38 research outputs found

    Lunar Rhythmicities in the Biology of Trees, Especially in the Germination of European Spruce (Picea abies Karst.): A New Statistical Analysis of Previously Published Data

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    Interest in the question of moon-related fluctuations in tree biology and physiology has been revived by recent experimental research, which could confirm the existence of real phenomena. In this context, previously published extensive data from germination tests on European Spruce using established standard devices, which appeared at the time to give negative results, has been analysed with the help of modern statistical tools. Slight but statistically significant lunar rhythmicities were revealed by this new analysis. One of these fluctuations is found in the germination rate from sowings shortly before Full Moon, compared to those shortly before New Moo

    Lunar Rhythmicities in the Biology of Trees, Especially in the Germination of European Spruce (Picea abies Karst.): A New Statistical Analysis of Previously Published Data

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    Abstract Interest in the question of moon-related fluctuations in tree biology and physiology has been revived by recent experimental research, which could confirm the existence of real phenomena. In this context, previously published extensive data from germination tests on European Spruce using established standard devices, which appeared at the time to give negative results, has been analysed with the help of modern statistical tools. Slight but statistically significant lunar rhythmicities were revealed by this new analysis. One of these fluctuations is found in the germination rate from sowings shortly before Full Moon, compared to those shortly before New Moon

    Old Forestry Traditions and Modern Chronobiological Research: Lunar-Cycle-Related Sowing Time Influences Effectively Initial Plant Growth

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    After a preliminary trial, 12 successive sowings (with 4 repetitions each) of the panafrican tree Maesopsis eminii had been realized, at alternating dates 2 days before Full Moon (FM) and 2 days before New Moon (NM) [1]. The mean height of the young plants 4 months after sowing was by 3 centimeters (= ca. 19%) larger for sowings before FM compared to sowings before NM. This phenomenon, now re-evaluated by Halberg´s cosinor regression, was statistically significant partly on the level α = 0.05, partly 0.1

    Looking for differences in wood properties as a function of the felling date: lunar phase-correlated variations in the drying behavior of Norway Spruce ( Picea abies Karst.) and Sweet Chestnut ( Castanea sativa Mill.)

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    A large-scale field experiment on the drying behavior of Norway Spruce (Picea abies Karst.) and Sweet Chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) in relation to the felling date was conducted over a period of 24weeks in order to investigate the existence of variations linked to lunar rhythms, which are mentioned as having a role in many traditional forestry practices. The measured criteria were the water loss from fresh to dry state, the shrinkage linked to this water loss, and the relative density (ratio between the dry density and the initial fresh density) for both sapwood and heartwood in Picea and heartwood in Castanea. In addition to seasonal trends, slight but significant variations with lunar periodicities (both synodic and sidereal; to a much lesser extent tropic) characterize the three investigated criteria. These lunar rhythmicities occur in both Picea and Castanea, in heartwood and sapwood. These results raise new questions and perspectives about a rhythmic character of the wood-water relatio

    The Physics of the B Factories

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    This work is on the Physics of the B Factories. Part A of this book contains a brief description of the SLAC and KEK B Factories as well as their detectors, BaBar and Belle, and data taking related issues. Part B discusses tools and methods used by the experiments in order to obtain results. The results themselves can be found in Part C

    Die Bäume und das Unsichtbare: erstaunliche Erkenntnisse aus der Forschung

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    Die wundersame Welt der Bäume entdecken. Bäume und Wälder sind bedroht - doch sie könnten unsere besten Verbündeten werden. Die moderne Naturwissenschaft bestätigt altes Wissen und fördert erstaunliche Erkenntnisse über die Besonderheiten der Bäume zutage. Was ist das Geheimnis ihrer Langlebigkeit? Wie wirken die Gezeiten in den Stämmen und wie der kosmische Puls in den Knospen? Was ist Mondholz und welches sind seine Eigenschaften? Wie wirkt ein Holzhaus, ein Holzfeuer oder Waldluft auf unsere Gesundheit? Bäume können mit subtilen, messbaren Botschaften vor Erdbeben warnen. Sie sind extrem produktiv, verbessern die Qualität des Wassers und der Böden und bringen zudem ein perfekt reines "neues Wasser" mit ganz besonderen Eigenschaften hervor. Bäume und Wälder sind Quellen der Fruchtbarkeit für die Landwirtschaft und wirken gleichzeitig dem Treibhauseffekt entgegen. Das visionäre Buch eines Wissenschaftlers - mit tiefen Einblicken in das Wesen und Wirken der Bäume und mit vielfältigen Handlungsimpulsen für die Zukunft