61 research outputs found

    Impacto da adubação orgânica sobre a incidência de tripes em cebola.

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    Analisou-se a relação entre adubação orgânica e a incidência de Thrips tabaci Lind. em cebola (Allium cepa L), na EE de Ituporanga,entre agosto e dezembro de 1998. Os tratamentos foram determinados de acordo com a necessidade de N para a cultura pela análise de solo. Empregou-se como fonte orgânica diversos adubos fornecendo 75 Kg/ha de N (esterco suíno; adubo Barriga Verde proveniente de esterco de aves; composto orgânico; esterco de peru; húmus); 37,5 Kg/ha de N (metade da dose normal com esterco de suíno); as testemunhas foram adubação mineral fornecendo 30-120-60 kg/ha de N-P2O5-K2O e o dobro da dose (60-240-120 kg/ha de N-P2O5-K2O); e testemunha sem adubação. Nenhum tratamento apresentou incidência de T. tabaci superior à testemunha sem adubo. A adubação mineral em relação à orgânica não favoreceu significativamente a incidência de T. tabaci . O processo de conversão do manejo do solo da área experimental de convencional para orgânico pode ter favorecido a infestação similar do inseto entre tratamentos. No período de maior incidência de T. tabaci, a relação com nutrientes foi descrita por um modelo envolvendo K/Zn, B e N de maneira positiva. A correlação entre nutrientes e T. tabaci não foi linear na maioria das avaliações. A adubação orgânica pode substituir a adubação mineral na cultura da cebola, pois foi possível atingir níveis de produtividade similares para ambos tratamentos

    Are we ready to track climate-driven shifts in marine species across international boundaries? - A global survey of scientific bottom trawl data

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    Marine biota are redistributing at a rapid pace in response to climate change and shifting seascapes. While changes in fish populations and community structure threaten the sustainability of fisheries, our capacity to adapt by tracking and projecting marine species remains a challenge due to data discontinuities in biological observations, lack of data availability, and mismatch between data and real species distributions. To assess the extent of this challenge, we review the global status and accessibility of ongoing scientific bottom trawl surveys. In total, we gathered metadata for 283,925 samples from 95 surveys conducted regularly from 2001 to 2019. We identified that 59% of the metadata collected are not publicly available, highlighting that the availability of data is the most important challenge to assess species redistributions under global climate change. Given that the primary purpose of surveys is to provide independent data to inform stock assessment of commercially important populations, we further highlight that single surveys do not cover the full range of the main commercial demersal fish species. An average of 18 surveys is needed to cover at least 50% of species ranges, demonstrating the importance of combining multiple surveys to evaluate species range shifts. We assess the potential for combining surveys to track transboundary species redistributions and show that differences in sampling schemes and inconsistency in sampling can be overcome with spatio-temporal modeling to follow species density redistributions. In light of our global assessment, we establish a framework for improving the management and conservation of transboundary and migrating marine demersal species. We provide directions to improve data availability and encourage countries to share survey data, to assess species vulnerabilities, and to support management adaptation in a time of climate-driven ocean changes.En prensa6,86

    Urban blue: A global analysis of the factors shaping people's perceptions of the marine environment and ecological engineering in harbours.

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    Marine harbours are the focus of a diverse range of activities and subject to multiple anthropogenically induced pressures. Support for environmental management options aimed at improving degraded harbours depends on understanding the factors which influence people's perceptions of harbour environments. We used an online survey, across 12 harbours, to assess sources of variation people's perceptions of harbour health and ecological engineering. We tested the hypotheses: 1) people living near impacted harbours would consider their environment to be more unhealthy and degraded, be more concerned about the environment and supportive of and willing to pay for ecological engineering relative to those living by less impacted harbours, and 2) people with greater connectedness to the harbour would be more concerned about and have greater perceived knowledge of the environment, and be more supportive of, knowledgeable about and willing to pay for ecological engineering, than those with less connectedness. Across twelve locations, the levels of degradation and modification by artificial structures were lower and the concern and knowledge about the environment and ecological engineering were greater in the six Australasian and American than the six European and Asian harbours surveyed. We found that people's perception of harbours as healthy or degraded, but not their concern for the environment, reflected the degree to which harbours were impacted. There was a positive relationship between the percentage of shoreline modified and the extent of support for and people's willingness to pay indirect costs for ecological engineering. At the individual level, measures of connectedness to the harbour environment were good predictors of concern for and perceived knowledge about the environment but not support for and perceived knowledge about ecological engineering. To make informed decisions, it is important that people are empowered with sufficient knowledge of the environmental issues facing their harbour and ecological engineering options

    The Role of Solar Energy (UV-VIS-NIR) as an Assistant for Sulfide Minerals Leaching and Its Potential Application for Metal Extraction

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    The mining industry is facing emerging challenges as a result of the increase in energy consumption and environmental demands. These facts have promoted the use of renewable energy sources, such as wind, geothermal and, mainly, solar energy. This paper discusses the role of solar energy (UV-VIS-NIR) in leaching processes, evaluating its potential application in metal extraction from sulfide minerals, based on photochemical mechanisms that promote the regeneration of ferric iron or the so called ferrous iron cycling. The present paper discusses the possibility that ultraviolet, visible light and near infrared irradiation (e.g., sunlight provided) can assist the leaching processes in two main ways: by the oxidation of sulfide minerals through in-situ generated Fenton-like reactions, and by the photochemical activation of semiconductor minerals that contain transition metals (Fe, Cu, and Cr, among others). Thus, this paper provides theoretical support to move towards the future application of photoleaching, which consist of a leaching process assisted by UV, VIS, and NIR irradiation. This technology can be considered a promising mineral processing route, using direct photochemical solar energy that can reduce the energy consumption (electricity, fuels) and the environmental impact, opening an opportunity for an alternative method of metal extraction from sulfide ores

    Vegetation patterns in depressional restored, natural reference, and prior-converted wetlands in the USA midatlantic coastal plain

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    Vegetation responds quickly to environmental changes, making it a useful tool for assessing the success of wetland restorations. Plant community composition was compared in 47 sites across the coastal plain of Maryland, Delaware, Virginia, and North Carolina, USA. Fifteen of the sites were isolated depressional wetlands (natural reference), 16 were farmed "prior-converted cropland" sites (ditched and drained former wetlands), and 17 were restored wetlands. Prior-converted sites were highly disturbed and dominated by non-wetland conventional row crops. Natural reference sites were dominated by native woody species and restored sites were dominated by herbaceous wetland species. Natural reference sites had lower Anthropogenic Activity Index scores, higher average coefficients of conservatism, and higher Floristic Quality Assessment Index scores than restored and prior-converted sites. Wetland restorations have succeeded in developing wetland plant communities, but have not developed plant communities that match natural reference wetlands. This is likely due to continued human disturbance, age, and a lack of proper propagules

    Gestión organizativa en las prácticas educativas inclusivas implementadas en los establecimientos educacionales públicos en la comuna de Arica. Chile. Año, 2020

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    La reforma educacional en lo principal exige impartir una educación de calidad, y un aspecto fundamental para llegar a impartir una educación de calidad es ser un establecimiento inclusivo. Esta tesis tuvo como objetivo analizar la influencia de la gestión organizativa en las prácticas educativas inclusivas implementadas de los establecimientos educacionales públicos en la comuna de Arica durante el año 2020, para lo cual se aplicaron entrevistas a la muestra con la finalidad de recoger información directa de los involucrados en el proceso educativo, posteriormente se procesaron las respuestas de los 71 funcionarios de forma cuantitativa para llevar a cabo la comprobación de hipótesis. Los resultados obtenidos evidenciaron que la variable gestión organizativa presentó una tendencia altamente favorable, es decir, una alta y positiva valoración por parte de los profesionales consultados. Mientras que las prácticas educativas inclusivas tuvieron una tendencia favorable; vale decir que las respuestas dadas por ellos son altamente confiables, pues mostraron un muy bajo nivel de dispersión. En términos generales, esto implica que tienen un alto nivel de ocurrencia para cada uno de los indicadores y reactivos que las componen

    Juvenile Hake <i>Merluccius gayi</i> Spatiotemporal Expansion and Adult-Juvenile Relationships in Chile

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    The abundance of juvenile fish changes due to endogenous processes, and determining the functional relationships among conspecifics is essential for fisheries’ management. The hake (Merluccius gayi) is an overexploited demersal fish widely distributed in Chile, from 23°39′ S to 47°00′ S in shallow and deep water over the continental shelf and shelf break. We studied the spatiotemporal distribution of hake juveniles (from ages 0 and 1), emphasizing endogenous relationships among juveniles and adults. The abundance per age data were obtained from bottom trawl cruises carried out in the austral winter between 1997 and 2018. Generalized additive models showed a similar spatiotemporal pattern for ages between 0 and 1, and negative effects of adult hake aged seven and older on the abundance of the young generation. Regarding the changes in juvenile abundance, the residual deviance of selected models explained 75.9% (for the age 0) and 95.3% (for the age 1) of the null deviance, revealing a significant increase in juvenile abundance from 2002 to 2007 and subsequent abundance stability at higher levels. Furthermore, the expansion in the abundance of juveniles after 2002 was favored by the low abundance of older adult hake, most which are able to cannibalize young hake. Our results highlight the importance of endogenous factors in the spatial distribution of Chilean hake juveniles to identify nurseries or juvenile areas free of potential cannibal adults