143 research outputs found

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    Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn View/OpenAlþjóðageislavarnaráðið (International Commission on Radiological Protection, ICRP) hefur nýlega gefið út samantekt og leiðbeiningar sem varða læknisfræðilega röntgengeislun og þungun (1). Útkoma leiðbeininganna er tilefni þessarar upprifjunar og samantektar um efnið í samræmi við ríkjandi viðhorf. Ætla má, að læknar og annað heilbrigðisstarfsfólk séu almennt vel upplýst um líffræðilegar áhættur tengdar jónandi geislun, en með síaukinni fræðslu til almennings um heilsutengd efni, í skólum og fjölmiðlum, er hætt við að upp geti komið misskilningur, mistúlkun og ótti vegna myndgreiningarrannsókna og hugsanlegra afleiðinga þeirra. Niðurstöður Alþjóðageislavarnaráðsins eru, að fræðsla til almennings, og einkum kvenna er málið snertir, um stöðu og áhættur sé brýn. Þá er lokaniðurstaða sú, að sennilega hafi áhættur vegna „óhóflegra“ geislaskammta verið ofmetnar í fyrri leiðbeiningum og vinnureglum. Því mælir stofnunin nú með verulegri hækkun þeirra geislaskammta sem miða beri við vegna hugsanlegra ákvarðana um fóstureyðingu Það er réttur barnshafandi konu, hvort heldur hún þarf myndgreiningu með röntgengeislum eða verður fyrir jónandi geislun í starfi, að fá upplýsingar um magn og umfang geislunarinnar, svo og um eðli mögulegra geislunaráhrifa, sem fóstur geti orðið fyrir

    Utdanning for bærekraftig utvikling og stedsbasert læring ved en Grønt flagg- skole

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    Master i grunnskolelærerutdanning 5-10, Naturfag 4 - 202

    Label-Free Electrical Detection Using Carbon Nanotube-Based Biosensors

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    Label-free detections of biomolecules have attracted great attention in a lot of life science fields such as genomics, clinical diagnosis and practical pharmacy. In this article, we reviewed amperometric and potentiometric biosensors based on carbon nanotubes (CNTs). In amperometric detections, CNT-modified electrodes were used as working electrodes to significantly enhance electroactive surface area. In contrast, the potentiometric biosensors were based on aptamer-modified CNT field-effect transistors (CNTFETs). Since aptamers are artificial oligonucleotides and thus are smaller than the Debye length, proteins can be detected with high sensitivity. In this review, we discussed on the technology, characteristics and developments for commercialization in label-free CNT-based biosensors

    Performing and interpreting individual pharmakokinetic profiles in patients with Hemophilia A or B: rationale and general considerations

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    Objectives In a separate document, we have provided specific guidance on performing individual pharmacokinetic (PK) studies using limited samples in persons with hemophilia with the goal to optimize prophylaxis with clotting factor concentrates. This paper, intended for clinicians, aims to describe how to interpret and apply PK properties obtained in persons with hemophilia. Methods The members of the Working Party on population PK (PopPK) of the ISTH SSC Subcommittee on Factor VIII and IX and rare bleeding disorders, together with additional hemophilia and PK experts, completed a survey and ranking exercise whereby key areas of interest in the field were identified. The group had regular web conferences to refine the manuscript’s scope and structure, taking into account comments from the external feedback to the earlier document. Results Many clinical decisions in hemophilia are based on some form of explicit or implicit PK assessment. Individual patient PK profiles can be analyzed through traditional or PopPK methods, with the latter providing the advantage of fewer samples needing to be collected on any prophylaxis regimen, and without the need the for a washout period. The most useful presentation of PK results for clinical decision making are a curve of the factor activity level over time, the time to achieve a certain activity level, or related parameters like half‐life or exposure (AUC). Software platforms have been developed to deliver this information to clinicians at the point of care. Key characteristics of studies measuring average PK parameters were reviewed, outlining what makes a credible head‐to‐head comparison among different concentrates. Large data collections of PK and treatment outcomes currently ongoing will advance care in the future. Conclusions Traditionally used to compare different concentrates, PK can support tailoring of hemophilia treatment by individual profiling, which is greatly simplified by adopting a PopPK/Bayesian method and limited sampling protocol

    Evolving user interface design in public areas as a consequence of demographic changes

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    Master's thesis in International hotel and tourism managementAirports are rapidly getting more complex. They are in general undergoing rapid development with new sections added and new technology and information systems put into operation. The security is also becoming more rigours in terms of restrictions and regulations. Moreover, it can be experienced that airports are becoming more like shopping malls, filled with stores, cafés and restaurants. It can be perceived as a “landscape” of experiences. Simultaneously, societies all over the world are experiencing an aging population (“WHO,” 2012). The senior segment tend to have different needs than younger adults, and these needs can often be more complex (Alsnih & Hensher, 2003). This study focuses on seniors aged 55 and older. This is a generation born before the information revolution, and comparative studies have shown that people born before this period are more sensitive to the development of technology (Christopher Sze Chong, 2010). Similarly, the many effects of aging and environmental characteristics can also influence how the elderly interacts with technological devices, such as automated services, signs and boards and not at least, how they experience the more complex airports. The present thesis hence places its concern on the elderly segment and if they are experiencing any difficulties or obstacles in relation to the user interface design at Stavanger airport, Sola. The term user interface design has in this project been defined as the entire environment at the airport and reflects the security, personnel, cafés, seating area, information boards and signs. The present project follows a qualitative design, including methods such as participant observations and semi-structured interviews at Stavanger airport. One of the outcomes was that the subjects experienced difficulties with the use of automated services. However, there are no clear evidence that the elderly experiences any vital obstacles in relation to the security and interpreting signs and boards

    Japan ends its yen loans to China : A study of the role of ODA in the bilateral relationship

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    Summary Japan has provided China with ODA since 1979, 75% of this aid has been given as yen loans. The loans have greatly contributed to China’s economic growth through funding of industrial infrastructure projects. Next year when China hosts the Olympic Games in Beijing, Japan will phase out these loans. Although it will continue to provide China with grant assistance and technical cooperation the ending of the loans will have an impact on their future bilateral relationship. This is not only due to the amount of money that has been given but also due to the important role the loans have played since their initiation. The yen loans have been at the core of Japan’s engagement policy towards China. Through engagement Japan has sought to encourage peaceful and stable developments in China, both in terms of an open economy and in terms of a stable society. At the outset of Japan’s aid program to China in 1979, China represented a potential huge market for Japanese trade, and Japan wanted to encourage China to keep up its open and reform policy which had been announced by Deng Xiaoping the previous year. After the Tiananmen Square Incident in 1989, Japan started to reconsider its aid to China. The incident was a clear indication that considering Japan’s motives for engagement, the policy did not achieve the desired results. The Japanese public was outraged by the actions taken on June 4 1989 and the public was to gain a more decisive say in the domestic Japanese politics as the LDP rule came to an end in 1993. That year a coalition government implemented new electoral rules and later governments established administrative reforms which gave the public more insight into and influence over Japan’s foreign aid policy making. As Japan suffered an economic recession after the burst of the bubble economy in the early 1990s, the public started to debate how much aid Japan should give and to which countries. China became a target for this discussion with its rapid economic growth, rising military expenditures, and actions it took that were deemed threatening to Japan’s national interests, such as the nuclear tests in 1995. This paper argues that the decision to end the loans is the result of a process that started in the early 1990s and which caused the Japanese foreign aid policy makers to review their engagement policy towards China. The ending of the yen loans can be seen as the end of a stage in the bilateral relationship, but Japan will continue its engagement policy towards China through grant assistance and technical cooperation. The target areas will no longer be industrial infrastructure but environmental conservation and human resource development in China. These are areas that are important to Japan’s national security today

    Pharmacometric models in the development of biological medicinal products

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    Biological medicinal products (BMPs) are a successful class of drugs that are indicated in numerous diseases.  Common among them is that complexities associated with their manufacture and analysis lead to a high cost compared to small-molecular weight drugs.  If the development cost can be brought down and the use of BMPs optimized, these drugs may reach more patients at more affordable prices. Further, there are a number of knowledge gaps related to the characterization of their disposition, immunogenicity and use which can be filled through the development and application of novel methods for data analysis. In this thesis work, pharmacometric models and methods were developed and applied to aid BMP development and clinical use. Model-based optimal design (OD) methodology was employed to reduce and optimize a published sampling schedule for a monoclonal antibody (mAb) displaying target-mediated drug disposition. Thus, illustrating that current sampling strategies for mAbs can be excessive from an economic and patient burden perspective. A novel hidden-Markov model was developed to characterize anti-drug antibody (ADA) response which can plague many biologics throughout clinical development and post-approval. The developed model accounted for ADA assay inaccuracies by utilizing information from the assay and the pharmacokinetics (PK) of the therapeutic in question and allowed for an objective assessment of immunogenicity. Model-based dose individualization and evaluation of low-dose prophylaxis (LDP) for coagulation factors were investigated in this work to improve treatment and lower costs. Individual doses were found to outperform standard-of-care while LDP was indicated as a viable treatment option in countries with limited coagulation factor access. Biosimilar development is yet another method to reduce the costs of biologics. The development of a PKPD model for a pegylated granulocyte colony stimulating factor (GCSF) allowed for model simulations to demonstrate PK sensitivity to small differences in delivered dose between a reference and potential biosimilar product. The sensitivity of the system may be one of the reasons for difficulties associated with the development of biosimilar pegylated GCSFs. In conclusion, the pharmacometric methods developed and applied in this thesis work can be used to improve BMP development

    Læknislegar skammstafanir [ritstjórnargrein]

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    Utdanning for bærekraftig utvikling og stedsbasert læring ved en Grønt flagg- skole

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    Master i grunnskolelærerutdanning 5-10, Naturfag 4 - 202