28 research outputs found

    Evolution démographique, différenciation et fractures socio-spatiales dans les cantons de Bùle-Ville et Bùle-Campagne

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    La mutation de la sociĂ©tĂ©, la restructuration Ă©conomique et les migrations internationales ont modifiĂ© la structure dĂ©mographique de nombreuses villes d’Europe occidentale. Elles ont suscitĂ© des modĂšles variĂ©s en matiĂšre de diffĂ©renciations et de fractures socio-spatiales. L’article s’appuie sur l’exemple de la rĂ©gion de BĂąle pour y faire ressortir les transformations des structures dĂ©mographiques et sociales intervenues au cours des derniĂšres dĂ©cennies. Les bases statistiques de l’étude sont fournies par les rĂ©sultats des recensements de la population suisse, ainsi que par des enquĂȘtes complĂ©mentaires effectuĂ©es par l’Office de statistique cantonal de BĂąle-ville et BĂąle-campagne. Le noyau urbain de BĂąle perd de façon continue des habitants et cette mobilitĂ© est sĂ©lective de façon croissante. La rĂ©gion bĂąloise est Ă©galement soumise au processus de fragmentation micro-spatiale, aux fractures socio-spatiales et à l’hĂ©tĂ©rogĂ©nĂ©isation ethnique de la structure dĂ©mographique. Cetteâ€ˆĂ©volution a conduit Ă  une rĂ©orientation de la politique de dĂ©veloppement urbain de BĂąle en vue du freinage du mouvement d’émigration des catĂ©gories de la population Ă  revenus Ă©levĂ©s.Societal change, economic restructuring and international migration have been changing the demographic structure of many cities in Western Europe, leading to new patterns of segregation. This paper presents the intercensal changes in the demographic and social structure of the Cantons of Basle based on the Swiss Census and complementary data. The results show that the City Canton of Basle has been losing population steadily to the surrounding Canton of Basle-Country and that this has been socially selective. As a result, both cantons of Basle display increasingly small-scale social fragmentation, social and demographic segregation and ethnic heterogenity. This has been of concern to urban policy makers in the City Canton of Basle, leading to countermeasures with a focus on keeping « good tax payers » in the City of Basle.Gesellschaftlicher Wandel, ökonomische Umstrukturierung und internationale Migration haben die Bevölkerungsstruktur zahlreicher westeuropĂ€ischer StĂ€dte verĂ€ndert und vielfĂ€ltige Muster neuer sozialer Ausdifferenzierung entstehen lassen. Der vorliegende Beitrag stellt die VerĂ€nderungen der Bevölkerungs- und Sozialstruktur der letzten Jahrzehnte fĂŒr die Region Basel dar. Die Grundlage hierfĂŒr bilden die Ergebnisse der Schweizer VolkszĂ€hlungen sowie ergĂ€nzende Erhebungen der kantonalen Statistik fĂŒr Basel-Stadt und Basel-Landschaft. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Kernstadt Basel sukzessive Einwohner verliert, und dass diese MobilitĂ€t zunehmend sozial selektiv ist. Auch in der Region Basel ist daher eine kleinrĂ€umige Fragmentierung, soziodemographische Ausdifferenzierung und ethnische Heterogenisierung der Bevölkerungsstruktur festzustellen, was zu einer Neuorientierung der Stadtentwicklungspolitik von Basel und einer Gegensteuerung zur Abwanderung einkommensstĂ€rkerer Bevölkerungsgruppen gefĂŒhrt hat

    The relationships between golf and health:A scoping review

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    OBJECTIVE: To assess the relationships between golf and health. DESIGN: Scoping review. DATA SOURCES: Published and unpublished reports of any age or language, identified by searching electronic databases, platforms, reference lists, websites and from consulting experts. REVIEW METHODS: A 3-step search strategy identified relevant published primary and secondary studies as well as grey literature. Identified studies were screened for final inclusion. Data were extracted using a standardised tool, to form (1) a descriptive analysis and (2) a thematic summary. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: 4944 records were identified with an initial search. 301 studies met criteria for the scoping review. Golf can provide moderate intensity physical activity and is associated with physical health benefits that include improved cardiovascular, respiratory and metabolic profiles, and improved wellness. There is limited evidence related to golf and mental health. The incidence of golfing injury is moderate, with back injuries the most frequent. Accidental head injuries are rare, but can have serious consequences. CONCLUSIONS: Practitioners and policymakers can be encouraged to support more people to play golf, due to associated improved physical health and mental well-being, and a potential contribution to increased life expectancy. Injuries and illnesses associated with golf have been identified, and risk reduction strategies are warranted. Further research priorities include systematic reviews to further explore the cause and effect nature of the relationships described. Research characterising golf's contribution to muscular strengthening, balance and falls prevention as well as further assessing the associations and effects between golf and mental health are also indicated

    Lost in transition: linking war, war economy and post-war crime in Sri Lanka

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    Scholars continue to draw attention to the link between the war economy and post-war crime. The majority of these studies are about cases of civil war that ended with peace agreements. Sri Lanka’s civil war ended with a military victory for the state armed forces; thus, it can help shed new light on the above link. Situated in the war economy perspective, this article investigates the dominant types of crimes reported from post-war Sri Lanka and the mechanisms linking them with the war economy. The culture of impunity, continued militarisation and enduring corruption are identified as key mechanisms through which the war economy and post-war bodily and material crime are linked. It suggests, although the ‘victors’ peace’ achieved by state armed forces was able to successfully dismantle the extra-legal war economy run by the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, it was responsible for promoting criminality in the post-war period. Overall, this points to the urgency of breaking away from legacies of the state war economy in the post-war period, before introducing programs of longer term political and economic reform

    Diaspora Communities and Civil Conflict Transformation

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    This working paper deals with the nexus of diaspora communities living in European host countries, specifically in Germany, and the transformation of protracted violent conflicts in a number of home countries, including Sri Lanka, Cyprus, Somalia and Afghanistan. Firstly, the political and social role and importance of diaspora communities vis-Ă -vis their home and host countries is discussed, given the fact that the majority of immigrants to Germany, as well as to many other European countries, over the last ten years have come from countries with protracted civil wars and have thus had to apply for refugee or asylum status. One guiding question, then, is to what extent these groups can contribute politically and economically to supporting conflict transformation in their countries of origin. Secondly, the role and potentials of diaspora communities originating from countries with protracted violent conflicts for fostering conflict transformation activities are outlined. Thirdly, the current conflict situation in Sri Lanka is analyzed and a detailed overview of the structures and key organizations of the Tamil and Sinhalese diaspora worldwide is given. The structural potentials and levels for constructive intervention for working on conflict in Sri Lanka through the diasporas are then described. Fourthly, the socio-political roles of diaspora communities originating from Cyprus, Palestine, Somalia and Afghanistan for peacebuilding and rehabilitation in their home countries are discussed. The article finishes by drawing two conclusions. Firstly, it recommends the further development of domestic migration policies in Europe in light of current global challenges. Secondly, it points out that changes in foreign and development policies are crucial to make better use of the immense potential of diaspora communities for conflict transformation initiatives and development activities in their home countries. How this can best be achieved in practice should be clarified further through intensified action research and the launch of more pilot projects

    Diaspora Communities and Civil Conflict Transformation.

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    YesThis working paper deals with the nexus of diaspora communities living in European host countries, specifically in Germany, and the transformation of protracted violent conflicts in a number of home countries, including Sri Lanka, Cyprus, Somalia and Afghanistan. Firstly, the political and social role and importance of diaspora communities vis-Ă -vis their home and host countries is discussed, given the fact that the majority of immigrants to Germany, as well as to many other European countries, over the last ten years have come from countries with protracted civil wars and have thus had to apply for refugee or asylum status. One guiding question, then, is to what extent these groups can contribute politically and economically to supporting conflict transformation in their countries of origin. Secondly, the role and potentials of diaspora communities originating from countries with protracted violent conflicts for fostering conflict transformation activities are outlined. Thirdly, the current conflict situation in Sri Lanka is analyzed and a detailed overview of the structures and key organizations of the Tamil and Sinhalese diaspora worldwide is given. The structural potentials and levels for constructive intervention for working on conflict in Sri Lanka through the diasporas are then described. Fourthly, the socio-political roles of diaspora communities originating from Cyprus, Palestine, Somalia and Afghanistan for peacebuilding and rehabilitation in their home countries are discussed. The article finishes by drawing two conclusions. Firstly, it recommends the further development of domestic migration policies in Europe in light of current global challenges. Secondly, it points out that changes in foreign and development policies are crucial to make better use of the immense potential of diaspora communities for conflict transformation initiatives and development activities in their home countries. How this can best be achieved in practice should be clarified further through intensified action research and the launch of more pilot projects

    Die "Arisierung" von jĂŒdischem Grundeigentum wĂ€hrend des Nationalsozialismus : ein Fallbeispiel aus Berlin - Prenzlauer Berg

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    Nach der Wiedervereinigung der beiden deutschenStaaten im Jahr 1990 wurde in den neuen BundeslĂ€ndern der weitgehend verstaatlichte Grund undBoden in Privateigentum zurĂŒckĂŒberfĂŒhrt. Da in derDDR eine Wiedergutmachung nationalsozialistischenUnrechts weitgehend ausgeblieben war, wurde dieRestitutionsregelung auf die Eigentumsentziehungenbis 1933 ausgedehnt.Die wenig erforschte «Arisierung» des Grundeigentums wĂ€hrend des Nationalsozialismus gewann damitan erneuter AktualitĂ€t. Die «Arisierung» als Teilder nationalsozialistischen Judenverfolgung bedeuteteeine vollstĂ€ndige VerdrĂ€ngung der Juden aus der Wirtschaft und damit auch aus dem Immobilienbereich.Das Ergebnis der «Arisierung» war «eine der grösstenBesitzumschichtungen der Neuzeit».Ziel des Artikels ist es, einen Überblick ĂŒber die rechtlichen Regelungen und den Ablauf der «Arisierung»des Grundeigentums zu geben und mit einer Fallstudiediesen Prozess fĂŒr ein konkretes Quartier im OstteilBerlins darzustellen

    Die "Artisierung" von jĂŒdischem Grundeigentum wĂ€hrend des Nationalsozialismus : ein Fallbeispiel aus Berlin - Prenzlauer Berg

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    Nach der Wiedervereinigung der beiden deutschen Staaten im Jahr 1990 wurde in den neuen BundeslĂ€ndern der weitgehend verstaatlichte Grund und Boden in Privateigentum zurĂŒckĂŒberfĂŒhrt. Da in der DDR eine Wiedergutmachung nationalsozialistischen Unrechts weitgehend ausgeblieben war, wurde die Restitutionsregelung auf die Eigentumsentziehungen bis 1933 ausgedehnt. Die wenig erforschte «Arisierung» des Grundeigentums wĂ€hrend des Nationalsozialismus gewann damit an erneuter AktualitĂ€t. Die «Arisierung» als Teil der nationalsozialistischen Judenverfolgung bedeutete eine vollstĂ€ndige VerdrĂ€ngung der Juden aus der Wirtschaft und damit auch aus dem Immobilienbereich. Das Ergebnis der «Arisierung» war «eine der grössten Besitzumschichtungen der Neuzeit». Ziel des Artikels ist es, einen Überblick ĂŒber die rechtlichen Regelungen und den Ablauf der «Arisierung» des Grundeigentums zu geben und mit einer Fallstudie diesen Prozess fĂŒr ein konkretes Quartier im Ostteil Berlins darzustellen