8 research outputs found

    The Notion of Collective Dignity among Hubula in Palim Valley, Papua

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    Der zentrale Fokus dieser Dissertation liegt auf der konzeptionellen Konstruktion und Aufwertung der kollektiven sozialen Identität der Hubula, dem indigenen Volk im Palim-Tal Papuas, auch bekannt als das Volk der Dani. Sie untersucht, wie diese Identität in rituellen Handlungen sowie in der Herstellung und dem Austausch von kulturellen Gegenständen ausgedrückt wird und betrachtet die Art und Weise, in der der indonesische Staat sowie die römisch-katholische Kirche hierauf Einfluss genommen und zu einer Transformation beigetragen haben. Die präsentierten ethnographischen Daten dokumentieren die Resilienz der Hubula in ihrer Begegnung mit modernen Institutionen, einschließlich der Auswirkungen einer eindringenden Marktwirtschaft auf die lokalen Existenzformen und Ressourcen, sowie des Drucks, sich noch vollständiger in den indonesischen Staat zu integrieren, was eine Unterordnung der eigenen Autoritäts- und Leitungsformen der Hubula unter die Institutionen des indonesischen Staates mit sich bringt. Die Dissertation zeigt die Bedeutung einer Einbeziehung der ontologischen Grundlagen der Sozialstruktur der Hubula in die intervenierenden Kulturen und die Kulturpolitik auf, um zu einem würdevollen sozialen Wandel zu kommen.The central focus of this dissertation is the conceptual construction and valorization of the collective social identity of the Hubula, the indigenous people living in the Palim valley of Papua (also known as the Dani). It explores how this identity is expressed in ritual actions, and in the production and exchange of cultural artifacts, and looks at the way in which the Indonesian State and the Roman Catholic Church have impacted upon and transformed it. The ethnographic data presented documents the resilience of the Hubula in their encounter with modern institutions, including the impact of an encroaching market economy on the local forms of livelihood and resources, and pressure to more fully integrate into the Indonesian state which involves the subordination of the Hubula’s own forms authority and leadership to the political institutions of the Indonesian State. The dissertation points out the importance of including the ontological basis of Hubula social structure in the cultures of intervention and cultural policies in order to come to a dignified social change

    Solution Mapping Tools: Identifying a Bottom-Up Approach to Social Innovation

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    A bottom-up approach to social innovation arises from the issues at the root of the innovation, which usually originates in the lower middle class. An essential approach to design for social innovation is to manage projects with identifiable organizational stakeholders considering relationships in the context of power holders and empowering socially vulnerable and marginalized communities. In local contexts, community participation processes can support grassroots movements toward sustainable systems where the focus is on more complex situations. For a better understanding, the Solution Mapping Tool is explored in this paper through a case study of a workshop held in the least-developed region of Indonesia. The workshop focused on inventing a bamboo distillation device for Moke, a traditional alcoholic beverage made from fermented palm fruits. Using the Solution Mapping Tools, learners were inspired to explore and discover the diverse solutions that communities use and generate daily. The tool helps everyday solutions become visible and identifiable regarding needs, assets, problems and challenges, benefits, and opportunities for the future. The Solution Mapping Tools can also increase learners’ empathy towards people, including communities, by providing a place to learn about their daily lives, experiential knowledge, and context. This paper extends existing publications on distributing and learning about local assets as a pre-design process before applying a participatory-based approach.Desain telah memperluas maknanya melalui inovasi sosial dengan memahami dan menerapkan solusi untuk masalah sosial dan kompleksitasnya. Kolaborasi berbagai pemangku kepentingan dan identifikasi aset diperlukan untuk memahami masalah secara holistik dan mendorong inovasi yang sesuai dengan konteksnya. Pendekatan bawah-atas terhadap inovasi sosial muncul dari masalah yang menjadi akar dari inovasi tersebut, yang biasanya berasal dari masyarakat menengah ke bawah. Pendekatan penting dalam mendesain inovasi sosial adalah mengelola proyek dengan pemangku kepentingan organisasi yang dapat diidentifikasi, mempertimbangkan hubungan dalam konteks pemegang kekuasaan, dan memberdayakan masyarakat yang rentan dan terpinggirkan. Proses partisipasi masyarakat dalam konteks lokal dapat mendukung gerakan akar rumput menuju sistem yang berkelanjutan, yang berfokus pada masalah dan kepentingan bersama. Design Ethnography Lab Institut Teknologi Bandung berkolaborasi dengan UNDP Accelerator Lab Indonesia untuk merancang sebuah alat pemetaan solusi yang dibuat dan digunakan oleh masyarakat. Alat Pemetaan Solusi bertujuan untuk membangun hubungan dan empati dengan masyarakat dan komunitas di suatu tempat untuk belajar tentang kehidupan sehari-hari, pengetahuan pengalaman, dan konteks mereka. Untuk pemahaman yang lebih baik, Alat Pemetaan Solusi dieksplorasi dalam makalah ini melalui studi kasus lokakarya yang diadakan di daerah tertinggal, khususnya di Desa Riangkotek, Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur. Lokakarya ini berfokus pada penemuan alat penyulingan Moke yang terbuat dari bambu, minuman beralkohol tradisional yang terbuat dari buah aren yang difermentasi. Makalah ini bertujuan untuk memperluas penelitian yang sudah ada dalam memahami kebutuhan dan aset lokal sebagai proses pra-desain sebelum melakukan pendekatan berbasis partisipatoris

    Solution Mapping Tools: Identifying a Bottom-Up Approach to Social Innovation

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    A bottom-up approach to social innovation arises from the issues at the root of the innovation, which usually originates in the lower middle class. An essential approach to design for social innovation is to manage projects with identifiable organizational stakeholders considering relationships in the context of power holders and empowering socially vulnerable and marginalized communities. In local contexts, community participation processes can support grassroots movements toward sustainable systems where the focus is on more complex situations. For a better understanding, the Solution Mapping Tool is explored in this paper through a case study of a workshop held in the least-developed region of Indonesia. The workshop focused on inventing a bamboo distillation device for Moke, a traditional alcoholic beverage made from fermented palm fruits. Using the Solution Mapping Tools, learners were inspired to explore and discover the diverse solutions that communities use and generate daily. The tool helps everyday solutions become visible and identifiable regarding needs, assets, problems and challenges, benefits, and opportunities for the future. The Solution Mapping Tools can also increase learners’ empathy towards people, including communities, by providing a place to learn about their daily lives, experiential knowledge, and context. This paper extends existing publications on distributing and learning about local assets as a pre-design process before applying a participatory-based approach.Desain telah memperluas maknanya melalui inovasi sosial dengan memahami dan menerapkan solusi untuk masalah sosial dan kompleksitasnya. Kolaborasi berbagai pemangku kepentingan dan identifikasi aset diperlukan untuk memahami masalah secara holistik dan mendorong inovasi yang sesuai dengan konteksnya. Pendekatan bawah-atas terhadap inovasi sosial muncul dari masalah yang menjadi akar dari inovasi tersebut, yang biasanya berasal dari masyarakat menengah ke bawah. Pendekatan penting dalam mendesain inovasi sosial adalah mengelola proyek dengan pemangku kepentingan organisasi yang dapat diidentifikasi, mempertimbangkan hubungan dalam konteks pemegang kekuasaan, dan memberdayakan masyarakat yang rentan dan terpinggirkan. Proses partisipasi masyarakat dalam konteks lokal dapat mendukung gerakan akar rumput menuju sistem yang berkelanjutan, yang berfokus pada masalah dan kepentingan bersama. Design Ethnography Lab Institut Teknologi Bandung berkolaborasi dengan UNDP Accelerator Lab Indonesia untuk merancang sebuah alat pemetaan solusi yang dibuat dan digunakan oleh masyarakat. Alat Pemetaan Solusi bertujuan untuk membangun hubungan dan empati dengan masyarakat dan komunitas di suatu tempat untuk belajar tentang kehidupan sehari-hari, pengetahuan pengalaman, dan konteks mereka. Untuk pemahaman yang lebih baik, Alat Pemetaan Solusi dieksplorasi dalam makalah ini melalui studi kasus lokakarya yang diadakan di daerah tertinggal, khususnya di Desa Riangkotek, Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur. Lokakarya ini berfokus pada penemuan alat penyulingan Moke yang terbuat dari bambu, minuman beralkohol tradisional yang terbuat dari buah aren yang difermentasi. Makalah ini bertujuan untuk memperluas penelitian yang sudah ada dalam memahami kebutuhan dan aset lokal sebagai proses pra-desain sebelum melakukan pendekatan berbasis partisipatoris

    Trees, forests and water: Cool insights for a hot world

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    Forest-driven water and energy cycles are poorly integrated into regional, national, continental and global decision-making on climate change adaptation, mitigation, land use and water management. This constrains humanity’s ability to protect our planet’s climate and life-sustaining functions. The substantial body of research we review reveals that forest, water and energy interactions provide the foundations for carbon storage, for cooling terrestrial surfaces and for distributing water resources. Forests and trees must be recognized as prime regulators within the water, energy and carbon cycles. If these functions are ignored, planners will be unable to assess, adapt to or mitigate the impacts of changing land cover and climate. Our call to action targets a reversal of paradigms, from a carbon-centric model to one that treats the hydrologic and climate-cooling effects of trees and forests as the first order of priority. For reasons of sustainability, carbon storage must remain a secondary, though valuable, by-product. The effects of tree cover on climate at local, regional and continental scales offer benefits that demand wider recognition. The forest- and tree-centered research insights we review and analyze provide a knowledge-base for improving plans, policies and actions. Our understanding of how trees and forests influence water, energy and carbon cycles has important implications, both for the structure of planning, management and governance institutions, as well as for how trees and forests might be used to improve sustainability, adaptation and mitigation efforts

    Rekontruksi Sosiologi Humanis Menuju Praktis

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    xxviii.212 hal.;21 c

    Kepempimpinan Kepala Madrasah Inovatif dalam Mewujudkan Madrasah Unggul di Era Revolusi Industri 4.0

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    Peran seorang pemimpin yang inovatif dalam mewujudkan madrasah unggulan di era revolusi industri 4.0 memang sangat urgen. Keberadaan seorang pemimpin yang baik dapat membawa madrasah menuju madrasah unggulan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi pustaka dan analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini adalah seorang pemimpin madrasah harus inovatif dalam menjawab tantangan zaman terutama pada era revolusi industri 4.0. Kepala madrasah disamping harus memimpin madrasah sesuai dengan tugas dan fungsinya, juga harus mampu menyikapi berbagai dinamika yang berkembang dengan cepat pada era digitalisasi sekarang ini. Selain itu diharapkan dapat menciptakan lulusan yang berkualitas dalam segi ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, juga berakhlakul karimah

    Majority Voting as Ensemble Classifier for Cervical Cancer Classification

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    Cervical cancer is one of the deadliest female cancers. Early identification of cervical cancer through pap smear cell image evaluation is one of the strategies to reduce cervical cancer cases. The classification methods that are often used are SVM, MLP, and K-NN. The weakness of the SVM method is that it is not efficient on large datasets. Meanwhile, in the MLP method, large amounts of data can increase the complexity of each layer, thereby affecting the duration of the weighting process. Moreover, the K-NN method is not efficient for data with a large number of attributes. The ensemble method is one of the techniques to overcome the limitations of a single classification method. The ensemble classification method combines the performance of several classification methods. This study proposes an ensemble method with the majority voting that can be used in cervical cancer classification based on pap smear images in the Herlev dataset. Majority Voting is used to integrate test results from the SVM, MLP, and KNN methods by looking at the majority results on the test data classification. The results of this study indicate that the accuracy results obtained in the ensemble method increased by 1.72% compared to the average accuracy value in SVM, MLP, and KNN. for sensitivity results, the results of the ensemble method were able to increase the sensitivity increase by 0.74% compared to the average of the three single classification methods. for specificity, the ensemble method can increase the specificity results by 3.4%. From the results of the study, it can be concluded that the ensemble method with the most votes is able to improve the classification performance of the single classification method in classifying cervical cancer abnormalities with pap smear images

    The moral basis for conservation - reflections on Dickman et al.

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    Dickman et al . (2015; Front Ecol Environ 13[6] : 325–31) suggested that “moral relativism” and “misguided respect” for cultural practices impede biological conservation. They favor a world in which conservation scientists armed with universal norms will more readily implement their solutions without the consent of local stakeholders. While we acknowledge their concerns, their vision, however tentative, appears misguided. Here we highlight some objections