476 research outputs found

    A CasADi Based Toolchain For JModelica.org

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    Computer-aided modeling for simulation, optimization and analysis is increasingly used for product development in industry today, resulting in high demands on the tools used. A tool chain for transferring interpreted code of the modeling languages Modelica and Optimica from the simulation and optimization tool JModelica.org to CasADi has been implemented. CasADi provides several desirable features, most importantly an integrated and ecient automatic dierentiation engine and the ability to interactively work with the systems expressed using it. The biggest problems solved to enable this were the creation of a representation of the mathematical systems described by Modelica and Optimica code that is integrated with CasADi, and the construction of a transfer scheme for moving information from the Java-based JModelica.org compiler to C++ in which CasADi resides. This was successfully achieved for a continuous subset of Modelica and Optimica that may contain functions

    Sustainable storm water management : suggestions for delaying and purifying water in an open space in the city

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    TÀnk om vi kunde designa stÀder sÄ att de materiella skadorna vid extrema skyfall blev mindre? TÀnk om vi kunde designa stÀder sÄ att fÀrre Àldre dog vid vÀrmeböljor? TÀnk om vi kunde designa stÀder sÄ att vi skapade fler livsmiljöer för djur innanför staden och förstörde fÀrre livsmiljöer för djur utanför staden? TÀnk om vi kunde designa stÀder som var mer estetiskt tilltalande, innehöll fler tilltalande mötesplatser och hade ett behagligare sommarklimat? Urbanisering Àr en global trend som pÄverkar utformningen av stadsmiljöer. Det finns ekonomiska och ekologiska fördelar med att förtÀta stÀder. MÀnniskor kan ta sig fram till fots och pÄ cykel istÀllet för att vara beroende av bil eller kollektivtrafik. VÀrdefull natur utanför staden kan sparas istÀllet för att exploateras och ofta finns kostsamma investeringar i infrastruktur redan pÄ plats. FörtÀtningen skapar ocksÄ utmaningar. Andelen grönyta i mÀnniskors nÀromrÄde riskerar att minska pÄ bekostnad av en ökad andel hÄrdgjorda ytor. Förhöjda översvÀmningsrisker och ett varmare stadsklimat Àr exempel pÄ tvÄ konsekvenser. Samtidigt ger ett större befolkningsunderlag per ytenhet ett större underlag som kan finansiera grön-blÄ lösningar som kommer samhÀllsmedborgarna och naturen till gagn. I detta examensarbete tittar jag nÀrmare pÄ hur vi i en torgmiljö i stenstaden kan efterlikna naturen för att minska de negativa effekterna av de kraftiga skyfall som spÄs bli allt vanligare och de skyfallsrelaterade utmaningar som förtÀtning medför. Baserat pÄ en litteraturstudie om frÄgor relaterade till regn och dagvattenhantering analyserar jag en torgmiljö i Malmö. Baserat pÄ analysen skapar ger jag förslag pÄ lösningar för att fördröja dagvattnet nÀra kÀllan. Detta torg Àr S:t Knuts Torg i Malmö. Dagvattenhantering för minskad översvÀmningsrisk och minskad belastning pÄ recipienten Àr uppsatsens fokus men hÀnsyn tas Àven till de andra fördelar som grön-blÄ strukturer medför. Resultatet visar att det finns goda möjligheter att hantera dagvatten pÄ ett sÀtt som kombinerar olika typer av vÀrden sÄsom renare vatten till recipienten, minskad risk för översvÀmning inne i stÀderna, minskat tryck pÄ befintliga VA-system och ett behagligare stadsklimat. FörutsÀttningarna för att lyckas beror bÄde pÄ naturvetenskapliga, tekniska och organisatoriska aspekter

    Bioequivalence of Oral Products and the Biopharmaceutics Classification System: Science, Regulation, and Public Policy

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/109935/1/cptclpt2011109.pd

    Benchmarking med teoretisk referensram - En fallstudie om möjligheter och hinder med att benchmarka en mÄltid

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    Fallstudien stödjer att vÄr föreslagna benchmarkingmetod kan erbjuda mer djup och bÀttre möjligheter till framgÄng Àn vid traditionell benchmarking dÀr utgÄngspunkten ligger i nyckeltal. Den teoretiska referensramen som anvÀnds i studien erbjuder en bra förstÄelse för de samband som gÀller mellan processer och önskat resultat. Fallstudieobjektens möjlighet att lyckas med ett benchmarkingprojektet beror till stor del pÄ inomorganisationella faktorer dÀr ledarskap och kommunikation visat sig vara viktigast

    Prevention of Rat Intestinal Injury with a Drug Combination of Melatonin and Misoprostol

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    A healthy intestinal barrier prevents uptake of allergens and toxins, whereas intestinal permeability increases following chemotherapy and in many gastrointestinal and systemic diseases and disorders. Currently, there are no approved drugs that target and repair the intestinal epithelial barrier while there is a medical need for such treatment in gastrointestinal and related conditions. The objective of this single-pass intestinal perfusion study in rats was to investigate the preventive cytoprotective effect of three mucosal protective drugsÂżmelatonin, misoprostol, and teduglutideÂżwith different mechanisms of action on an acute jejunal injury induced by exposing the intestine for 15 min to the anionic surfactant, sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS). The effect was evaluated by monitoring intestinal clearance of 51Cr-labeled ethylenediaminetetraacetate and intestinal histology before, during, and after luminal exposure to SDS. Our results showed that separate pharmacological pretreatments with luminal misoprostol and melatonin reduced acute SDS-induced intestinal injury by 47% and 58%, respectively, while their use in combination abolished this injury. This data supports further development of drug combinations for oral treatments of conditions and disorders related to a dysregulated or compromised mucosal epithelial barrier

    Permeability and clearance views of drug absorption: A commentary

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/45051/1/10928_2006_Article_BF02354289.pd

    Assessment of Potential Herb-Drug Interactions among Nigerian Adults with Type-2 Diabetes.

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    It is becoming increasingly evident that patients with diabetes do not rely only on prescription drugs for their disease management. The use of herbal medicines is one of the self-management practices adopted by these patients, often without the knowledge of their healthcare practitioners. This study assessed the potential for pharmacokinetic herb-drug interactions (HDIs) amongst Nigerian adult diabetic patients. This was done through a literature analysis of the pharmacokinetic profile of their herbal medicines and prescription drugs, based on information obtained from 112 patients with type-2 diabetes attending two secondary health care facilities in Nigeria. Fifty percent of the informants used herbal medicines alongside their prescription drugs. Worryingly, 60% of the patients taking herbal medicines did not know their identity, thus increasing the risk of unidentified HDIs. By comparing the pharmacokinetic profile of eight identified herbs taken by the patients for the management of diabetes against those of the prescription drugs, several scenarios of potential HDIs were identified and their clinical relevance is discussed. The lack of clinical predictors points toward cultural factors as the influence for herb use, making it more difficult to identify these patients and in turn monitor potential HDIs. In identifying these possible interactions, we have highlighted the need for healthcare professionals to promote a proactive monitoring of patients' use of herbal medicines

    Improved Cortisol Exposure-Time Profile and Outcome in Patients with Adrenal Insufficiency: A Prospective Randomized Trial of a Novel Hydrocortisone Dual-Release Formulation.

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    Context:Patients with treated adrenal insufficiency (AI) have increased morbidity and mortality rate. Our goal was to improve outcome by developing a once-daily (OD) oral hydrocortisone dual-release tablet with a more physiological exposure-time cortisol profile.Objective:The aim was to compare pharmacokinetics and metabolic outcome between OD and the same daily dose of thrice-daily (TID) dose of conventional hydrocortisone tablets.Design and Setting:We conducted an open, randomized, two-period, 12-wk crossover multicenter trial with a 24-wk extension at five university hospital centers.Patients:The trial enrolled 64 adults with primary AI; 11 had concomitant diabetes mellitus (DM).Intervention:The same daily dose of hydrocortisone was administered as OD dual-release or TID.Main Outcome Measure:We evaluated cortisol pharmacokinetics.Results:Compared with conventional TID, OD provided a sustained serum cortisol profile 0-4 h after the morning intake and reduced the late afternoon and the 24-h cortisol exposure. The mean weight (difference = -0.7 kg, P = 0.005), systolic blood pressure (difference = -5.5 mm Hg, P = 0.0001) and diastolic blood pressure (difference: -2.3 mm Hg; P = 0.03), and glycated hemoglobin (absolute difference = -0.1%, P = 0.0006) were all reduced after OD compared with TID at 12 wk. Compared with TID, a reduction in glycated hemoglobin by 0.6% was observed in patients with concomitant DM during OD (P = 0.004).Conclusion:The OD dual-release tablet provided a more circadian-based serum cortisol profile. Reduced body weight, reduced blood pressure, and improved glucose metabolism were observed during OD treatment. In particular, glucose metabolism improved in patients with concomitant DM
