of the measure. 7) Experiences related to the students' pupils’participation in the school meal scheme. 8) Lasting effects and factors influencing successful implementation. The findings were discussed related to theories on implementation of health-promoting measures, co-creation, empowerment and previous research. The study finds that to ensure lasting effect, the measure should be sufficiently anchored in the entire organization and that participation is secured through circular co-creating processes involving all stakeholders: pupils, teachers, kitchen staff and parents. Lastly, the participants of this study experienced a great learning benefit from the measure and experienced positive social implications for staff and pupils.M-FO

    Hvordan implementeres # Råbra i to organisasjoner i helse- og omsorgssektoren sett fra et lederperspektiv?

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    Dette masterprosjektet har som mål å se på hvordan #råbra er blitt implementert i organisasjoner i helse- og omsorgssektoren, sett fra en leders perspektiv. #Råbra er et verktøy som en kan bruke for å få frem gode situasjoner i arbeidshverdagen slik at man kan lære av dem. For å finne svar på dette er det blitt sett på blant annet om det er elementer ved #råbra som gjør at implementeringen har gått som den gjorde. Det er utarbeide et forslag for hvordan en kan implementere #råbra ut fra ledernes erfaringer. Det er utarbeidet et konseptuelt rammeverk for masterprosjektet ut fra temaet. #Råbra blir presentert, sammen med teori som beskriver de ulike elementene som ligger til grunn for måten å bruke #råbra. Her presenterer man blant annet hvordan en kan anerkjenne medarbeidere gjennom #råbra og hvordan en kan bygge organisasjonskultur, ut fra tidligere studier og relevant teori. Videre blir masterprosjektets analytiske verktøy, translasjonsteorien til Røvik (2007) kort presentert. Masterprosjektet er et kvalitativt og deskriptiv studie som prøver å få frem implementeringsprosessen ut fra lederne sin erfaring. Det er brukt intervju som metode for å hente inn primærdataene og sekundærdataene stammer fra organisasjonenes referater, styringsdokumenter og andre dokumenter som omtaler organisasjonenes implementeringsprosess. Ut fra det som kom frem i primær- og sekundærdataene er det laget en fremstilling av de to implementeringsprosessene. Disse blir presentert ut fra kodene som ble brukt i analyseprosessen. Gjennom drøfting av forskingsspørsmålene prøver en å få frem hvordan implementeringen har gått, og en har laget en oversikt over hvordan en implementering kan gjennomføres, ut fra informantenes erfaringer. Det viser seg av det kan være elementer ved #råbra som gjør at implementeringen går lettere. Blant annet ble det trukket frem av informantene at den positive vinklingen i #råbra gjør at medarbeidere kan få større motivasjon for sitt arbeid og at en kan bygge organisasjonens kultur. Dette støttes av tidligere forskning gjort i andre land. Masterprosjektet har hatt et overordnet perspektiv og det har underveis komt frem at det finnes mange ulike perspektiver og elementer i #råbra som en kan studere videre. Dette omtales i avslutningskapittelet.The goal for this thesis was how to implement #råbra in healthcare organisations. This through a leader’s perspective. #Råbra is a tool an organization can use to bring out good situations that the organisation can learn from. To reach the goal for the thesis there was developed some research questions. One of these questions seeks out to find if there are elements in #råbra that lead to how the implementation went thorough. There are also developed a suggestion for how to do the implementation #råbra due to the leader’s experience. The conceptual framework for this thesis is developed from its theme. #Råbra is presented, together with theory that describes the element we find in #råbra. Among the theory presented, theory on how to support employers and build organisation culture is presented. Further, a presentation of the thesis analytic took, translations theory from Røvik (2007), is conducted. The thesis is a qualitative and descriptive study that tries to enhance the leader’s experiences from how they did the implementation of #råbra. Interview is used as a method, together with literature study. The data was put together and presented as two cases. In the thesis the cases are presented through the codes used in the analysing process. A discussion of the research questions the thesis tries to get an overview over how the implementation went through. It turns out that it can be elements in #råbra that has made the implementation process easier. The organisations point out that the positive angle in #råbra makes the employers motivation for their work higher and that the organization can build their culture. This experience is supporter through other research from other countries The thesis has a wide perspective and through the process conduction the study, the students found many different perspectives and elements in #råbra that can be studied further. This will be presented in the last chapter

    Hurricanes and climate in the Caribbean during the past 3700 years BP

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    International audienceA multiproxy analysis of lacustrine sediments cored in Grand-Case Pond at Saint-Martin, north of the Lesser Antilles archipelago, reveals three distinct climatic periods for the last 3700 years. From 3700 to ~2500 yr cal. BP and from 1150 yr cal. BP to the present, carbonate mud deposition occurred in connection with pond lowstands. These periods were also punctuated by severe drought events, marked by gypsum laminae, and hurricane landfalls, leading to marine sand inputs into the pond. The intermediate time interval, from 2500 to 1150 yr cal. BP, is typified by black organic mud deposition, suggesting that hypoxic to anoxic conditions prevailed at the pond bottom. These were probably linked with a perennial pond highstand and reflect more uniform and wetter climatic conditions than today. The carbon isotopic composition of the ostracod Perissocytheridea bisulcata shows that the lowest δ13C values are recorded during the hypoxic periods, as a consequence of bacterial recycling of isotopically depleted organic matter. Such a climatic history agrees closely with that documented from other records in the Caribbean area, such as the Cariaco Basin, central coast of Belize or Barbados. By constrast, discrepancies seem to emerge from the comparison between hurricane activity recorded at Saint-Martin on the one hand and Vieques (Puerto Rico) on the other hand. We explain this apparent contradiction by a balance between two distinct storm paths in response to latitudinal shifts of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ). Stronger storm activity over the Gulf coast and the inner Caribbean Sea is favoured by a southern position of the ITCZ in connection with dry climatic conditions. Plausible links with the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) are also suggested

    Manual / Issue 6 / Assemblage

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    Manual, a journal about art and its making. Assemblage. The sixth issue. An assemblage is both an act and a result-the work of gathering and conjoining as well as the state of having been gathered and conjoined. This issue of Manual pieces together works made out of practical necessity and others that marry dazzling embellishments for optimal effect, examining how history (or one version of it) was (and is) pastiched from disparate sources, how fashionable textile samples were collected, and more (always more). An assembly of assemblages, an assortment of intended and unintended interrelationships, Manual issue six is the sum of its parts and the parts themselves, a dynamic gathering of artists and authors, objects and interpretations, mash-ups and remixes, lemons and lightbulbs, vibrantly inter-animating each other. Softcover, 68 pages. Published 2016 by the RISD Museum. Manual 6 (Assemblage) contributors include Eric Anderson, Taylor Elyse Anderson, Bob Dilworth, Christina Hemauer, Roman Keller, Mariani Lefas-Tetenes, Simone Leigh, Leora Maltz-Leca, Ingrid A. Neuman, Tara Nummedal, Todd Oldham, and Britany Salsbury.https://digitalcommons.risd.edu/risdmuseum_journals/1032/thumbnail.jp

    The influence of intention, outcome and question-wording on children's and adults' moral judgments

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    The influence of intention and outcome information on moral judgments was investigated by telling children aged 4-8 years and adults (N=169) stories involving accidental harms (positive intention, negative outcome) or attempted harms (negative intention, positive outcome) from two studies (Helwig, Zelazo, & Wilson, 2001; Zelazo, Helwig, & Lau, 1996). When the original acceptability (wrongness) question was asked, the original findings were closely replicated: children’s and adults’ acceptability judgments, and children’s punishment judgments, were primarily outcome-based. However, when this question was rephrased, 4-5-year-olds’ judgments were approximately equally influenced by intention and outcome, and from 5-6 years they were primarily intention-based. These findings indicate that, for methodological reasons, children’s (and adults’) ability to make intention-based judgment has often been substantially underestimated

    Recent shifts in coastline change and shoreline stabilization linked to storm climate change

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    Because cuspate coastlines are especially sensitive to changes in wave climate, they serve as potential indicators of initial responses to changing wave conditions. Previous work demonstrates that Cape Hatteras and Cape Lookout, NC, which are largely unaffected by shoreline stabilization efforts, have become increasingly asymmetric over the past 30 years, consistent with model predictions for coastline response to increases in Atlantic Ocean summer wave heights and resulting changes in the distribution of wave-approach angles. Historic and recent shoreline change observations for Cape Fear, North Carolina, and model simulations of coastline response to an increasingly asymmetric wave climate in the presence of beach nourishment, produce comparable differences in shoreline change rates in response to changes in wave climate. Results suggest that the effect of beach nourishment is to compensate for—and therefore to mask—natural responses to wave climate change that might otherwise be discernible in patterns of shoreline change alone. Therefore, this case study suggests that the effects of wave climate change on human-modified coastlines may be detectable in the spatial and temporal patterns of shoreline stabilization activities. Similar analyses of cuspate features in areas where the change in wave climate is less pronounced (i.e., Fishing Point, Maryland/Virginia) and where local geology appears to exert control on coastline shape (i.e., Cape Canaveral, Florida), suggest that changes in shoreline configuration that may be arising from shifting wave climate are currently limited to sandy wave-dominated coastlines where the change in wave climate has been most pronounced. However, if hurricane-generated wave heights continue to increase, large-scale shifts in patterns of erosion and accretion will likely extend beyond sensitive cuspate features as the larger-scale coastline shape comes into equilibrium with changing wave conditions