56 research outputs found

    Objetos en la web

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    La evolución de la calidad de las comunicaciones basadas en la tecnología de Internet es la base de la tendencia de desarrollo de los espacios virtuales de trabajo. Como una familia emergente de aplicaciones a desarrollar, necesita herramientas para el proceso de conceptualización como entrada de los procesos de diseño. Con base en formalismos de modelado para especificar las interacciones entre miembros del grupo de trabajo previamente desarrollados por los autores, se presenta un proceso de conceptualización de espacios virtuales de trabajo orientado a cubrir las necesidades de interacción, y un conjunto de técnicas para el desarrollo de cada tarea de conceptualización.XII Workshop de Tecnología Informática Aplicada en EducaciónRed de Universidades con Carreras de Informática (RedUNCI

    Genetic analysis of post‐epizootic amphibian chytrid strains in Bolivia: Adding a piece to the puzzle

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    The evolutionary history and dispersal pattern of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd), an emergent fungal pathogen responsible for the decline and extinctions of many species of amphibians worldwide, is still not well understood. In South America, the tropical Andes are known as an important site for amphibian diversification, but also for being a place where hosts are at greater risk of chytridiomycosis. In an attempt to understand the history and the geographic pattern of Bd‐associated amphibian declines in Bolivia, we isolated Bd from hosts at two locations that differ in their chronology of Bd prevalence and host survival outcome, the cloud forests of the Amazonian slopes of the Andes and Lake Titicaca in the altiplano. We genotyped Bd from both locations and sequenced the genome from the cloud forest isolate and then compared them to reference sequences of other Bd strains across the world. We found that the Bolivian chytrid isolates were nearly genotypically identical and that they belong to the global panzootic lineage (Bd‐GPL). The Bolivian Bd strain grouped with other tropical New World strains but was closest to those from the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Our results extend the presence of Bd‐GPL to the central Andes in South America and report this hypervirulent strain at Lago Titicaca, where Bd has been detected since 1863, without evidence of amphibian declines. These findings suggest a more complex evolutionary history for this pathogen in Bolivia and may point to the existence of an old lineage of Bd that has since been extirpated following the arrival of the panzootic Bd‐GPL or that the timing of Bd‐GPL emergence is earlier than generally acknowledged.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/162756/2/tbed13568_am.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/162756/1/tbed13568.pd

    Cuerpo, sexualidad y género: diferentes tramas. Aportes desde la Filosofía con Niñxs

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    Este artículo está pensado con el objetivo de compartir nuestra experiencia de indagación filosófica en relación a las tramas entre cuerpo, género y sexualidad. La experiencia filosófica aquí presentada fue realizada con alumnas de los profesorados universitarios de la Escuela Normal Superior de la Universidad Nacional del Sur (UNS). Los temas allí abordados, además de estar en la agenda pública, son muy fértiles a la hora de trabajar tanto en el aula como en espacios educativos no escolares. Así, más allá de los mandatos y prejuicios vigentes, hoy en día existen diversas propuestas como filosofía con niñxs para trabajar en torno a la cuestión. Por ello, mediante la narración y reflexión de la propia experiencia invitamos a lxs lectorxs a meditar sobre las suyas y los tópicos ya mencionados. Para lograr nuestro objetivo dividimos el texto en dos partes. En la primera de ellas presentaremos el plan de la sesión de indagación filosófica y la dinámica de trabajo llevada a cabo con el grupo de estudiantes. Nuestro propósito es mostrar que, a través de las sesiones de filosofía, es posible construir con otrxs diversas tramas en las que podemos ser de diferentes maneras. A su vez, sostenemos que el concepto de trama es amplio ya que abarca varios planos que van de lo personal a lo institucional. Además, si pensamos las tramas en tanto redes de poder, se nos abre la posibilidad de pensar y actuar de otras formas. A lo largo de la segunda parte, retomamos diferentes fuentes teóricas y pensamos en los conceptos ya referidos a partir de preguntas disparadoras. Para nosotras la práctica filosófica dentro de las instituciones ofrece la posibilidad de habitar dichos temas en un entramado diferente y promoviendo una infancia más libre

    Response to comment on 'Amphibian fungal panzootic causes catastrophic and ongoing loss of biodiversity'

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    Lambert et al. question our retrospective and holistic epidemiological assessment of the role of chytridiomycosis in amphibian declines. Their alternative assessment is narrow and provides an incomplete evaluation of evidence. Adopting this approach limits understanding of infectious disease impacts and hampers conservation efforts. We reaffirm that our study provides unambiguous evidence that chytridiomycosis has affected at least 501 amphibian species

    Evolution in the Genus Rhinella: A Total Evidence Phylogenetic Analysis of Neotropical True Toads (Anura: Bufonidae)

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    True toads of the genus Rhinella are among the most common and diverse group of Neotropical anurans. These toads are widely distributed throughout South America, inhabiting a great diversity of environments and ecoregions. Currently, however, the genus is defined solely on the basis of molecular characters, and it lacks a proper diagnosis. Although some phenetic species groups have traditionally been recognized within Rhinella, the monophyly of some of them have been rejected in previous phylogenetic analyses, and many species remain unassigned to these poorly defined groups. Additionally, the identity and taxonomy of several species are problematic and hinder the specific recognition and description of undescribed taxa. In this work, we first perform phylogenetic analyses of separate mitochondrial and nuclear datasets to test the possible occurrence of hybridiza-tion and/or genetic introgression in the genus. The comparative analysis of both datasets revealed unidirectional mitochondrial introgressions of an unknown parental species into R . horribilis (“ghost introgression”) and of R . dorbignyi into R . bernardoi; therefore, the mitochondrial and nuclear data-sets of these species were considered separately in subsequent analyses. We performed total-evidence phylogenetic analyses that included revised molecular (four mitochondrial and five nuclear genes) and phenotypic (90 characters) datasets for 83 nominal species of Rhinella, plus several undescribed and problematic species and multiple outgroups. Results demonstrate that Rhinella was nonmono-phyletic due to the position of R . ceratophrys, which was recovered as the sister taxon of Rhaebo nasicus with strong support. Among our outgroups, the strongly supported Anaxyrus + Incilius is the sister clade of all other species of Rhinella. Once R . ceratophrys is excluded, the genus Rhinellais monophyletic, well supported, and composed of two major clades. One of these is moderately supported and includes species of the former R . spinulosa Group (including R . gallardoi); the mono-phyletic R . granulosa, R . crucifer, and R . marina Groups; and a clade composed of the mitochondrial sequences of R . horribilis. The other major clade is strongly supported and composed of all the spe-cies from the non-monophyletic R . veraguensis and R . margaritifera Groups, the former R . acrolophaGroup, and R . sternosignata. Consistent with these results, we define eight species groups of Rhinella that are mostly diagnosed by phenotypic synapomorphies in addition to a combination of morpho-logical character states. Rhinella sternosignata is the only species that remains unassigned to any group. We also synonymize nine species, treat three former subspecies as full species, and suggest that 15 lineages represent putative undescribed species. Lastly, we discuss the apparently frequent occurrence of hybridization, deep mitochondrial divergence, and “ghost introgression”; the incomplete phenotypic evidence (including putative character systems that could be used for future phy-logenetic analyses); and the validity of the known fossil record of Rhinella as a source of calibration points for divergence dating analyses.Peer reviewe

    Use of micro CHP plants to support the local operation of electric heat pumps

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    Fig. 1. Global distribution of chytridiomycosis-associated amphibian species declines. Bar plots indicate the number (N) of declined species, grouped by continental area and classified by decline severity. Brazilian species are plotted separately from all other South American species (South America W); Mesoamerica includes Central America, Mexico, and the Caribbean Islands; and Oceania includes Australia and New Zealand. No declines have been reported in Asia. n, total number of declines by region. [Photo credits (clockwise from top left): Anaxyrus boreas, C. Brown, U.S. Geological Survey; Atelopus varius, B.G.; Salamandra salamandra, D. Descouens, Wikimedia Commons; Telmatobius sanborni, I.D.l.R; Cycloramphus boraceiensis, L.F.T.; Cardioglossa melanogaster, M.H.; and Pseudophryne corroboree, C. Doughty

    Photography-based taxonomy is inadequate, unnecessary, and potentially harmful for biological sciences

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    The question whether taxonomic descriptions naming new animal species without type specimen(s) deposited in collections should be accepted for publication by scientific journals and allowed by the Code has already been discussed in Zootaxa (Dubois & Nemésio 2007; Donegan 2008, 2009; Nemésio 2009a–b; Dubois 2009; Gentile & Snell 2009; Minelli 2009; Cianferoni & Bartolozzi 2016; Amorim et al. 2016). This question was again raised in a letter supported by 35 signatories published in the journal Nature (Pape et al. 2016) on 15 September 2016. On 25 September 2016, the following rebuttal (strictly limited to 300 words as per the editorial rules of Nature) was submitted to Nature, which on 18 October 2016 refused to publish it. As we think this problem is a very important one for zoological taxonomy, this text is published here exactly as submitted to Nature, followed by the list of the 493 taxonomists and collection-based researchers who signed it in the short time span from 20 September to 6 October 2016

    Author Correction: Drivers of seedling establishment success in dryland restoration efforts

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    1 Pág. Correción errata.In the version of this Article originally published, the surname of author Tina Parkhurst was incorrectly written as Schroeder. This has now been corrected.Peer reviewe