361 research outputs found

    Lens Absorber Coupled MKIDs for Far Infrared Imaging Spectroscopy

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    Future generation of astronomical imaging spectrometers are targeting the far infrared wavelengths to close the THz astronomy gap. Similar to lens antenna coupled Microwave Kinetic Inductance Detectors (MKIDs), lens absorber coupled MKIDs are a candidate for highly sensitive large format detector arrays. However, the latter is more robust to misalignment and assembly issues at THz frequencies due to its incoherent detection mechanism while requiring a less complex fabrication process. In this work, the performance of such detectors is investigated. The fabrication and sensitivity measurement of several lens absorber coupled MKID array prototypes operating at 6.98 and 12 THz central frequencies is on-going.Comment: 2 pages, 2 figures, IRMMW-THz conference pape

    Mixed-Integer MPC Strategies for Fueling and Density Control in Fusion Tokamaks

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    Model predictive control (MPC) is promising for fueling and core density feedback control in nuclear fusion tokamaks, where the primary actuators, frozen hydrogen fuel pellets fired into the plasma, are discrete. Previous density feedback control approaches have only approximated pellet injection as a continuous input due to the complexity that it introduces. In this letter, we model plasma density and pellet injection as a hybrid system and propose two MPC strategies for density control: mixed-integer (MI) MPC using a conventional mixed-integer programming (MIP) solver and MPC utilizing our novel modification of the penalty term homotopy (PTH) algorithm. By relaxing the integer requirements, the PTH algorithm transforms the MIP problem into a series of continuous optimization problems, reducing computational complexity. Our novel modification to the PTH algorithm ensures that it can handle path constraints, making it viable for constrained hybrid MPC in general. Both strategies perform well with regards to reference tracking without violating path constraints and satisfy the computation time limit for real-time control of the pellet injection system. However, the computation time of the PTH-based MPC strategy consistently outpaces the conventional MI-MPC strategy

    Kalman filter density reconstruction in ICRH discharges on ASDEX Upgrade

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    Plasma density is one of the key quantities that need to be controlled in real-time as it scales directly with fusion power and, if left uncontrolled, density limits can be reached leading to a disruption. On ASDEX Upgrade (AUG), the real-time measurements are the line-integrated density, measured by the interferometers, and the average density derived from the bremsstrahlung measured by spectroscopy. For control, these measurements are used to reconstruct the radial density profile using an extended Kalman filter (EKF). However, in discharges where ion cyclotron resonance heating (ICRH) is used, the measurements from the interferometers are corrupted and the reconstructed density is false. In this paper, the existing EKF implementation is improved, implemented and experimentally verified on AUG. The new EKF includes a new particle transport model in the prediction model RAPDENS as well as a new representation of ionization and recombination. Furthermore, an algorithm was introduced that is capable of detecting the corrupt diagnostics; this algorithm is based on the rate of change of the innovation residual. The changes to the RAPDENS observer resulted in better density reconstruction in ICRH discharges where corrupt measurement occur. The new version has been implemented on the real-time control system at AUG and functions properly in ICRH discharges.</p

    LPMLE3 : a novel 1-D approach to study water flow in streambeds using heat as a tracer

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    We introduce LPMLE3, a new 1-D approach to quantify vertical water flow components at streambeds using temperature data collected in different depths. LPMLE3 solves the partial differential equation for coupled water flow and heat transport in the frequency domain. Unlike other 1-D approaches it does not assume a semi-infinite halfspace with the location of the lower boundary condition approaching infinity. Instead, it uses local upper and lower boundary conditions. As such, the streambed can be divided into finite subdomains bound at the top and bottom by a temperature-time series. Information from a third temperature sensor within each subdomain is then used for parameter estimation. LPMLE3 applies a low order local polynomial to separate periodic and transient parts (including the noise contributions) of a temperature-time series and calculates the frequency response of each subdomain to a known temperature input at the streambed top. A maximum-likelihood estimator is used to estimate the vertical component of water flow, thermal diffusivity, and their uncertainties for each streambed subdomain and provides information regarding model quality. We tested the method on synthetic temperature data generated with the numerical model STRIVE and demonstrate how the vertical flow component can be quantified for field data collected in a Belgian stream. We show that by using the results in additional analyses, nonvertical flow components could be identified and by making certain assumptions they could be quantified for each subdomain. LPMLE3 performed well on both simulated and field data and can be considered a valuable addition to the existing 1-D methods

    Targeting a Versatile Actuator for EU-DEMO: Real Time Monitoring of Pellet Delivery to Facilitate Burn Control

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    Core particle fueling, an essential task in the European demonstration fusion power plant EU-DEMO, relies on adequate pellet injection. However, pellets are fragile objects, and their delivery efficiency can hardly be assumed to be unity. Exploring kinetic control of the EU-DEMO1 scenario indicates that such missed-out pellets do cause a considerable problem for keeping a burning plasma. Missed-out pellets can cause a severe drop of plasma density that in turn results in a potential drastic loss of burn power. Efforts are under way at the ASDEX Upgrade (AUG) tokamak aiming to provide real-time monitoring of pellet arrival and announcement of missed-out cases to the control systems. To further optimize the controllers, system identification experiments have been performed to identify the dynamic response of the system to the actuator

    Rodent herpesvirus Peru encodes a secreted chemokine decoy receptor

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    Viruses have long been studied not only for their pathology and associated disease but also as model systems for understanding cellular and immunological processes. Rodent herpesvirus Peru (RHVP) is a recently characterized rhadinovirus related to murine gammaherpesvirus 68 (MHV68) and Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) that establishes acute and latent infection in laboratory mice. RHVP encodes numerous unique proteins that we hypothesize might facilitate host immune evasion during infection. We report here that open reading frame (ORF) R17 encodes a high-affinity chemokine binding protein that broadly recognizes human and murine CC and C chemokines. The interaction of R17 with chemokines is generally characterized by rapid association kinetics, and in the case of CCL3, CCL4, CCL5, CCL24, and XCL1, extremely stable complexes are formed. Functionally, R17 potently inhibited CCL2-driven chemotaxis of the human monocytic cell line THP-1, CCL3-driven chemotaxis of peripheral blood mononuclear cells, and CCL2-mediated calcium flux. Our studies also reveal that R17 binds to glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) in a process dependent upon two BBXB motifs and that chemokine and GAG binding can occur simultaneously at distinct sites. Collectively, these studies suggest that R17 may play a role in RHVP immune evasion through the targeted sabotage of chemokine-mediated immune surveillance

    Mutation analysis of the Fanconi anaemia A gene in breast tumours with loss of heterozygosity at 16q24.3

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    The recently identified Fanconi anaemia A (FAA) gene is located on chromosomal band 16q24.3 within a region that has been frequently reported to show loss of heterozygosity (LOH) in breast cancer. FAA mutation analysis of 19 breast tumours with specific LOH at 16q24.3 was performed. Single-stranded conformational polymorphism (SSCP) analysis on cDNA and genomic DNA, and Southern blotting failed to identify any tumour-specific mutations. Five polymorphisms were identified, but frequencies of occurrence did not deviate from those in a normal control population. Therefore, the FAA gene is not the gene targeted by LOH at 16q24.3 in breast cancer. Another tumour suppressor gene in this chromosomal region remains to be identified. © 1999 Cancer Research Campaig

    Re-Annotation Is an Essential Step in Systems Biology Modeling of Functional Genomics Data

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    One motivation of systems biology research is to understand gene functions and interactions from functional genomics data such as that derived from microarrays. Up-to-date structural and functional annotations of genes are an essential foundation of systems biology modeling. We propose that the first essential step in any systems biology modeling of functional genomics data, especially for species with recently sequenced genomes, is gene structural and functional re-annotation. To demonstrate the impact of such re-annotation, we structurally and functionally re-annotated a microarray developed, and previously used, as a tool for disease research. We quantified the impact of this re-annotation on the array based on the total numbers of structural- and functional-annotations, the Gene Annotation Quality (GAQ) score, and canonical pathway coverage. We next quantified the impact of re-annotation on systems biology modeling using a previously published experiment that used this microarray. We show that re-annotation improves the quantity and quality of structural- and functional-annotations, allows a more comprehensive Gene Ontology based modeling, and improves pathway coverage for both the whole array and a differentially expressed mRNA subset. Our results also demonstrate that re-annotation can result in a different knowledge outcome derived from previous published research findings. We propose that, because of this, re-annotation should be considered to be an essential first step for deriving value from functional genomics data