53 research outputs found

    Estudio de la Hidrología del Perú

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    El presente estudio tiene a finalidad de proporcionar a los técnicos elementos necesarios para evaluar los recursos hídricos disponibles en las diferentes zonas del país e identificar las posibilidades que existen para su aprovechamiento. Además, evalúa la máxima avenida que puede verificarse a lo largo de los cursos de agua que atraviesa las diferentes zonas del país e identificar las posibilidades que existen para reducir los daños que ellas pueden provocar, por medio de apropiadas capacidad de embalse. Las metodologías adoptadas para elaborar los datos disponibles y las conclusiones deducidas se encuentran contenidas en tres volúmenes, cada uno de ellos con un anexo, en los que se indican las operaciones que, de acuerdo a los resultados del estudio, se hacen necesarias para resolver los problemas que puedan presentar en la práctica

    Recopilación de Boletines Agroclimáticos, Guatemala, 2022

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    El presente documento recopila los Boletines Técnicos Agroclimáticos que son generados en ejercicios participativos de las reuniones de las Mesas Técnicas Agroclimáticas (MTA) de Guatemala, llevadas a cabo en las 19 MTA existentes en Guatemala (Alta Verapaz, Baja Verapaz, Centro, Chiquimula, El Progreso, Escuintla, Huehuetenango, Izabal, Jalapa, Jutiapa, Petén, Quetzaltenango, Quiché, San Marcos, Santa Rosa, Sololá, Suroccidente, Totonicapán, Zacapa) en 2022. Las MTA son realizadas es realizada gracias al esfuerzo conjunto de un gran número de instituciones locales, nacionales e internacionales, enfocados en garantizar la seguridad alimentaria y la agricultura sostenible. Permiten generar espacios de discusión entre actores para la gestión de información agroclimática local, con el fin de identificar las mejores prácticas de adaptación a los fenómenos de variabilidad climática. Para más información consulte el manual de MTA disponible en https://hdl.handle.net/10568/114605. This document compiles the Agroclimatic Technical Bulletins that are generated in participatory exercises of the meetings of the Local Technical Agroclimatic Committees (LTAC) of Guatemala, carried out in the 19 existing MTAs in Guatemala (Alta Verapaz, Baja Verapaz, Centro, Chiquimula, El Progreso, Escuintla, Huehuetenango, Izabal, Jalapa, Jutiapa, Petén, Quetzaltenango, Quiché, San Marcos, Santa Rosa, Sololá, Suroccidente, Totonicapán, Zacapa) in 2022. The MTAs are carried out thanks to the joint effort of many local, national, and international institutions, focused on guaranteeing food security and sustainable agriculture. They make it possible to generate spaces for discussion among actors for the management of local agroclimatic information, to identify the best practices for adaptation to climate variability phenomena. For more information consult the MTA manual available at https://hdl.handle.net/10568/114943

    Low emission development strategies in agriculture. An agriculture, forestry, and other land uses (AFOLU) perspective

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    As countries experience economic growth and choose among available development pathways, they are in a favorable position to adopt natural resource use technologies and production practices that favor efficient use of inputs, healthy soils, and ecosystems. Current emphasis on increasing resilience to climate change and reducing agricultural greenhouse gasses (GHG) emissions strengthens the support for sustainable agricultural production. In fact, reducing losses in soil fertility, reclaiming degraded lands, and promoting synergistic interaction between crop production and forests are generally seen as good climate change policies. In order for decision-makers to develop long-term policies that address these issues, they must have tools at their disposal that evaluate trade-offs, opportunities, and repercussions of the options considered. In this paper, the authors combine and reconcile the output of three models widely accessible to the public to analyze the impacts of policies that target emission reduction in the agricultural sector. We present an application to Colombia which reveals the importance of considering the full scope of interactions among the various land uses. Results indicate that investments in increasing the efficiency and productivity of the livestock sector and reducing land allocated to pasture are preferable to policies that target deforestation alone or target a reduction of emissions in crop production. Investments in livestock productivity and land-carrying capacity would reduce deforestation and provide sufficient gains in carbon stock to offset greater emissions from increased crop production while generating higher revenues

    Richness, diversity, and factors influencing occupancy of mammal communities across human-modified landscapes in Colombia

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    As human-modified landscapes are increasing in the tropics, it becomes critical to understand how they affect mammal communities to reconcile conservation and development. We combined land cover information and camera-trapping data to explore the effects of agricultural expansion on mammals in the Magdalena river valley of Colombia. We estimated species diversity, evenness, and dominance across two agricultural landscapes, modified by cattle ranching and oil palm cultivation. We further assessed which variables influence species- and community-level occupancy using multi-species occupancy models. Results highlight that modified landscapes display lower species richness, diversity and evenness, and higher dominance than more pristine sites. Residual forest cover and distance to water had significant effect on community occupancy (positive and negative respectively). Forests were particularly important for pumas, ocelots, lowland pacas, Central American agoutis, and crab-eating raccoons while wetlands had a positive effect on jaguars, the apex predator in the region. The influence of anthropogenic pressure was not clearly evident, though pastures were not valuable habitats for any mammal species, as they had a negative, yet not significant, effect on species and community occupancy. In light of rapidly expanding agriculture across the tropics, our findings highlight species-specific responses to disturbance that can inform land use planning and conservation policies. We stress the conservation value of forest and wetland habitat to mammal occupancy in heterogeneous ecosystems. Moreover, our results demonstrate that oil palm and crop expansion should target existing pastures, which displayed limited conservation value for Neotropical mammals but occupy vast swathes of land across Latin America

    Modelling the potential impacts of climate change on the hydrology of the Aipe river basin in Huila, Colombia

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    [EN] The dynamics of a global world, and humans performing as a new geological force, require that an effort is undertaken to make robust decisions in order to devise strategies for the management and adaptation to climate change. This study aims to investigate the potential impact of climate change on the hydrology of the Aipe river basin in Huila, Colombia. The abcd Thomas model (four parameters) was calibrated and validated for the stream flows of the Aipe catchment (1992¿2012). The sensitivity and identifiability of the parameters were evaluated using the Monte Carlo Analysis Toolbox (MCAT). The results show the ability of the model to simulate the monthly stream flow (Nash¿Sutcliffe efficiency coefficient of 0,89). The most influential parameters are: a (water storage in the soil) and c (contribution to the aquifer). From the simulated scenarios, the baseline (1992¿2012) was estimated to be an average flow of 15,44 m3s¿1; the trend extrapolation scenario estimated a rate 13,79 m3s¿1 (¿10,64%); while for the multi-model assembly scenario it was 9,34 m3s¿1 (¿39,47%) and for the A2 scenario it was 5,74 m3s¿1 (¿62,60%). Lastly, we propose a set of strategies for adaptation to climate change that are committed to the integral management of water resources.[ES] La dinámica de un mundo global y el hombre como nueva fuerza geológica plantean la necesidad de tomar decisiones robustas, diseñar estrategias de manejo y de adaptarse al cambio climático. Este estudio investiga la respuesta hidrológica de la cuenca hidrográfica del río Aipe (688.9 km2 ), en Huila, Colombia, en acorde con los escenarios de cambio climático desde 2011 a 2040. El modelo hidrológico abcd de Thomas (4 parámetros) fue calibrado y validado comparando el caudal simulado y lo observado en el punto de cierre de la cuenca (en la estación Puente Carretera), usando series históricas mensuales (1992¿2012). Realizamos la evaluación de la sensibilidad e identificabilidad de los parámetros con la herramienta `Monte Carlo Analysis Toolbox¿ (MCAT). Los resultados muestran que el modelo es capaz de representar adecuadamente los caudales mensuales observados en el punto de desagüe de la cuenca, al encontrarse un índice de eficiencia de Nash¿Sutcliffe (NSE) de 0,89. Los parámetros más influyentes son a (almacenamiento del agua en el suelo) y c (aporte al acuífero). Con respecto a la simulación de los escenarios, la línea base (1992¿2012) estimó un caudal medio de 15,44 m3 s ¿1 ; el escenario de extrapolación de tendencias estimó un caudal de 13,79 m3 s ¿1 (¿10,64%); el escenario de ensamble multi-modelo de 9,34 m3 s ¿1 (¿39,47%) y el escenario A2 de 5,74 m3 s ¿1 (¿62,60%). Proponemos una batería de medidas de adaptación al cambio climático que buscan la gestión integral del recurso hídrico.Romero-Cuellar, J.; Buitrago-Vargas, A.; Quintero-Ruiz, T.; Francés, F. (2018). Simulación hidrológica de los impactos potenciales del cambio climático en la cuenca hidrográfica del río Aipe, en Huila, Colombia. RIBAGUA - Revista Iberoamericana del Agua. 5(1):63-78. https://doi.org/10.1080/23863781.2018.1454574S63785

    Raw daily weather records from 7 IDEAM’s stations in Tolima and Meta departments, Colombia

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    Weather records from 7 stations of IDEAM located in Tolima and Meta departments in Colombia. Five variables are available at daily scale: precipitation (prec), maximum temperature (tmax), minimum temperature (tmin), relative humidity (rhum), and sun bright (sbright). For units details, please consult variable_codes.txt For localization of the stations, please consult List_files.tx

    Raw daily weather records from 7 IDEAM’s stations in Tolima and Meta departments, Colombia

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    Weather records from 7 stations of IDEAM located in Tolima and Meta departments in Colombia. Five variables are available at daily scale: precipitation (prec), maximum temperature (tmax), minimum temperature (tmin), relative humidity (rhum), and sun bright (sbright). For units details, please consult variable_codes.txt For localization of the stations, please consult List_files.tx

    The El Niño phenomenon

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    COMUNIICA (IICA) 3(9) p. 48-55Explica el término, características y repercusiones del fenómeno de El Niñ