503 research outputs found

    A Model of the Influence of Neutral Air Dynamics on the Seasonal Variation in the Low Ionosphere

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    Recently it has become clear that the phenomena in the ionospheric D-region are determined to a great extent by dynamical processes in the strato-mesosphere D-region. In this respect much attention is paid to the study of the winter anomaly (WA) phenomenon on medium and short radiowaves, in which the meteorological character of the lower ionosphere is most prominent. Significant experimental data about the variations of the electron concentration, N, ion composition, temperature and dynamic regime during WA permit a better understanding of the character of the physical processes in the middle atmosphere. The influence of the neutral wind on the seasonal variation of the electron concentration N for the altitude interval 90 or = z or = 120 km, where the ratio upsilon sub in/omega sub i, of the ion-neutral collision frequency, upsilon sub in and the ion gyrofrequency, omega sub i decreases from 40 to 1 was evaluated. CIRA-72 is used as a model of the zonal wind

    Quality of life of families with hearing impaired child

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    The family plays the most important role in the life of each individual, and especially in the life of a person who needs additional support due to developmental disabilities. In a situation when the child is deaf, the family faces painful and traumatic knowledge and numerous internal and external problems, and the family’s support will last a long time, usually permanently. The aim of the research was to assess the quality of life of the family of deaf children through the analysis of free time, communication, socio-economic status, as well as self-assessment of the quality of life. The research included families of deaf and hard of hearing children (N – 68) who made up our sample. The paper presents the results of the research in tables and graphs. The general conclusion is, although the sample is relatively small, that there is a fairly high unemployment rate of parents of deaf and hard of hearing children, mostly mothers. On the other hand, those who are employed spend most of their time at work. Interactions of parents of deaf children in society are limited to a narrow circle of friends, neighbors, and family, while wider social engagement is lacking. A small percentage of parents sometimes have the opportunity to do the things they want.Porodica igra najvažniju ulogu u životu svakog pojedinca, a posebno u životu osobe kojoj je usled smetnji u razvoju ili invalidnosti potreb- na dodatna podrška. U situaciji kada je dete gluvo, porodica se suočava sa bolnim i traumatičnim saznanjima i brojnim unutrašnjim i spolj- nim problemima, a podrška porodice će trajati dugo, najčešće trajno. Cilj istraživanja bio je da se izvrši procena kvaliteta života porodice gluve dece kroz analizu slobodnog vremena, komunikacije, so- cioekonomskog statusa, kao i samoprocenu o kvalitetu života. Istraživanjem su bile obuhvaćene porodice gluve i nagluve dece (N – 68) koje su činile naš uzorak. U radu su tabelarno i grafički predstavljeni rezultati istraži- vanja. Opšti zaključak je, iako je uzorak relativno mali, da postoji dosta visok stepen nezaposlenosti roditelja gluve i nagluve dece i to najviše majki. Sa druge strane, oni koji su zaposleni najveći deo svog vremena provode na poslu. Interakcije roditelja gluve dece u društvu su ograničene na uži krug prijatelja, komšija i i porodice, dok širi društveni angažman izostaje. Mali procenat roditelja ponekad ima priliku da se bavi stvarima koje želi

    Kartiranje međa poljoprivrednih parcela super rezolucijom na temelju lokaliziranoga parcijalnog razdvajanja

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    Operational mapping of crop/agricultural parcel boundaries is a challenging task. It should be efficient and inexpensive process resulting with data useful for wide range of purposes. Hard classification of medium resolution (>15 m, 15 m, <30 m) mogla bi biti rješenje, no prostorna rezolucija snimaka nije dovoljna za mnoge primjene. U ovom radu predstavljena je blaga klasifikacija podataka daljinskog istraživanja srednje rezolucije te kartiranja žitnih parcela super rezolucije. Metoda je razvijena na temelju lokaliziranoga parcijalnog razdvajanja procjenjujući spektar krajnjeg člana i cilja i pozadine. Rezultat je bio podvrgnut razmjeni piksela kao tehnike kartiranja super rezolucijom. Ispitivanje se provodi na stvarnim snimkama Landsat ETM+. Metoda je vrednovana kvantitativno, a rezultati pokazuju značajnu točnost u usporedbi s kartiranjem iz originalnih podataka daljinskog istraživanja

    Proizvodi i primena lasersko altimetrijskog snimanja

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    High density airborne LiDAR apropos FLI-MAP system, being an innovation in remote sensing techniques, has now overcome the barriers of the traditional survey techniques. Especially for long corridors like roads, railway electricity lines, embankments etc., laser altimetry provides a new survey method to collect remotely sensed data in a quick and economic way.Visokom gustinom izmerenih tačaka vazdušnim LIDAR sistemom, odnosno FLI-MAP sistemom, otpočela je inovacija u tehnikama daljinske detekcije, u koju grupu spada navedni metod prikupljanja podataka, i pomera granice tradicionalnih metoda snimanja terena. Posebno kada su u pitanju dugački koridori,kao što su: putevi, železničke pruge, elektronaponski vodovi, nasipi itd., lasersko altimetrijsko snimanje predstavlja novi metod prikupljanja podataka na brz i ekonomičan način

    Design and Implementation of a Data Visualization Course with a Real-World Project Component in an Undergraduate Information Systems Curriculum

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    This paper describes a new data visualization class and its real-world project component in the information systems undergraduate program at Loyola University Chicago Quinlan School of Business. The motivation for and the evolution of the data visualization class are outlined. The fit and the position of the data visualization class in the information systems curriculum are discussed. The content of the class, including the choice of Tableau as the data visualization tool used for instruction, is discussed as well. The paper also describes the details of the project component of the class undertaken in conjunction with GE Transportation and discusses the validity and feasibility of using real-world data and scenarios. The outcomes of the project (which included the analysis of sensor data generated while testing locomotive engines) and the outcomes of the course are also discussed

    Kartiranje međa poljoprivrednih parcela super rezolucijom na temelju lokaliziranoga parcijalnog razdvajanja

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    Operational mapping of crop/agricultural parcel boundaries is a challenging task. It should be efficient and inexpensive process resulting with data useful for wide range of purposes. Hard classification of medium resolution (>15 m, 15 m, <30 m) mogla bi biti rješenje, no prostorna rezolucija snimaka nije dovoljna za mnoge primjene. U ovom radu predstavljena je blaga klasifikacija podataka daljinskog istraživanja srednje rezolucije te kartiranja žitnih parcela super rezolucije. Metoda je razvijena na temelju lokaliziranoga parcijalnog razdvajanja procjenjujući spektar krajnjeg člana i cilja i pozadine. Rezultat je bio podvrgnut razmjeni piksela kao tehnike kartiranja super rezolucijom. Ispitivanje se provodi na stvarnim snimkama Landsat ETM+. Metoda je vrednovana kvantitativno, a rezultati pokazuju značajnu točnost u usporedbi s kartiranjem iz originalnih podataka daljinskog istraživanja

    Višestruko ometena deca oštećenog sluha u školama u Srbiji

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    Recently, there has been an impression that in schools for children with impaired hearing there are more and more children who, besides hearing impairment, have one or more additional disabilities. This paper discusses the concept of multiple disabilities in children with impaired hearing and the criteria for classifying these children. Goal of the paper was to study how many multiply disabled children with impaired hearing there are in schools for children with impaired hearing in Serbia and what are the kinds of additional disabilities present in this population. Research was performed in all schools for children with impaired hearing in Serbia. We established that there are 76 pupils in those schools who, besides impaired hearing, have one or more additional disabilities. The paper presents in form of tables and charts the structure of the group of multiply disabled pupils with impaired hearing with respect to demographic variables and type of disability.Poslednjih godina stiče se utisak da je u školama za decu oštećenog sluha sve više dece koja pored oštećenja sluha imaju jednu ili više dodatnih ometenosti. U radu smo razmotrili pojam višestruke ometenosti kod dece oštećenog sluha i kriterijume za razvrstavanje ove dece. Cilj rada je bio da se ispita koliko u školama za decu oštećenog sluha u Srbiji ima višestruko ometene dece oštećenog sluha i koje su vrste dodatnih ometenosti zastupljene u ovoj populaciji. Istraživanje je obavljeno u svim školama za decu oštećenog sluha u Srbiji. Utvrdili smo da se u pomenutim školama nalazi 76 učenika koji pored oštećenja sluha imaju jedno ili više dodatnih oštećenja. U radu je tabelarno i grafički prikazana struktura grupe učenika oštećenog sluha sa višestrukom ometenošću, s obzirom na demografske varijable i tip oštećenja

    3D Urban Information Models in making a 'smart city': The i-SCOPE project case study

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    i-SCOPE pilot project, funded by the European Commission through the CIP-ICT-PSP program, aims to develop an open source toolkit for 3D 'smart City' services in three different domains: improved inclusion and personal mobility, solar energy potential assessment, noise mapping and simulation. The services are expected to improve life and work of its users. The services are built upon 3D Urban Information Models (UIM) that are based on cityGML format providing the necessary standardization and interoperability. Generation, enrichment and management of the 3D city model is a part of the i-SCOPE services. The paper shows the importance of the comprehensive and interoperable 3D city models for building the 'smart city' services

    Konvergencija kao razvojna tendencija u funkcionisanju bankarskih i nebankarskih finansijskih institucija

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    In recent decades, developed countries are characterized by numerous changes in the banking industry. Specifically, there was the emergence of new trends. Permanent trend of ''Creating new banking products'',as a result of the requirements and wishes of consumers, but also increased competition between banks and non-banking financial institutions. Due to increased competition banks have lost a significant share of the financial market. Due to the new situation, banks increasingly, within its banking products, include newer products, or services, in order to counter the competition of nonbanking financial institutions. In this way, many banks are engaging in highrisk zone, which, if not guided properly can endanger the bank. The achievements of modern information technologies and their practical application have significantly changed the world of banking, which no longer resembles the traditional banking that existed twenty years ago. The boundaries between banking and other financial institutions are thinner. Deregulation and liberalization of financial operations, as well as the development of financial markets, allows non-banking financial institutions to perform activities that were reserved for banks, and the banks are entering into new areas and activities in order to maintain their presence in the market. Due to the increased deregulation of the banking sector, there is a concentration of banks and the globalization of the world economy, which was a prerequisite for numerous fusion (interbank, merger) banks. Revealed processes of deregulation, competition, globalization, information technology progress and diversification of business risk, led to the rapid development of non-banking operations of banks, primarily in western countries, where these processes are most developed, but also in countries in transition as they embarked on social and economic reform

    Поврзаност на Poland-oв синдром и хипертиреоза кај женско дете во пубертет – Приказ на случај

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    Poland syndrome (PS) is a rare congenital malformation, most commonly characterized by absence of chest wall muscles on one side of the body. It may be accompanied with other deformities of the extremities. We present the case of a 10-year-old girl with Poland syndrome and hypertrichosis of the back of the trunk and extremities. The clinical examination did not reveal the etiology of the syndrome, such as familial predisposition or some event that led to interrupted blood flow during the early embionic growth. The pregnancy was concieved with in vitro fertilization (IVF); triplets were born and our patient is one of these three girls. The hypertrychosis appeared at 8 years of life, without evidence of previous familial occurance, medications or hormonal disbalance. Other malformations that were found were: a mild form of kyphoscoliosis and mitral valve prolapse. The child was evaluated using a multidisciplinary approach, with further follow-up planned with surgical correction of the chest wall and breast augmentation.Поландовиот синдром е ретка конгенитална малформација, која најчесто се карактеризира со отсуство на мускули на градниот кош на една страна на телото. Може да биде придружена и со други деформитети на екстремитетите. Нашиот приказ на случај е женско дете старо 10 години со Поландов синдром, здружен со појава на хипертрихоза на грбот и екстремитетите. Направените иследувања кај детето не ја открија етиологијата на синдромот, како генетска предиспозиција или настан за време на бременоста на мајката кој довел до намалена циркулација за време на раниот ембрионален раст на плодот. Кај мајката е спроведена in vitro фертилизација (IVF) и ова е едно од трите женски деца кои се родени. Хипертрихозата се појавила на 8-годишна возраст, без податок за претходна фамилијарна појава, медикаментозна терапија или хормонален дисбаланс. Додатни малформации кои се најдени беа: лесна форма на кифосколиоза и пролапс на митрална валвула. Детето е водено мултидисциплинарно со план за понатамошна хируршка корекција на градниот кош и неразвиената града